Friday, January 29, 2016


Brian is your typical kid with interests in video games, a pesty little sister and two patents that remind him to do chores and especially his homework. His dad gets Brian a printer from a pawn shop so he can print out his assignments for school.

It seems that the printer has a mind of its own though. I loved the story and the lessons thst weaved throughout the book. Brian and his friend have a mystery to solve. Whenever Brian  says something that is mean, the printer does  something very mysterious. What can a printer do to make two kids become scared? Can they solve the printer mystery before it is to late?

The author has written a great story for middle age children that will keep them guessing throughout the book. The printer seems to be teaching the kids a lesson on kindness. Will they try to change their attitude? The story reminds  me of a Hardy Boys mystery with intrigue and young kids who work together to help each other out. I loved how the author shared through the story what out thoughts and mean words can do. There are consequences for not being nice to those around us and the story is a perfect format to share a mystery and along the way teach kids about being nice to others. I look toward to more great adventures from this gifted and talented author.

I received a copy of this book from the author for an honest review.

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