Tuesday, February 23, 2016


George has lost his wife and feels very lost and alone. He knows that he must make a journey around the United States to honor his wife. They had always wanted to travel and enjoy theirselves; but alas it was to late for his dear wife. He sells everything and buys a RV. Of course his family thinks he crazy but he is determined to do this. His daughter finds out that there is a small boy who has become allergic to his dog. He needs to take shots for a year so he can become immune to the allergens the dog gives him. Somehow George is coaxed into taking the dog on his journey so the boy can get better. Lewis is a huge Saint Bernard that has a sweet disposition and soon the two are off on their journey. They meet interesting people along the way and George begins to treat Lewis like a member of the family. I loved how the author developed the relationship between George and Lewis. He gave Lewis a great insight into what George was thinking and kinda became his conscious. George is still dealing with the death of his wife. Why does George feel guilty about the last prayer he spoke to God? The book is filled with wonderful moments as George begins to confide in Lewis about things in his life. As I read the book I wanted to give George a big hug and tell him everything was going to be ok. Lewis had this way about him that drew people to him. He could comfort someone or bring a smile to a lonely person. Lewis is the star of this book as he becomes a much needed companion to George and helps him come to terms with the loss of his wife. The author writes a story that brings tears, a smile and peace to hurting people. Thank you for writing a book that captures the essence of friendship, unconditional love and touches readers with compassion. I received a copy of this book from Abingdom Press for an honest review.

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