Monday, July 30, 2018


I'm trying to gather my thoughts as I savor the blessing this book was. There are so many great lessons to receive from this story that I'm not sure I will write an adequate review. The author definitely has a gift of painting a picture with words. I could hear the horses as they galloped on the road. The laughter of children as they played outside whispered in my ears. The gracefulness of a young woman named Lilly could be seen in her bright eyes.

Lilly has always taken care of someone. She has never complained when her father took ill. Lilly honored her father with her quiet words and unconditional love. Her love for children is evident as she patiently teaches them every day. When her mother became ill, she gave all she could to make her mother feel safe. I loved Lilly so much and wished I had her patient, caring and giving heart.

Jacob is hard working and in love with Sarah. I think he has had eyes only for her since he was young. I could feel his heart break in two as his one true love marries another. Will he ever find that kind of love again? Jacob is very family oriented and close to his younger brother who I adored. I won't say how it came to pass, but before you know it two people are married and I questioned their hearts. What is the reason they decide to marry? Do they love each other like a husband and wife should?

The story is very touching and I loved reading how the characters start to share their innermost dreams. They each have a desire to be loved, but something is holding them back.  The beauty of the story is how two people come together and through misunderstandings, jealousy, dreams shared, and the gift of unconditional love find joy. I loved how Lilly and Jacob found a way to show how much they care by the special gift each gave to the other. It is truly a love story that captures the message of forgiveness and putting others before yourself.

This review is my own opinion.

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