Thursday, September 28, 2023

About the Book

Book: The Flower Quilter

Author: Mindy Steele

Genre: Amish/Christian Fiction

Release Date: September, 2023

Barbara Breaks from Amish Tradition to Express Her Artistry

Full of faith, hope, and romance, this new series takes you into the Heart of Amish country.

Barbara Schwartz was born into a family of quilters, but she would rather eat dirt than partake in another quilting frolic or sew on another binding. When her parents send her to Indiana to help her grandmother in her quilting shop, she finds herself amongst a very different community. It’s only one summer and then she will be back in Kentucky where she belongs.

Melvin Bontrager’s world stopped six years ago when his parents died. Now when his only means of providing for his widowed sister and niece is threatened, Melvin finds his landscaping business disappearing too. When spring delivers a newcomer who is immune to his salty moods, Melvin does something he has never done before, accepts help.

What blooms is the last thing Barbara ever expected, and everything Melvin could ever want.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Mindy Steele is the award-winning author and bestselling author of over a dozen novels and novellas in Christian fiction. Raised in Kentucky timber country, Steele has been writing since she could hold a crayon on the wall and lives in northeastern Kentucky—where many of her stories are set.


More from Mindy

The Story Behind the Story

I’ve connected with many wonderful readers since my debut in 2021 and while attending my first multi-author and reader event in Shipshewana, Indiana, I was blessed to finally meet many of them in person. I connected with my amazing assistant, my Mississippi fishing buddy, and the golden girls who have been with me from the beginning. God handpicked each of these women and I am so thankful he did.


I knew before leaving home I would not be writing about Shipshewana or the touristy areas considering I love our small rural communities, but you know what they say about thinking you know everything. . .


I was charmed at a little Bed and Breakfast and further charmed by Bridgett the owner. After touring the Amish Market and a few other memorable sites, my husband and I spent an afternoon with our dear friends Barb and Mel. Barb insisted I see her favorite place, the Krider Fair Gardens. Being a lover of flowers and gardening myself, I was entranced. I walked over every inch and stored its details in my heart. I even called my mother.


I quickly learned the quilt gardens were signature in Indiana, sprawling along the Pumkinvine Trail and covering multiple counties. From May to September, thousands come to photograph the designs that change each year. There is even an app for that now.


I had learned so much about Amish gardens and greenhouses from my neighbors who had family-owned greenhouses which I wrote about in An Amish Flower Farm.

It was also a no brainer that I would include quilting into the story. I love to quilt, much more than my dear sweet heroine needless to say.


I was especially happy to include the quilt shop, just a block down from The Blue Gate and the owner was thrilled her shop was the inspiration to Anna Beechy’s quilt shop.


Writing about two different Amish communities was a fun challenge made easy thanks to dear friends from both. Especially Anna Mae, the best garden tea maker north of Ohio who never let my questions bother her.


What was most memorable about writing this book over all others?


I had no desk!!!


I love writing about new things not explored yet, and well…my writer heart was ready to start before we even got home. Often, I let an idea percolate a few days, but this story unfolded like a favorite re-run and I knew all the words. It was time to get writing, but suddenly we had covid and hours turned to days and weeks. It was a scary time as my husband struggled with it terribly, but we got through and then Hurricane Ida struck the south and my husband was called up. I decided to travel with my husband and son to deliver Fema Relief.


My family needed me, and I needed to write this book!!! So, in pure Mindy fashion, I packed up my notepads, extra fine tip pens, and did both.


The draft of The Flower Quilter was written in the back of an old semi that leaked like a strainer as we delivered trailers and supplies from Kentucky to the hardest hit areas of Mississippi and Louisiana nonstop for nine days.


I hope to never try that again, but no matter what we encountered, those gardens of Indiana, keep popping up and adding a little sunshine to the chaos around me. God sure knows how to keep beauty in focus when everything gets turned upside down.  He also knows how to take our worst traits and turn them into something remarkable.


I hope you love this story and my take on the gardens as much as I did. Thank you for being part of the tour!!! And may God bless and keep you!


This story was so fun to read as I followed Barbara to visit her grandparents. She has come to help her grandmother in her quilt shop. The thing is poor Barbara can’t quilt to save her life. The needle pricks on her fingers are proof that perhaps she needs to find something else to do during her stay. I can relate to Barbara so much. My mother was  gifted at sewing, knitting, crocheting and embroidery work. Me not so much. Okay not at all. Don’t ask me to sew a button because you may be waiting awhile. Being in Indiana is fast paced compared to her home in Kentucky. One encounter with a young man didn’t sit well with her. Who knew  the friend she makes  just happens to be related to the person who almost ran her over the first day she arrived? Will she find her confidence here or will she allow the enemy to discourage her? 

Melvin is such a good character. He has devoted himself to helping his sister and niece after their loss. He has no intentions of looking for a wife and is content with his life. I admired his integrity and faith. His run in with Barbara is funny and instantly I knew these two would give us much entertainment. 

I enjoyed learning about the differences between the Amish who live in different areas. Where Barbara is from they dress very conservative. Seeing  how they dress here in Indiana she thinks the colors they wear are very pretty. I can tell she felt a little uncomfortable around some of the people in the community. The gossip starts up about her when she gets lost one evening. It seems like she can’t catch a break and I so wanted her to be more confident and strong.

 The author gives us a great story about using  your gifts to bless others. I also liked the laughter I found in the story as Barbara seems to get herself in funny situations. She is so set on being independent she forgets that sometimes our pride can get in the way. As Barbara tries to find her path in life we witness growth  and trust. We need to keep out eyes on God and He will direct our path. 

Visiting the glorious and eye catching gardens made Barbara feel at peace. This is where she felt at home and lavished in the beauty with eyes twinkling.   The author does an amazing job of incorporating history into this story with a particular garden that I know would be peaceful. God’s beauty is all around as Barbara knows where her gifts are. In that moment she feels at peace and is stunned at what God had created. 

I am sorry to see the story end but oh my what a beautiful reminder about forgiveness and trusting God. Barbara and Melvin learn what it is like to see the  beauty around  them and allow God to heal broken hearts. This was a journey that I will cherish forever as I witnessed unconditional love and a new beginning for Barbara and Melvin

“Whatever gifts you have been given by God, use them to serve others.” 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

lakesidelivingsite, September 26

The Avid Reader, September 27

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 27

Lighthouse Academy Blog, September 28 (Guest Review from Marilyn Ridgway)

Texas Book-aholic, September 28

She Lives To Read, September 29

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 30

Mary Hake, September 30

Connie’s History Classroom, October 1

Christina’s Corner, October 1

The Book Club Network, October 2

Jeanette’s Thoughts, October 2

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, October 3

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, October 4

Books I’ve Read, October 4

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, October 5

For Him and My Family, October 6

Elly Gilbert, October 6

Cover Lover Book Review, October 7

Simple Harvest Reads, October 8 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

Holly’s Book Corner, October 9

Splashes of Joy, October 9


To celebrate her tour, Mindy is giving away the grand prize package a $25 Amazon gift card and a print copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. I love Mindy Steele! Thanks for sharing that she's got a new one. Sounds like another great one.

  2. What would fans be most surprised to learn about you?

  3. God gives each of us different and various gifts, and the book shows that a person should not be expected to have the same gifts as everyone else.
