Saturday, November 30, 2019


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merry christmas GIF


About the Book

Book: Be a Disciple, Make a Disciple
Author: Ellie M. Littleton
Genre: RELIGION / Christian Ministry / Discipleship
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The twenty-first century Church has the same Holy Spirit power and many more modern-day resources than the first century Church, yet the first century Church had greater success in making disciples. Why? They followed the plan Jesus gave them, and He blessed it. But the more worldly progress we’ve made, the more we’ve deviated from Jesus’s plan by choosing programs, entertainment, and socials with only surface-level encounters.  
We neglect to make a connection with the lost, and they see no real commitment from the church. So they come and go as we continue to meet and plan more programs. To end the cycle, we must go and make disciples as Jesus taught—investing our lives in the lives of others.  
Do you long to live the Great Commission and make disciples, but you’re not sure how? In Be a Disciple, Make a Disciple, Ellie Littleton offers biblical examples and concepts that break down the hard work of discipleship into sixteen thought-provoking lessons.  
So go and make disciples. “This is to my Father’s glory, that you bear much fruit, showing yourselves to be my disciples” (John 15:8 niv). 

Click here to get your copy.

About the Author

Ellie Littleton Bio Pic
Ellie Littleton has spent most of her adult life teaching both high school and adult Sunday school. She is minister of Vision Teams at her church, and serves as an officer on the planning team of her church’s annual Women of the Word Conference. Her husband of twenty-one years and high school sweetheart, Brad Littleton, serves as minister of music at their church. Their daughter, Hannah Kate, has been active in AcTeens and children’s church. She plans to continue competitive cheer in college. Son, Grayson, is home from a six-month internship at Lifehouse Church in Tokyo, Japan, and is seeking a position as a youth pastor. Ellie and her family love their church, family-and-friend cookouts, volleyball, boat riding, and music. She also enjoys reading, women’s conferences, and sneaking away to occasional girlfriend getaways at the beach. 

More from Ellie

Eighteen years ago, I was blessed to be a part of a church plant in the community where I was raised and still call home.  The new church, South Shelby Baptist, gave me the opportunity to dig in and exercise the spiritual gifts given to me by the Holy Spirit.  As I begin to write and teach Bible lessons, a deep passion arose and bloomed within my heart to grow in the grace and knowledge of our LORD and Savior, Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18) and see others grow too.  I am a people-person and find great joy in connecting with people and seeing people connected, especially within the Body of Christ.  In the past five years, God has been and is pulling me out of that comfort zone of lessons into writing Bible studies.  My pastor, David Warren, leads the vision of our church- be a disciple and make a disciple.  He asked me a couple of years ago, to write a Bible study on the topic of discipleship for our folks as a resource to help us grow and activate the call to make disciples.  And that is how Be a Disciple, Make a Disciple Bible study began.  I wrote this Bible study for my church to use as resource to grow in discipleship, because my heart for ministry is in the local church, especially my local church, South Shelby Baptist.  But God.  God began prompting my heart with the dream to have Be a Disciple, Make a Disciple published… and here it is.  God is good and He is faithful; great is your faithfulness, O LORD!  It is my prayer that you can use it as a resource to help you and your local church grow in discipling others too.  To God be the glory and blessings to you in Christ,


There are so many bible studies available that sometimes it is hard to know if you are choosing one that will speak to you. I went through this study slowly so I could fairly review it. It is nicely broken up into different chapters with many scriptures to look up. If you don't like looking up scriptures, this probably will not be a study you enjoy. I like looking up scriptures because I can read it directly from the bible. The author gives readers questions that help you dig deeper in the Word. 

I did like this statement in the study that says," Real fellowship takes place when people are open and honest, not only with each other, but also with themselves." In order to have a deeper and true relationship with others, we need to love each other and speak truth into each others lives.  It is nice to go to church, hear the Word of God but we can't forget that we need to fellowship with others. We need to be there to lift each other up and have accountability.

The study is geared to help us understand what discipleship is and then to go out and share His Word. He wants us to be His hands and feet and lead others to Christ.  Jesus had twelve disciples who He guided and prepared  to go out and share His word. In order for us to follow Jesus we need to know what His word says. The author asks a very important question which is ," How often do you read your bible." I want to say I read it faithfully everyday but I can't. I need to discipline myself to be more diligent in spending time with Him and less time being busy. 

The study is nice and would be a useful tool for churches to teach discipleship. It also can be used in small groups or as a study for individuals. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Mary Hake, November 23
Sara Jane Jacobs, November 24
CarpeDiem, November 25
Artistic Nobody, November 27 (Author Interview)
Discipling4Life, November 28
Texas Book-aholic, November 30
janicesbookreviews, December 1
A Reader’s Brain, December 2
Simple Harvest Reads, December 4 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, Ellie is giving away the grand prize package of a Bible study copy of her book and a $50 Visa Card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Friday, November 29, 2019


The story is very captivating and realistic as the author captures the time period perfectly. I learned many new details about the Civil War and how difficult it was for so many civilians as well as soldiers. I couldn't imagine having to open my home to soldiers who were injured and having to care for them.

Pearl is a wonderful character with deep faith and a big heart. I love how she disagreed with owning slaves and had a heart to help those in need. The war causes physical and emotional damage that sometimes can't be repaired quickly. What a nice change of pace to see Pearl have feelings for someone who was suppose to be her enemy in the war.

Josh is a Yankee soldier who comes to Pearl with injuries that will take time to heal. I felt so bad for Josh who now faces a future with part of a limb missing. Can you imagine waking up realizing that you are missing a part of your body?  Pearl seems to know just what he needs to help him heal physically. Will she be able to hide her felling for Josh as they start to spend time together?

The faith element in the story is wonderful and the author has a very wise character that guides Pearl through scriptures to show what God says about helping those in need. It is a great story as we watch faith grow among characters, challenges they face, and historical facts that boost the story with details that place us right there in the story.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.

lovinglyour neighbor

If you are looking for stories that captures encouragement, forgiveness, hope and unconditional love, look no further. Each story is unique and flows so gracefully that you feel a sense of peace as you read them.  It is easy to picture yourself sitting on the front porch with Amish neighbors and friends as you share your struggles and accomplishments. 

The stories are short but so relaxing to read. It was hard to pick out one story over others that I liked. Each one had different topics but you can easily relate to them. I loved how the stories help readers understand that the Amish have similar problems like us. Sometimes we can think that the Amish are different and in some ways they are. When it comes to matters of the heart, we all go through  similar feeling and realize that God needs to be a part of our lives to help us get past the mountains that block us from our faith.  

I love that  the chapters are divided into topics like peace, love, joy and other very familiar subjects related to the Fruits of the Spirit. I loved how the stories helped me see where I am struggling and it encourages me to seek God more. This book is one that should be placed on  your bookshelf to read again when you need an encouraging word. I felt like I walked away with a renewed sense of purpose and peace knowing that God is right there to lift me up.

I received a copy of this book from the authors. The review is my own opinion.

About the Book

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Book: Lone Falcon
Author: Merrijoy Wennerlind Buist
Genre: Christian Romance/Coming of Age
Release Date: October 2, 2018
What if you had to choose between your friends and your faith?
It is 1971. Eighteen year-old Carrie Falconer goes to college and joins the rowing team, where she receives praise and popularity for the first time. She also finds her first boyfriend. Not just anyone, but the heart-throb men’s crew captain! As coxswain of the varsity squad, she leads her team to four gold medals, allowing them to qualify for Nationals. However, while pursuing her collegiate dreams, she has left behind most of her traditional religious beliefs. While preparing for the National tournament, she is hit by a life changing consequence and is forced to decide between pleasing her team or letting them down by following what she believes to be the right path.

About the Author

Mjs Author Photo

The first four chapters of Lone Falcon and the general plot were written when Merrijoy Wennerlind, was a student at the University of Washington. The rest was finished up years later by Merrijoy (MJ.) Buist who worked hard to keep her 24-year-old spirit alive.
MJ. is currently a Diaconal Minister at the Anaheim United Methodist Church. A native of Seattle and a UW graduate, she lives in Santa Ana, California with her husband and two sons. She is currently working on the sequel, Lone Choices, which tells how Carrie lives out her decision. You can reach MJ. at her facebook page: Merrijoy Wennerlind Buist@mjwb

More from MJ

How far would you go to research your book? Would you sit on a narrow crew boat with eight other women and learn to row? That’s what I did to get a feel for what my main character, Carrie Falconer, in Lone Falcon experiences as she joins and excels in the college crew team.
Why did I choose rowing over another sport? I couldn’t resist the metaphor of steering your own boat, which led me to the sport of rowing and its navigator, the coxswain. I fell in love with the idea of choosing your own path and what happens when one goes off course.
You, the reader, will follow Carrie from her strict Christian upbringing to attending a secular college, experiencing her joys and victories as she rises to popularity, and of her first love, the hunky Lenny, men’s team captain. You will struggle along with her as she makes a life decision of whether to turn back to her faith or do what her friends ask.
I originally wrote Lone Falcon in response to all the Young Adult (YA) books and T.V. shows of the times which said, “Your parents and their beliefs are all wrong, do what your friends and the times say.” In the wisdom I’ve acquired in my years of mothering, earning my master’s degree, and becoming a Minister, I adjusted my theme to making your own choices, not what others and society may tell you to do.
I hope this book will encourage other brave young women to live up to what they believe within and not be influenced by what others without tell them to do.


I have mixed feelings about this book for a few reasons. I did found the story interesting and was quite surprised at the details the author gives us about rowing. It sure takes lots of practice, endurance and determination to make it in this sport. It is a team effort and I liked how the girls worked together to make the team a success. The main  focus in the book is on  Carrie during the early 1970's . I think I had forgotten what it was like to grow up during that time. 

Carrie was very grounded in her faith but it is tested as she goes off to college. I was very upset the way her father and brother treated her. She couldn't do anything to make them proud of her. Her father was especially hard on Carrie and continually found  fault in everything she did. I was able to relate to her because I grew up as a preacher's kid. Nothing I did was ever good enough for my parents and they  were never proud of me for anything. I did like how Carrie proved to herself that she was important and able to achieve goals.

We all know about peer pressure and Carrie struggled to fit in. Many of us growing up have probably faced being made fun of because we were a Christian. In the 1970's it was about women's lib, freedom and carefree attitudes.  It was easy to see where Carrie was headed as she slowly slipped away from her Christian friends. The story does a good job of showing the consequences of a bad decision that not only will have heartache but change the course of Carrie's future. There are a few very important people in Carrie's life that will help her forgive herself, speak words of love into her life and lead her back to God. 

The reason I have mixed feelings about the book was for several things. There were several times throughout the book the language was foul and unnecessary. The author could have chosen other words that would have been less offensive. The book does deal with fornication, abortion and drinking. I was hoping that the young man involved with Carrie had been made accountable for his actions. I was hoping that Carrie's boyfriend would face charges or at the very least be expelled from college. I won't say more because I don't want to give away the story. 

The book is a good story for everyone but especially young people. There are temptations out there and in Carrie's case she made the choice to follow her boyfriend into an environment that she knew could lead to something she may not be able to control. It is sad that her father and brother never comforted her or showed her any compassion. I am looking forward to the next book that follows Carrie as she continues her journey.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Rebecca Tews , November 23
Blossoms and Blessings, November 24 (Author Interview)
CarpeDiem, November 25
Texas Book-aholic, November 29
janicesbookreviews, November 30
Through the Fire Blogs, December 1 (Author Interview)
A Reader’s Brain, December 3
Godly Book Reviews, December 5


To celebrate her tour, M.J. is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Barnes and Nobles Gift Card, autographed copy of Lone Falcon, and autographed copy of Lone Choices when it comes out!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

From the Garden into Eternity FB Cover

About the Book

Book: From the Garden into Eternity
Author: Pearl Nsiah-Kumi
Genre: Religious-Christian Evangelism
Release Date: June 25, 2018
From the Garden to Eternity - straight view
From the Garden into Eternity tells of mankind’s fall from God’s grace beginning in the Garden of Eden, all the way through to one’s individual choice: Will eternity be spent in Heaven with God or Hell with Satan?
As a result of sin, mankind suffered a loss of close fellowship with God – but do not fret!  The relationship can be restored in this life right into the next!  God does not, however, force anyone into a relationship with Him.  We are free to choose Him or the alternative: Satan.
This book, fully-supported by Bible verses, helps you determine where you are in this journey called “life”.  Rest assured that God loves you and longs to give you eternal life in Heaven with Him, but you must first repent and place your faith in Jesus Christ.  If you have never taken that step, please don’t wait any longer.  The alternative eternity – which will be by default – will be dreadful.
Call on Jesus today!
Start the relationship that guarantees your eternity in Heaven with God!

Click here to get your copy.

About the Author

Pearl Nsiah-Kumi - black dress portrait
Pearl Nsiah-Kumi is a retired Registered Nurse; she grew up in Ghana, West Africa. She has lived in the USA for forty years and has three adult children, one son-in-law and four beautiful grandchildren. Pearl has authored two books in the past two years and loves to express her understanding of the Bible through writing articles and poems. Her goal is two-fold: To reach people with the truth of God’s word in inviting them to experience faith in Jesus Christ, and also to encourage Christians to mature in walking faithfully with their God through obedience to Him. In addition to writing, Pearl is also a Volunteer Counselor at a local Crisis Pregnancy Clinic.

More from Pearl

I wrote this book: FROM THE GARDEN INTO ETERNITY, because I felt the need to explain step-by-step how we, people created in the image of God lost our relationship with Him, and how that relationship could be restored. Along with the explanation, I also felt the need to stress the urgency of the restoration of that relationship. Why the urgency? It is urgent, because time is running out for all of us, and if one’s relationship isn’t restored in this life, eternity will be awful. Since no one knows how much time they have left in this life, we each need to respond to God’s love now, so we can have the assurance of a blissful eternity in heaven. Each person has to make a personal decision about their eternity.


The book is very short and would be a good tool to use when witnessing to others. I think it would also be a great book for church's to hand out to new believer's. It is very easy to read and takes you step by step as you learn about Adam and Eve which is found in the first book of the bible. The author does a good job of describing what sin is and how you can be forgiven. 

The book goes into the life of Jesus and how he was hated by some.  Unless you know Jesus you are more than likely not living a happy life because you are missing out on the greatest relationship. I did like the way the author explained salvation and how to have a personal relationship with God.  The book does touch on loving your neighbor, forgiving others and being an encouraging person. Those are all great attributes we should strive for as a Christian.  I didn't agree with everything written  but I will say that we each need to listen to God and He will speak wisdom and truth into our lives.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Vicky Sluiter, November 27 (Author Interview)
Texas Book-aholic, November 28
Just the Write Escape, November 29
My Devotional Thoughts, November 30 (Author Interview)
janicesbookreviews, December 1
Wishful Endings, December 3 (Author Interview)
A Reader’s Brain, December 4
All 4 and About Books, December 6 (Author Interview)
Christian Bookshelf Reviews, December 8 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, Pearl is giving away the grand prize of an eBook copy of her most recent book, The Proof of Paternity!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Marisol FB Banner

About the Book

Book: Marisol Spanish Rose
Author: Elva Cobb Martin
Genre:  Christian Historical Romance
Release Date: November 8, 2019
Marisol_finalEscaping to the New World is her only option…Rescuing her will wrap the chains of the Inquisition around his neck.
Marisol Valentin flees Spain after murdering the nobleman who molested her. She ends up for sale on the indentured servants’ block at Charles Town harbor—dirty, angry, and with child. Her hopes are shattered, but she must find a refuge for herself and the child she carries. Can this new land offer her the grace, love, and security she craves? Or must she escape again to her only living relative in Cartagena?
Captain Ethan Becket, once a Charles Town minister, now sails the seas as a privateer, grieving his deceased wife. But when he takes captive a ship full of indentured servants, he’s intrigued by the woman whose manners seem much more refined than the average Spanish serving girl. Perfect to become governess for his young son. But when he sets out on a quest to find his captured sister, said to be in Cartagena, little does he expect his new Spanish governess to stow away on his ship with her six-month-old son. Yet her offer of help to free his sister is too tempting to pass up. And her beauty, both inside and out, is too attractive for his heart to protect itself against—until he learns she is a wanted murderess.
As their paths intertwine on a journey filled with danger, intrigue, and romance, only love and the grace of God can overcome the past and ignite a new beginning for Marisol and Ethan.

Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

Elva Cobb MartinElva Cobb Martin is a wife, mother, and grandmother who lives in South Carolina with her husband and a mini-dachshund. A life-long student of history, her favorite city, Charleston, inspires her stories of romance and adventure. Her love of writing grew out of a desire to share exciting stories of courageous characters and communicate truths of the Christian faith to bring hope and encouragement. Connect with her on her web site at

More from Elva

A couple of things inspired me to write Marisol ~ Spanish Rose, in addition to my love of historical romance fiction set in the colonial/pirate era of Charles Town and the Spanish Main.
I ran across a teaching of how people often let the one terrible moment of their lives define them and their future. Know anyone like this?
I envisioned a heroine in the 1700’s who let her “terrible moment”—being molested and accidentally killing the Spanish nobleman who attacks her—define her and her future destiny.
My premise for this idea and novel is: Love, forgiveness, and determination can overcome the most horrifying experiences and poor choices when we invite God into the equation.
Loving horses, particularly the white Lipizzaners, I named my heroine Marisol and set the attack on her father’s Andalusian Stud Farm in Cadiz, Spain in 1740. Andalusians are the Spanish horses in the ancestry of the Lipizzaners. And they can be trained to do dancing steps with a dancing maiden called the Flamenco, which my heroine can do well. Click here for a video of a flamenco dancer.
Marisol’s exciting Flamenco plays a pivotal part in the novel.
All this story idea needed now was an exciting, handsome Charles Town privateer—sometimes pirate—who will cross paths with my heroine when she flees Spain after killing the Spanish nobleman who molested her.
Captain Ethan Becket, backslidden former Charles Town minister, has returned to the sea, grieving the loss of his wife and child.
By the time these two get together at the indentured block in Charles Town, Marisol has discovered she is with child.
Thanks for stopping by! May you have an exciting, romantic adventure on the high seas with Captain Ethan and Marisol.


The story is set against the high seas on an adventure that is filled with danger and secrets. I loved how the author  made you fill like you were on the ship as it rocked back and forth. There was little room to move around in the cabins and it was filled with unruly men at times. Marisol was such a wonderful character. Her beauty was witnessed by many and her ability to defend herself remarkable. It was not easy to read about a horrible attack she endured and I wanted to scream at the man who caused her harm.

Marisol runs away from everything she knows and carries a secret that could cost her life. I loved the devotion her maid had in joining her on her journey to freedom. The story takes Marisol into dangerous places and I loved how the author uses faith for Marisol to hold on to. Through everything she goes through, one thing is certain. She has to trust God even though she feels hopeless at times.  She will be faced with hard decisions and sacrifices. 

Ethan was a man of honor and his attraction to Marisol will be tested as they face uncertainties. It was hard for Ethan at times to not let his feelings get in the way of achieving his goal in finding his sister. What a surprise Ethan had when he discovers a certain woman has stowed away on his ship. I loved reading about their endeavors and watching them grow closer to God and each other. There are a few surprises in the story and a bit of heartbreak that makes this book so engrossing. I highly recommend this book to readers who love reading about forgiveness, trust, adventure and a bit of romance.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Bigreadersite , November 15
Emily Yager, November 15
Connect in Fiction, November 16
Rebecca Tews , November 16
Moments, November 17
For Him and My Family, November 17
Genesis 5020, November 18
Betti Mace, November 20
mpbooks, November 20
Back Porch Reads, November 21
Maureen’s Musings, November 21
Pause for Tales , November 23
Batya’s Bits, November 23
Godly Book Reviews, November 25
janicesbookreviews, November 26
Texas Book-aholic, November 27
A Reader’s Brain, November 28


To celebrate her tour, Elva is giving away a vintage nautical writing journal and a $20 Amazon gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.