Wednesday, January 25, 2017


This is not my typical genre to read but I found the writing to be so descriptive I had to continue on. I love books that allow readers to travel to different eras and explore different cultures. I knew few little about the Vikings and what their beliefs were. The author does a great job of telling a story that makes you feel like you are  right there with the characters. They are bold, strong and fierce and have a determination to enjoy  their adventure on the high seas.

I am not a fan of the ocean and have no desire to ever travel on a ship. I don't even know how to swim. It was easy for me to sympathize with Father Ailiil who is not thrilled with the turbulent waves as the water splashed continually. He just couldn't get a break. It was intriguing to learn that he was willing to get on a ship when he gets news of his sister . He has long though to be dead but rumors have given him hope . It sure would have to be something really important for me to  want to step on a ship and travel . Will he find his sister? The story is captivating and really has some great action throughout the story. What object is discovered that will have an impact on characters?

I really found myself intrigued by the mystery in the book and the action that kept a great pace during the story. There are several characters in the book that I found to be interesting and at times a bit funny with a sarcastic tone. It made the story  lively and I have now found a new author to read .

I received a copy of this book from The  review is my honest opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Hey fellow Texan! I enjoyed this review very much. Going to have to look more into this. Thanks for the book introduction!
