Monday, November 25, 2019

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About the Book

Book: Hidden Rebel
Author: Michelle Janene
Genre:  Christian medieval fantasy
Release Date: August 17, 2017
Hidden-Rebel-cover-EbookA disguised warrior on a mission to save a dying kingdom,
but God has more planned.
Aria has left home with one goal. Find the weapon used to defeat the horde of the Black Knight and save what remains of her kingdom.
But things are not going as planned.
Disguised as a male knight, she saves the young prince of the neighboring kingdom, and tales of her fighting prowess spread like a raging fire. Now, within the castle walls of a foreign kingdom, a young girl masquerading as her page serves as her only confidant. But the widower king and his enemies are taking notice of her. The legendary weapon, however, is nowhere to be found.
What is God doing?
Aria needs to save her home without losing her heart.

Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

Michelle janeneMichelle Janene lives and works in Northern California, though most days she blissfully exists in the medieval creations of her mind. She is a devoted teacher, a dysfunctional housekeeper, and a dedicated writer. She released her first novella Mission: Mistaken Identity in the fall of 2015, God’s Rebel in 2016, Rebel’s Son in 2017, and has been published in several anthologies. She leads two critique groups and is the founder of Strong Tower Press—Indie solutions for indie authors.

More from Michelle

The main character of Hidden Rebel is a princess who is also a warrior. She needed to move between court and the battlefield with minimal issues. Aria also took the verse that women should not dress as men seriously. I wrote about a fighting skirt for her.

It appeared to be a pleated skirt with several long panels. Those panels weren’t sewn together other than at her hips. When Aria moved it was clear the skirt panels where over tight trousers and tall boots.

I thought about the skirt so much I created my own. I have worn it to local Renaissance Faires.


There is so much to love about this book. I enjoyed the adventure in the story and especially having a female who is a knight. I don't think I've heard of a female knight before. The author writes Aria as a strong person who is gifted with swords. Her time spent at the  kingdom was very intriguing.  King Edmund  really had his hands full with two sons who I thought needed time out. One was clingy and whiny while the other wanted to run the kingdom.  His invitation to allow Aria to stay at the kingdom will come at a price. 

The mission that Aria has set out to accomplish will come with danger, deceit and a test of her faith. The author does a great job of testing Aria and allowing her to find out what her destiny is with God's help. Can she trust those around her or is someone a danger to her? There are secrets flowing throughout the kingdom and Aria is on high alert. The training sessions and battles are very entertaining. It is easy to picture the swords clashing against each other as Aria defends against those who want to cause harm.  

The story is one of my favorite's by the author as this one captures the meaning of trusting God and following His direction. The ending is wonderful and filled with surprises, danger and a woman who follows  God. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Emily Yager, November 22
Avid Reader Nurse, November 23
Texas Book-aholic, November 25
janicesbookreviews, November 26
Inside the Wong Mind, November 27
A Reader’s Brain, November 28
Pause for Tales, November 29
CarpeDiem, December 1


To celebrate her tour, Michelle is giving away a $15 Amazon gift card and the entire trilogy on eBook!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. A female knight does seem like an intriguing subject!

  2. This book sounds like a really good read. Very pretty cover!

  3. I went to a Renaissance Fair once and loved it.

  4. Wonderful review Deana! Thank you for sharing.
