Wednesday, February 17, 2021


Dream Again

About the Book

Book:  Dream Again

Author: Ann Marie Bryan

Genre: Christian Fiction

Release date: August 20, 2020

Ann Marie Bryan - Dream Again - Front CoverOne random day. One burst of laughter. One perfect moment. That’s all it takes for Gianna Barrett to capture Carter McIntosh’s attention—and his heart. His whole life has been a series of miracles, so this falls right in line. If only it were that simple. The object of his desire refuses to give him the time of day. Not deterred, Carter is sure he’s ready to put his heart on the line for love. Big mistake. He isn’t quite prepared and finds himself wrestling a soul-deep hurt into submission.

“There has been an accident….”

That devastating revelation shattered Gianna’s life, and in that one chaotic moment, everything she had was taken away. She has spent years carefully crafting her new normal, so there is no way Carter can just insert himself into her life. The fight is on but not for long. Their attraction is instant, and before she knows it, all her cynicism goes out the door.

When Gianna learns more about Carter’s life, she gets a better understanding of her beginning. As she starts her journey to healing, she uncovers Carter’s startling secret. In the days that follow, she struggles with feelings of regret, fueling her natural tendency to retreat. But the flames of desire burn hot and it’s not easy to break their unexpected connection. As the past reaches for them, they soon realize that to move forward, they must look back. Will they allow God to be the anchor they so desperately need—before it’s too late? For all they ever wanted was to be loved.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Ann Marie Bryan - Author PhotoAnn Marie Bryan is a dedicated multi-talented leader with a passion for excellence. She is the CEO and Founder of Victorious By Design, an organization committed to providing top quality professional writing services, comprehensive personal and professional development programs and exceptional performing arts services to meet the unique needs of individuals and organizations.

A Christian Fiction author, Ann Marie writes to educate, inspire, and empower others. She desires to tell great stories with fascinating characters to show the awesome power of God in the lives of people and places. Her celebrated bestselling Encounters of the Heart series, blend faith and romance that test the resilience of love.

Ann Marie’s greatest passion is to empower others to succeed by tapping into their God-given potential. She enjoys writing, reading, dancing, teaching, meeting people and traveling. With all the knowledge and experiences that God has so graciously blessed her with, Ann Marie is determined to make her life a ministry for the Lord.


More from Ann Marie

I am super excited that you are a part of this amazing Dream Again tour. I use the words—emotional, inspirational, compelling, and romantic—to describe my writing style. I love to put readers in the heart of the story to give them a chance to think how they would react in similar situations.


It was therapeutic for me to write Dream Again. Last year, my mom passed, so it was a year of grieving and adjusting for me. While I was going through, I decided to write a story about someone who suffered the loss of a parent. I wrapped that experience into a beautiful love story, Dream Again, which gives hope while showing the awesome power of God in the lives of two hurting people.


I hope you will enjoy reading Dream Again as much as I have enjoyed writing it. In this novel, you will witness the incredible transformative power of love in the lives of Carter McIntosh and Gianna Barrett as they lift their faith and develop the courage and tenacity to leave the past behind. Dream Again is laced with love, faith, friendship, and a sense of community, while demonstrating God’s desire to free people from life-altering events. I pray that you will catch a glimpse of God moving through time to secure the future of those He loves.


Thank you for touring with me and for taking the time to read Dream Again. Stay victorious!


The author shows her talent by writing a story that examines the emotions of loss, trust, love and faith. She has wrapped it all up in a beautiful story that follows our main character as she slowly lets her heart trust. Gianna is poised, smart and faith driven. I love that she listens to God about every aspect of her life. I love the fast pace of her job as editor. It has to be difficult to tell writers they need to change certain words or paragraphs. 

I was excited that she was taking a much deserved vacation with a little stop over for research. Now why couldn’t the famous author himself do his own research? When Gianna meets Carter you can feel sparks fly. He is handsome, sure of himself and has a big secret. I did figure out what the secret was, but I enjoyed reading how good he is at avoiding certain questions. His mother was a voice to be reckoned with. I though she was a bit pushy but she does have Carter’s best interest at heart.

At the center of the story are two people who both learn to allow God to direct their paths as they dream about their future. The best part for me was how Gianna reacts to the secret Carter has been hiding. It shatters her hope and trust in him. The hard part is letting go of hurt and allowing God to heal her broken heart. There is a good faith element in the story and it is relevant to the characters as they navigate their feelings for each other. I do think Carter may have rushed a few things with Gianna, but God gently corrects him. Isn't God good? He is always there when we call out to Him. 

Gianna has a moment when she breaks down and there in that instant we see the real Gianna. Her hurt , disappointment, guilt and trust issues all come to the surface. This is the meat of the story for me. The author shows a broken, vulnerable Gianna who cries out to God in her darkest day. She surrenders everything and the chains of the past are gone. I won’t say if Gianna and Carter get together because after all that is where you the reader will experience a story filled with a lesson in forgiveness and unconditional love. After reading the book, I feel an urging in my Spirit to make some things right in my life. It is time to let go of that last hold the enemy has on me. 

“With just one word from our God, darkness flees, and His glory surrounds us.”

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Texas Book-aholic, February 18

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, February 19

Through the Fire Blogs, February 20

Locks, Hooks and Books, February 21

Susan K. Beatty, Author, February 22 (Author Interview)

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, February 22

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, February 23

Inklings and notions, February 24

For Him and My Family, February 25

deb’s Book Review, February 26

Artistic Nobody, February 27 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, February 28

By The Book, March 1 (Author Interview)

Spoken from the Heart, March 1

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, March 2

Pause for Tales, March 3


To celebrate her tour, Ann Marie is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and a copy of Dream Again!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. I love this cover! Thank you for sharing!

  2. A beautiful cover and I loved the synopsis, this sounds like a wonderful read. Thank you for sharing your lovely review and the book and author details.

  3. Thanks, Deana! :) Super grateful to you for sharing my latest novel. Thanks for reading and reviewing it. I was misty-eyed after reading your review. You reminded me of why I write. Have a blessed day.

  4. This sounds really good! Nice cover!

  5. This must be a good book if it has the effect of causing you to make things right! That's always a good thing.

  6. Wonderful review, Deana! Thank you for hosting.
