Monday, October 23, 2017


As we come to the end of a wonderful series, the author has given us remarkable characters and places that take your breath away. I have learned of Earls and other high ranking dignitaries. The scenes have come alive with her vivid writing technique. I have come to love Historical Regency and this series has been a thrill to read. I loved being swept away to ballrooms with the most exquisite gowns and dapper suits.

Clara just does not seem to have any luck in the love department. Her poor mother is beside herself with a scandal that has tainted the DeLancey name. I must say I have not been a big fan of Clara from the other books she was in. With this book, the author redeems Clara and I found myself understanding her more and even had sympathy for her. What is with Clara and gentleman callers? She can’t seem to find anyone interested in her and her mother has had to resort to smelling salts to withstand the disgrace.

After a night of desperation, Clara finds herself rescued by a stranger . Oh how I loved her hero and was so hoping the author was directing the two together in the story. I also loved that Clara found her way to God and gave her hope. Clara meets a wonderful family that helps give her confident in herself. I can’t tell much more about the story, because I want the reader to discover more of the characters on their own. Will Clara find true love? This is one story that illustrated true forgiveness and leaves you with a sense of hope.

“How can I, imperfect thst I am, hold unforgiveness when we’ve all been forgiven so much by One so perfect?”

I received a copy of this book from Kregel Booktours. The review is my own opinion.

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