Sunday, October 22, 2017


I wasn’t sure where this book was heading as I first started reading it. It didn’t take long to get so engrossed in the story, I read the book in a few hours. There are authors that write in different genres and Sarah is no excepti.She may wri a little spicer books that  mnot like, but she has become a favorite of many. She has hidden her identity behind an assumed name . She doesn’t go out on tours but her books are so well liked, they sell themselves. Her friend Piper is not  thrilled to find out that she is behind the sizzling books and it puts a strain on their friendship. I have to say that Piper was a bit disappointing to me at first. She rushed to judgment and decided she didn’t like her friends books. So she just cuts her out of her life.

The great news is that they make up and Piper shared Jesus with Sarah. I know that the first time Sarah was in the church, all she could think about was the books she had written. But slowly she realizes that God loves her and she wants to write a different genre. I laughed as she told her agent the news. Can you imagine being a best selling author and suddenly decide that you are going to write something completely different? I applaud the author by writing a character that is flawed but can still hold her head up and be determined to do what is in her heart.

When she meets the pastor of the church she is attending, I know sparks were flying. Pastor Ben is humble, well liked and has a heart for people. The author slowly develops their relationship and makes for some great scenes between them. Sarah realizes that Ben has issues of his own, but between them they make a great match. What happens when Sarah is exposed as a steamy romance author? Will the church turn their back on her. The biggest scandal to shake the foundation of the church is based on a vindictive person. Who will people believe? I loved the story and thought the author did a great job showing how gossip can destroy lives. Will Sarah and Ben overcome obstacles and be happy together? Don’t miss this wonderful story of forgiveness and acceptance.

I received a copy of this book from The Librarything Early Review Program. The review is my own opinion.

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