Wednesday, May 29, 2024

About the Book

Book: The Crooked Daughter

Author: D.M. Griffin

Genre: Biblical Fiction

Release date: March 28, 2024

Choices her father made before she was even born reached a bony finger into her life, clouding her future with hopelessness. Her father’s cold heart had no room for her. He easily cast her aside when the Law permitted it. Defined as an outcast because of a physical infirmity, Priscilla was told death was her destiny. Despite the limited perspective brought about by years of  adversity, Priscilla fought to keep hope alive and wait for the Lord’s timing.

Aquila lost his father at the most critical time in his life. Battling against grief and bitterness, Aquila uncovers a secret about his father’s death that undermines his faith in a religious system that once defined him. Driven from his homeland, Aquila becomes someone he no longer recognizes.

Two people whose perspectives are skewed by adversity become divinely intertwined in mysterious ways. As they wait upon the Lord for His timing, would Priscilla and Aquila ever find the truth that would lift their eyes to the hills so they could see the purpose of life, not only between a man and a woman but between God and His creation? A poignant story about how God uses adversity for good in the lives of those who truly love and trust Him.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

D.M. Griffin is the author of several Biblical Fiction novels as well as devotionals, prayer journals, and Bible studies. She will be releasing a Christian Fantasy series in 2025. She currently resides in Northern California with her husband. They met in middle school a few days after she was transplanted to the West Coast at the tender age of twelve. She has three adult children who have been an endless source of delight and inspiration. She also has a precious new grandchild who brings her joy.

As a native New England girl, she fondly remembers spending her summers there as a child. Thick accents, small towns, and fascinating weather stirred the imagination of a young heart. She has always had a fondness for stories thanks to her imaginative mother who would make up wild, adventurous tales to tell when tucking her into bed as a child.

She truly believes that a book that sits on a shelf unread is like a planted seed that never blossoms. Nothing delights her more than sharing a story.

More from D.M.

My inspiration for writing The Crooked Daughter is multi-faceted. First of all, I was intrigued by the unnamed characters in the Bible who had a single extraordinary encounter with Jesus. The woman who was bent over for eighteen years was one of the four that I selected for The Encounter Series.

Though there were few verses dedicated to this woman, I felt the deeper pull of a story tucked inside the folds of those verses describing Jesus healing her on the Sabbath. I wondered what her story was. What led her there that day? Did she go searching for Him or did Jesus pick her out of the crowd?

Reading that the woman was in that condition for eighteen years is worthy of pondering. I think a lot of times when we read Scripture, we miss the impact of time’s passage. As someone who has suffered from back pain for many years, I could relate to the crooked woman’s story. Eighteen years is a long time to be bent over. The longest I had to remain in a bent position was three weeks. It is extremely difficult to move through the world when the only thing you can see is the ground. Pain is bad enough to endure. Pain for eighteen years must have been excruciating. I know when I am in pain my mood and attitude definitely need adjustment. I would have been a monster after eighteen years!

Developing Priscilla’s character challenged me as a writer. As someone who suffered an early rejection in life only to endure physical infirmity on her own, I didn’t want her to become embittered the way most would after enduring such a trial. There was a delicate balance between lamenting her fate and holding onto hope as it slipped away. Therefore, I introduced the playful, furry character – a dog named Patch.

Aquila’s character was complex and layered. While he was physically able-bodied, his heart was agonizing with grief, responsibility, and disillusioned faith. He was a man who could stand straight even while his soul was bent over.

I have always been intrigued by Aquila and Priscilla in the Bible. As an inspirational couple who served the Lord together, I enjoyed weaving the threads of their story into the fictional account about the crooked woman. I believe that love soothes the wounds of suffering. Falling in love straightens the crooked perspectives of circumstances. Who doesn’t enjoy a good love story that culminates in a strong, enviable marriage?

In The Crooked Daughter, the main character’s condition is symbolic of the political climate of those days. The religious leaders were the ones who were bent over, their perspective about God’s acceptance of people horribly skewed under the heaviness of pride. They could not lift their eyes to the heavens to recognize the Messiah in their midst. Their hearts were hunched under the weight of selfish ambition and prejudicial attitudes. Condemnation was the chain that kept them bound, unable to see the horizon of eternity.

Physical infirmities are horrible to endure. Even worse are the infirmities of the soul. So many things can truly bend us away from God – rejection, selfishness, anger, grief, regret. Thankfully, Jesus is more than a healer. He is our Savior. I truly enjoyed exploring these themes throughout The Crooked Daughter. I hope that readers come away from the story with hope as an anchor for hard times. God truly uses all things for good when we trust in His plan.


When I read a book that is based on someone from the Bible it intrigues me. The author has taken scriptures and enhanced them to bring Priscilla and Aquila to life in an emotional story. I appreciate how the author explains that the story is a fictional account  but dies follow closely to the Bible. . Biblical fiction for me helps imagine what it might have been like during  the time period. What I like about this book is how I become more familiar with two characters that I knew little about. 

At the beginning of the story we see a group of people who are worried that they are no longer favored by God. I loved when one of them says, “I do believe, most honorable Rabbi Hazael, that it is not us the Gentiles should fear. It is God.”  What a great reminder that we should not worry about what people think of us. We need to only fear God. 

With people doubting that Jesus can perform miracles and  guide them to a better life Shimei speaks up. He says , “ it is a form of spiritual blindness , Jakin. Unbelief is far more crippling than a broken body.” Chaos seems to ensue and I was definitely ready to explore what was to come. It is interesting to note that Jesus was feared by many yet discarded by some.  

Priscilla was so excited thinking that she would be able to help her father that fateful day. The minute she opened the box, everything changed. Now she must face the fact that her father blames her for what  has happened to the family. I felt so bad for her as the  years came and she was treated as someone who had been cursed. Her father didn’t want her around anymore. 

Aquila is all set to make the next step in life to become a man of the covenant.  There is much excitement in the home as Aquila prepares for this important time. He knows his parents are proud of him so he asks to go pray and fast until the time  comes. As Aquila is ready to explain what God had showed him, his father collapses.  The most important day of his life becomes a tragic event. 

We see two people each feeling lost, rejected and bitterness start to overcome them. Priscilla is left at the temple to fight to survive in the  street.  Aquila must come to terms with the death of his father. I loved seeing how each character is developed and easy to relate to. The author delivers a powerful story filled with scriptures that show us to rely on God, forgive and let go of rejection. This coupe illustrates struggles yet finds a way to serve the Lord with their whole heart. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Fiction Book Lover, May 13 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 14

Simple Harvest Reads, May 15 (Author Interview)

Artistic Nobody, May 16 (Author Interview)

Lots of Helpers, May 16

Splashes of Joy, May 17 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, May 18

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, May 19 (Author Interview)

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, May 20

Guild Master, May 21 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 22

A Reader’s Brain, May 23 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, May 23

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 24

Stories By Gina, May 25 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, May 26


To celebrate her tour, D.M. Griffin is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card & copy of book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Monday, May 27, 2024

About the Book

Book: Knowing Obadiah

Author: April W Gardner

Genre: Bible Commentary for Women

Release Date: November, 2023

A Christian Women’s Bible Commentary

Experience the excitement of Biblical prophecy with this down-to-earth and captivating exploration of Obadiah.

Walk with author April W Gardner as she steps into the past and brings to life the often-overlooked prophecy of Obadiah. With her typical attention to historical detail, April journeys through Scripture in a down-to-earth and engaging manner. From Jacob and Esau to the terrifying Babylonian siege of Jerusalem and the blazing destruction of  Edom, she learns alongside her readers how these 21 verses affirm God’s sovereignty while pointing to a steadfast hope in Zion.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

APRIL W GARDNER is an indie author whose great passion is historical romance with themes of Native American and Southeastern U.S. culture. Copyeditor, mother of two grown children, and non-trad college student, April lives in South Texas with her husband and two German Shepherds. In no particular order, April dreams of owning a horse, learning a third language, and visiting all the national parks.


More from April

–Hello, friend! So, I’ve written this Bible commentary for women on the book of Obadiah. You know the one, right? The little one? Like, really little. So little if you blink while flipping pages, you’ll miss it. But don’t let its size fool you. It packs a serious punch. Interested? It covers—

–Wait. April, did you say commentary?

–Sure did.

–For women?


–Oh, uh… Thanks. Sounds great, but I’m not in ministry.

-Hey, me neither! I grew up in church and on the mission field. There was Bible college in there before I got my Mrs. degree, but as you see, I’m just the next girl on the church pew. One who has a curious mind, a love of learning, and a long-standing devotion to Christ.

Because of that, I approached writing Knowing Obadiah from the seat beside yours at home, as if we had our Bibles open on our laps, coffee mugs in hand, and were chatting about the things we’re discovering while we read.

Before we’re done reading, you’ll understand how and why Edom is the object of God’s wrath. You’ll see how Obadiah, like every other biblical prophecy, contains a message of warning, judgment, and hope, and how (unlike the rest of the prophets) the first two (warning and judgment) are for a pagan nation while the last (hope) is for Judah.

The most minor of minor prophets is absolutely packed with treasure waiting to be unburied. Toss in its background and its implications for the future, and you’ve got yourself a fascinating study.

Speaking of study, Knowing Obadiah doesn’t have any set topic related to theology or spiritual growth. Instead, I take an approach that digs for original meaning, versus applying modern interpretation. This commentary will force you out of your comfy chair and into Obadiah’s history and culture. As best we can, we’ll be taking on the author’s perspective of the world, looking at the text’s setting and purpose (and so much more!) through his lens.

What say you? Are you in? Let’s do this, girl.


There is something about reading a book based on a Biblical figure that  gets me ready  to dive in. I love learning new things that I might not have noticed before in the chapters but I always find myself wanting  to dig deeper. This book is a good  read and the author delivers a realistic look at a prophet many may  not know much about. 

I like how the book is filled with historical facts that closely follow the scriptures. This is a great book to use as a Bible study or in a group setting. It is laid out in a way that is easy to follow and interactive for readers to ponder on what they read. Obadiah wasn’t  talked about much in the Bible but the impact made by him was felt by many. I have decided to reread the book again and go slower so I don’t miss any details. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, May 22

Inspired by Fiction, May 23

Godly Book Reviews, May 24

Mary Hake, May 24

Vicky Sluiter, May 25

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 26

Texas Book-aholic, May 27

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 28

Girls in White Dresses, May 29

Lots of Helpers, May 29

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 30

Cover Lover Book Review, May 31

Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, June 1

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, June 2

Lights in a Dark World, June 3

Lily’s Corner, June 4


To celebrate her tour, April is giving away the grand prize package of a $30 Amazon gift card and a paperback set of the A Fire and a Flame series!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


Sunday, May 26, 2024

About the Book

Book: Love Overboard: A Novel

Author: Shannon Sue Dunlap

Genre:Christian Romcom

Release date: May 21, 2024

When four quirky friends retire on a never-ending round of cruises, their attire consists of more than floral shirts and gaudy skirts. Armed with walkie-talkies and battle plans, these relationship experts—who’ve dubbed themselves the “Shippers”—target whostess Lacey Anderson and director Jonathan King in their romantic schemes. However, the young couple is determined not to play along, having previously sailed the tumultuous seas of love only to witness their relationship crash and burn.

Boss matchmaker Emily Windsor has orchestrated multiple romantic successes, and these two upstarts certainly won’t get the best of her. The chemistry between Lacey and Jonathan is obvious, but the couple rebuffs every outlandish plot and “coincidental” meeting, forcing the Shippers to chart a new course to true love—all while inadvertently thwarting drug smugglers threatening to ruin their floating home.

Can they untangle the mess of romance and intrigue before it’s too late, or will their journey end in heartbreak and disaster? Shannon Sue Dunlap’s enthralling new series unfolds a tale where love, laughter, and danger converge in an entertaining maritime adventure.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Shannon Sue Dunlap lives in hot and humid Houston, Texas where she writes love stories with a laugh-out-loud center. She enjoys traveling around the world, singing tunes from classic musicals, and drinking Dr. Pepper. Shannon is a die-hard fan of of happy endings and believes God has designed one for each of us.

More from Shannon

My attention zeroed in on the tv screen where a darling elderly woman happily danced with a man in a captain’s uniform. The feature report told how she’d forsaken the nursing home and chosen to live her retirement on a cruise ship instead. Afterward, the wheels in my brain started to churn. What if there wasn’t just one woman, but a whole group? And what if they amused themselves by matchmaking the young people around them? Thus, the idea for Love Overboard started to form.

I related to my wandering heroines. Traveling is “in my blood.” I was three months old when my parents hit the road. (Or so they tell me. I really don’t remember.) It was the 70s and Dad was a traveling preacher called an evangelist. He and mom started out with their newborn baby in a Toronado Oldsmobile. And even after we made a permanent home in Virginia, they kept traveling.

No wonder my feet itch.

In those many journeys, of course there were books. Daydreams of detectives and western heroes and ladies in fancy dresses kept me company in the backseat. I’d finish the stack of novels I brought with me, and my parents would stop at whatever town we were near and look up a Christian bookstore to restock my supply.

Now, it tickles my fancy to think my stories might be keeping someone else company in their plane seat or deck chair. As I write, of course, I keep traveling. I’ve taught school in Botswana, driven on the left side of a rain-slicked Scottish road, twirled in front of Mr. Darcy’s Pemberly (the Colin Firth version), visited Prince Edward Island for the 100th anniversary of Anne of Green Gables, and been serenaded by an opera singer on a European river cruise. (I don’t mean in the audience. He took me from my seat, wrapped his arms around me, and let the crescendos fly.) Learning about the history of places and trying crazy new dishes makes life more interesting. The most unique thing I remember eating is Mopani worm in Zambia. (It tasted like crunchy dirt.)

As Love Overboard releases, I’d like to give a big shoutout to that daring little old lady that lent me inspiration. Perhaps I’ll follow her example when I reach my 80s. No matter how long is ordained for my time on this planet, I hope books and traveling will always play a part in my story.


This story is full of laughs,  meddling  and a group of four well meaning older women. They live on the boat and have appointed themselves matchmakers. The leader named Emily has her eyes set on matching Lacey and Jonathan. She will have her hands full with these two. Let the matchmaking begin! 

The shippers as they are known as are ready to make a match. First  they need to figure out why Lacey and Jonathan don’t want to be matched together. They’re past may help and they are determined to make this work. I bet it is pretty  fun to live on a  cruise ship like these four ladies do. There is always  food available, lots of activities and stopping at the wonderful towns along their route. I don’t think I would have joined them when they went to get special pedicures. Special little fish nibbling on the soles of my feet would creep me out. 

We mustn’t forget that there is drug snuggling ring going  on. I couldn’t wait to see if I had picked the guilty  person but with the twists in the story I didn’t figure it out. The author does a great job of developing characters that make  us laugh as they continue to play matchmaker. There is a good faith element in the story which has a definite impact on deciding a relationship. Get ready for some fun on a cruise with meddling characters who mean well.  The mystery is good and took me on a journey to discover that the guilty person was not anyone I would suspect. I wonder if there was a successful matchmaking on the cruise? Grab a copy and get ready to  cruise along on this fun story.

When I read the author’s bio I was excited to learn that she lives very near me. Maybe someday I will be blessed  to meet  her.  That  would be so fun to talk to her about her creativity.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blogs Stops

You Pause for Tales, May 24

Wishful Endings, May 24

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, May 25

Texas Book-aholic, May 26

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 27

Stories By Gina, May 28 (Author Interview)

Life on Chickadee Lane, May 28

The Sacred Line, May 29

Locks, Hooks and Books, May 30

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, May 31

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, June 1

For Him and My Family, June 2

The Lofty Pages, June 3

Labor Not in Vain, June 4

Holly’s Book Corner, June 5

She Lives To Read, June 6


To celebrate her tour, Shannon Sue is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.