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Saturday, July 23, 2016
Right from the beginning I could tell this was going to be a bit different type of Amish story. Mattie is a widow raising her two small children as best she can. Her character is almost innocent like. She has deep love for her children and her faith. When her son becomes sick , she takes him to the doctor and that is when her nightmare begins.
She is seen by another doctor instead of the doctor that always looks after her children when they are ill. The doctor is not very friendly and seems almost abrupt at times. I didn't care for her at all. It seems like she had her mind made up within minutes that the boy was being abused. The boy is admitted to the hospital with severe injuries . Almost immediately CPS is called in and Mattie begins to get scared. She knows she hasn't done anything wrong. Her emotions were so deep, I could feel her heart breaking. The story is well written and I found myself not being able to put the book down. Will she lose both her children to the system?
Mattie will meet a man called Boaz Lambright who has been assigned to investigate Mattie and her children. Can Bo get Mattie to trust him? Why can Bo understand Pennsylvania Dutch so well? Is there a secret in his past that could explain why he feels comfortable around the Amish? I loved his character so much. The author wrote him with such compassion and not giving up. He is determined to find out the truth and believes Mattie is innocent. Will Nathan, Mattie's son survive ? Where did the bruises come from on his little body? Mattie is a devoted mom and her unconditional love for them is well written in the story. I at times wanted to sit by her and gently hold her hand and reassure her that God has this under control.
The story is riveting and her neighbors join together to try to help Mattie get her children back. Bo is drawn to Mattie and even though his job is in jeopardy , he believe she needs his help. I loved the author showing Bo and God talking. That was such an intimate time and I loved how she wrote it with pureness and grace. This is one story that will stay with you long after the last page is written. The story captures trust, unconditional love, forgiveness , and faith in a beautiful inspiring story. I highly recommend this book to fans of Amish books and anyone looking for a book that shows that God is always there in our darkest moment holding our hand. This book has shown me not to ever give up. He is always there and He will guide you in the right direction. He is our justifier and makes miracles happen everyday. Never cease praying for a miracle.
I received a copy of this book from The Fiction Guild for an honest review.
She is seen by another doctor instead of the doctor that always looks after her children when they are ill. The doctor is not very friendly and seems almost abrupt at times. I didn't care for her at all. It seems like she had her mind made up within minutes that the boy was being abused. The boy is admitted to the hospital with severe injuries . Almost immediately CPS is called in and Mattie begins to get scared. She knows she hasn't done anything wrong. Her emotions were so deep, I could feel her heart breaking. The story is well written and I found myself not being able to put the book down. Will she lose both her children to the system?
Mattie will meet a man called Boaz Lambright who has been assigned to investigate Mattie and her children. Can Bo get Mattie to trust him? Why can Bo understand Pennsylvania Dutch so well? Is there a secret in his past that could explain why he feels comfortable around the Amish? I loved his character so much. The author wrote him with such compassion and not giving up. He is determined to find out the truth and believes Mattie is innocent. Will Nathan, Mattie's son survive ? Where did the bruises come from on his little body? Mattie is a devoted mom and her unconditional love for them is well written in the story. I at times wanted to sit by her and gently hold her hand and reassure her that God has this under control.
The story is riveting and her neighbors join together to try to help Mattie get her children back. Bo is drawn to Mattie and even though his job is in jeopardy , he believe she needs his help. I loved the author showing Bo and God talking. That was such an intimate time and I loved how she wrote it with pureness and grace. This is one story that will stay with you long after the last page is written. The story captures trust, unconditional love, forgiveness , and faith in a beautiful inspiring story. I highly recommend this book to fans of Amish books and anyone looking for a book that shows that God is always there in our darkest moment holding our hand. This book has shown me not to ever give up. He is always there and He will guide you in the right direction. He is our justifier and makes miracles happen everyday. Never cease praying for a miracle.
I received a copy of this book from The Fiction Guild for an honest review.

To purchase your own copy, click here.
About the Book

Lydia Esh’s younger sister Emma is running wild during Rumschpringe, causing the family major heartaches. Although it means risking her reputation, her job as a schoolteacher, and her courtship with Jakob Zook, Lydia attends parties to watch over Emma and protect her sister’s virtue.
When Emma begins a relationship with Kyle, an Englischer, Lydia teams up with Kyle’s older brother, Caleb, to keep the couple apart. As Lydia and Caleb spend time together keeping an eye on their siblings, Lydia falls for this forbidden love. Will she stay true to her faith even if it means giving up the man she loves?
About the Author

Guest Post from Rachel J. Good
Hi, I’m Rachel J. Good, inspirational author of heartfelt tales of faith, hope, and forgiveness.
I’m excited to launch the first book in my Sisters & Friends Amish series, Change of Heart. Although I’ve been writing for many years and have about 30 books out now, this is my first inspirational novel. I’m busy editing book 2, Buried Secrets, and writing book 3, Gift from Above. And I’m planning the next three books in the series.
I’ve been asked how I came to write Amish novels. For that, I have to credit my agent Mary Sue Seymour, who suggested it to me. I loved the idea because I’d lived near Lancaster, PA, and had always been interested in the Amish. Although Mary Sue went to heaven a few months ago, just before the book launched, I feel her presence in my life as I write. She believed in me as a writer and encouraged me to work on this novel, which she quickly sold.
Lydia’s story in Change of Heart has several connections with my real life. The first is that I’m the oldest in my family and have two sisters, and so does Lydia. We both feel responsible our younger sisters. Lydia’s younger sister, Emma, gets in trouble during Rumschpringe. (And no, her wild sister doesn’t resemble either of my two younger sisters.)
The second connection with my life is the spiritual lesson Lydia learns in the book. I wanted Lydia’s journey to be not only a struggle between faith and love, but also a personal inner journey from self-righteousness to seeing with God’s loving eyes.
Oftentimes, goodness and spirituality can be a source of pride, and it can also be used to justify being judgmental. Lydia’s sister Emma points this out to her, but in my case, it was my young daughter who piped up, when I was complaining about someone at church, and said, “She sounds just like you, Mommy.” Ouch!
That day I came face to face with the truth that often what I criticize most in another person is often a flaw or a sin I’m overlooking in myself. As Matthew 7:3 (NIV) says: “Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother’s eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?” I wanted Lydia’s story to reflect that truth.
The Amish try to avoid the sin of hochmut (pride), but Lydia, without realizing it, is secretly proud of her own spirituality. It often saddens me that, as Christians, we spend more time criticizing others outside the faith or with different lifestyles or beliefs, but very little time examining our own unloving and judgmental behavior. I’d like to see us become more like Jesus, who ate with the “publicans and sinners,” and showed love to everyone, instead of condemning them.
Lydia is also forced to choose between staying in her faith or leaving it for love. I, too, faced a similar challenge many years ago, so I wrote those scenes from my heart. I hope Lydia’s story touches hearts, and that readers come away reassured that although we can’t always see the larger picture, God can, and He’s working out a wonderful plan for us. Our present circumstances might seem dark, but He knows the final results. We need to trust Him even during the challenging times, because “all things work together for good” (Romans 8:28).

I can't say enough nice things about this lovely book. It has great character development and each one will touch your heart. Lydia is keeping her eye on her younger sister Emma. Emma is kinda stubborn and has a yearning to experience things that could perhaps get her into trouble. I can relate to Emma quite well. I was a rebel growing up around a very strict upbringing. Guess like Emma, I wanted to see what the world had to offer. Will Emma find what she is looking for away from the safety of her family?
Lydia is busy being the good child and doesn't want to go against anything that would cause her shame. She seems to want to be the one who always does the right thing. What will happen when she needs to defend herself against people in authority? Will she find it prideful to speak her mind, or will she submit to her elders?
There are wonderful lessons to be learned in this well written and emotional read. We find the dad who has been holding unforgiveness and bitterness in his heart. Will he finally allow God to soften his heart, or will he push his family away.? I loved how the mom had much wisdom to share and did with a soft heart and humor. I think using humor when giving advice makes it easier to receive.
There are other characters in the book that will cross paths with Lydia and Emma. What impact will they have on their lives? I loved the writing style and how each character learned different things as they listened to God. The story will make you really think about your own attitude. Do you have someone you need to forgive? Is pride standing in the way of a blessing from God? Do you know what unconditional love feels like? Don't miss this beautifully written story that will give you a "Change of Heart" if you are open to receive it.
I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit for an honest review.
Blog Stops
July 14: Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations
July 15: Bigreadersite
July 16: Blossoms and Blessings
July 18: Bukwurmzzz
July 19: Christian Bookaholic
July 20: Chas Ray’s Book Nerd Corner
July 21: Singing Librarian Books
July 22: Quiet Quilter
July 23: Texas Book-aholic
July 24: A Greater Yes
July 24: Carpe Diem
July 25: Red Headed Book Lady
July 25: Cassandra M’s Place
July 26: His Grace is Sufficient
July 27: cherylbbookblog

To celebrate her tour, Rachel is giving away lots of fun prizes, including copies of her books and even a box of Whoopie Pies from Bird-in-Hand Bakery. Click here to enter:
Address To Die For
by Mary Feliz
Right off the bat, I enjoyed the tempo of author Mary Feliz’s writing. No wasted words or dragging scenes. Just a fast paced story both well written, and thought out.
~Lisa K’s Book Reviews
~Lisa K’s Book Reviews
The author did a great job with the characters and setting you can easily imagine you are a part of the story.
~Sleuth Cafe
~Sleuth Cafe
Ms. Feliz’s writing style is engaging and made for a most enjoyable read.
~Back Porchervations
~Back Porchervations
With fresh new characters and a strong story, you won’t be able to put this one down.
~Shelley’s Book Case
~Shelley’s Book Case

For professional organizer Maggie McDonald, moving her family into a new home should be the perfect organizational challenge. But murder was definitely not on the to-do list . . .Maggie McDonald has a penchant for order that isn’t confined to her clients’ closets, kitchens, and sock drawers. As she lays out her plan to transfer her family to the hundred-year-old house her husband, Max, has inherited in the hills above Silicon Valley, she has every expectation for their new life to fall neatly into place. But as the family bounces up the driveway of their new home, she’s shocked to discover the house’s dilapidated condition. When her husband finds the caretaker face-down in their new basement, it’s the detectives who end up moving in. What a mess! While the investigation unravels and the family camps out in a barn, a killer remains at large—exactly the sort of loose end Maggie can’t help but clean up . . .

About The Author
Mary Feliz has lived in five states and two countries but calls Silicon Valley home. Traveling to other areas of the United States, she’s frequently reminded that what seems normal in the high-tech heartland can seem decidedly odd to the rest of the country. A big fan of irony, serendipity, diversity, and quirky intelligence tempered with gentle humor, Mary strives to bring these elements into her writing, although her characters tend to take these elements to a whole new level. She’s a member of Sisters in Crime, Mystery Writers of America, and National Association of Professional Organizers. Mary is a Smith College graduate with a degree in Sociology. She lives in Northern California with her husband, near the homes of their two adult offspring. Visit Mary online at, or follow her on Twitter @MaryFelizAuthor.
Purchase Links
Amazon – B&N

How many like moving day? I for one dread it. The kids are cranky, the anticipation of a new home is scary and all the details can be overwhelming. Maggie just happens to be a professional organizer , so everything will be just fine. Will that be Maggie's famous last words before chaos begins? The story is a real attention grabber from the start with Maggie and her family. They are moving to a 100 year old house that her husband inherited . What an adventure they will find when they see the house. Well Maggie, you can't expect it to be in perfect condition, now can you? After all it is old, probably has cobwebs and maybe a few minor repairs.
As they are inspecting the house an unexpected item catches their attention. Should the house come with a dead body? Well this one sure does. Who do they find dead in their new home? Do the neighbors know anything that will help the case? The story is fast paced and has great character development. I loved the twists and turns in the story that had me guessing till the end . Get ready for a great mystery with secrets galore. The townspeople aren't all as they seem to say they are, so suspects abound in this great cozy mystery. I'm not sure but maybe someone wants the family to leave. It sure is suspicious when rocks shatter windows, the mailbox explodes and other unexplained creepy things keep happening. Maybe moving wasn't such a great idea after all. Maggie is a great character that is strong and sure is determined to find out what is going on in her new home. Can she solve the murder? Will her family ever feel welcomed in the neighborhood? Be sure and get yourself comfortable as you read this hard to put down book.
July 19 – Lisa Ks Book Reviews – REVIEW, INTERVIEW – NOT RECEIVED YET
July 19 – Babs Book Bistro – SPOTLIGHT
July 20 – Back Porchervations – REVIEW
July 20 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, &,Sissy, Too! – SPOTLIGHT
July 21 – Sleuth Cafe – REVIEW
July 22 – Shelley’s Book Case – REVIEW
July 23 – Texas Book-aholic – REVIEW
July 23 – Island Confidential – SPOTLIGHT
July 24 – Cassidy Salem Reads & Writes – REVIEW
July 25 – StoreyBook Reviews – REVIEW
July 25 – Jersey Girl Book Reviews – REVIEW, GUEST POST
July 26 – Cozy Up With Kathy – INTERVIEW
July 26 – Tea and A Book – REVIEW
July 27 – Melina’s Book Blog – REVIEW
July 28 – Community Bookstop – REVIEW
July 28 – Bookjunkie’s Book Blog – INTERVIEW
July 29 – Reading Is My SuperPower – REVIEW
I received a copy of this book from Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours for an honest review.
Thursday, July 21, 2016

Murder on the Mother Road
by Glenn Nilson
Maybe it was the Harley (my husband rides one), more likely it was simply Bobby Navaro. He is just a solid good character. Somehow I felt as though I had known him for years. I immediately felt as though he were a character to be trusted. That combined with an engaging mystery had me hooked until the end.
~Booklady’s Booknotes
~Booklady’s Booknotes
Glenn Nilson has written an intriguing mystery set in the Arizona desert… Beautiful descriptions, a wonderful storyline, and plenty of action keep me hooked from beginning to end.
~My Funny View of Life
~My Funny View of Life
…started reading and stayed up late into the early morning to finish it. I just couldn’t put it down…It is a fantastic story. I may have woke up with a book hangover, but this story was worth it.
~Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book
~Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book
This was a great cozy mysteries that is very different from the typical ones you read, in this one we have a biker riding around trying to solve a murder …
~Community Bookstop
~Community Bookstop

Murder on the Mother Road:
A Bobby Navarro Mystery
Male Sleuth Cozy Mystery
2nd in Series
Creekside Publishing (March 15, 2016)
Paperback: 318 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0997234916

A Bobby Navarro Mystery
Male Sleuth Cozy Mystery
2nd in Series
Creekside Publishing (March 15, 2016)
Paperback: 318 pages
ISBN-13: 978-0997234916

Bobby Navarro rides his Harley into another adventure when he discovers the body of a young woman in the trunk of a parked car in Williams, Arizona, on old Route 66.Who would leave a car, with a body in it, parked on the main street of town? And, who told the police Bobby had been the driver of the car, because they soon take him to the police station to conduct an “interview”.Then, to make matters worse, Bobby realizes one of the police officers is a woman he had a crush on in high school. And, that’s just his first night in town. Next morning, Bobby has breakfast at a local diner, where everyone is talking about the murder and the arrest of one of the diner’s cooks. The staff don’t think the suspect is guilty of the crime, and one of the locals, Daryl King, lets slip to Bobby that he knows who the guilty party really is. Trouble is, Daryl won’t tell the police whatever it is he knows. In fact, Daryl has trouble talking with anyone. The fact that he made an exception in Bobby’s case, leads to Bobby agreeing to work with the police to find out if Daryl does know who the killer is. Bobby’s part in the investigation takes him to the Holiness Pentecostal Church of the Brethren, a church run by an ex-biker and two of his former gang members. There, he discovers a host of suspects, leaving Bobby to wonder whether he will have to “get religion” in order to help solve this Murder on the Mother Road.

About The Author –
Glenn grew up on a farm in the Sierra Nevada foothills of California, hiking, hunting, even panning for gold. After college, he served as an officer in the Navy, then earned a doctorate in sociology and taught at a branch of the State University in Connecticut. There, he developed, directed and taught a criminal justice program. Upon retirement, the West drew him back, this time to New Mexico, the setting for his first novel, Murder on Route 66. Currently, Glenn divides his time between living in rural Florida and up-state New York, writing and refurbishing an 1870’s-era, creek-side cottage. Whenever possible, he enjoys cooking, riding his own motorcycle and camping.
Author Links
Webpage –
Blog –
Purchase Link

I was very intrigued by this book when I saw the cover. My husband and I are Harley riders so I knew I had to read this book. Bobby is a very like able character. His mistake was stopping off in a town where he is a witness to a hit and run. Bobby believes in doing the right thing but was unsuccessful in getting the driver to stop. What happens next will change the course of his visit to this little town.
I loved the description of the people in the town. There is a little cafe that seems to be the place to hang out, eat and catch up on gossip. Guess who the town is gossiping about ? Well it is none other than the stranger in town known as Bobby Navarro. That little hit and run incident turned up a dead body in the trunk and Bobby was standing there when the police arrive. Of course the police immediately suspect Bobby of murder. Isn't that just like a small town to suspect an outsider when a crime is committed? Booby is determined to clear his name and find out who killed the person he saw in the trunk.
I loved the way the author described the area that Bobby camped at. I could smell the campfire and feel the gentle breeze as Bobby sat and enjoyed the evening. This is my first book that I have read from the author, but if will not be my last. He writes with great detail, keeps the storyline intriguing and throws in some twists and turns that keeps readers glued to the book. There are very interesting characters in the story and I loved how the author weaved them into the mystery with ease. Who will turn up as the murderer? Can Bobby find out before he gets hurt? Who is trying to stop him from finding the truth? Get ready for a great cozy mystery that is a little intense, with the main character who pulls no punches and doesn't back down from trouble that comes his way.
I received a digital copy of this book from Great Escapes Virtual Book Tours for an honest review.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tour Participants
July 14 – A Blue Million Books – INTERVIEW
July 15 – Booklady’s Booknotes – REVIEW
July 16 – 3 Partners in Shopping, Nana, Mommy, &, Sissy, Too! – SPOTLIGHT
July 17 – My Funny View of Life – REVIEW
July 18 – Island Confidential – GUEST POST
July 19 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – REVIEW
July 20 – Community Bookstop – REVIEW
July 21 – Texas Book-aholic – REVIEW
July 22 – Lori’s Reading Corner – GUEST POST
July 23 – Back Porchervations – SPOTLIGHT
July 24 – deal sharing aunt – SPOTLIGHT
July 25 – I Read What You Write – REVIEW, INTERVIEW
July 26 – Brooke Blogs – REVIEW – BOOK 1
Tuesday, July 19, 2016

To purchase your own copy of Going Up South, click here.
About the Book

Actor Dylan Conner is furious. Not only has he been left out of his child’s life, the baby boy has been given another man’s last name. Determined to be a better father than the sorry guy who’d left him and his mother, Dylan fights to ensure a significant place in his son’s life. Unfortunately, his bad-boy reputation overshadows his good intentions. Only one woman in this small town sees beyond his Hollywood image. And he’s falling for her. Too bad she’s the custody mediator.
After her scandalous divorce in the small town of Oxford, Mississippi, attorney Cassie Brooks has no intentions of practicing law again. The humiliating experience left a bitter taste for love, marriage, and her profession.
Now friends need Cassie’s help in a custody negotiation, and her role demands she remain objective. She never expected to be drawn to Dylan Conner—the actor who everyone warns is bad news. Not only is the mediation at stake, but so is her heart.
About the Author

Guests Post from Janet W. Ferguson
Hi, I’m Janet W. Ferguson, and I’m so excited to meet the readers of Celebrate Lit!
I’ve always been an avid reader, but I’ve had an odd career path prior to writing.
With a Banking and Finance degree, I took my first job working at a brokerage firm handling their mutual fund trades. After the market crashed in the late 80s, I took a job managing a large, upscale apartment community. During this time, I married and became a stay-at-home mom and church volunteer. My volunteering eventually led to a staff position as children’s minister. After five years, I felt my calling had changed, and I left the job, not really sure what God had in store. Haphazardly, my husband suggested I apply at our local schools. Not long afterward, I certified in teaching and became the library media specialist at the large public high school near our home. I met so many wonderful young people as children’s minister and high school librarian.
During my times as a librarian, I had a story idea for about seven years, but never made time to try my hand at writing. Finally, after my elderly parents passed away, and I felt it was time. I wrote every evening for three months, and finished my first story which was Leaving Oxford. I spent the next three years learning about the craft of writing and editing that story. Yes, there was much to learn! In the meantime, one secondary character from Leaving Oxforddemanded his own story… From that, came Going Up South.
I tend to write what I know, and I’m from the peculiar and wonderful state of Mississippi. My first story was set mostly in Oxford, Mississippi. The charming town made the perfect backdrop for book 1. So book 2 is also mostly set in Oxford, although the characters go on a mission trip to Honduras.
The hero of Going Up South, Dylan Conner, is a funny and charming actor that made a number of appearances in Leaving Oxford. From outrageous costumes to intense flirting, he just had a personality as large as the characters he portrayed on the screen. In Going Up South, he realizes that he fathered a child, but he had been left out of the baby boy’s life. Though he’d never planned to have a family, due to his disappointment in his own father, seeing the child, his child, changes his mind.
Dylan’s not sure how he’ll raise a child or what to do, but he finds help in his new friend and custody mediator, Cassie Brooks.
The scripture theme for this series comes from Isaiah 61. This particular book draws on “He binds up the brokenhearted.”
The heroine, Cassie Brooks, is still hurting from her scandalous divorce in a small town. Unlike my last heroine in Leaving Oxford, Cassie had done things the way she’d been taught, avoiding alcohol, drugs, and sex outside of marriage. And her heart was still broken by an unfaithful husband. I wanted to show that life just hands out some tough blows, no matter how hard we try to do the right thing, but God is there in the midst of it all. He does bind up our broken hearts.
I pray that you are uplifted by this story, and whatever hurts life has dealt you, that you find comfort in the arms of our faithful Father. Blessings!

I love books that have a variety of characters that are well defined. The author has done an amazing job with making the characters believable and real. Their emotions were raw and at times heartbreaking. This is one book you don't want to miss.
Cassie and her son are on their own after her marriage fell apart. She has a hard time with trusting anyone but has very supportive family members. When she decides to mediate in a custody case for her friend, Cassie will take a hard look at her own life and learn to trust God.
What do you do if suddenly you find out that you are a father? That is what Dylan is facing when he discovers a one night stand led to the birth of his son. He is hurt, angry and frustrated when he learns about his son. Can Cassie help Dylan and her friend find a way to work together for the sake of the baby? I really liked Dylan
because even though he is famous, he is very humble and only wants what is best for his son.
There are some funny moments in the book that I really enjoyed. Wait till you meet "Big Roy." He is Cassie's dad and full of life. He sure is protective of his family as Dylan will soon find out. Each character in the book is memorable and the theme throughout the book is trust. It is hard to trust again when you have been hurt . Will Cassie and Dylan be able to trust each other? Can they turn to God and allow Him to show them the path they should take?
I especially liked the story line about mission trips. They are so important and lifesaving to others. Sometimes we forget what other people may be going through. I appreciate the author as she candidly writes about the trials in this place they were sent to help. The heartbreak as you see kids that are sick and hungry was very emotional and written with such compassion. If you are looking for a book about second chances, forgiveness and trust, this is a perfect book for you. The author has a passionate way of writing that makes you really care about the characters and along the way learn to trust God for all your needs.
I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit for an honest review.
Blog St0ps
July 7: A Reader’s Brain
July 7: Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations
July 8: Bigreadersite
July 8: inklings and notions
July 9: A Greater Yes
July 9: Reviewing Novels Online
July 10: Chas Ray’s Book Nerd Corner
July 11: Pause for Tales
July 12: Cindy’s Book Reviews
July 13: Daysong Reflections
July 14: Blogging With Carol
July 15: His Grace is Sufficient
July 16: Karen’s Krayons
July 17: Christian Chick’s Thoughts
July 17: Quiet Quilter
July 18: Cassandra M’s Place
July 18: A Bakers Perspective
July 19: Texas Book-aholic

To celebrate her tour, Janet is giving away some fantastic prizes including a $50 Amazon gift card! Click here to enter:
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