Thursday, June 2, 2016


Éclair and Present Danger
by Laura Bradford

I truly enjoyed the scenarios that the author created and thought that they were very clever.
~Girl Lost in A Book
Éclair and Present Danger is well written and it is an original concept.
Well let me tell you, Laura just gained herself a new lifelong fan! ÉCLAIR AND PRESENT DANGER is a smart, snappy read and I was struck over and over again how absolutely creative the author is.
~Cinnamon and Sugar and A Little Bit of Murder
This book is fast paced the way that I like it. Just the right amount of suspense and mystery.
Éclair and Present Danger (An Emergency Dessert Squad Mystery)
New Cozy Mystery Series
A Berkley Prime Crime Mystery (June 7, 2016)
An Imprint of Penguin Random House LLC
Mass Market Paperback: 304 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0425280898


The first book in the delicious new Emergency Dessert Squad Mystery series from national bestselling author Laura Bradford.
With her rent rising faster than her pie crust, bakery owner Winnie Johnson had hoped to be rescued by an inheritance from her wealthy friend and neighbor Gertrude Redenbacher. Instead all she inherits is the widow’s hostile hissing tabby, Lovey, and a vintage ambulance, restored by Gertrude’s late husband. As her dream crumbles, Winnie makes her final delivery—a peach pie to an elderly widower. But she finds Bart Wagner lying on his kitchen floor, smothered by a pillow.
To comfort her frightened and grieving neighbors, Winnie comes to the rescue with her baked goods—and an idea is born: dessert delivery via her ambulance and a new business called the Emergency Dessert Squad. When she’s not speeding to the scenes of dessert emergencies, Winnie is also racing to track down Bart’s killer—before she needs to call a real ambulance for the next victim…
laura bradford
About The Author – 
Laura Bradford (aka Elizabeth Lynn Casey) is the author of several mystery series and a handful of romance novels. She is a former Agatha Award nominee and the recipient of an RT Reviewer’s Choice Award.  In her free time, Laura enjoys making memories with her family, baking, playing games, and catching up with friends. In addition to the Emergency Dessert Squad Mysteries, Laura writes The Amish Mysteries and The Jenkins & Burns mysteries, as well as The Southern Sewing Circle Mysteries (as Elizabeth Lynn Casey).
For more information, visit Laura’s website:  or get to know her even better on Facebook at, and on Twitter:  @bradfordauthor
Twitter:  @bradfordauthor
  Purchase Links:

This is the first book  in an  exciting series that is sure  to be a hit with all cozy mystery readers. The characters are funny, resourceful and downright a blast to read about. I really enjoyed the book and the concept. I also want to mention that I love the cover. It is definitely an eye catcher and compliments the book.
We are introduced to Winnie who is a baker that  has hit on hard times. She finds herself not being able to continue paying rent on her beloved bakery. What is a person to do? Well there is an ambulance that she just inherited that could be used for  something. I had to laugh as I read that. Who leaves an ambulance to someone in a will? I thought how brilliant and creative the author was with this concept. I knew I was in for a great ride as I read the story. Yes the pun was intended . The book is just so well written . The Emergency Dessert Squad has officially become a business for Winnie. I would love to have her come to my neighborhood. I am always having dessert problems. Wouldn't it be a great business to have? Winnie is sure it will become profitable . Now there does seem to be a little problem with her elderly neighbors that has her concerned .  When she finds one of her dear neighbors is  dead she knows that trouble is around the corner . Who is killing her neighbors?
You are in for a treat with this wonderful start to a very interesting series. The characters are wonderful and an added plus is the recipes that are included in the book. I cannot wait for the next in the series to hit the shelves. Be sure and grab your copy of Éclair and Present Danger and be ready to laugh and enjoy this great mystery.
I received a copy of this book from Great Escape Book Tours for an honest review

Tour Participants
June 1 – Girl Lost In a Book – REVIEW
June 1 – MysteriesEtc – REVIEW
June 2 – The Self-Rescue Princess CHARACTER INTERVIEW
June 2 – cherylbbookblog – REVIEW
June 3 – Shelley’s Book Case – REVIEW, CHARACTER GUEST POST
June 3 – Texas Book-aholic – REVIEW *
June 3 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW, INTERVIEW *
June 4 – Brooke Blogs – GUEST POST
June 5 – Island Confidential – CHARACTER INTERVIEW
June 5 – Kaisy Daisy’s Corner – REVIEW  
June 6 – The Book’s the Thing – REVIEW *
June 6 – Reading Is My SuperPower – REVIEW
June 6 – fuonlyknew – REVIEW*
June 7 – Classy Cheapskate – REVIEW
June 7 – Sapphyria’s Book Reviews – REVIEW
June 7 – Books Direct – GUEST POST
June 8 – A Holland Reads – REVIEW*
June 8 – Jersey Girl Book Reviews – REVIEW, GUEST POST
June 8 – Community Bookstop – REVIEW *
June 9 – Melina’s Book Blog –  REVIEW *
June 9 – deal sharing aunt – REVIEW *
June 9 – Mystery Playground – RECIPE
June 10 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – REVIEW, RECIPE *
June 10 – Booklady’s Booknotes – REVIEW
June 11 – LibriAmoriMiei – REVIEW
June 11 – The Girl with Book Lungs – REVIEW *
June 12 – Book Babble – REVIEW
June 12 – I Read What You Write – REVIEW, INTERVIEW
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