Friday, August 14, 2020

About the Book

Book: No Small Caper
Author: Cynthia Hickey
Genre: Cozy Mystery
Release Date: May 3, 2019
“No one does a final suspense scene like Cynthia Hickey!” – Stewart Writing Services
A rash of burglaries?
What kind of job had she been hired to do?
CJ Turley is excited to begin her new life as overseer of Heavenly Acres, a tiny house community in the Ozark mountains. As she’s handed the keys to her new house, by a woman who seems far too eager to leave the job to someone else, CJ is told the community is experiencing a rash of burglaries and she should visit the nearby Park Ranger for help.
Can CJ and her new friends stop a thieving murderer before they lose something far more precious than jewels? Their life!
From first day, to spending time with handsome ranger, Eric Drake, to a cast of quirky characters who are all suspect in CJ’s mind, you’re bound for a fun, hilarious, romp in this first book of a new small town, cozy mystery series by best-selling and award-winning author.

Click here to get your copy!
This is a new to me author and I have enjoyed getting to know her writing style. I loved how she used tiny houses as the main scene of the story. I have been intrigued by the houses for some time. They seem perfect for people who want to downsize or just have a place with less clutter. 
CJ is a good character who becomes the overseer of Heavenly Acres. She seems to take well to the new job and her home. The first part of the story is spent on introducing the characters. There were quite a few so I did have a hard time keeping up with them. As the story starts to develop into a mystery, I began to really enjoy how nice the story flowed. A rash of burglaries starts happening in the community and CJ is right there to investigate. After all, she feels responsible for what happens to the people in her little community. 
Eric is a good addition to the story and his skills as park ranger will come in handy as more crimes start spreading in the area. His attraction to CJ was pretty predictable but I did like the chemistry between them. He has his hands full when CJ gets a little close to catching the thief. CJ is very stubborn and I think it was a good quality as she tries to unravel what is going on. In most cozy mysteries there is usually a murder and the one in this story is no exception. 
My favorite character is Mags. Oh my is she a great character. With her no nonsense attitude and hunger for action, she makes a great side kick for CJ. Mags bring the story a few chuckles and I would love to be her neighbor. The story is a clean read and has just enough suspense to keep me trying to guess who would turn out to be the criminal. I am excited that the author has more in this series, because I plan to read everyone of them. 
I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion. 

About the Author

Multi-published and Amazon and ECPA Best-Selling author Cynthia Hickey has sold close to a million copies of her works since 2013. She has taught a Continuing Education class at the 2015 American Christian Fiction Writers conference, several small ACFW chapters and RWA chapters, and small writer retreats. She and her husband run the small press, Winged Publications, which includes some of the CBA’s best well-known authors. She lives in Arizona and Arkansas, becoming a snowbird, with her husband and one dog. She has ten grandchildren who keep her busy and tell everyone they know that “Nana is a writer”.

More from Cynthia

I’ve always been fascinated by tiny houses and love writing cozy mysteries. What’s better than a cozy mystery series in a tiny house community? Not an inch of space wasted. You’ve got to be creative with your storage. Even hiding things in the floor which occurs when CJ Turley takes over as manager of Heavenly Acres. The pup she inherited when her grandmother died has a nose for diamonds. Who’d guess there were so many places in a tiny house to stash things?

I don’t live in a tiny house, but my husband and I downsized from a 2100 sq. ft home to a 1,000 sq. ft. home. Guess which one we prefer? The smaller one 😊 We always know where things are, it’s easier to keep clean, and no stairs to go up and down when we forget something. I’m pretty sure I couldn’t live in anything less than 400 sq. ft. if I lived alone, but it was fun to write about those who do.

I’ve watched so many tiny house shows, I’m pretty sure I could design one with everything I’d need. We even told our son that if he moved where we live, we’d build him one in the backyard! He wasn’t amused.

On a serious note, just kidding. While my cozy series have humor, they also have murder and mayhem with quirky characters and a dash of romance. I like my readers to chuckle as the characters strive to take down the culprit without too much danger to themselves.

Happy reading!

Blog Stops

Sara Jane Jacobs, August 8
Genesis 5020, August 10
She Lives To Read, August 11
Artistic Nobody, August 12 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)
Texas Book-aholic, August 14
Mary Hake, August 16
CarpeDiem, August 19


To celebrate her tour, Cynthia is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 and a copy of the book!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. Wonderful review Dena! Sounds like a fun read. Thank you for sharing.

  2. This sounds like a fun book. Cute cover!
