Friday, September 23, 2022

About the Book

Book: Delicious Devotion

Author: Melissa Wardwell

Genre: Christian Contemporary Romance

Release date: August 30, 2022

Why do weddings do their best to ruin relationships? Friends, family—even the couple!

Beth Stevens didn’t come to the Independence Islands to find a guy, but thanks to her beloved Gram, she had a place to go and the skills to start a business she loves. Meeting Scott again and getting engaged was a bonus she only dreamed of.

Now, in the final weeks before their Christmas Eve wedding, she can’t imagine not having him in her life. They have endured one hurdle after another in their two-year relationship and have remained devoted through it all.

And then months of wedding planning begins to fall apart as one person continues to undermine Beth’s choices.

Scott has waited for this day to come but as he witnesses Beth unravel, he does everything he knows to do to protect and stand by her.

The question is, will things ever come together enough to get them both to the altar before it’s too late?

This Breakers Head novel is Melissa Wardwell’s final novel in the Independence Islands Series featuring five islands, six authors, and a boatload of happily-ever-afters.

The Independence Islands Series: beach reads aren’t just for summer anymore.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Melissa Wardwell resides in Owosso, Michigan with her husband and three teen-aged children.

She doesn’t mind alternating between the world of writing and the reality of being a mother, but she would rather sit with a good book or a good friend and a cup of coffee.

When she isn’t penning works of fiction, she is busy reviewing books for her blog, Back Porch Reads.

To see more from Melissa Wardwell, visit


More from Melissa

For five books I have tormented and teased readers. Some have even emailed me asking when they were going to see a wedding for Beth and Scott. Now I can say, this is your chance.

I cannot tell you how fun this book was to write. Every plot line, great or small, that I left hanging in the previous four books will come together here. I know some didn’t like it, and I’m sorry, but that was the way the characters told me their stories.

See, my books for The Independence Islands run together like that of a television series. Not every plot is resolved at the end of the season and the characters come back in the next season. We know someone is ill at the end of season four, but will they survive through season five? And if it involves legal issues, well those don’t resolve in a short amount of time, no matter what. Then, there is the slow burn romance. I mean, come on, not every romance is a flash in the pan. The good ones build over the span of months, or in Beth and Scott’s case, years.

Throughout this series, these characters have faced their demons while learning to trust God’s hand in their lives. They have lost and loved, married and buried, celebrated and cried all while searching for something more. I don’t know about you, but finishing Delicious Devotion was like saying good-bye to dear friends. Of course, the hardest was Gram’s final piece of wisdom to the bride and groom…

“Be vulnerable with each other, in every way. If you cannot be vulnerable and open with your spouse, then there is no trust in your foundations. When you pray together, pray openly. When you talk about those private things that only spouses talk about, be willing to listen to your spouse and act accordingly. Remember to keep everything stated in those moments of vulnerability between the two of you. No bed is big enough for three people.”

That lady was so smart.

Thank you for going on this journey of self-discovery and growth in faith. Beth was not the only one who went through some changes over the last two years. I’d like to think that she and I grew together as we processed loss, success, new friendships, and healing of old wounds.

If you stuck with it through all five of my contributions and loved every minute, then you are welcome. If you wanted to lay hands on my swiftly and repeatedly, I apologize. Stories like this have minds of their own.

I hope you will continue to follow me as I publish more books with the wonderful people at Celebrate Lit and integrate a couple of these characters in future books.

Grace and peace be with you all your days,

Melissa Wardwell


The time has finally arrived to read  Beth and Scott’s story. I have been waiting for their turn in this series and thrilled that this author is the one to share their journey. Beth is such a hard worker and is always making sure everyone is happy. The anticipation for her wedding has kept me entertained and now I have a front row seat to the big event. 

Scott has been one of my favorite characters throughout this series along with Beth. I loved how the author gives us a chance to know Scott and see how devoted he is to Beth. He would do anything  for her but I could tell that something was bothering  him. Does it have to do with an old college friend that has come to visit him? A tinge of jealousy rears it’s ugly head when Scott sees his friend flirting with Beth. The emotions can be felt as Scott allows his anger to get the best of him. The author brings her writing style to this story as readers can feel every tear, angry moments, jealousy and faith. 

I have watched the author grow as a writer and am thrilled to see how powerful her stories have become. We don’t only get raw emotions but we learn lessons like forgiveness and unconditional love. The faith messages  she uses in the book  are placed in just the  right spots  to enhance each moment and illustrates the importance of faith and God. 

The twists in the story took me completely by surprise. I wasn’t prepared for what these would do to the story and I was excited where the author would take the characters. When a disaster takes place and Beth’s mother is the cause of it, Beth comes unglued. I can understand her anger but at this moment in time, she will have to choose how to handle it. Will she forgive her mother, or allow bitterness to win?  When  things get tough does Scott turn away from Beth? 

“The choices we make can change the course of our path. Choose wisely.”

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

An Author’s Take, September 22

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 22

lakesidelivingsite, September 23

She Lives To Read, September 24

Texas Book-aholic, September 24

Inklings and notions, September 25

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, September 26

deb’s Book Review, September 26

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 27

Aryn the Libraryan, September 28

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, September 28

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, September 29

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, September 30

For Him and My Family, September 30

Blossoms and Blessings, October 1

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, October 2 (Author Interview)

Holly’s Book Corner, October 2

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, October 3

Blogging With Carol, October 3

Sylvan Musings, October 4

Christina’s Corner, October 4

Simple Harvest Reads, October 5 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)


To celebrate her tour, Melissa is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. Deana, you bless my heart! Thank you so much for such a beautiful review. Scott has been silent for the most part throughout this series, but when the man started to "talk" in Delicious Devotion, I was amazed.
    Knowing you have enjoyed this book brings a smile to my face. Thank you dear.

  2. Whoa! This is a lot more happening in this story than I had suspected, but I anticipate a lovely ending.

  3. I enjoyed your review and enjoyed learning more about the book

  4. Sounds like a book that I would enjoy reading

  5. Deana, Thank you for sharing your excellent review! Delicious Devotion sounds like one not to miss.

  6. This sounds like a terrific read.
