Monday, March 21, 2022


There is nothing better than a book filled with suspense, action and surprises. This story definitely checks all those boxes. I loved how the author grabs your attention right away with intense scenes and characters that are easy to follow. 

Now I can tell you all about the book but that can easily be read by the synopsis.  I want to focus on a few things. I enjoyed that there were two stories going on at the same time which tied nicely together. It always amazes me how an author’s imagination works and how creative they can be. 

I adored Madison and immediately understood how much trauma she has endured in her life. Grieving is a slow process and she is having a hard time trying to get through each day. Her job does help her focus on other things and I loved how fiercely committed she is to her work. Danger seems to follow her and just when I thought her story was coming to a close, the author drops an unexpected twist. 

There are a few other characters in the book that are worth mentioning . Jonas is working closely with Madison to keep a woman safe who has been trying to keep a low profile. Her identity will have a domino affect on several people. Let’s not forget about a judge who finds himself in a big mess with only one way out which includes murder. Well there you have it. A book that has the makings of a great movie which I would pay to see. The author uses faith in the story which directs characters to trust Him to keep them safe. I am pleased with the ending and am looking forward to the next book written by this author. 

I received a copy of this book from the Librarything Early Reader Program. The review is my own opinion. 

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