Saturday, March 11, 2017


I loved how the author described the territory and made you feel like you were there with the soldiers. The details of the herbs  used by the Indians for healing were well researched. I am always amazed  at how gifted this author is. She has brought a story set in the late 1870s to life with vivid descriptions of the land and army life. I could picture the soldiers as they guarded the fort and the Indians as they rode throughout the land.

Priscilla has come to Fort Bliss, Texas to bring her niece and nephew home with her. After learning of the tragic death of their parents, she must do her duty as their aunt and rescue them from a life in the military. She is a very gifted artist and I was fascinated about  her work. What a wonderful job to have in those days as an artist for a catalog. She drew beautiful pictures of fancy dresses and loved her work. Will she bring the twins back to her home with no problem?

After a very long ride in a stagecoach she arrives at her destination. Her dislike for army life is well known within moments of being at Fort Bliss. She knows if her brother and sister-in-law had not been there , they would still be alive. She is on a mission to get the twins and leave the dreary place as quickly as she can. There is one person she did not know existed and will prove to be a force she must battle with.

Major Elliot Ryder is a great character. He loves his niece and nephew and will do anything to protect them. He is a busy surgeon but always has time for the children. Priscilla and Elliot are both surprised to realize they each exist and want the children. The story is well written and emotional at times. I loved the feeling of being in a different era and watching the story unfold before me.

I was captivated by the love everyone had for the twins and loved how they enjoyed  living at the fort. They are quite taken by their aunt but the reason she is there worries them. Can Priscilla and Elliot make a decision that is best for the children? Will Priscilla's bitterness towards army life cloud her judgment? This is one story you don't want to miss. It is filled with adventure , faith and family.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review."

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