Tuesday, September 26, 2023


Now that her friends are all marrying or moving away, Heart Beachy has started feeling lonely. Worse, everyone keeps asking when she’s going to find a man of her own. Don’t they realize Heart has her hands full at home with her widowed dad, too many chores, and a menagerie of needy, small animals? Besides, she doesn’t understand the fuss about marriage. It’s enough to make her consider finally becoming a
pet-sitter, or moving to an 
English community, where she won’t be an oddity . . .
Newcomer Clayton Glick is utterly charmed by Heart—and completely confounded. He can’t figure out why this beautiful woman is as awkward as a teenager whenever he’s around, which is often now that he’s an apprentice to her blacksmith father. So Clayton starts assisting with Heart’s never-ending tasks, even helping her corral her unruly pets. How else can he court an adorably flustered woman who doesn’t know the first thing about courtship? Because courting is exactly what he intends . . .
Heart doesn’t know why her pulse hammers every time she sees Clayton. She only knows yielding to such emotions will mean trouble. . . . But maybe with a little faith—and the trying on of a shoe—Clayton can convince her to join him on the road to happily ever after.


This has been such a joy to read and I loved every moment spent with these characters. Heart is such a giving person and it is easy to see how much she loves God. She has many responsibilities and doesn’t see the need to worry about marrying anytime soon. Heart adores taking care of her father even though he may seem a bit gruff at times. I loved when she brought home a special pet who I don’t think I would be thrilled to have. Within days the animal is a fixture in the home and brings even Levi joy. Who knew that this little pet would bring others together.

Levi is a hard working man who is very gifted in his trade, I think he works long hours because  he misses his wife dearly. She has been gone for four years but he still thinks of her everyday. His relationship with his daughter is sweet and I liked how he watched out for her. He may not always acknowledge all the things his daughter does for him, but he is very thankful for her. 

Clayton has had a hard life growing up in a children’s home. There was not much love in his life so being welcomed not only to be an apprentice for Levi, but living in their home is a blessing to him. He has never experienced sitting at a table to eat as a family. That moment in the story where he feels like he is wanted brought a smile to me. He is very careful not to overstep for fear  that Levi may ask him to leave. 

Mary is a widow who has given her time to others who are in need and also taken  in animals that need a home. Her son has moved away which I was sad about. She misses him and wants to have a better relationship with him. Her hopes are lifted as her son is planning to come see her during the Christmas holidays. There is a hint in the story that she may have feelings for someone but she is not sure if she is ready to open her heart again.

We have met the main characters and here is where I want to stop and reflect on the story. It is a journey through grief as each one deals in different ways, yet they all yearn for more. Is it time that they start to open their heart for a new relationship? Oh I couldn’t wait to see how the author would develop how our main characters find happiness.

The story has emotional moments that show how important it is to be kind to each other, help each other out and always remember that love is there when you are ready. I adored the father -daughter relationship and how it emphasizes the importance of reminding family how much they are loved and appreciated. The ending is so good and I am glad that I was able to be part of watching Cinderella blossom.

I received a copy of this book from the publisher and author. The review is my own opinion.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a heartwarming book with likeable characters- thanks :) !

    - Madie
