Thursday, February 6, 2020

Waltz in the Wilderness FB Banner

About the Book

Book:  Waltz in the Wilderness
Author: Kathleen Denly
Genre:  Christian Historical Romance
Release Date: February 4, 2020
Waltz in the Wilderness CoverShe’s desperate to find her missing father. His conscience demands he risk all to help. 
Eliza Brooks is haunted by her role in her mother’s death, so she’ll do anything to find her missing pa—even if it means sneaking aboard a southbound ship. When those meant to protect her abandon and betray her instead, a family friend’s unexpected assistance is a blessing she can’t refuse.
Daniel Clarke came to California to make his fortune, and a stable job as a San Francisco carpenter has earned him more than most have scraped from the local goldfields. But it’s been four years since he left Massachusetts and his fiancé is impatient for his return. Bound for home at last, Daniel Clarke finds his heart and plans challenged by a tenacious young woman with haunted eyes. Though every word he utters seems to offend her, he is determined to see her safely returned to her father. Even if that means risking his fragile engagement.
When disaster befalls them in the remote wilderness of the Southern California mountains, true feelings are revealed, and both must face heart-rending decisions. But how to decide when every choice before them leads to someone getting hurt?

Click here for your copy!

About the Author

Kathleen Denly Headshot 3Kathleen Denly lives in sunny Southern California with her loving husband, four young children, and two cats. As a member of the adoption and foster community, children in need are a cause dear to her heart and she finds they make frequent appearances in her stories. When she isn’t writing, researching, or caring for children, Kathleen spends her time reading, visiting historical sites, hiking, and crafting.

More from Kathleen

As Valentine’s Day nears, stories of how couples met seem to be everywhere. Many of those stories share a common element: “The second I saw him/her, I just knew I would marry him/her.”
Every time I read or hear these stories, I chuckle. Not because I don’t believe them but because it reminds me of my own meet-cute.
“Not my type.”
These were the first words to enter my mind when I met the man who would later become my husband. In hindsight, they are hilarious because I know that God worked things out for our good. After more than eighteen years of marriage, I can honestly say that I am more in love with my husband than ever.
However, just a few months prior to meeting my husband, I’d suffered a terrible breakup with another man whom I thought had been considering proposing to me. I had no idea the breakup was coming and that left me devastated and confused. The truths we learn in hindsight don’t help much when we’re in the midst of such circumstances. When we think we know the future before us and something happens to upend those plans it can feel as though our world has turned upside down.
This is what happens to Eliza Brooks in the first chapter of my novel, Waltz in the Wilderness. Though not romantic in nature, a major shift occurs in her world that leaves her feeling betrayed and disoriented. She’s still struggling to right her world when Daniel Clarke enters her life in the worst way possible. Misunderstanding leads to a humiliating confrontation that sets these two at odds with one another before they have a chance to truly get to know each other. Fortunately for Eliza and Daniel, God works their foolishness for good just as He did in my own true love story.
This Valentine’s Day, whatever your romantic relationship status, remember that you are not alone. You are loved. And the God of all the universe loves you and has a plan for you—plans to prosper you and bring you hope.
“Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” ~ Proverbs 3:5-6


This has been such a wonderful book that I was sad to see it end. The author has captured the time period with pristine details. I loved reading about the towns and especially the mountains. Eliza was a like able character who carries a burden that has prevented her from getting close to God. Her guilt over the death of her mother caused her pain. What I really was upset about was her father leaving her at her uncles’ with no explanation. Her heart was filled with abandonment and it became hard to trust anyone. 

The journey Eliza takes to find her father was very enjoyable to read about. I don’t think I could ever go on a ship. It would feel cramped and the thought of floating around at sea does not appeal to me. There was a little bit of Eliza I didn’t care for. Now she never acted snotty but there was a sense that she expected better accommodations at places. It was fun to have Daniel escort her on the journey. He was quite the gentleman and certainly had his hands full with Eliza and her stubbornness. 

The best character for me was Eliza’s uncle. He adored Eliza and was so upset when she took off without a word. There are secrets that are being hidden from Eliza’s uncle and you won’t be surprised who it is. The author wrote a beautiful passage about how we should be looking to help others and it was directed at a certain character. Oh how I loved the faith element in the story and the way that the author led Eliza back to God. There are several lessons in the book that I want to point out. Forgiveness is relevant in the story because several characters will need to forgive themselves as well as others. Trusting people is something we all have a difficult time with. The author demonstrates trust by showing how a character’s words were honest and respectful in their actions. 

This has been a journey where danger lurks, romance is in the air and the undeniable epic story that will keep you glued to the pages. I was charmed by the dashing Daniel and the determination Eliza had to find her father. The author gives us hope of a new beginning, mending relationships and understanding  how to trust. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion. 

Blog Stops

Pause for Tales, February 5
Texas Book-aholic, February 6
Older & Smarter?, February 7
deb’s Book Review, February 7
Betti Mace, February 10
Inklings and notions, February 11
Robin’s Nest, February 11
Remembrancy, February 12
For Him and My Family, February 12
Maureen’s Musings, February 13
Jeanette’s Thoughts, February 14
Bigreadersite, February 15
Emily Yager, February 16
Blogging With Carol, February 16
Mia Reads, February 16
Janicesbookreviews, February 17
SPLASHES of Joy, February 18
Hallie Reads, February 18


To celebrate her tour, Kathleen is giving away the grand prize package of a NEW Kindle Fire HD8, Proverbs 3:5 Paperback Lined Journal, Romans 8:28 Leather Bookmark, Proverbs 3:5 mug, and an Antique Silverplated Spoon made by 1847 Rogers Bros!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. Thank you for such a lovely review and for taking part in this tour.

  2. Kathleen is a new-to-me author, but since I love historical fiction I think I'd enjoy this book.
    Thank you for your lovely review Deana and participation in the blog tour!

  3. Looking forward to reading this one!
