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Thursday, February 6, 2025

About the Book

Book: Emma’s Engagement

Author: Susan G Mathis

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release date: January 21, 2025

A lighthouse. A new wife. A jealous daughter. Can love shine through the darkness?

Emma Row yearns for a fresh start and a chance to build a loving family. But as she steps into her role as the Rock Island Lightkeeper’s wife, she finds herself navigating the treacherous waters of isolation and the bitter rejection of her new stepdaughter, Ada.

Michael Diepolder, the widowed lightkeeper, had hoped securing a companion would brighten his life and be a needed mother figure to his eleven-year-old daughter. Yet, as Emma struggles to adapt to the challenges of her new life, Michael realizes that the path to happiness is far more turbulent than he ever anticipated.

As a storm brews on the horizon, Emma and Michael must confront the tempestuous waves of doubt, jealousy, and isolation that threaten to extinguish the light of their love. Can they weather the storm and find the strength to keep their family together, or will the darkness consume them all?


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Susan G Mathis is an international award-winning, multi-published author of stories set in the beautiful Thousand Islands, her childhood stomping ground in upstate NY. Susan has been published more than thirty times in full-length novels, novellas, and non-fiction books. She has thirteen in her Thousand Islands fiction line including, The Fabric of Hope: An Irish Family Legacy, Christmas Charity, Katelyn’s Choice, Devyn’s Dilemma, Sara’s Surprise, Reagan’s Reward, Colleen’s ConfessionPeyton’s Promise,Rachel’s ReunionMary’s Moment,A Summer at Thousand Island House, Libby’s Lighthouse, and Julia’s Joy, and Emma’s Engagement.


More from Susan

An interview with best-selling inspirational historical fiction author Susan G Mathis. 

The third novel of your new three-book series called Love in a Lighthouse is out. Tell us about that, please.

Join the Row-family women, Libby, Julia, and Emma, as they navigate the isolation, danger, and hope for lasting love at three different Thousand Island lighthouses in the St. Lawrence River. [Note: These can be read in any order.]

What inspired you to write Emma’s Engagement?

I have visited Rock Island Lighthouse a number of times, and it’s a beautiful lighthouse. It’s along the main shipping channel and it’s a New York State Park accessible by boat, so it’s a great place to visit. When I was asked to write a lighthouse series, I just had to write about it!

Why did you write about the Diepolder’s being a stepfamily?

The Diepolder’s story is true, though I had to imagine some of the details. Not only did I grow up in a stepfamily and became a step family when I married Dale, but my late husband and I wrote, The Remarriage Adventure, a premarital book for couples getting ready for remarriage. So, I had lots of fodder to explore the challenges of step parenting.

What was your hardest scene to write?

It’s always hard to inflict pain on the characters you’ve grown to love, so having Emma in so much pain from Ada’s rejection and the adjustment to a new marriage and stepparenting was difficult. As readers journey with her, they witness the challenges and the adjustments necessary. Her trials not only reveal Emma’s character but also influences her decisions and relationships throughout the story.

Why do you write about the Thousand Islands?

I grew up just twenty minutes from the Thousand Islands—the setting for all my stories—in upstate New York. Actually, half of the 1,864 islands are in NY and the other half in Ontario, Canada. So, I spent every summer and more exploring the beautiful region. I’ve stayed on several of the islands and camped and rented cottages there. So, after I wrote my debut novel about the largest island, Wolfe Island, I was hooked. There are so many fascinating stories to tell.

Now, I take an annual Thousand Islands Book Tour to the islands where I meet with fans, friends, and family. I’ve stayed in Singer Castle, Casa Blanca, and other places that are the settings of my book. I’ve talked with the owners of the islands, local historians, and researched in the Thousand Islands archives. All my novels are based on a specific place in the Thousand Islands and are the true stories of the owners of that island. So, my plot is generally true. Then I overlay the storyline of the fictional servants to create the story. This makes my stories a bit more challenging, but I love a good challenge.

“I love introducing the Thousand Islands to readers and have heard from dozens that the area is now a favorite summer destination,” Mathis says.


I can’t begin to express how wonderful this story is. It starts with an engagement and follows a couple as they join together in marriage. Emma is a sweet woman who is kind, loving, nurturing and filled with God’s love. I enjoyed seeing how she blossomed on her journey as a wife. She has desired for so long to be blessed as a wife and mother.  

Michael has a job as a light keeper. Bringing his wife to his home feels him with contentment. He can’t wait to spend time with Emma and make memories with her. When his daughter comes to stay with him and Emma for the summer, problems arise. Michael has a hard time saying no to his daughter and coddles  her somewhat. When she begins to disrespect Emma, Michael tends to shy  away from disciplining her. 

I loved how the author illustrates how jealousy and hurtful words can cause division between husband and wife. Ada has a difficult time adjusting to Emma as  her stepmother. She still grieves for her own mother and doesn’t like that her father has a new wife. What I thought was interesting was how Emma continued to show grace even when Ada says unkind things to her.  

The story draws readers to a family that must overcome obstacles that try to separate them. It’s a beautiful lesson in trusting God and showing unconditional love. Ada is a good character that illustrates how a young child experiences a loss and finding a way to accept that her father has found love again. Jealousy tries to influence Ada but Emma continues to tell her how much she is loved. 

I really enjoyed the story and how beautifully the author was able to share a story of a family that finds forgiveness and new beginnings by turning to God in their weakest moments. 

“Faith in God can give us courage and strength to face any challenge that comes our way.” 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Stories By Gina, February 4 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, February 4

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, February 5

Pause for Tales, February 6

Pens Pages & Pulses, February 6

Texas Book-aholic, February 7

lakesidelivingsite, February 8

Devoted To Hope, February 9

Simple Harvest Reads, February 10 (Guest Review from Marilyn)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, February 11

Bizwings Book Blog, February 12

Life on Chickadee Lane, February 13

Lights in a Dark World, February 13

Betti Mace, February 14

Locks, Hooks and Books, February 15

For Him and My Family, February 16

Holly’s Book Corner, February 17


To celebrate her tour, Susan is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Tuesday, February 4, 2025

About the Book

Book: Treasures of the Wise: 30 Devotions For Storing Up Heavenly Riches

Author: Tracy L. Smoak

Genre: Pictorial Devotional

Release date: December, 2024

Stories have been written throughout the centuries about the search for gold. But the true treasure we all need is easier to find than we think. For the wise person, treasure that will not be wasted, tarnished, or stolen can only be found in God’s Word.

Join author and educator Tracy Smoak on a thirty-day journey around the world as she showcases coins to highlight the beauty of the eternal treasure given to us from God. Each devotional is short but filled with riches beyond what the world can offer, as well as photographs of unique international coins and snippets of information about them.

Start your day off as one of the wise, who seeks after priceless insights offered by our Heavenly Father.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

A native Floridian, Tracy L. Smoak grew up riding horses and climbing citrus trees. Her passion is to encourage others in their faith journey. Smoak contributes to Guideposts. Ambassador International released her debut novel, Who Brought the Dog to Church?. Bold Vision published her Bible study about encouragement titled Refuge of Grace: Finding Your Safe Place.

She loves photography, and Treasures of the Wise is the third devotional with her original images. Living Water to Refresh Your Soul features tranquil lake scenes while Arranged with Love showcases floral landscapes.

Smoak holds a master’s in Education and a bachelor’s in Communication. At her church home she leads small-group Bible studies.

More from Tracy

Laying Up Treasures

The word “treasure” can send mixed messages. On one hand, that noun can bring forth images of pirates commandeering others’ gold and valuables. We all get a gleam in our eye from time to time and dream of great wealth.

The verb form of “treasure” means to hold something dear, such as a photograph of loved ones. This object may have no special worth, other than sentiment. What priceless object do you protect? Is it a leather baby shoe stored in a tiny box or a beaten-up, old baseball glove?

Either way, what we pursue—and hold—as our prized possession reveals much about our priorities. Is our contentment based upon acquisitions? If so, we find ourselves on a merry-go-round ride that leaves us dizzy. No matter how much we get, we still want more. This constant demand is damaging.

“Those who want to get rich fall into temptation and a trap and into many foolish and harmful desires that plunge people into ruin and destruction” (1 Timothy 6:9 NIV).

To be well off, we need to put our hope in God, who richly provides us with all that we need and more.

“The emptiness we try to fill with earthly things stems from the desire for more of God,” said author and teacher Nancy Jenkins (Bibledolls: A Panorama of 28 Biblical Women).

To live well, we are advised to complete a wealth of good deeds. We are to be generous and willing to share. “In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life” (1 Timothy 6:19 NIV).

Today’s prayer:

Dear Lord, please help us act on opportunities to do good for others. We appreciate your many gifts and find contentment in this moment, just as things are, with You by our side. Amen.


A beautiful book of devotions that  will encourage you on your walk with God. The pictures are breathtaking as we explore different scriptures and treasures that God has for us. I loved exploring the different coins the author has that she collected on her journey. The devotions are short and easy to read. 

As I turned each page, I was welcomed by beauty through pictures that show God’s creation.  One chapter talked  about trying to please others. We all want to be liked by others.  Sometimes we  do things that we think will get people to like us. I liked how the devotion reminds us to follow through on any commitments we make. It is easy to say yes to things but  we need to be careful that we don’t over commit. 

This book is a great gift to give to others as well as getting a copy for yourself. We can only find true treasure in God’s Word. Keep this devotion close and use it everyday to find your treasure from God. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, January 29

Lots of Helpers, January 29

Leslie’s Library Escape, January 30

Simple Harvest Reads, January 31 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, February 1

For the Love of Literature, February 2 (Author Interview)


Tell Tale Book Reviews, February 4 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, February 5

Blossoms and Blessings, February 6 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, February 6

Locks, Hooks and Books, February 7

Cover Lover Book Review, February 8

Artistic Nobody, February 9 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, February 10

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, February 11


To celebrate her tour, Tracy is giving away the grand prize of a hardcopy of the color devotional!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Monday, February 3, 2025

About the Book

Book: The Thomas Sisters

Author: Kathryn Spurgeon

Genre: Historical Fiction

Release date: August 29, 2024

Five tightknit sisters. Five interwoven stories. One book.

Based on the true lives of closely connected sisters. 

As the harsh winds of the 1930s Dust Bowl strip the Oklahoma ground of its fertile soil, and the Great Depression becomes imminent, the Thomas sisters struggle to hold onto their families, their faith, and one another. To survive their storms, they must let go of their secrets and grief and trust in the strength of sisterhood. Based on true stories.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Kathryn Spurgeon, an Illumination Award-winning author, publishes inspirational, historical novels based on true events. Her novels include the Promise Series, and the Thomas Sister Series, both set in the 1930s in Oklahoma. She also writes and publishes devotionals, nonfiction, and poetry. A native Oklahoman, as a married teenager, Kathryn spent two years in South Korea where she adopted two babies. She and her husband have six children and eighteen muti-racial grandchildren.




More from Kathryn

Old Fashioned Dark Fruit Cake

1 cup sugar

1 cup shortening

1 egg

1 3/4 cups flour

1 pkg mincemeat

2/3 cup molasses

1 cup cold coffee

1 tsp baking soda

1 tsp vanilla

1 cup pecans

1 1/2 cups raisins

Mix sugar, shortening, and egg until fluffy. Add flour, mincemeat, and molasses. Add soda to the cold coffee, then add to mix. Add vanilla, pecans, and raisins. (Instead of raisins, or also, I use candied cherries, candied pineapple and dates cut up.) Cook 300 degrees for two hours in an angel food cake pan. Put a cookie sheet under the pan. Cook on bottom rack.

Aunt Til loved to make fruitcake. The recipe has been in the family for over 120 years.


The book takes readers back to 1930s where times were hard and family was important. This is based on the lives of sisters and  difficult subjects. It may be hard for some to read but I like the honest and transparent characters who overcame hard times. Each sister has a story that may be filled with loss, marriage problems or abuse. Although this is not a feel good book it’s openness about struggles helps readers see where even though it might seem impossible, God is always there.  Never give up hope and continue to pray for God’s direction. 

I loved how the sisters banded together when one of them needed help or a listening ear. At times I wondered how they faced the difficulties but it was only by God they were able to. Their faith is strong even during a crisis. I cried at the loss of a child, or a marriage in trouble. Finances were a definite struggle in this time period. It was fun to join them at Christmas and read how excited children were over simple gifts like a toy train or even a stocking filled with fruit and candy. 

It was very hard to read about abuse in the story that a child endured. Alcoholism was also a struggle as well as domestic violence. It seemed at times that turmoil was all around the sisters lives. The author is able to illustrate how faith held the sisters together as they comforted each other when times were hard. Although the book tackles issues that are present even today, we see how steadfast faith  helped even the during the darkest days. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, February 1

Vicky Sluiter, February 1

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, February 2

Texas Book-aholic, February 3

For Him and My Family, February 3

lakesidelivingsite, February 4

Lots of Helpers, February 5

Pens Pages & Pulses, February 6

Holly’s Book Corner, February 7

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, February 7

She Lives To Read, February 8

Locks, Hooks and Books, February 9

Pause for Tales, February 10

Leslie’s Library Escape, February 10

Cover Lover Book Review, February 11

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, February 12

Stories By Gina, February 13 (Author Interview)

Books Less Travelled , February 13

Batya’s Bits, February 14


To celebrate her tour, Kathryn is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon Gift Card and a print copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Sunday, February 2, 2025

About the Book

Book: When the Avalanche Roared (A Day to Remember Book Five)

Author: Lauralee Bliss

Genre: Historical Christian Fiction

Release date: January, 2025

The Day Hope Seemed Swept Away

Enjoy a series of 6 exciting novels featuring historic disasters that transformed landscapes and multiple lives. Whether by nature or by man, these disasters changed history and were a day to be remembered.

Lillian Hartwick has been in the small railroad town of Wellington, Washington, caring for her cousin and assisting the postmaster when February snows bring all train traffic to a halt. Slow-witted but kind Griffin Jones, who works odd jobs for the railway while enduring taunts from other workers, has tried his best to gain Lillian’s interest, but she is engaged and waiting her fiancé’s arrival from California. Predawn thunderstorms on Tuesday, March 1, 1910, trigger a devasting avalanche, sweeping two trains down Stevens Pass. Lillian and Griffin work together to help survivors, including Griffin’s tormentors. In the midst of the catastrophe their feelings for each other grow. But is it enough when Lillian’s fiancé finally arrives in the spring, ready to claim her as his own?


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Lauralee Bliss has always liked to dream big dreams. Part of that dream was writing, and after several years of hard work, her dream of publishing was realized in 1997 with the publication of her first romance novel, Mountaintop, through Barbour Publishing. Since then, she’s had twenty books published, both historical and contemporary. Lauralee is also an avid hiker, completing the entire length of the Appalachian Trail both north and south. Lauralee makes her home in Virginia in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains with her family.

More from Lauralee

Pure Joy

Lauralee Bliss, Author of “When the Avalanche Roared”


Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds…  James 1:2 NIV

How does one equate a scripture like this with the death and destruction inherent in natural disasters? It seems an oxymoron to expect joy when faced with twisted metal and broken lives, such as in the deadliest avalanche in American history depicted in When the Avalanche Roared. Even now I think of the natural disaster of the hurricane that just recently destroyed mountain communities in western North Carolina, with homes and lives swept away in an avalanche of water and mud. So it was back in March, 1910 when a mile wide bank of snow detached from Windy Top in the northern Cascades of Washington State, slamming into three parked trains near Wellington, sending cars and sleeping passengers tumbling into the ravine. Over ninety lives were lost.

This could be considered a trial of supreme magnitude. Yet scripture commands we consider joy in the midst of it. The word joy evokes smiles and laughter, peace and satisfaction. It brings to mind Jesus resting in the boat in the midst of a raging storm, tossed about on high waves while the disciples huddle together in abject fear. After He calms the seas He asks them, “Where is your faith?” It demands the human mind look away from apparent destruction to something higher. To look beyond what one sees to the unseen. To trust God even when nothing appears trustworthy.

When the Avalanche Roared delves into the flames that spark, not from smoldering locomotives in a ravine, but within a small rail town that banded together in the wee hours of a frigid morning to rescue others. The destruction is evident. But the grit and determination of those who dug out people from heavy snow solidified by rain and cared for the suffering while their town remained isolated from the world speaks of a picture far greater than the picture of destruction. So it is today with communities swallowed by mud and trees and splintered fragments of homes as reminders of a destructive hurricane. Beyond the visual are the outpouring of help and compassion and holding the hands of those weakened by disaster in gestures of hope and resolve. And in this, a new birth of joy is realized.

God created us to find joy in struggle, to develop perseverance to achieve a goal despite what is thrown our way, to realize that when we do, we truly lack nothing. And therein we find lasting peace even in the midst of catastrophe.

Strangers unite to help the hurting.

A friend flew from Florida to North Carolina and arranged with this store owner for a free truckload of water for communities devastated by the hurricane.


I love how the author builds the story slowly as she introduces the characters. It allows readers to get to know each character  and follow their transformation. This story centers around a tragic event that affected many lives. 

Lillian comes to the small town of  Wellington, Washington to help her cousin and also assist  the postmaster. She seems to really like her job and gets to know people as they come by for a package or letter. The year is 1910 when railroads became a much needed way to travel. Lillian is also excited to see her fiancé soon as she anticipates setting a wedding  date. 

Griffin who happens to be  my character is a man who is not able to  read.p which at times makes it difficult for him at things others take for granted.  He is so kind and easy to like. When he befriends Lillian a great friendship is developed. Griffin is grounded in his faith and helps Lillian as she struggles to find her worth. 

The story is definitely emotional as a disaster happens. What I like is seeing how people came together during the tragedy. As Lillian and Griffin grow their relationship they begin to see where God wants to use them. I loved the faith element in the  story  and historical facts that bring readers to understand how a tragedy can bring beauty from ashes.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, January 30

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, January 30

Stories By Gina, January 31 (Author Interview)

Pens Pages & Pulses, January 31

Texas Book-aholic, February 1

Blossoms and Blessings, February 2

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, February 2

Simple Harvest Reads, February 3 (Guest Review from Marilyn)

Life on Chickadee Lane, February 4

Connie’s history classroom, February 4

Locks, Hooks and Books, February 5

Tell Tale Book Reviews, February 6

Betti Mace, February 7

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, February 8

Cover Lover Book Review, February 9

Holly’s Book Corner, February 9

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, February 10

For Him and My Family, February 11

Pause for Tales, February 12

Leslie’s Library Escape, February 12


To celebrate her tour, Lauralee is giving away the grand prize of a $25 Amazon eGift Card and a print copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

About the Book

Book: Echo Nova

Author: Clint Hall

Genre: YA Science Fiction

Release date: January 14, 2024

Dash Keane is about to become the biggest star in history.

As a poor teenager living in the Dregs, Dash Keane can only escape his dismal reality by competing in illegal rooftop races and staying up late to watch the timenet with his younger brother.

When there is an opportunity to participate in a competition set thousands of years in the past, he uses his rooftop racer skills to catch the eye of Mr. Myrtrym, head of entertainment for the massive Dominus Corporation.

It is the chance of a lifetime when Dominus Corp. hires Dash to be a timestar—the focus of his own series in which he must survive some of the most dangerous periods in history, including the Cretaceous period, feudal Japan, the Wild West, and the Golden Age of Piracy. But when empathy for the people of the past conflicts with the desires of his new employer, he must decide whether the price of fame is worth it, a decision that may cost him everything.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Clint Hall is a storyteller, speaker, and podcast host. He has been writing stories since middle school, where he spent most of his time in class creating comic books. (Fortunately, his teacher not only allowed it; she bought every issue.) Known for instilling a sense of hope, wonder, and adventure, Clint is the author of Steal Fire from the Gods (finalist for several awards), and has been published across multiple anthologies and magazines. Find him at or “The Experience: Conversations with Creatives” podcast, available on all major platforms.

More from Clint

Time is our playground

What happens when the past becomes the ultimate adventure?

If we could travel back in time, but nothing we did in the past affected the present, would we still consider the past to be “real”?

And if not, how would that “un-realness” impact the way we treated the past and, more importantly, the people who inhabited it? Would they still have fundamental human rights? Would they be protected by laws? Or would we see them as another resource to be exploited?

These are the driving questions behind Echo Nova, though I didn’t have these themes in mind when I started writing the book. I just wanted to write a fast-paced, fun story about a young hero going on adventures through time.

But as I began world-building and plotting, I faced the same issue as so many sci-fi writers before me. In time travel stories, the people going into the past often need to be careful not to make changes that would alter the future. Say the wrong thing to the wrong person in the past, and you might cause a ripple effect of changes that would prevent you from ever being born!

Of course, the problem of being unable to change anything can make for an exciting story with high stakes and lots of tension. The hero must walk a proverbial tightrope to achieve a difficult mission while altering as little of the timeline as possible.

But what if that wasn’t the case? What if the ripples of change in the timestream moved at the same speed as time itself, meaning that if we did alter something in the past, those changes never caught up to us?

For example, if we went back to 2004 and chopped down a tree, it would take 20 years for that “new” reality with the missing tree to reach 2024. But by then, we in the “present” will have moved forward 20 years to 2044, and we’d still have our tree.

If the present is unaffected, the past could become our playground. We could do whatever we wanted.

While that sounds great at first, as I developed the story, I realized that there could also be dire consequences, both in the past and the present.

In Echo Nova, the world’s governments have decreed that because changes to the past don’t impact the present, the past is not “real” but only residual energy and not under the protection of nations and their laws. Corporations can purchase past periods, mining them for valuable resources and owning the people of the past—called “echoes”—like property.

Time travel has also become a pastime of the wealthy. If you have enough money, you can travel back in time to go on a dinosaur safari, watch gladiators battle in the Colosseum, or attend a feast hosted by Cleopatra.

For everyone else, the past is mainly experienced through broadcasts operated by these corporations. These broadcasts feature people called “timestars” who go on adventures in the past to entertain people in the present.

But exploiting humans for our own personal gain and entertainment has terrible consequences, even for those who may claim that they’re “only watching.” When we start to view people as anything other than individuals with rights, flaws, intrinsic value, and everything else that makes us human, the damage goes both ways – hurting those who have been dehumanized as well as those who are guilty of dehumanizing, even if they did so passively.

For instance, while working on this book, I watched the O.J. Simpson documentary and was struck by how people behaved during the infamous Bronco chase. Here was someone accused of a heinous crime, fleeing police while threatening to end his own life, and people responded by flocking to the streets and overpasses to watch. They held up homemade signs while laughing, waving, and smiling for the multitude of news cameras. This wasn’t real life to them. It was part of the show.

As an author, it’s hypocritical for me to be overly critical of entertainment. Further, I believe there is incredible value in well-told stories, both real and fictional, across all mediums. And sometimes, I’ll even admit that I need to turn my brain off and watch something relatively mindless for an hour or so.

But if we’re not careful, we can lose pieces of ourselves on the altar of entertainment.

Echo Nova explores these questions, as well as our culture’s relentless obsession with fame and the dark places in which we can find ourselves in our pursuit of it.

If that all sounds a bit heavy, the book also features pirates, gunslingers, and temporally displaced sea dinosaurs.

After all, sometimes you just need to read something fun.


Time travel? Well I’m intrigued. Let’s meet Dash and his over the top adventure he lives in. Why does he want to jump across rooftops with danger at every level? He is definitely a risk taker and loves the adrenaline rush it gives him. 

In this science fiction tale we witness how Dash gets reprimanded because he helped someone during  the race. Seems like gamblers don’t  like that. It cost him the win but he can’t understand why he is being kicked out. I wonder if this will cause him to change or will he still want to be kind to others? 

Dash knows his parents struggle to pay bills as they work long hours at the factory. Dash like other teens want to be popular at school. What he gets into is like living on the edge. He decides to risk everything to go back in time in hopes of being famous. He is now in a  place where dinosaurs roam. His mission is dangerous but now he has no choice but to move forward. He grabs the egg just as he hears a roar that could break your eardrum.  Each place he travels we find him having  to make changes. Does it affect his morals? 

It seems doors are starting to open up for Dash as a video of him grabbing the dinosaur  is seen by many. Is he on the way to stardom?  Well he has just been offered an opportunity to be on timestars. I love that Dash is willing to take on a challenge that could help his brother Knox with his medical struggles. 

The story delves into how Dash will face decisions that  could change him. What will it cost him to be famous? Will he still be humble or will he become more greedy? Why does he need to change his appearance? 

Get ready for adventure as characters travel back in time. Dash is fun to follow because I feel like he really changed. What was so important at one time isn’t has much now as he sees where he needs to be. Will he learn that family is more  important than fame and money?

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

The Lofty Pages, January 31

Simple Harvest Reads, February 1 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, February 2

Denise L. Barela, February 3 (Spotlight)

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, February 4

Artistic Nobody, February 5 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, February 6

For the Love of Literature, February 7 (Spotlight)

Wishful Endings, February 7

Guild Master, February 8 (Author Interview)

Blossoms and Blessings, February 9 (Spotlight)

For Him and My Family, February 9

Fiction Book Lover, February 10 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, February 11

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, February 12 (Spotlight)

Tell Tale Book Reviews, February 13 (Author Interview)


To celebrate his tour, Clint is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon Gift Card, a signed copy of the book, and a bookmark!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.