Wednesday, November 11, 2020


Rocky mountain revelation

About the Book

Book: Rocky Mountain Revelation

Author: Lisa J. Flickinger

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release Date: November 3, 2020

Rocky Mountain RevelationA Rocky Mountain logging camp may be just the place to start her new life.

Widowed at nineteen, Madeline Lamb seeks to find a new husband amongst the crew of the Rocky Mountain log drive. With a baby growing inside her, she has no choice. She signs on as cook’s helper, and it soon becomes apparent her options for a mate are limited. Madeline’s grieving heart wavers between the security an older man offers and the tender feelings a new crew member stirs.

Will Matheson earned the chance to work the high-paying spring log drive. The boon ensures he can recoup the logging wages stolen by a pretty face with some fast fingers. Frustration builds when the boss pulls him from the river and assigns him the job of camp chore boy. If it wasn’t for the pretty cook’s helper, he’d take the first train home.

When the dangers of the river journey prove more treacherous than anyone expects, the budding attraction between Will and Madeline is put to the test. If they survive the adventure, life as they know it will never be the same.


Click here to get your copy! 

About the Author

2019 Lisa J FlickingerLisa J. Flickinger lives and writes from the cliff of a river along the majestic Rocky Mountains. When not writing or reading, you will find her scouring antique shops or sipping a maple latte with friends and family. To learn more about her other books, visit


More from Lisa

When I research a new novel, I love to find obscure facts about the setting. My study of the old time river drives for Rocky Mountain Revelation led me to a particularly tasty morsel.  The river crews were served massive amounts of food over four meals to make up for all the energy expended transporting logs in the frigid water. Often, their meals included donuts.

Yes, donuts! However, we’re not talking about the scrumptious treat picked up at your local bakery or grocery store. These donuts were cooked over an open fire in the backwoods. Yum.

Picture what they call a tin kitchen, a small boxy metal contraption, set over a blazing fire. The cook would place a wide mouthed aluminum basin on top and fill it with cooking oil. When the oil reached the perfect temperature he would drop the batter into the oil using a ladle. The piping hot donuts would be rolled in sugar when they were cooked and served to the crew fresh from the fire. A half whiskey barrel of donuts could disappear in just one meal. Several times a day, the cook would travel downstream by raft and repeat the process.

Will, the hero of Rocky Mountain Revelation, finds his sweetheart Madeleine particularly pretty with flour up to her elbows. However, he grows tired of the mounds of donuts and by the end of the drive attempts to trade them for the cook’s fluffy biscuits.

Enjoy the trip downriver with Will, Madeline…and the donuts.

Dear reader, enjoy!


 The author transports readers back to the late 1890s. Working on a logging crew was hard and dangerous work. I could picture the logs floating by on the water as a crew removed them from their place of security. I thought about how many hours they worked long and the weather conditions they endured. I loved how detailed the author was about the logging business . It was easy to visualize the environment the workers were in and how they always needed to be aware of what was going on around them. 

I did like Madeline but I was a little upset about her desperation to find a husband. Working in the logging camp was not easy and there were several times I wondered if she made the wrong choice to work there. I’m glad that Madeline was surrounded by her father and Uncle Shorty who looked out for her. I forgot that in this time period people married quite young. What I did like about Madeline was her faith. 

Will is just a little younger than Madeline and finds work with the logging crew. It didn’t take long for someone to be  jealous of him being around. Although the attraction between Madeline and Will is evident, someone is trying to get Will out of the picture. In close quarters like they were it must have been hard to have any alone time. 

I’m not surprised at the mystery that was in the story or the people behind it. What I was surprised at was at the length someone would go for money. This person seems nice but on the inside hides an evil person who only wanted to win Madeline for personal gain. The author does give us a character that exhibited the traits of a person who thinks only of themselves. Once again we see that pride, jealousy and selfishness leads to a fall from grace.

I would recommend reading the first in the series because it does give background on Will. I hope there will be another book in the series so we can find out if Madeline and Will live happily ever after. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, November 5

Artistic Nobody, November 5 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Vicky Sluiter, November 6

Inklings and notions, November 7

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, November 7

For Him and My Family, November 8

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, November 9

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess., November 10

Genesis 5020, November 10

Texas Book-aholic, November 11

Life of Literature, November 11

Older & Smarter?, November 12

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, November 13

Sara Jane Jacobs, November 13

Betti Mace, November 14

deb’s Book Review, November 14

Blossoms and Blessings, November 15

Labor Not in Vain, November 15

Locks, Hooks and Books, November 16

Ashley’s Bookshelf, November 17

Daysong Reflections, November 17

Connie’s History Classroom, November 18


To celebrate her tour, Lisa is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. Wonderful review, Deana! Sounds like a page-turner. Thank you for sharing.

  2. This sounds like a book I would enjoy! Thank you for your review, Deana and participating in the blog tour for "Rocky Mountain Revelation"! Lisa is a new-to-me author and I love discovering new writers 😊

  3. Thanks for sharing about this book, it sounds very interesting.

  4. Great sounding story! Would like to read this to see what happens to this couple. Vivian Furbay jtandviv(at)q(dot)com
