Tuesday, September 22, 2015


I received a copy of this book from Librarything for an honest review.

Sam is a typical high school girl but has a bit of trouble following rules. She finds herself in detention more than her parents like. As she sat outside the principles office, she had a feeling this visit was not going to be a good one. After looking sternly at Sam, the principle decides that he needs to try a new tactic to get her attention. He assigns her to a hospital as candy stripper. To stay that she was less than thrilled would be an understatement .

The story moves fairly quickly and has a great theme of forgiveness and building friendships mixed throughout the story. The young man  named Christopher that Sam  encounters in the hospital,  is a mix of anger and hope at the same time. There is an urgency for Christopher  as he faces a life or death situation. He has been estranged from his brother for  over a year and perhaps the health issues Christopher is facing will bring them  back together.

The author does a good job of showing the dynamics and distance in Christopher's family as they come to terms with the diagnosis. Sam and Chris become fast friends and their relationship is a good , clean , healthy distraction for Christopher. It is a great story about teens who support each other as they learn to be more compassionate.
The story also shows us how the teens come together in a crisis and stand together to help Christopher as he fights to live.

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