Tuesday, November 1, 2016


From the very first story , I knew I would be in an emotional journey that would feel my heart with compassion and understand the hurt these people have gone through. Everyone has a story . Some may  be hard to hear, but the stories are real and bring people to their most desperate moments. What really struck me hard was , am I showing Gods  love to everyone? Do I have the compassion that Jesus has for everyone ?

 The book is heart wrenching at times but really opens my eyes to struggles that people face everyday. One of the subjects that the author talks about is forgiveness. It is one of the hardest things for someone to do. Why do you have to forgive the person who beat you, abused  you and made you feel worthless? How can God forgive us for messing up and falling so low that we can't get up? "We long to be forgiven because we sense that if we aren't forgiven, we can't be loved. We're so afraid it's impossible to be both forgiven and loved-by God."  When you feel unconditional love it is  being set free.

Each story in this book is a testament to what God can do for each of us. I loved that the author reached out to hurting people and helped them to find freedom from pain and introduce them to God. I see homeless people everyday living on the streets, begging for food and trying to survive. This book made me understand that I need to do more than just look at them as I drive by. We all can do something to show others they are loved and accepted. It is never to late to ask forgiveness and release the chains that have bound us for so long.  It is time to get out of the church, look at our community and share our story.

I had a hard time not crying throughout the entire book. Each story that is shared is real, hard to read at times but showed me that there are so many people that have been changed by the love of God. I hope you take this book, read it slowly , pause and pray and ask God to show you how to be His  hands and feet. Lead me everything to the hurting, the lost and the ones who have drifted away. Allow me to be the vessel that shows them they are loved and forgiven. Teach me to reach out and not be afraid.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Tyndale Blogging . The review is my own opinion and I was not compensated for it.

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