Monday, November 4, 2019


Have you ever been around people who grumble and complain all the time? It is not pleasant and makes you want to scream. What if your family was the one grumbling all the time? In this book the author takes us on a challenge and journey to freedom from grumbling for a year.

As in everything that is different from your routine, this book will motivate you into rethinking how you react to every day life. I would love to have been in the family meeting when the author suggested this eye opening exercise. I know I grumble a lot and yes I have even been called a nag. I decided that I was going to try  this book out on myself. I will begin it in January and see how it goes.

The author’s house is full of people from different ages and I loved how she shared their experiences. There are scriptures included and at the end of each chapter a reflection page. It was so fun to take this journey with the author and her family. I laughed as one of them hoped to get famous through the book, while another wanted to know if a famous author would be following them around for a year. I think they forgot that they live with a very famous and gifted author.

I really enjoyed each chapter and loved how the author and her family slowly changed their thinking as they became more joyful and less stressful. In reading the book one of the key ingredients to a grumble free life is our heart. We need to look at ourselves inside and deal with any bitterness that is preventing us from being happy. It is important to look at all the good that is in our life and focus on what God has done for us. Another point that the book made was how important communication was. How will our spouse know what is wrong if we don’t let them know? Keeping things bottled up brings out bitterness which leads to unhappiness.

I loved getting to know the author and her family as they took a journey that showed them how to be thankful, joyful and content. I learned through the book to be happy where I am at in my life and to thank God each day for His unconditional love. The book is filled with scriptures and examples in the Bible that helps us see how a grumble free life can bring peace. The author does a great job of being transparent throughout the book and I appreciate her sharing this journey with her readers. The challenge now is for us to decide if we want to be grumble free.

“Change must always start with our hearts.”

 “God doesn’t expect any of us to be perfect, but complaining is something He takes seriously.”

I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.

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