Saturday, April 27, 2019

A Life of Creative Purpose FB Cover

About the Book

A Life Of Creative Purpose cover
Book: A Life of Creative Purpose
Author: T.H. Myer
Genre: Christian non-fiction
Release Date: Revised edition released in December, 2018
What might be sabotaging your uniquely gifted contribution to the world around you?
Discover the obstacles and barriers standing between you and your God-given purpose. In this revised book, you’ll learn how to identify ways to strengthen your calling that’ll encourage you to confidently operate in the gifts and talents that God designed you to do. Through the lens of T.H. Meyer’s own journey, you’ll recognize the universal struggle in embracing your whole person as she encourages you to live a life without regrets. 
For the individual reader looking to examine more deeply their life purpose or a group seeking to collectively spur each other toward their God-given gifts, talents, and life. This book can be used as a 12-week, 6-week, or 4-week study guide, with exploratory questions at the end of each chapter the assist you in listening to God’s voice and revealing your unique purpose, path, or direction.”
“A wonderful exploration, but not only for readers to look inwardly, but to also look around at others, at where our lives are at, and mostly upward toward God’s design and dreams for our lives. Love it!”– Cindy Coloma, best selling and award-winning author of over 15 books
“You’ll come away from this wise and insightful book with a clearer understanding of how you are uniquely gifted to contribute to the world, and why it’s imperative that you honor your creative calling.”– Michelle DeRusha, author of Katharina and Martin Luther: The Radical Marriage of a Runway
“TH Meyer looks at the glass ceiling the world has placed between ‘creatives’ and ‘non-creatives’ and shatters it. This those who have felt they are not creative, too timid, or simply too late to the life they were called to live, Meyer says, ‘Pish-posh.’ She delivers on her promise to help people embrace uniqueness, explore boldness, and encourage faith.”– Amy Young, author of Looming Transitions: Starting & Finishing Well in Cross-Cultural Service
“In her book, A Life Of Creative Purpose, Tammy Hendricksmeyer [TH Meyer] is a trusted mentor, offer ing us the tools we need to step completely into God’s design for us as individuals, and as members of His body. Her relatable stories coupled with scripture inspire and ignite a renewed passion for pursuing not only our own creative callings but even more, her words stoke the fire in our hearts for the Giver of these gifts.”
– Kris Camealy, author of Come, Lord Jesus: The Weight Of Waiting
“A Life of Creative Purpose is a fantastic resource filled with thoughtful questions, stories, and Scripture each designed to awaken us to God’s unique purposes for our lives. It is well-written, thoughtful, and engaging, an invitation to embrace our own eternally significant creative purpose.” – Cindee S. Re, author of Discovering Hope: Beginning the Journey Toward Hope in Chronic Illness
“In her book, A Life of Creative Purpose, TH Meyer masterfully blends personal stories with wisdom from Scripture to reveal the importance of creative purpose (even if you think you are not creative.) The thought-provoking questions at the end of each chapter will help you discover (or uncover) and embrace the unique way God has made you and inspire you to step into a life of purpose, meaning, and fulfillment.” – JoDitt Williams, author/artist of Delight in the Word of God: A Devotional Coloring Book/Journal for Adults
Click here to purchase your copy.

About the Author

Tammy MyerT.H. Meyer enjoys sunsets, porch dates with her husband, and Sonic tea. Her family built a home on their Texas farm in 2011 where their two mini-Australian shepherds share the couch and ice cubes from the fridge.Tammy is a Purpose-Focused life coaching strategist who authored A Life of Creative Purpose and co-authored A God of All Seasons. She is a mother to three beautiful kids and grandmother to one. You can find her at her website:

More from T.H. Meyer

A Purposeful Life & the One Thing that Trumps Fear
Most my life, I’ve been afraid of failure. However, I might’ve been even more afraid of success. For too many years, I was immobile because the magnitude and pressures, or vulnerability, required to do what God had called me too, paralyzed me.
I’ve written a lot about this. I even originally named my blog, The Art of Fear Not. I decided on that title because God always told His people to not fear just before sending them into battle.
Armies Against Us
Even though His people were informed that they’d win the skirmishes, most times they were still afraid. I can’t say I blame them. They were up against sword-wielding armies that were willing to cut a man down and spill blood.
We may not have the same scenario, but we don’t need the threat of hand-to-hand combat to experience fear. Our own thoughts can attack us with feelings just as real a danger. I know mine did.
The enemy uses fear to hide us or blind us from our God-purpose. He’d prefer to lock us up and throw away the key. The enemy attempts to bully us. His demonic realm would prefer to rip out our vocal cords or cut off our hand from writing or burden us with every insecurity until we began to believe our worth was lower than the dirt itself rather than seeing us live our God-given purpose.
But bear in mind, when you’re in bondage, suppressed, oppressed, silenced, or held back, it also holds back blessings too—our blessings through your God-given contribution of gifts and talents.
Fighting Back
Several years ago, I decided to tackle my own issue with fear, head on. I looked in the mirror and met with God on my internal mess. And I also asked questions like, “Was it me or God who wanted to do a such-n-such thing? And if it’s God, why am I hamstrung with fear?” 
After spending time in prayer, and laying down a good dose of self-preservation, a clear path emerged. I then decided I’d follow wherever it led. Not that the path was open and wide or easy for traveling. No, this was more of a narrow thicket where I couldn’t see ‘round the next corner—making the journey less about self-reliance and more about placing one steady foot in front of the other.
Don’t get me wrong. Fear didn’t entirely flee on this trek with God. There were times it tried to gore me like daggers from a thorny locust. But instead, I chose to trust and move forward anyway.
I fought back too.
A Warrior’s Call
During that time, anxiety would creep in only for me to replace it with intercession. I meditated on scripture. I bombarded my mind with worship music and reflected on His beautiful handiwork in creation.
I took opportunities to reverse fear into faithful action. I’m sure the devil didn’t take kindly that his demonic attacks turned into prayers, worship, and a yielding to the sword of the Spirit inside my heart. But that’s what fighting does—the good fight—positioning myself for a (God) purposeful life.
But oh how we also need to be each other’s champion for freedom too!
Power & Purpose
I continue to be amazed at the power of prayer. Prayer moves mountains, y’all. And sometimes those mountains are skyscrapers inside us. I’m not perfect at prayer or even at instantly returning to it, but when I finally do—why did I wait so long?
When we receive God’s wisdom, we become bold like lions, warriors ready to rise above insecurities, frailties, or fear and charging into battle in order to advance His kingdom.
I want to live in obedience to Christ, despite trepidation of what it might require of me.
Which also means, I need the Holy Spirit to help me get over myself.
Truth That Sets Free
We all need each of you. We need you to press into your God-purpose. Except, we don’t want to be something you’re not. You should be exactly what God’s called you to be and nothing more. No pressure to run off and save the world.
None of us in this Body of Christ are too small and Lord have mercy, none are too big and important either.
Instead, we pursue our God-purpose whether it’s raising our family or speaking on a stage. Or writing a book called, A Life of Creative Purpose.
And let’s not allow our muddied past to undervalue our worth inside God’s kingdom. I’ve done that. I once disqualified myself for many of God’s ministries because of condemnation and shame. Learn from my mistake.
Truth be told, the spirit of fear is afraid of you—afraid of the Spirit inside you, the same Spirit that sets you free.
Courage Rises to the Top
The enemy knows your God. The ruler of this world attempts to draw away your attention with clanging gongs, hoping you’ll never notice how big God really is.
Scripture says that God’s perfect love casts out fear. And that means, we have to first let God love on us, receiving it. Once we do that (& never stop), courage rises to the top.
Let’s make this a year where we pay attention and live with more intention. 
God’s gifted you beautifully unique. 
Don’t grow weary of the fight. 
What might God be asking of you? How might He be challenging you to change or step out or persevere this year? What are your biggest struggles or hurdles right now?


One of the main things I got from this book was to give yourself time to rest and spend that time in God's presence. Oh how I wished I had  heeded those words years ago when I volunteered for everything at the church. I eventually became the children's pastor. I was there on Saturday's get all the classes read and , during the week I was up there copying lessons and other duties that were required of me. If Thanksgiving came., I spent my time at the church decorating the children's church for Christmas. What I did leave out of  my life was my family and obeying what God had called me to do. I was so busy doing "works" I forgot to listen to God. 

God did get my attention and I learned a hard lesson I i was created to do something, but not to glorify myself. One of the chapters that really spoke to me was titled, " Giving Yourself Permission."  I also had been deeply hurt by a church.  I felt alone in the wilderness. I was taken from a church family and abandoned. It took a long time to heal from that. In the midst of it, I learned to depend on God and really listen to Him.  As the author talked about, I didn't reach out to anyone and was left to bouts of depression and loneliness.  I loved how she talked about, " mourning the death of a community I loved."  Allowing yourself to mourn releases pain and therefore you can start to hear the clear voice of God. 

Have I been participating in my life or just a spectator? Am I ready to hear what my true calling is  and what I was created to do? The book does give great examples of how to listen to God and find your purpose in life. He needs us to listen with an open heart. Sometimes we may be put in difficult situations that help us grow and become stronger to fight against the enemy. I did like some of the examples she used from the bible to show how God used people even though they didn't think they were capable. 
Overall a good book that looks at finding our purpose and allowing ourselves to listen to the call on our lives. There are questions at the end of each chapter that help you reflect on what the author talked about. There are some good points in the book and others I may not  have fully agreed on but I did think the author does a good job of helping readers ask themselves what they are created to do.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Mary Hake, April 19
Multifarious, April 20
Artistic Nobody, April 20 (Spotlight)
A Diva’s Heart, April 24
Cathe Swanson, April 25


To celebrate her tour, T.H. Meyer is giving away a grand prize of a $100 Amazon gift card and a copy of A God of All Seasons!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Thursday, April 25, 2019


Stone Creek, Michigan, April, 1901 — Maggie Galloway and Thomas Harper clash after their sons collide in a fistfight. Both widowed, they’re each doing their best as single-parents. Outgoing Maggie has dreams for a home of her own and a business to provide for her son as she searches for God’s path for her life as a widow. Reserved Thomas struggles to establish his new pharmacy and take care of his four rambunctious children, while wondering how a loving God could take his beloved wife.

When Thomas becomes deathly ill, Maggie is recruited to nurse him back to health. Taking the children in hand, as well, is more than she bargained for, but she is drawn to help the grieving family. Both nurse and patient find themselves drawn to each other but promptly deny their feelings.

A baking contest sponsored by the Silver Leaf Flour Company brings former beau, Giles Prescott, back into Maggie’s life. When Giles offers Maggie a position at their test kitchen in Chicago, he hints that, along with assuring her a good job, it will allow them to possibly rekindle their relationship.

But then a charlatan comes to town, and tragedy soon follows. Maggie and Thomas discover the miracle potions he hawks aren’t so harmless when an epidemic hits Stone Creek. Thomas and Maggie realize they must work together to save lives.

Maggie finds herself caught up in battles within and without—the battle to help the townsfolk in the midst of illness and chicanery, and the battle to know which man—Thomas or Giles—deserves to win her heart. 

Kathleen Rouser is the multi-published author of the 2017 Bookvana Award winner, Rumors and Promises, her first novel about the people of fictional Stone Creek, Michigan, and its sequel, Secrets and Wishes. She is a longtime member in good standing of American Christian Fiction Writers. Kathleen has loved making up stories since she was a little girl and wanted to be a writer before she could even read. She longs to create characters who resonate with readers and realize the need for a transforming Savior in their everyday lives. A former homeschool instructor, mild-mannered dental assistant, and current Community Bible Study kids’ teacher, she lives in Michigan with her hero and husband of thirty-some years, and the sassy tail-less cat who found a home in their empty nest. Connect with Kathleen on her website at, on Facebook at, and on Twitter @KathleenRouser.

Twitter: @KathleenRouser
Pinterest: https:/ /

Tweets for Secrets and Wishes with Click to Tweet links:

Maggie faces battles within and without. A lonely widower needs her and so does Stone Creek when a charlatan brings danger to its children. Will they join forces in time?
Secrets and Wishes by @KathleenRouser. #sweetromance available on #Kindle

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Secrets and Wishes, now available in a delightful #audiobook! #ChristianFiction, small-town drama and Gilded Age romance with heart, #HOPE, and humor!
Two boys clash as do their widowed parents. Can there be a second chance at love? @KathleenRouser

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Five Star review: “Kathleen Rouser created an absolutely overwhelming and heartfelt read with Secrets and Wishes, sequel to Rumors and Promises. I was drawn into the story from the beginning. . .” #sweetromance, #ChristianFiction by @KathleenRouser

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Book Funnel Link for Secrets and Wishes Page for .mobi:

Purchase link


This is a nice story about a woman who loses her husband and is left to support her child by herself. In this time period it was hard to find a job for a woman. Maggie does have a gift of baking and it pays off win she wins a prize in a baking contest. I love the time period and how the author makes the story come alive. 

I thought it was interesting to read about the 1900s and especially about the new pharmacy in town. Maggie's husband used to be a pharmacist so she knows a lot about medicine. She clashes with the new pharmacist in town when her son and Thomas's son have a fight. It was funny that the boys were fighting over whose dad was the best pharmacist. It is hard to imagine that during this time period, aspirin and other drugs were just being introduced. Some people, like Maggie were skeptical of this new medicine practice.

Thomas sure has his hands full with a houseful of kids and a new pharmacy to open. When he becomes very ill, Maggie is thrown into caring for him. Oh my that was an adventure just having her try to be civil to him and try to control his unruly bunch of kids. Having lost his wife has been hard on all of them. The author gives us some great characters who try to outdo Maggie in the baking department and it leads to some sharp words and fun moments. 

There are a few surprises and a new person in town that stirs up trouble that makes the story enjoyable. The town faces tragedy while Maggie and Thomas try to work together to overcome the  crisis. The new man in town was my least favorite character because he was arrogant and pushy.  does make friction between people wherever he goes and kinda thinks he is better than others. Overall a nice story from a time period where new discoveries in medicine were happening and a woman with a dream that she hopes to see happen.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Tuesday, April 23, 2019


This story is one that takes you to a small community where people help others, encourage them and along the way find healing. It’s hard to say which character I liked the most because each one had depth, needs and wanting a place to belong.

The author gives us a story of several people who each need healing from their past while letting go of fears. I could relate to Jeannette because I too like to stay isolated. She has a wonderful tea room where the community comes for special treats and an atmosphere of friendship. It is hard for her to open up and give friendship but I have a feeling her new neighbor will become important in her life.

Logan has his hands full with raising a niece he hardly knows, starting a new job and trying to control an energetic puppy. His niece is hurting from being moved from one place to another. Molly needs stability, friends and love. Most of all she needs to know that she is important. Logan is a very caring person and really goes out of his way to make Molly feel at home. Losing family is hard on the little girl and I cried as I wanted to give her a big hug.

The other characters in the book are from Syria. They have come to Driftwood Bay to start over after a tragedy in their country. The significance of them in the story is powerful as Jeannette will be asked by God to come out of her comfort zone to help this family in a unique way. I loved how the author threaded each character into a story that touched on faith, hope and reaching out to others.  The story is well written with a lesson for each of us to be His hands and feet. The community comes together to help a family in need and in the process helps others in the community to let go of fear and trust God.

I received an advanced copy of this book from Librarything Early Reader program giveaway and Revell  Publishing . The review is my own opinion


I am packing my bags and moving to Honey Springs, Kentucky. When I get there I will immediately go to the Bean Hive Coffeehouse. As a I open the doors the rich aroma of coffee spills out the door as my new best friend Roxy gives me a hug. After reading this book I want to live in the quaint town that oozes with southern charm.

It’s not everyday that a film crew comes to Honey Springs so the town has their welcome mat out. The story is such fun to read with characters that make me want to grab a seat and chat with them. Roxy is charming and makes the best concoction of coffees in town.

The star of the film sneaks to Roxy’s place to get a Star Studded Latte but on the way back to the set an unforeseen kidnapping happens, Bye bye Latte . Bye Bye Daisy, star of the film that was was just wrapped up. Now the action begins as the town is in a tissy over the crime and a ransom has already been asked for.

It's nor your usual kidnapping and there are so many twists in the story I was trying to write down all the suspects. The author has out done herself in this charming mystery. Aunt Maxie is a hoot and will stop at nothing to get the scoop on the missing film star. After all, she has been promised a spread in the People magazine. She is very astute and has no problems listening to other people's conversations. I can feel the author's personality all through this book. With the southern charm, coffee at the ready and little four legged friends surrounding her, she writes exactly what she knows. Her creative flow is flawless and gives readers a great mystery filled with laughs, excitement and intrigue. You don't want to miss the yummy recipes at the end of the book. Perhaps you could have a book club, make all the recipes and discuss  A Killer Latte.

I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.


I love books like this because readers get to read stories from four amazing authors. They each have a gift for writing and giving us characters we can relate to. Sit back and enjoy these stories about reunions, family, love and hope.


It is not always easy to come home especially for Marlene and her family. Her father is very concerned about providing for his family since he lost his job. His decision to return to their home they had ten years ago is very hard on the family. I loved how the family pitched in to help with chores and expenses. Her dad is still grieving the loss of his wife and I think his pride is a little hurt having to return to the town he left long ago. When Marlene finds a job to help out, I wondered if her father would be pleased with her. Rudy and Marlene hit if off pretty well and working together helps build a good friendship. I liked the story and how welcoming the community was to Marlene and her family. What will happen when Marlene’s dad gets news of a job from the town they just left? Can Marlene convince her dad that they are already home? Lovely story of finding your way home and falling in love.


My heart ached as I read that Ruth was coming home for a reunion that would bring back painful memories. I could feel her grieve as she relived the day she received news that her precious daughter and mother-in-law had died in an accident. The pain was too much for Ruth and her husband Gideon. They both left their faith and went their separate ways. Will the reunion heal their wounds? Can it bring them back together? Ruth’s fear is great and she  will have to let God help her through her grief and take away any fear she has. I felt sorry for Gideon who was hurting but didn’t really know what to say to Ruth. The story is about healing not just from losing someone but losing faith in God. It is emotional at times and I could feel Ruth and Gideon pain as they shared how hard it was for them to lose their child. Can God restore their marriage? Will forgiveness bring them closer to each other ? This reunion is full of tears, dealing with the past and allowing God to heal your broken heart.


There is no way not to fall in love with Cevilla. She is a wonderful character who welcomes Richard and his granddaughter to stay with her while they are in town. I love Cevilla's take charge attitude and sincere love of life. It had been awhile since Cevilla and Richard have seen each other. The author gives us a lovely story of two mature adults who reminiscence about their past together and along the way find happiness again with each other. Meghan is out of sorts in her live and maybe this visit will be just what she needs. Her love for her grandfather is obvious and together they will come to terms with the past and find new memories to cherish. We are all worthy of love and these characters will find out how much  they are loved in this heart warming story.

Hannah is a sweet young lady who made a mistake according to the community and had been banned for a period of time. For her it seems like people are still treating her like she has not been forgiven. I liked how Hannah took responsibility and does her best to support herself and her little girl Evie. It angered me to read that the father skipped out and left Hannah all alone with a baby. The story is a wonderful example of forgiveness. I don't know how I would respond if the father of my child deserted us and then shows up two years later. We all want to be forgiven but for Hannah it is much more than forgiveness. For Hannah it is  about trusting someone who broke your heart and left you to face the community on your own. The story is an emotional journey as two people try to repair the hurt from their past. I thought it was a great example of how easy it is to hold on to something you thought you had forgiven.

I received a copy of this book from the authors and Fiction Guild. The review is my own opinion.

Monday, April 22, 2019


About the Book

Thirty Days-NEW cover front-sm
Book: Thirty Days Hath
Author: Chautona Havig
Genre: Christian fiction, contemporary romance
Release Date: Revised edition, Feb 26, 2019
Blind Dates Are for Wimps!
At least, that’s what Adric Garrison thinks.
Can you blame him? Thanks to his sister and brother-in-law, Adric is about to embark on a year of month-long, chaperoned, blind dates. Awkward.
He didn’t ask for it. But Adric still finds himself living what seems more like a bad TV reality show than a new life in Fairbury.
Once an ordinary (if prematurely gray and vertically challenged) guy, Adric is now Fairbury’s newest “most eligible bachelor,” and dreams of permanent bachelorhood loom on the horizon. Will he call it quits before the year is out, or will one of his “girls of the month” change his mind?
One man, twelve women, one happily ever after. 

About the Author

ChautonaChautona Havig lives in an oxymoron, escapes into imaginary worlds that look startlingly similar to ours and writes the stories that emerge. An irrepressible optimist, Chautona sees everything through a kaleidoscope of It’s a Wonderful Life sprinkled with fairy tales. Find her on the web and say howdy—if you can remember how to spell her name.

More from Chautona


Maybe I’m not the one to talk. After all, I never dated. Not really. My best friend in high school was a guy. We went to the movies. We did things. Still, we were just great friends.
I had what might be considered one date in Lubbock, Texas in 1987. Maybe. I didn’t consider it one, but I suppose the guy might have. Maybe.
Then I went from best friends with the guy I’ve been married to for 30 years to engaged in the span of a few seconds after what might have been a rhetorical question. He’s under orders not to tell me if it was. After all, he’s the fool who went on to say, “I do.” Just sayin’.
Still, in the first decade of the 21st century, I discovered a new “thing” in reality TV. The Bachelor. Though I tried watching it, I couldn’t after a while. It started out reasonably clean, but then it devolved into cat fights, spit-swapping sessions, and drama. Oh, the drama.
But one aspect intrigued me. The focused attention to finding the girl. What if Christians did that? What if we stopped playing the silly game of “pretend we’re not in this to see if you’re someone I could put up with for the next fifty or sixty years…”? Oh, man. What if the church rallied around its members and helped without pushing.
Trust me, you don’t want to push too much. You may discover that the people you’re pushing just get together and talk about it. Laugh at your antics. Mock the ridiculousness of it. Not that Kevin and I ever did that back in the day or anything. (Check out that story HERE.)
That “what if?” spurred an idea.
Sister churches. Chaperones. Not a couple of weeks in a giant house somewhere, but a whole month of real living with someone, day in. Day out. And again, with that chaperone to avoid that “appearance of evil” thing. If you could spend that much time with someone, seeing warts, virtues, best and worst sides… well, maybe you might just be right for each other.
At the least, you’d have a good idea if you even wanted to find out. That’s a healthier and quicker start than two or three months of a date here or there and hoping you’re seeing the real person. Right?
I created a character and ran with it. From giving him less than Hollywood good looks, to an anger problem and a blue-collar job, Adric had lots going for him… and not so much!
Then I tested it out. Acid test. I signed him up for eHarmony.
No, really. I did.
For the record, apparently short, prematurely graying mechanics with anger issues are a hot commodity. It took hours to get it set up, but man there were many women out there for him… supposedly.
And to this day, my Gmail email (that I never use) still says No joke.
For what it’s worth, Adric learned one very difficult lesson that year.
As I’ve already confessed. I’ve never been on a blind date. I doubt anyone would even consider that I’ve been on a date. Still, after writing this book, I know for one thing. Blind Dates Are for Wimps.


I must say this is such a different type of book that I've read from the author. It is definitely unique as the author takes on a controversial show such as The Bachelor and tweeks it to fit a Christian prospective. Adric is a bachelor and has taken on a very unusual task. There are twelve women he has chosen to spend a month with and try to find true love. I liked that each woman had one month one on one with Adric and that there was a chaperone every time. 

As I started reading I began to realize a few things. Each woman was different but similar. They each had their little quirks but some of them were just so wrong for him. The chatterbox woman needed to be thrown out the door immediately. I was rooting for one woman in particular and won't say who it is. The author does give us a glimpse into flaws we all have and how none of us are perfect. Adric found himself looking inward at himself and knew he had some work to do. There is nothing better than having to face the hard facts. 

I appreciate how the author delves into insecurity, trust issues, communication skills and learning to love yourself.  If you really look at the story deeper, the author supplies great questions we all need to answer with truthfulness. I liked the book because it was more than finding a mate. It was really finding yourself and making a better you inside and out. I didn't like the last part  of the story where it got a bit dark. I thought it took away from the story and wished it had been left out. I'm not surprised who Adric ended up with, but it wasn't my choice for him. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Quiet Quilter, April 15
cultivating us, April 16
mpbooksApril 17
Among the Reads, April 18
Multifarious, April 19
EmpowerMoms, April 20
SusanLovesBooks, April 20
Remembrancy, April 21
Aryn The LibraryanApril 23
Lots of Helpers, April 24
BigreadersiteApril 26
The Becca Files, April 27


To celebrate her tour, Chautona is giving away a grand prize of a paperback copy of Thirty Days Hath, book cozy, and a $25 Starbucks gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into to the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.