Monday, April 10, 2017

Called to Justice
by Edith Maxwell

I loved going to 1888 seeing how the author brought us into Rose’s life…
~Community Bookstop 
I enjoyed reading Called For Justice. The authors attention to detail in describing the job(s) tasks of mid wife in the time period made for an interesting read.
~The Journey Back
Called to Justice is as much historical fiction as it is cozy mystery, and I found both aspects of the story to be riveting.
~The Book’s the Thing

Called to Justice (A Quaker Midwife Mystery)
Cozy Mystery
2nd in Series
Midnight Ink (April 8, 2017)
Paperback: 312 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0738750323
Quaker midwife Rose Carroll is enjoying the 1888 Independence Day evening fireworks with her beau when a teenaged Quaker mill girl is found shot dead. After a former slave and fellow Quaker is accused of the murder, Rose delves into the crime, convinced of the man’s innocence. An ill-mannered mill manager, an Irish immigrant, and the victim’s young boyfriend come under suspicion even as Rose’s future with her handsome doctor suitor becomes unsure. Rose continues to deliver babies and listen to secrets, finally figuring out one criminal – only to be threatened by the murderer, with three lives at stake. Can she rescue herself, a baby, and her elderly midwifery teacher in time?
Praise for Delivering the Truth
by Edith Maxwell (Book 1 in this series)
Ms. Maxwell weaves a sturdy cloth from the stories of the various characters in Delivering the Truth.
~Back Porchervations
I enjoyed every minute of this book…
~Shelley’s Book Case
This was a very entertaining read. I really enjoy reading Edith Maxwell’s writing as it flows so well.
~Melina’s Book Blog
…a different type of historical cozy…I enjoyed reading a book where the protagonist is a midwife and of the Quaker faith…
~Storeybook Reviews
Rose is a smart character and the history of the story is done well.
~A Chick Who Reads
The author takes us into Rose’s life, making us feel as though we are right there with her in every situation. The mystery is well-developed and leaves the reader guessing right to the end.
~Book Babble
Agatha-nominated and Amazon best-selling author Edith Maxwell writes the Quaker Midwife Mysteries and the Local Foods Mysteries, the Country Store Mysteries (as Maddie Day), and the Lauren Rousseau Mysteries (as Tace Baker), as well as award-winning short crime fiction. Maxwell lives north of Boston with her beau and three cats, and blogs with the other Wicked Cozy Authors. You can find her on Facebook, twitter, Pinterest, and at

Purchase Links:
Amazon  B&N


The author does a great job of detailing the time  period the story is set in. I loved reading about the Quakers and their way of life.  It was interesting to learn how they spoke in those days. They definitely had strong faith and abided by the rules. Rose Carroll is a midwife and sometime sleuth. The combination makes for a very well written mystery with twists that are sure to surprise readers.

While attending an Independence Day celebration Rose  encounters a young girl distraught and needing help. Hannah is a slight girl with a soft spoken voice. Hannah is very troubled and confides in Rose . I can't imagine what it would be like in those days to have a secret like Hannah's. Before the evening is over a gunshot is heard and a life is cut short. Who killed Hannah? I found it interesting that fingers started pointing at a former slave who Rose knows is innocent. The author does a good job of showing what kind of detective work was done in those days.

We are  fortunate  to have the technologies available to us today to help solve crimes. Rose is determined to prove her friend innocent which leads to danger for her. The suspects start stacking up and I loved reading about the reasons they each had to kill the young girl. The story is intense at times and I liked how the author spoke of abuse in a sensitive way.  Who would abuse a young girl and try to blame someone else? Did Hannah know something that cost her dearly?

I thought the author did an excellent job of describing a baby's birth during a time when there were no modern equipment. Rose is very calm while delivering a child and I loved how she calmed the mother down . Rose is a great character and I loved the little romance going on between her and her boyfriend. This is a great book with a mystery that takes us to the nineteenth century. We get to see first hand how people lived through the words of the author. It was a wonderful glimpse into the past and a mystery that is intriguing. The ending is so good with unexpected twists . I look forward to the next book in this exciting series.

I received a copy of this book from The Great Escapes Book Tour. The review is my own opinion.

Tour Participants
April 5 – Community Bookstop – REVIEW  
April 5 – My Journey Back – REVIEW
April 6 – Bibliophile Reviews –  REVIEW, INTERVIEW
April 6 – The Book’s the Thing – REVIEW, GUEST POST
April 7 – Shelley’s Book Case – REVIEW
April 7 – Books,Dreams,Life – INTERVIEW
April 8 – Texas Book-aholic – REVIEW
April 8 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – REVIEW, INTERVIEW
April 9 – The Power of Words – REVIEW
April 9 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW, GUEST POST
April 10 – Melina’s Book Blog – REVIEW
April 10 – View from the Birdhouse – SPOTLIGHT
April 11 – Rainy Day Reviews – REVIEW
April 11 – Island Confidential – GUEST POST
April 12 – Book Babble – REVIEW
April 12 – Queen of All She Reads – REVIEW  
April 13 – A Blue Million Books – INTERVIEW
April 14 – Leigh Anderson Romance – REVIEW
April 14 – Author Annette Drake’s blog – SPOTLIGHT
April 15 – StoreyBook Reviews – GUEST POST
April 15 – deal sharing aunt – INTERVIEW
April 16 – Brooke Blogs – REVIEW, GUEST POST
April 16 – A Holland Reads – SPOTLIGHT
Have you signed up to be a Tour Host?

1 comment:

  1. I really like reading historical fiction and mysteries. "Called to Justice" sounds so interesting, would like to read more about the Quaker midwife.
