Saturday, August 27, 2016


If only I could fully accept the grace that got gives me, I could be free from so many things.  How many of us have whispered those words allowed? With this book, I have had the privilege to not only study about grace but to be taken into a deeper understanding of grace. I love the way this book is set up. It is easy to read and really has helped me.

The book is  a nine week study where we follow Paul as he experiences and teaches on grace. I sat down in my quiet place and began a journey that has not been completed yet. I wanted to rush through it, but I knew I would miss what God wanted me to absorb. It is funny how I have always thought,  why does that person always seem to get a pass on things they are doing wrong? Ok so I found myself being judgmental and oh so jealous of others. I can have that same grace if only I would open my heart to receive it. I love the depth the study goes into and especially like the activities at the end of each chapter .

Oh how I loved this passage in the book, "The Heavenly Father draws us to the Cross of Christ because there-and only there-can His grace be applied. " To be at the foot of the cross and experience the true grace poured upon me is something I desire and want to fully understand. Can you see The Heavenly Father as He reaches down to say, " My child I have loved you always. Your sins are forgiven and my grace surrounds you? Yes that's the kind of relationship I want to have with God. The authors illustrations throughout the book are very eye opening and really gives readers a clearer understanding of how much He loves us.

I continue to grow spiritually everyday and this study has really helped me in my walk. I have always thought of myself as unloved and not worthy of His grace and mercy. I can see now how my thinking has held me back from so many opportunities to share his word. I have received His grace many times, but didn't really acknowledge it. How many times have we had the chance to give grave to someone, but instead was to  prideful? In our everyday walk, we encounter people who may not drive fast enough for us, are slow to move down an aisle at the grocery store or talk so much you want to pull your hair out. Wouldn't it be nice if we took the time to say hi  to that person who walked slower than we did? What if we sat and listened to that person and gave our undivided attention to them?"

I'm thankful that I was able to read this very powerful book. It has opened my eyes to areas in my life I need to work on. I will continue my journey with this book knowing that His grace is enough.

"Our Gracious God never wastes a trial He permits to enter our lives. If we cooperate, He will use every difficulty , heartache , and hardship for our good and His glory."

I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.


I really enjoyed this third installment in the Romance in the Rockies series. After reading the first two , I was very anxious to see what would happen next in Defiance. The author has once again given readers a story that flows easily and has many surprises in it. The characters were amazingly well developed.   It was nice to be able to revisit some of the characters from the first two books.

Is it true that anyone can change? Does God forgive everyone? This book does  a great job of examining those questions with a riveting story that is at times heartbreaking and sad. I must mention Delilah as one of my favorite characters. I loved how the author handled her journey as a woman who had been hurt in the past and turned her back on anything good. She reminds me of someone who wants so desperately to be loved, but chooses to follow a dark path to destruction. She is greedy and has revenge on her mind and doesn't care who gets hurt.  What happens when someone from her past comes to Defiance?

The town reminds me of the old west where saloons were filled with smoke, men gambling , drinking and ladies walking around trying to catch the eye of one of them. I thought about the show Gunsmoke. Just like in Gunsmoke, Defiance has its unsavory characters but the law is there to protect the people of the town. The town is growing and trying to make a place where everyone feels safe and welcomed.

I enjoyed the footnotes at the bottom of some of the pages. It gave readers a glimpse of the past and really added to the story. The story is filled with subjects like survival, grace, mercy and forgiveness. It also touches on how some people in the old west didn't care for Native Americans. I'm glad that was included because it was a vital part of history. I am part Native American and have always been interested in their stories. I haven't mentioned a lot of the characters in this book because I don't want to give anything away. Thank you for writing such an emotional story that had me on the edge of my seat. The ending is explosive and quite surprising. I will say that it leaves you with a clear understanding of grave, forgiveness , mercy and unconditional love.

"Grace is not an excuse to sin, but it is His  love in action."

I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.

Thursday, August 25, 2016


What a great book to use as you have family prayer time. I love the way the author has set up each day. It starts with a little prayer and reinforces it with scripture. I love the book  because it helps the entire family read the Word together .  There are different subjects you can prayer about and even has scriptures for holidays and how you can pray for that particular day. The author also includes a story that is very encouraging and gives us a glimpse into her family life and friends. We live in a society where everything is rushed and an urgency to get tasks completed.  Now is the time to take back some of the time that the  enemy has stolen and begin a prayer night  with your family.

I know prayer is powerful and I know it works. We just need to discipline ourselves to make prayer time with our family a priority. I love the different options the book gives for interactive prayer time. The book is easy to understand and gives lots of examples of prayers and activities to build on your prayer time. Families need to be strong , stand together and pray for each other. Through this wonderful book you can lead your children to be more bold in their prayer life. It is a great way to build a stronger relationship with your children and allow them to share what is on their heart.  I love to see a young person praying for someone. It is very powerful to watch and reminds me of "The faith of a child."

After you have completed the ten devotionals with your family, the author has included "100 More Simple Ideas For Family or Group Prayer." There are so many diverse ideas that really encourage readers to extend prayer time by doing things like bring a bible night or family reading night. This is so exciting to read about and I'm encouraged to instill this in my home.

My youngest one is sixteen and the only sibling still at home. We were discussing prayer the other night. I was a bit anxious about a medical test I was going to have done. We started talking and without blinking an eye, my hands were grabbed and my wonderful child started praying for me. I was overwhelmed with joy and tears. We have taught our children how important prayer is and to pray for  each other daily. It was a humbling experience to hear my child prayer with confidence over me. After reading through this book I am excited to start implementing this very well written book into our daily family time.

"The Lord cherishes our focus on prayer , especially when we do so as a family."

I received this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.


I picked up this book and started reading and right away I loved what the author was speaking . The beginning is very powerful and encouraging. . As leaders we have a great responsibility to "follow Jesus which will release destiny in others." The choice we need to make is are we going to be good examples for those who are following us? Leaders need to be encouraging and always speaking life into those they are mentoring . I have heard this said many times, "You can only go as far as your leader will take you." I have never forgetten that. Being  in leadership made me more accountable to God and I took that  seriously. I wanted my life to be pure and without blemish. How can we be examples if we are doing things that are not honoring God?

It is easy for a leader to say words that might discourage a young person not to pursue leadership. But guess what? We will have to answer to God about those that we discouraged. I don't want to go before God and be asked, "Why did you not  train that young person to be a leader? Why did you turn him or her away from Me? We need to start encouraging the youth to listen to their calling. If they hear that they should be on the Praise and Worship team, then take them to the leader and allow the Holy Spirit to begin working.

I loved when the author said, "God is not going to open doors until you get up and do something." That is so true. It's like your teen saying he wants a job. The job isn't going to come to them. They need to go out and pursue a job. The author really encourages us to find out what we are passionate about. I knew I had a passion for children. I loved being around them and I loved to talk to them about  Jesus. Then it hit me one day, so this is my ministry that  I've been called to. I loved every minute I was allowed to minister to the children in the church. I loved watching them grow in the word. But the most rewarding thing to me was the privilege of being  able  to mentor to some of them to be youth leaders, be in the Praise and Worship Team and others who wanted to stay with me and minister to the children.

If you have youth that are showing a desire to be a leader , encourage them, and pray for them. The enemy is right there waiting for a way to slip in and cause havoc in their life or discourage them. Surround them with Godly people and help to keep their eyes focused on God and their calling.

The book is such a valuable tool for the younger and new believers to keep their focus clear, and to guide them to what the word says. It is a very uplifting and valuable tool  to those who read the book. You can't help but feel energized and ready to see what God has in store for you. New believers need to find someone they can be accountable to. This helps them in their walk and will keep them covered in prayer. I'm excited as I read this great book. Raise up  young people and new believers. God is ready to show you your desires and help you fulfill your destiny.

"How exciting to know and understand that God saw you as a choice vessel and handpicked you to be His servant."

I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest recview.

Wednesday, August 24, 2016


I wasn't really sure what to expect from this book, but I found it to be very informative and helpful. Some of us have things from our past that we have not been healed from. We all want to be free and live a life that honors God. When we have something from our past that is holding  us back, we need to seek God  for  help. Sozo is built on strong connections and with the tools they offer we can have a true relationship with The Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost. I loved when the authors  said, "An important purpose of our lives is to bring light and influence others ." It is hard to do that if we are held back by things that cause turmoil in our lives.

I enjoyed reading each chapter and taking notes. I was pleasantly surprised to see at the end of each chapter were discussion questions . This really helped me to understand what I had just read and opened my heart to receive His word more clearly. Each of us have different things we have to overcome . I often wonder when will I be ready to let go and be free  from my past? It is a very scary thing for me to take that first step. After reading this, "Even the most difficult situations can be opportunities for breakthrough" I realized that I didn't get this book by accident. I believe that God is slowly opening the door for my healing. Reading a  book like this is like the door is barely open, I'm ready to receive His healing , but there is more work to do.

Thank you for writing a book that is encouraging, shows us how to forgive, let go of our past and be set free from lies we have believed. This is a book that will be a daily tool for me. I want to understand the process of being delivered more clearly and I know this book is a step in that direction.

"Healing happens because those hungry enough to seek it out are brave enough to confront their fears. "

I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016


I really did enjoy reading this book. It helps you to understand what "God's  Feminist Movement" is really about. It is not about putting men down, but instead empowering men and women to rise up to be leaders and work together. I loved her talking about tattoos. I have a tattoo as well, and when I tell people they act like I have committed some horrible sin. The verse that many refer to about tattoos is in Leviticus 19:28. It talks about not making any cuts on your body or make tattoo marks on yourselves. But the author really explained the verse so clear. That verse is referring to a a Mosaic Covenant which we are not a part of.

I found it very interesting when the author spoke about women in leadership . Growing up I always heard that women were not to speak in church or have any type  of leadership role.  My dad was a pastor and he always said that women have no place in leadership in a church. It is true that there are people who can misinterpret a scripture to fit their beliefs. The best  thing to do if you aren't sure about a scripture is to study it and go to a leader that you trust to help you understand it . I always remember hearing "If someone preaches something that cannot be backed up by scripture, then it is not biblical." I have always  remembered that and when I'm not sure about something I look it up in the bible.

There are great stories through the bible that show when women took the lead. I loved the examples the author used and made me look at the stories a different way. It's funny how you can read something over and over again, then one day you see it a different way. I have learned since being in leadership in church, that you must always put your family first before your ministry. There was a time I didn't and God got my attention.

I loved how encouraging the author is by reminding us that we are beautiful. God thinks we are beautiful and guess what, He also loves the person you may have had a problem with. One of the most profound things the author says in the book is about a husband and a wife. It is true that we each have different talents. When they come together and minister as a team they should both be Christlike. We want to resemble Jesus and be His hands and feet. We each have a calling on our lives . No one said it would be easy and I have found that some people don't think I heard from God, but I know what He says to me and I'm there to follow Him.

"Dance on, my beautiful friend , and enjoy the melody of His grace."

I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.


As soon as I saw this title, I knew I had to read it. I am one of the worst people when it comes to negative thoughts, worry and anxiety. I know the Word, but I allow the enemy to whisper thoughts that are not of God. Right from the beginning the book started speaking to me. We need to have thoughts of blessings for others . "It is thinking the way God thinks about ourselves and others." I have struggled all my life with self-esteem and trying to be accepted. What I forgot to do, though, was remind myself that God loves me and Not to listen to the ugly words that satan tries to convince me I am.

The book is very detailed and has many scriptures that reinforce what the author is saying. I sure needed this book. I have been living in a shadow of what my parents thought of me for years. I carried that on into my adult life. I always wondered why I have a hard time trusting , understanding love and being accepted. Well it looks like the enemy has had a grand time convincing me that I am unloved, not wanted and to never trust anyone. This book has redirected my thought process to begin to clearly hear God's voice and to write His word on my heart daily.

I really enjoyed the part about how you see yourself at the end of the book. That made me really stop, close the book and ask myself the question. My thoughts weren't  inspiring at all. See,  I still have those words that my parents said to me everyday still captive in my mind. I was told that I was stupid and would never amount to anything. They also said they hated me everyday. So how do I see myself now? I see myself as a confidant , faith filled woman of God who has a purpose. I am a work in progress and I encourage each of you to read this book with an open heart and let God's words transform your thinking.

"For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope." Jeremiah 29:11

I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.


This is a must have book for anyone wanting to go deeper in the Word. I love how the book is set up with a scripture to start your study. Next is a very encouraging word that seems just for me on the day I read it. The book is very easy to read and has scriptures at the bottom of each page to go deeper and become more in tuned  with the Word. After I reflect on the bible scriptures , the author has provided a prayer for the day. What really encourages me and gets me excited is the prophetic decree for each day. When I say the decree aloud after my bible study , I feel refreshed, renewed and ready for what  lays ahead  for the day.

I love the way it is set up and it's something you can use over and over again. I loved when the author said, " God gives us our purpose and defined it through us, but our ultimate destination of fulfilling our purpose is determined by our decisions through our decrees." Once we say something it is out there; we can't take it back. I'm glad I had the chance to review this book . It is powerful and so enriching to read. This book is one I will be using in my daily life. It is a ninety day study , but can be used as a yearly devotional. Thank you for writing a book that reinforces God's word and helps me to become stronger and gain deeper faith.

I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.

Sunday, August 21, 2016


From the beginning pages my adrenaline was high as I began to read an unforgettable story of pain, loss, hurt, deceit, faith , trust, forgiveness and survival. I thought about Job in the bible. It seemed like the more he went through , the more he lost and  the more his faith grew. That statement can be said for Carol and her husband. As you read her story you may wonder how could they survive all they had to endure? The simple answer is their faith and trust in God.

She talked about her first husband Joe who she thought would be the perfect husband. The further into her marriage she got, the more she saw what kind of person Joe really was. The horrible mind games, and other unspeakable acts he did to Carol broke my heart. How can someone you think loves you do such demeaning things to you? Being in a controlling relationship is difficult and hard to get away from. What if your spouse forbid you to go to your mother's funeral? I could feel the despair Carol was having as she decided that she had to get out of her marriage. Will she be safe once she is divorced from him?

When Carol met her new husband Paul, she thought everything was going to be good now. But life has a way of changing things . They both had fathers that were pastors and they shared a strong belief in God. Trusting  someone can be difficult at times.  They  became partners with someone in the diamond business. I can't imagine the pain they felt when they realized their partner had swindled them. How do you go on when you have lost everything?

I especially liked the part about Paul hearing from God speaking words that protected him from harm. Do we dismiss God when He  speaks to us? As I got deeper into the story I realized just how true it is that "God will never leave  you nor forsake you." There is a great lesson about forgiveness throughout the book. What would it feel like to go to your pastor and ask for forgiveness , and their response is, "We don't forgive you?" That hit home for me as I have experienced that very thing. When we ask to be forgiven and the person chooses not to, then that is on them. It took me awhile to understand that but it was a painful but needed lesson for me.

The book is filled with many trials that could make any of us give up, but I loved Carol and Paul's unwavering faith. Though at times hopelessness could sneak in, they overcame every obstacle . Sometimes I wondered how much more could they endure? It is a powerful book that encourages each of us to never give up, hold strong to your faith and trust that God has a destiny for you.

"You must be an extraordinary purpose for your lives and someday you will understand. I know you will help a lot of people who will draw strength from your experiences. You, too, will be stronger for having survived and it will help you as you go through life."

I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.