Sunday, April 5, 2020

About the Book

Book:  The Merchant’s Yield
Author: Lorri Dudley
Genre:  Christian Historical Romance
Release Date: March 31, 2020
CLBD2019_WildHeartBooks_LorriDudley_TheMerchantsYield_EBOOK_FINALIt was a marriage of inconvenience, but life has a wicked sense of humor.
Charlotte Amelia Etheridge has cowered to her mother’s sharp tongue and endless demands for the last time. In a fleeting moment of rebellion, she recklessly asks a foreigner from the Leeward Islands for a dance. But her one courageous act lands her in a compromising position. Forced to wed a stranger, Lottie leaves the only home she’s ever known to reside on the isle of St. Kitts.
Nathaniel Winthrop’s troubles are mounting, and the rumors of him being cursed are spreading. Due to the dwindling sugar crop, he risks everything to start his own shipping company. The last thing he needs is a wife, especially one with a weak constitution. Yellow fever has already claimed the lives of his mother and siblings. He must guard his heart against falling in love with this gentle beauty, knowing island life will be a death sentence.
No longer under her mother’s scrutiny, the newfound freedom of the island rejuvenates Lottie’s spirit. If her days on this earth are limited, then it’s time she lives life to the full. Now it’s up to her to prove that even though Nathan was coerced into marrying her, she’s the one he can’t live without.

Click here for your copy!
Nestled in this story is nuggets of faith that I found encouraging. It would be so hard to be married to someone who was forced to marry you. Can you imagine the uncertainty of your future? I stumbled across a statement in the story that made me completely stop reading. It is just a little sentence but oh my is it powerful. “ Every miracle began with a problem.”  As you can see that sentence really had me thinking very hard about all the times that God was there to save me. I could truly understand how Charlotte felt as her new life began as a wife. It was certainly going to take a miracle for her marriage to thrive. 
Charlotte was a character I liked at times and other times I wanted  to dismiss her.  I had high hopes that Charlotte would find her voice and speak up for herself. It was nice to journey with Charlotte as she is forced to make the best of a forced marriage. Her husband Nathan was demanding  at times and really could use a dose of kindness thrown on him. The stage is set as these two  people set sail on a voyage of  courage, danger, secrets and faith.
It is ironic that Charlotte has finally gotten away from her overbearing controlling critical mother only to be pushed into a marriage where those same character flaws exist in her husband. The author has her hands full as the story unravels with an adventure that spans across the sea to land where new  beginnings  are on the horizon . Charlotte is very anxious to learn about her husband and his past. The author draws our attention to the fact that Charlotte needs to learn more about herself. Can she become a wife that her husband will cherish? Will she overcome the harsh words spoken over her by her mother? 
 I loved reading about the adventures  on a ship and the pirates that roam the waters.  The author crafts a wonderful story that had a few unexpected twists that leads to danger. There is also a question of who can be trusted in this adventure that never lacks for intrigue and a beautiful discovery of unwavering faith. The story is not just about an unplanned  marriage but of trust and knowing that “ If God is for you, then who can be against you.” 
I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion. 

About the Author

LorriDudleyProfilePicLorri Dudley has been a finalist in numerous writing contests and has a master’s degree in Psychology. She lives in Ashland, Massachusetts with her husband and three teenage sons, where writing romance allows her an escape from her testosterone filled household. Find her online at

More from Lorri

The Merchant’s Yield is the second book in the Leeward Island series. The idea for my heroine, Lottie Etheridge, stemmed from a writing prompt—Pretend you are a relative from your past. My family has often speculated where the bright red hair that pops up every other generation (my dad, my cousin, and my niece) originated, since my grandfather was adopted. My opening hook at one time was Lottie’s mother stating, “Red hair is for opera singers and ballet dancers. You should have powdered your hair.”
In my research about the island of St. Kitts, I came across a French-American pirate named Jean Lafitte, educated at the military academy on St. Kitts. The concept of my hero, Nathaniel Winthrop, a merchant who could have schooled with a pirate, set my creative juices flowing, especially after reading about Lafitte’s outlandish and quirky behavior. I couldn’t resist interlacing the lives of my main characters with the daring pirate.
I enjoyed writing Lottie’s struggle between pacifying others, yet trying to stay true to how God made her. Also, I can relate to her attempts at rebellion backfiring, for I too could never get away with anything. Lottie’s soft heart contrasts nicely with the guarded hero, Nathan, as she peels back each painful layer of his thick façade to reveal the devoted and ardent love he holds beneath.
To learn more, check out my website at or watch The Merchant’s Yield’s book trailer:

Blog Stops

Betti Mace, April 6
Batya’s Bits, April 6
Remembrancy, April 9
Emily Yager, April 11
Hallie Reads, April 13
Pause for Tales, April 14
Vicky Sluiter, April 14


To celebrate her tour, Lorri is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon Gift Card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

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