Tuesday, March 22, 2022


This is a quick book to read which gives readers a great intriguing mystery to solve. I love stories centered around hospitals which makes me feel like I’m right there watching the action. With the author’s background, his books are realistic and brings an insight into the world of medicine. 

The story follows a family whose mother is having heart issues. We find Diane who works in the ER making sure her mother gets the best care while staying at the hospital. I loved how she took extra notice of all the tests being run and asked questions to be sure everything was being done to help her mother.

Joe is a well respected doctor who happens to be Diane’s mother’s physician. They do seem to have a little spark between them but Diane is wanting to take things slow. I think having him in her life has helped her learn to trust again. 

Without giving anything away, get ready for a murder that will be  unexpected.  You may figure out who the guilty person is, but you won’t see the surprise coming till the end. I love reading the author’s books because they have great characters, intrigue that keeps you guessing and lessons that help us grow in our faith. 

I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion. 

1 comment:

  1. I also enjoy reading books and/or watching TV shows with medical backgrounds. But to be honest, it can be either funny or a disaster to find the mistakes in them from the nursing perspective!
