Thursday, September 5, 2024

About the Book

Book: Muldoon’s Misfortunes

Author: EV Sparrow

Genre: Christian Historical Fiction

Release date: July 16, 2024

A cursed widower forsakes his faith to ensure his hope. 

On a verdant island beset by poverty and death, Mick Muldoon dares to escape his misfortunes. Is working a farm and raising a family such an impossible thing to ask? Wasn’t God supposed to answer prayers—not turn a deaf ear?

After surviving the treacherous voyage to America, Mick discovers the rumors of ample opportunity aren’t exactly true. His defective body hampers employment and keeps him dependent upon his peculiar sister. However, an unexpected invitation to move to the heartland guarantees his dreams.

Mick’s own dreadful choices hamper his hopes when he accepts work as a widow’s farmhand. Unbeknownst to him, there’s deception afoot. Mick’s inattention to love causes catastrophe as single fatherhood cruelly shatters his family. Will God miraculously hear his prayers this time?

In Book 1 of Those Resilient Muldoons series, this misguided, wayward widower encounters God’s unexpected presence.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Sparrow has served on missions, worship, and prayer teams and in Divorce Care and Single’s Ministry. She’s now a published short story writer turned novelist. Sparrow offers readers encounters with God’s unexpected presence through her character’s adventures. She once bought a one-way ticket to Israel to work on a kibbutz and spent a weekend hopping a freight train. As Grammy to seven grandchildren, they ask why she always buys them books.


More from EV

Muldoon’s Misfortunes is Book 1 in Those Resilient Muldoons historical fiction series.

In Ireland’s history, there was a time when it was wild, fraught with peril, and without knowledge of God Almighty. Then came St. Patrick, a real man, determined to bring the Gospel of Jesus Christ to that pagan island. The transformation of that country from the spiritual darkness it worshiped was phenomenal. Yet ancient superstitions remain.

Certain aspects of my great-grandfather’s life in the 1800s inspired my Irish main character, Mick Muldoon. Mick’s faith is a traditional type and a profound piece that holds together Irish communities. He often secretly doubts God cares anything about him. He could be invisible for all the attention He pays to Mick’s prayers. But God, being who He is, won’t allow that misconception forever. Mick encounters God’s unexpected presence several times without recognizing it. God persists in pursuing him.

When we’re brokenhearted, we can easily miss the signs of His presence. We may grapple with our beliefs or more intimacy with God in the modern world as well. Do we believe our God can’t see us, or hear our prayers, or that He struggles with drawing close to us because we’re unworthy and He is holy? Do we make choices because of our misbeliefs that can unbalance the God ordained, spiritual strength triangle of faith, hope and love?

Mick’s faith weakens further with his disappointments and influences of the wild and lawless lands during the Gilded Age. He sets damaging things into motion that he could’ve avoided. He’s glad to be finally free of the religious culture of Ireland and living like his chums, and what’s wrong with that?

Because he believes God didn’t pay any attention to him, he doesn’t expect any consequences. He’s in control of his own life now. The results of his choices bring him face to face with his choices, and a holy God He thought ignored him, and the blessings He bestows despite Mick’s misbeliefs.

I hope readers will find more faith in a loving God from Mick’s story as well.


Be prepared for a story that exposes the hardships of a man who seems to think Mister Death follows him everywhere. The book is not an easy read with so many tragedies happening. As a young boy Mick found life in Ireland unbearable. Traveling by ship with his two sisters they all hope for a better life. The conditions they endured on the ship were beyond horrific. When a loss happens, Mick once again sees Mister Death. 

We fast forward to when Mick and his sister finally land in America.  They  hope for better life. I was shocked at the work his sister took. It was so sad to see how her insecurity led her to a way of life that others shun. Mick on the other hand has his own problems trying to find work. His biggest crutch that keeps him trapped in misery is his drinking. Whiskey has made him a prisoner to the bottle. 

Throughout his life Mick  experiences the death of wives and children. I wondered at times if he would ever turn to God and learn to trust Him. The author illustrates how we can easily be deceived by the enemy. Mick believes that all the bad in his life is because he deserves it. He looks around every  corner waiting for Mister Death  to snatch another piece of happiness from him. 

The story is honest, transparent and seeks to show how the enemy can trick us into  thinking there is no hope. Mick’s journey is hard but the lesson he finds will change him forever. It is a great reminder that even though we feel like we can’t survive our trials , God is there to rescue us. If you are looking for a story that brings beauty from ashes, this book is for you. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Lily’s Corner, August 28

Book Looks by Lisa, August 29

Inkwell Inspirations, August 30

Stories By Gina, August 31 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 1

Artistic Nobody, September 2 (Author Interview)

Holly’s Book Corner, September 2

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, September 3

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 4

Texas Book-aholic, September 5

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, September 6

Guild Master, September 7 (Author Interview)

Beauty in the Binding, September 8 (Author Interview)

Cover Lover Book Review, September 9

Back Porch Reads, September 10 (Author Interview)

Lots of Helpers, September 10


To celebrate her tour, E.V. is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.


  1. Thank you for hosting my book! From E.V. Sparrow :)

  2. This should be a great read. Thanks for sharing.

    1. From E.V. Sparrow: Glad you think so, and hope you get a chance to read it. :)

  3. Thank you for the enlightening review, Deana. It sounds like a sad story, at least the beginning.

    1. From E.V. Sparrow: It is a sad and typical story about the Irish people and what they suffered. They are also very resilient, resourceful, and devoted to family with hope for their futures. Thank you for commenting. :)

  4. This sounds like a book that will be a very interesting read.

    allibrary (at) aol (dot) com

    1. From E.V. Sparrow: happy you think so, and hope you read it!
