Sunday, October 29, 2017


The book was mesmerizing and chocked full of history about France that kept my attention. There were times I think I was lost in the book but the author does a great job of bringing it all together at the end. What happens to Jessica at a concert was eerily close to something that happened just recently in the States. It was hard to read and I cried as I know many lost their lives that day. If only Jessica hadn’t given in and gone to the concert, things would have been so different for her.

The time she spent recovering was gripping and the trauma was hard to overcome. The author does a great job of detailing her recovery that leads her on an adventure that completely had me intrigued. What would you do if you found a document from a long time ago? Like Jessica, I would want to track down it’s origin and find out everything I could about it. The details of the Huguenot persecution was so hard to read and I could feel the pain and suffering of the people.

I really enjoyed when Jessica tracks down what the meaning of a piece of paper long forgotten means. To think that people suffered because of what they believed in was so heartbreaking. The story is well written and I was surprised at some of the twists the plot took. It is sure to keep you guessing. I love the way the story was filled with compassion and characters that I was able to connect with. What I loved the most about this book is the theme of being courageous , moving on and finding closure.

I received a copy of this book from The Fiction Guild. The review is my own opinion.

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