Tuesday, May 3, 2016


This book was such a pleasure to read. It reminds of a great detective book where the boys are sleuths and always get themselves into more trouble than they bargain for. The bond between Allen and Juan is very well written and keeps the reader invested in the story as they take a journey that is filled with mystery, friendship and so much more.

Have you ever been so curious about something, that you couldn't help yourself ? You just had to know what was going on and plowed ahead into the unknown. That is exactly what Allen and Juan do. They start following a man who is carrying a basketball around the school.  What is this man up to? Is he out to do harm to the school? The boys are hot on his trail as their adrenaline kicks in. They feel an urgency that danger is coming and they must stop it before someone gets hurt.

The author does a great job of keeping the readers adrenaline going with an action packed race against evil. The story has twists and turns and has a great message of hope, finding a deeper relationship with God and an understanding that God never leaves us. He is always there to help us and I enjoyed how the author weaved this message into the story. The characters are well developed and keeps the story interesting . I hope there are more books from this author so I can enjoy the writing style of an amazing author. This is a great young adult book but  anyone would enjoy reading this adventure that keeps you guessing.

I received a copy of this copy from The BookClub Network for an honest review.

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