Tuesday, September 22, 2015


I received a copy of this boo from Librarything for an honest review

The book talks about  ten famous deaths from David Carradine to John Lennon to name a few. Each section of the book is a small synopsis  of the famous person , their accomplishments and a description of their death. Some were ruled  as homicide, while others were ruled as suicide. The details were a bit brief as well as the way each of them died. It would have made a better book if more indepth details were given of each person's untimely death. The background on each famous person was short but gave you a quick look into their rise to stardom or the impact their death had on many.

There are still unanswered questions of the deaths of some the author talks about in the book.  Perhaps the background of some of the people or person responsible for  the famous people's death could have been examined a bit more. Overall it is a good but brief look at ten  famous people who died unexpectedly  and who will always be remembered.   It doesn't matter if you are famous or not, death can knock on a door at anytime.

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