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Saturday, September 21, 2024

About the Book

Book: Collision Course

Author: Millie Norwich Inman

Genre: Historical Fiction

Release date: January 17, 2024

The shocking death of the popular Prince of Wales launches his young heir from innocent childhood into a roiling caldron of jealousy and intrigue. Set in all the glory of eighteenth century England, the young crown prince is urgently prepared for his aged grandfather’s throne.  Under the wing of his godly mentor, the prince staggers through a minefield of hazards.

Parallel to the prince’s journey, is the story of a down-and-out firebrand statesman, considering retirement from the House of Commons because he’s under the the king’s extreme disfavor. An alliance between the two ensures the prince’s safe ascension. It also renders his godly mentor and the statesman, the two most powerful men in Great Britain. Then, in the face of escalating war, a shocking twist changes everything.

Collision Course is a slice of real history with real people fleshed out and facing the real challenges of living in a fallen world.  It shatters stereotypes as it treks through England’s finest gardens and dines with kings and statesmen all the while peering into the universal nature of the human soul and the heartbeat of corrupted constitutional government. This is the true, untold story of alliance, ambition, betrayal, war, loss, and recovery that set the world stage for the American Revolution.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Millie Norwich Inman holds a Bachelor of Arts cum laude from Washington University in St. Louis. She taught school and raised a family before dabbling in freelance for periodicals.  A fair measure of success added to profound sorrow over the loss of Western Civilization culture and history, launched her into extensive research for for this engaging slice of pre-American Revolution history. On two trips to England she read at the British Library and Richmond Records Office, and traipsed through fabulous architecture and scrumptious gardens. At home in Texas, she took advantage of the Trinity University, Rice University, and University of Texas San Antonio Libraries, as well as the amazing Inter-Library Loan System from her hometown Boerne Library. Similar to the research style of NYT bestseller, America’s First Daughter, some of the wittiest dialogue in Collision Course has been lifted and adapted from original letters.

More from Millie

Collision Course is a walk in the park to smell the roses compared to an all-nighter-adrenalin-rush. And the third Earl of Bute is a reluctant hero-protagonist. He’s far more interested in creating calming garden vistas than in jumping into the heart of a rough-housing political fray.

Lord Bute is John Stuart (b. 1713), a descendant of the Stuart kings of Scotland on his father’s side and the powerful Campbell Clan on his mother’s. Branches of the Campbell Clan were still known as the fiercest of highland fighters when Bute was in his twenties. The Highlanders identified as Catholics but knew little of Jesus, and I dare say, never seemed to have heard of the Bible. So, their war-like tendencies really went berserk, after the Bloodless Revolution of 1688. Whenever the banished Catholic heir, the debauched “Bonnie Prince Charlie,” felt sufficiently resentful to sail back from France and contend for the crown, he’d swing by Scotland and enlist belligerent Highlanders. On these occasions, the Campbells would take a respite from murdering the MacDonalds and bludgeoning Lowlander Presbyterians, to gleefully enlist for a bloody tromp into England.

However, by the third “Bonnie Prince” invasion in 1745, Lord Bute’s branch of the Campbell Clan had experienced a come to Jesus. Godly education had become a family priority. Since Lord Bute’s godly father had died when he was nine, his godly mother had tucked him under the wings of her two godly Campbell brothers. Bute’s Campbell uncles were entrenched in the Edinburg intelligentsia. Intellectuals were Christians. Enlightenment academics followed Christians. Bute’s Campbell family branch were Scotland’s civic leaders, innovators in banking, business, jurisprudence, and republican statesmanship in addition to their stellar reputations in science, theology, medicine, and literature.

Lord Bute’s Campbell uncles, along with his Stuart father, were instrumental in the forming the United Kingdom and in installing Protestant royalty, to act in the interest of all their subjects, on the throne of England. The value of the common man was a novel idea. Bute’s uncles ran the elections for nineteen Scottish representatives to Parliament in Westminster. So, it’s really no wonder, that in the third invasion of Prince Charlie tyrants, three contingents of militia from the Campbell Clan fought for British liberty under George II’s favorite son, the Duke of Cumberland. Campbells fought Campbells.

It was in this third invasion that the young protagonist prince’s uncle, the Duke of Cumberland, became feared as “The Butcher.” After Cumberland led the government’s final victory, and as the “Bonnie Prince” slipped away on his ship back to France, the Duke of Cumberland ran a genocide campaign of the most war-like Highlanders (30 something Campbells). That ended the north Britain invasions and turned thoughts to a walk in the park-like gardens. Let Collision Course begin.


The story is filled with historical facts that  at times overwhelmed me. It felt more like a history lesson than a  fiction book. It struck me how jealousy and greed was deep rooted in the story. As soon don’t care for the new Prince it opens the door for secrets, danger and threats to overshadow the crown. 

The struggles that the young Prince had was difficult at times as he tried to find someone who would give him a chance. His mother was a blessing as her faith was grounded. Throughout the story I saw how royalty was almost like an idol. I did find that the author did amazing research which gave the story a much needed lesson on how this helps us understand how Great Britain operates. Wars, threats, greed and secrets sprinkle  the book with a variety of  different characters. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 20

Simple Harvest Reads, September 21 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, September 21

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, September 22

Artistic Nobody, September 23 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, September 24

Fiction Book Lover, September 25 (Author Interview)

Lots of Helpers, September 25

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 26

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, September 27 (Author Interview)

For Him and My Family, September 28

Vicky Sluiter, September 29 (Author Interview)

Betti Mace, September 30

Blossoms and Blessings, October 1 (Author Interview)

Beauty in the Binding, October 2 (Author Interview)

Guild Master, October 3 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, Millie is giving away the grand prize of a copy of the book and a $75 gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Thursday, September 19, 2024


November Knight Kick-Off Package

About the Book

Book: November Knight (Justice Montana Series Book Three)

Author: Debbi Migit

Genre: YA

Release date: November 28, 2023

When kidnappers take her friend, Sierra Gallagher, Jess Thomas is determined to find her. But a simple clue reveals a threat Jess never saw coming, plunging her into a life-threatening confrontation.

Meanwhile, former Army Ranger Levi Cooper is now a valuable task force member searching for the missing girls. But when he encounters Sierra, Levi discovers he has another mission.

Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Award-winning author and speaker Debbi Migit lives in central Illinois, surrounded by pumpkin patches and cornfields. Her first book, Child of Promise, is the true love story of a family formed through adoption. After ten years of infertility, Debbi and her husband Phil were just months from adopting from adopting when God said, “Not this way.” Child of Promise is the story of audacious faith resulting in multiple miracles. It encourages readers to remember their own promises and believe again.

Debbi has won multiple awards and contests, writing stories that are filled with faith and hope. She loves to share personal anecdotes about God’s faithfulness, infusing her talks with authenticity and humor. Debbi and Phil are the adoptive parents of Alex, Ethan, and Kate. The God-ordained spacing of their children offered the unique opportunity to parent a teen and two toddlers–at the same time. This is the season Debbi fondly calls the TNT years!

Debbi’s hobbies include reading, writing, and avoiding arithmetic. Her favorite color is turquoise, and she collects Trixie Belden books and typewriters. If playing Candy Crush was a paying gig, she would be rich.

Debbi’s Justice, Montana series begins with September Shadows, released in February, 2021. After the mysterious death of their parents, Jess Thomas and her sisters are determined to stay together and make a new life for themselves, which includes faith-testing danger, adventure, and romance.

October Outlaw was released in the fall of 2021, followed by November Knight in November 2023.

The series will conclude with December Dreams, and January Justice in 2025

More from Debbi

November Knight features a real-life abandoned gold mining town located in Bannack State Park near Dillon, Montana. Bannack appears in all of the Justice, Montana books, but it is an exciting part of November Knight. Read more about the history of Bannack here:


I enjoyed the intrigue and twists in the story. Jess is determined to help solve the case of  a kidnapping . The more she digs into the case, the more danger surrounds her. I liked how faith was spread throughout the story but I didn’t care too much for the different view points such as each chapter a different character takes center stage. 

The story does keep my interest though,  and I found the  author to do a good job of moving the story at a good  pace. Friendships are tested in this action packed story that had me wondering how the story would end. This is the third in a series which can be read as a stand alone. The illustration of God being there in the  darkest moments helps readers understand how faithful God is. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, September 17

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, September 18

Texas Book-aholic, September 19

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, September 20

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 21

Stories By Gina, September 22 (Author Interview)

For Him and My Family, September 23

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 24

Artistic Nobody, September 25 (Author Interview)

An Author’s Take, September 26

Cover Lover Book Review, September 27

Guild Master, September 28 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, September 28

Pause for Tales, September 29

Lily’s Corner, September 30

Cape & Castle, September 30


To celebrate her tour, Debbi is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of November Knight!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Wednesday, September 18, 2024

About the Book

Book: Legacy of Hope

Author: Renae Brumbaugh Green

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release date: September 3, 2024

Ivelisse “Lisa” Garcia has overcome her past growing up in an orphanage and found purpose as a nurse at a local mission hospital. When a mysterious stranger she had a chance encounter with shows up in her ward with no memory of his past, Lisa is determined to help him recover, both mentally and physically. As she aids in his recovery, and a spark kindles between them, she wonders if there might be room for both fulfillment and love in her life.

But Lisa has a secret, and when it gets out, it could ruin any chance she has at love.

Jackson Stratton, desperate to escape his father’s tyranny, embarks on a daring journey to join Theodore Roosevelt’s Rough Riders. But a freak accident leaves him wounded and unable to remember his past. As he struggles to piece together the fragments of his former life, he finds himself drawn to the beautiful nurse who has become his lifeline. Will he ever unlock the keys to his past, or will his upbringing remain shrouded in mystery as he tries to start anew?

And should he learn the truth of his past, will it prevent him from embracing the future he truly wants?


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Renae Brumbaugh Green is a city-girl-turned-country-diva. She’s married to a handsome country boy named Rick, and she’s mom to four nearly-perfect, nearly-grown children, two rowdy dogs, and some ducks. They live in rural Texas where Renae wears overalls, western boots, and bubblegum pink nail polish. She’s a bestselling author of over 30 books, an award-winning humor columnist, and an online English teacher. In her free time, she can be found leaping tall buildings and rescuing kittens from trees. Or, she’d like to do those things, if she had free time.

More from Renae

To the casual observer, Jackson Stratton probably looks like he has it all. He lives in a beautiful home. He has influential parents and plenty of money. But behind the fancy facade, he exists under the harsh, abusive judgment of his father’s expectations. At the beginning of our story, Jackson leaves to begin a new life.

After an accident takes his memories, he’s truly given a fresh start. What if that could happen for each of us? All the hurt, all the pain, all the shame and neglect and abuse could be wiped away? What if we could truly choose who we want to become?

Lisa, on the other hand, was abandoned as an infant. She struggles with self-worth, even while experiencing God’s visible kindness, love and grace. No matter who we are or what our circumstances, none of us is immune to Satan’s lies, telling us we’ll never measure up.

The truth is, you are already exactly who God created you to be. You are perfectly formed in His image, with His characteristics, His strength and His power. But this world, this life, has a way of distorting that image. Sin—both our own sin and others’ actions toward us—deforms that beautiful spirit. Satan fills our heads with lies about who we are, and it doesn’t take long for us to see that image when we look in the mirror, instead of the God-created one.

So how do we go about finding the truth, when so much of our identity is built on lies? It’s possible. But it’s not easy. Just as we untangle a tight, wadded-up knot gently, one strand at a time, we can address the lies, the guilt, the shame one piece, one prayer at a time. It’s a process… but isn’t that what life is? A process of sloughing off the bad and becoming more and more like our Father?

When Jackson’s memories leave him, God doesn’t. He still hears that still, small voice, speaking truth. And though most of us have our memories intact, we can listen. With discipline and perseverance and faith, we can learn to ignore the lies and hear only God, telling us who we are, who He made us to be. We are strong. We are intelligent. We have great purpose. We are wanted. And we are loved.

I hope you enjoy reading about Jackson and Lisa’s journeys. And I hope, somewhere in there, you find a reminder that you are not your circumstances. You are not your past. You have hope, and you have an amazing future planned by your adoring Father. You are, and always will be, a valued, treasured, beautiful, wanted, loved child of the King.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11


I really enjoyed this nice clean historical book. The author does a good job of giving readers a feel of what it was like during this time period. Lisa is a wonderful character with a big heart. Her desire to help others is evident as she works with sick patients. The threat of cholera is dangerous but she continues to devote her life to helping others. I liked the background on her being  an orphan and thankful for the ones who raised her. 

Jackson has been raised by a very stern father who disregards what others want. It is time for Jackson to get out from under his father’s wrath and be on his own. The relationship between our two main characters is sweet. Jackson must learn  to overcome many obstacles while trying to remember his past.

The story does deal with secrets that could cause complications in a relationship. I loved how the author incorporates a lesson on trusting God and learning to let go of the past. I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Stories By Gina, September 11 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 11

Life on Chickadee Lane, September 12

Madi’s Musings, September 12

Vicky Sluiter, September 13

Sylvan Musings, September 14

Devoted To Hope, September 15

Lighthouse Academy Blog, September 16 (Guest Review from Marilyn)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, September 17

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, September 18

Texas Book-aholic, September 18

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 19

Connie’s history classroom, September 20

An Author’s Take, September 20

Simple Harvest Reads, September 21 (Guest Review from Donna)

Cover Lover Book Review, September 22

For Him and My Family, September 23

Pause for Tales, September 24

Holly’s Book Corner, September 24


To celebrate her tour Renae is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Tuesday, September 17, 2024

About the Book

Book: Redeeming the Rake

Author: Lorri Dudley

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release Date: August 20, 2024

He’s bent on destroying everything she values, stealing her heart in the process.

As a vicar’s daughter, Emily Thompson has always put her family’s reputation first, even when it meant setting aside her aspirations of joining the Royal Art Academy. But when a notorious London rake is accosted in her sleepy Costwold village and her quick thinking saves the libertine’s blackened soul, that reputation she’s so carefully guarded is left vulnerable to vicious gossip.

Agent Lord Jacob Edward Warren’s silver tongue can’t save him when he’s staring down the barrel of a vengeful husband’s gun. but an enchanting damsel’s skill with a bow and arrow offers him the hope of tomorrow. Intrigued by Miss Thompson’s quiet charm, he commissions the budding artist to paint his portrait, but his intensions change when he discovers this beguiling beauty holds not only his chance at redemption but also the intelligence he’s been assigned to gather.

The time spent in Lord Warren’s company has Emily wondering if he’s hiding more than charm and wit behind his reputation as a rake. But when she’s drawn into Jacob’s noble cause, the web of danger proves more perilous than either of them are prepared to face.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Lorri Dudley has been a finalist in numerous writing contests and has a master’s degree in Psychology. She lives in Ashland, Massachusetts with her husband and three teenage sons, where writing romance allows her an escape from her testosterone filled household.

More from Lorri

Before I started writing books, I used to teach art at a local Christian school for first through fifth grade. Having a main character as an artist was a delight. I wrote Emily’s view of vibrant colors, light and shadows, shapes, and perspective from my personal experience and enjoyed putting an artist’s visual viewpoint into words.

A clash of characters—the Neoclassic vs. Romantic method

The early 1800s ushered in a change from the Neoclassical to the Romantic movement. (They had me at romantic.) Neoclassical art focused on traditional subject matter, often contemporary Lord and Ladies, political figures, or Roman mythological characters. The style used prominent horizontal and vertical renderings in a shallow space with sober colors, and brush strokes weren’t to be seen. Romanticism, on the other hand, focused on imagination, an awe of nature, emotion, and individualism. Romanticists painted with a broader brush—literally and figuratively.

Emily and Jacob’s relationship becomes the merging of the two art movements. Although Emily is artistic, she’s traditional and holds herself in check, afraid to make mistakes or act freely due to a fear of people’s perceptions and being a vicar’s daughter. She sees the world in bright colors and displays a touch of Romanticism in her artwork. When not painting, Emily sees herself and her future in plain and sobering colors. She keeps her world small and shallow to protect her family’s reputation, especially her beloved and impressionable younger brother.

Lord Jacob Warren is the born-to-be-wild, laugh in the face of danger, third-born son, who doesn’t care a wit what others think as long as he accomplishes his mission as a spy. However, his individualistic, romantic side is intrigued by the vicar’s daughter who saves his life, and he’s curious about the woman who’d pound on his chest and scream, “You will live, in Jesus’s name!” His emotions stir when Emily notices details about him that others never bothered to learn and becomes charmed by her natural beauty.

Jacob and Emily may paint with different brushstrokes, but their love, when blended, demonstrates a powerful masterpiece, the kind of love that only God could orchestrate.



A beautiful story that captures how two people find how much God loves them. I liked how the author portrays Emily as a caring person. Her past has caused her to be  shunned by some but she trusts God to give her direction in life. Her heart is pure and is always watching out for her family. I especially liked how she gave grace to a friend that continues to betray her with rumors. Her gift as an artist gives her hope for a future  as people seek her talent. 

Jacob is a man who finds himself as someone who can never be forgiven. He holds this feeling of not being worthy . He seeks to find a son he has discovered he had. This part of the story is sweet because we see a layer of bitterness peel  away from his heart. All his life he has wanted to be thought of as a gentleman but his reputation says different. When he begins to let his guard down, he finds that he is hungry to know God. I loved watching this man change from an uncaring and bitter man to a man who seeks forgiveness. 

To me the best part of the story is seeing how redemption works through several characters. Not only do they find grace  but God who loves them unconditionally. There is a mystery in the  story which led me to read faster. The secrets that people have kept will cause harm to others. I believe this is one of the  best stories I’ve read that illustrates how God changes  hearts, give freedom to those who carry guilt and  show how people from different backgrounds can find happiness together if they trust God, 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

She Lives To Read, September 10

Melissa’s Bookshelf, September 11

Holly’s Book Corner, September 11

lakesidelivingsite, September 12

Betti Mace, September 13

Stories By Gina, September 14 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 14

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 15

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, September 16

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, September 17

Texas Book-aholic, September 17

Cover Lover Book Review, September 18

DevotedToHope, September 19

Book Looks by Lisa, September 20

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, September 21

Pause for Tales, September 21

Simple Harvest Reads, September 22 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

For Him and My Family, September 23


To celebrate her tour, Lorri is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.