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Saturday, August 11, 2018

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About the Book

Rebecca's Legacy
Book Title: Rebecca’s Legacy
Author: Betty Thomason Owens
Genre: Gentle Romance, 1950s Romance
Release date: August, 2018
What will it take to teach a spoiled heiress that the greatest legacy is love?
Nancy and Robert Emerson’s daughter Amy Juliana is doing her best to follow in Mom’s rebellious footsteps.
Her desperate attempt to escape Dad’s control comes at the worst possible time. A threat against their family and Sanderson Industries has Robert Emerson taking extra steps to guarantee his family’s safety. He sends Amy, an heiress and a debutante, to the country to work on a produce farm run by Aunt Rebecca. Humiliated and angry, Amy contemplates a path that will lead her even farther from home, away from Dad’s protection.
Will Aunt Rebecca’s quiet strength and unconditional love be enough to still the prodigal daughter’s rebellious ways, and open her heart to the plight of others around her?
Matt Wordsworth is the man Robert calls upon to help keep his daughter in line. She thinks the guy is an old fuddy-duddy. By the time her ideas about him begin to change, it may be too late. When an old friend tests her loyalty, she is forced to face her past to overcome a guilty conscience. But, is she playing into the hands of the enemy?

About the Author

Betty Thomason OwensBetty Thomason Owens has been writing for almost thirty years. She’s a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), and serves on the planning committee of the Kentucky Christian Writers Conference. Her writing credits include Amelia’s Legacy and Carlotta’s Legacy, in the Legacy Series, Annabelle’s Ruth and Sutter’s Landing, in the southern historical Kinsman Redeemer Series. When she’s not writing, Owens is a part-time bookkeeper, who loves to travel and spend time with her family.

Guest Post from Betty

Amy Juliana Emerson’s birth occurred about halfway through book one of the Legacy series, Amelia’s Legacy. I knew even then—this girl was going to be special. She had inherited her father’s smile with a dimple in her cheek. Amy Julianna was destined to be a daddy’s girl.
In Book 3, Rebecca’s Legacy, Amy comes of age. It’s 1947, and she’s graduating high school—barely—her grades took a nosedive during her senior year. In typical teenage fashion, she chafes against her parents’ authority and decides that Amy knows best how Amy should live. Those of you who read Amelia’s Legacy may think that sounds familiar. Yes, she’s a lot like her mother.
Amy submits to Dad’s orders while she devises a plan for a complete break from the famous Emerson clan. One that will end with her freedom, once for all. Her plan might have succeeded, if it hadn’t been rudely interrupted by a—oh, wait, I can’t tell you that—it would spoil the story!
I love this book. I was captivated by its young heroine from the moment she began her self-motivational chanting that ends with, “be a queen.” She uses it to reset after a troubling circumstance. She also uses it when she needs to make the best possible first impression.
Matthew Wordsworth caught on right away. This girl is a princess who needs a “set-down”. And Matt has no doubt it will happen at some point.
Amy is an American princess, very much in the limelight. All of Springfield has witnessed her humiliation and near failure. Now, they watch as she submits to her dad’s authority. What will happen to this willful girl with the sullied reputation?
Amy is waiting for her chance to break free. She may be down, but don’t count her out. She may be on the wrong person’s radar in imminent trouble, but the Emersons have a backup plan.
I loved writing Amy’s story. She’s unpredictable and a bit of a firecracker, but she’s vulnerable, too. Her character surprised me at times. She had a goodness that worked its way to the top and finally won.
That’s one of my favorite things about writing by the seat of your pants—the unpredictability—it ignites my interest as I write, and keeps me moving ahead, even when I don’t know where the story will take me.

Gert’s Diner’s English Chess Pie*
1 cup firmly packed brown sugar
½ cup sugar
1 tablespoon all-purpose flour
2 eggs
2 tablespoons milk
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
½ butter, melted
1 cup chopped English walnuts
1 unbaked 9-inch pastry shell
Whipped cream (optional)
Combine sugars and flour in a large mixing bowl. Add eggs, milk, vanilla and butter, beating well. Stir in nuts. Pour filling into unbaked pastry shell. Bake at 350 degrees for 40 to 50 minutes or until set. Cool slightly (best when served warm). Serve with a dollop of whipped cream, if desired.

*Gert’s Diner is the fictional café where Matt and Amy stop for lunch en route to Perry’s Landing.


I am always excited when I find a new author to read. The book is such a wonderful journey and takes place during a time when things seemed to be quiet and had hard working people.  When I was introduced to Amy I kept trying to think of a word to describe her. She is full of life, beautiful, rebellious , rich , spoiled and ungrateful at times. She turns her nose up at boys she thinks is beneath her. Amy believes her father is too strict on her, but I think he gives in to her. Something needs to get the spoiled child's attention.

Her time with Aunt Rebecca will be a test for Amy. Aunt Rebecca is easy to describe in one word. Grace. She easily gives it and honors God with her actions and words. The time Amy is with Aunt Rebecca will hopefully change her outlook on life. I loved reading how Amy at first came to resent having to work and help Aunt Rebecca. Poor child thought she was beneath working. I found her protesting about being with Matt very funny. He is a very educated young man and is  determined to succeed in life.

When it's time for Amy to come home, she wants to stay longer. Did she come to realize she needed an attitude adjustment?  On the train ride home something unforeseen happens to Amy that puts her father on alert. The description of where Amy was taken was deplorable. I hate rats and every time the word was mentioned, I cringed. The author delivers an intriguing story that puts Amy's life in danger.   Amy learns a lot about herself as her life hangs in the balance. I loved how the author had different characters relying on God and praying with faith. 

I learned a lot about myself in this story. I'm guilty of taking my family for granted and complaining when I don't have things I think I need. I get wrapped up in my problems and forget to stop and pray. I'm thankful for grace and the gift of unconditional love from God.

"It is by grace you have been is the gift of God."

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Texas Book-aholic, August 11
Remembrancy, August 12
Baker Kella, August 14
Reading is my Super Power, August 16 (Interview)
Carpe Diem, August 20
Power of Words, August 22 (Spotlight)
margaret kazmierczak, August 23 (Interview)
Bigreadersite, August 24


To celebrate her tour, Betty is giving away a grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries! Click the link below to enter.

Kingdom of Ruins updated FB Banner copy

About the Book

Title: Kingdom of RuinsKingdom of ruins final
Author: D.C. Marino
Genre: Fantasy
Release Date: July 27, 2018
In the Lands Within, history does not rest. Each archaeological layer communicates with the living generation, choosing its friends and enemies—and its kings. But an alliance has been struck no one could have anticipated, and an ancient evil is soaking into the soil. History is being erased, purchased and re-written at a terrible price. And a kingdom that shouldn’t have been forgotten is fading from memory.
In the Lands Without, archaeologist Lori Brickland has found a pottery shard with a heartbeat. The pulse might be a trick of the mind, or it might be the first sign of life in a world of ruin. An exiled traveler will say she shouldn’t search for the truth, a calculating ruler will say she’s the one he’s looking for. And the kingdom? The kingdom will need her before the end. It’s time to accept what she’s always known…
This isn’t archaeology.
This is war.
Click here to  purchase your copy!

About the Author

Dcmarino autho picD.C. Marino is a dedicated reader of history books and fantasy novels, both of which occupy an equal amount of space on her bookshelves. But it wasn’t until she realized how one breathed life into the other that she became addicted to finding the intersections of the real world and the fairy story. Still more: what those intersections about us as a creative, curious people. Kingdom of Ruins is her debut novel.

Guest Post from D.C. Marino

Hi everyone!
I’m so excited to share Kingdom of Ruins with you! This story has been on my heart and mind for over ten years now, so this feels a bit surreal. I’d love to tell you a bit about why I wrote this book. But in order to do that, I need to tell you why I almost didn’t.
Fantasy. It isn’t real. Why should I spend time writing a story that doesn’t grapple with the actual issues of the day? Why not speak plainly, instead of inventing another world to explore the real one? These were the questions I asked myself every night before I fell asleep. I adored fiction that transported me to factual events, or introduced me to historical figures, but every time I picked up a pen, the fantastical wiggled out of it.
I was afraid I was writing the wrong story.
This story oddly (or not so oddly) enough began with Lori, an atephobic archaeologist. Meaning she had a passion for archaeology, but a phobic fear of ruins. Why would she shrink back from the work she loved? Because no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t make whole the broken. Life ends in dust, and that’s all there is to it. I felt the same way. Not only was I writing something I wasn’t sure would be relevant, but could it mend anything? Make a difference? Or was it futile, like trying to resurrect the past?
What I found was exactly what Lori begins to find in Kingdom of Ruins. That even though things seem unfixable, it isn’t the end. The world Lori enters is full of darkness and peril, but it also holds a chance for her to heal from more than just her fear. While I wrote, and especially as I neared the last chapter, I realized she and I had both overcome a great challenge. I won’t tell you her conclusion, but I will tell you mine:
I wrote the right story.
I hope you enjoy every bit of the journey as I did, dear reader.
D.C. Marino


What an extremely well written journey the author takes us on. Loris is an archaeologist who takes her work serious. Her grandfather has taught her well to respect what she finds. I found it fascinating to read about the artifacts she finds and she can sense they are trying to tell her something. Lori feels like she has developed an hereditary illness that her mother had. Atephobia is the fear of ruin. But that can't be possible because she can feel the pulse of an artifact when she touches it. It is telling her when it is from, or what happened to it.

She has decided to leave it all behind and find another job, but something happens to pique her interest once more. What would it be like to touch something buried and long forgotten only to feel it thumping in your fingers as if to say, "I was important at one time. I have a story to tell." Lori's adventure starts when she follows a man who was intrigued by an artifact in her grandfather's museum. It was as if the artifact was there and then for a brief moment disappeared then reappeared before her eyes. About this time, I would be asking myself if I was having an hallucination and needed medical attention. When the man she followed on the train has a ring that does the same disappearing act, Lori is determined to find out what connection he has to the artifact.

The story explodes as Lori finds herself in another world where trees whisper and blue lights dance across the sky. The strange man whose name is Thane,  is there and quickly tells her to follow him. I could vividly see the stranger as he lifted his sword and took authority over the threat that was close to him and Lori. Who was this stranger that dressed in armor with a sword that disappears as suddenly as it appeared? Lori has stumbled into something that will test her faith and sanity. The author has an impressive imagination and the story is fantasy at its best. I don't read a lot of fantasy books, but the author has convinced me that I have been missing out on a genre that is plentiful in action and details.

The Lands Within is a mystical place filled with kings, history and danger. I felt transported there as Lori felt the place start to talk to her. She has anxiety but I loved how she talked herself through it. I liked when Lori said, "When something shocks you, it's easy to think you are the only one who's shocked by it." We can sometimes think we are the only ones affected by something, but forget others around us are experiencing the same thing. We can be shocked when we encounter something that scares us, but we forget that others have probably experienced the same thing. It makes me think of someone seeing their house destroyed by a fire and then realize their neighborhood is being destroyed. We forget about what others are going through because we are so focused on ourselves.

Lori and Thane find themselves in danger as they race through the Land Within. It is non stop action and along the way they meet interesting things that can only be described as a presence we have never experienced. I have learned through this story that you can trust others and your own instinct. The world Lori travels to is rich in greed, sin and power. Will she be able to fight it off or fall for its trickery and promises?  Throughout the story I was impressed with Lori's ability to overcome her anxiety and rely on her instincts. I can't wait for the next book in this series to continue following Lori and Thane. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Carpe Diem, July 31
Remembrancy, July 31
Multifarious, August 3
Bigreadersite, August 4
Simple Harvest Reads, August 9 (Guest post from Mindy Houng)
Texas Book-aholic, August 11


To celebrate the tour, Celebrate Lit Publishing is giving away a grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries!

Friday, August 10, 2018


In this new series written by a very talented author , she gives us a gripping and emotional story about hope,  forgiveness and acceptance. Have you ever been so desperate to be accepted by someone, that you would do anything? Michelle is in a bad relationship that has become dangerous and needs to find a safe place to go. I felt her fears as her boyfriend threatened her and hurt her. I wanted her to run as fast and as far away as she could.

When Michelle gets off the bus after leaving her abusive boyfriend, she is suddenly mistaken for Sara, the granddaughter of Willis and Mary Ruth Lapp. I thought it was very intriguing that a young woman would take advantage of this sweet elderly couple. Michelle has a chance to start a new life and grabs hold of her false identity. It's lucky for her that Willis and Mary Ruth have never seen their granddaughter before. Maybe she can pull this off and find a new home in Amish country.

I adored Willis and Mary Ruth. They were so excited to meet their granddaughter and hopefully find out what happened to their daughter who left home so long ago. Their broken hearts hopefully will start to mend as they get to know their granddaughter. There is of course one little catch to all this. At some point Sara, the real granddaughter will show up. How long can Michelle keep up this charade? I did feel a sense of relief from Michelle as she settles into her new life.

 When a jar is found with scriptures and prayers, this to me was the turning point in the story. It opened up a broken heart and allowed the person to feel hope and love. Each time the jar was opened, a fresh sprinkle  of redemption came over them. Wouldn't it be nice to find a hidden jar like that? You are at a place in your life where you see no hope, no way out and no one loves you. You are drawn to the jar and there inside is the hope and acceptance you have been looking for.

I loved Michelle the most because I could easily identify with her. I know what it is like to want a place to feel safe and loving people who care for you. Will she be changed as she continues to deceive the people who have opened their hearts and home to her?  I loved how easily Michelle started to draw closer to Willis and Mary Ruth. They are true examples of people who love unconditionally. Will Michelle's secret be found out? Will Michelle find a way to open her heart to God? I was sad for the story to end. There were several questions left unanswered and I hope the author addresses it in another book . The author does an amazing job of allowing the characters to deal with hard issues like domestic abuse and forgiveness. I liked that these subjects were handled with grace and showed readers that there is always hope.

"Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy , and find grace to help in time of need." Hebrews 4:16

I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.

Monday, August 6, 2018


I love reading books in a series because you get to know the characters better. In this second installment we are introduced to Kiera. She is one fierce person. When she receives a mysterious call about her brother, she goes into full rescue mode. She doesn't believe what he is being accused of and sets out to find him.

Coop was one of my favorites from the first book and he is front and center in this story. Coop and Kiera don't see eye to eye on things and she sure knows how to hold her own with him. This makes for an intriguing relationship as they work together to stop the threat against Kiera's brother. I liked how Kiera is a bit unsure of Coop and wants to check him out first. I know if I went to the compound I would be overwhelmed.

The banter between Kiera and Coop is priceless. I love how they each act like they don't like each other, but readers we all know the truth. As they decide to work together and put their differences aside, the race in on to find Kiera's brother and stop a toxin from becoming a deadly weapon. I liked the information about chemicals and how they work. It shows that the author has done research which makes the story more realistic. This story also has a lot of computer technology that fascinated me. The internet is a vast of information but also has a layer of secrets hidden deep within the web. Can Coop help rescue Kiera's brother before it is to late? Who really stole the toxin that could get into the wrong hands?  It's a roller coaster ride as the team try to beat a deadline. Trust is a key component in the story and I liked how Kiera and Coop struggled with trusting each other. It is hard to trust someone that you don't really know. Will they learn to trust each other as well as God? Get ready for another bone chilling ending as the deadline draws near.

I received a copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.
Running FB Banner copy

About the Book

Book Title: Running
Author: Dave Milbrandt
Genre: Christian Suspense
Release date: May 1, 2018
An assassin’s bullet sends Jim Mitchell running. When he’ll stop is anybody’s guess.
A tragedy propels Jim into a vacant state assembly seat. The new lawmaker and his wife have a baby on the way, but that doesn’t stop the people trying to keep him from a job he never wanted in the first place. Then Jim gets involved in a plan to thwart a major terror attack that could either make him a hero or get him killed.
Political intrigue and high drama accent this tale of what it costs to find one’s purpose, and what the rewards can be when you do.
Running is the third book in the Jim Mitchell series. Previous titles include Chasing Deception and Undue Pressure.

Click here to purchase your copy.

About the Author

Dave MilbrandtThe author of Chasing Deception and Undue Pressure, Dave Milbrandt fell in love with writing in junior high and has been a storyteller ever since. A former staff writer for a daily newspaper, the Southern California native spent five years in journalism and public relations before becoming a teacher. Having worked at several area colleges, Dave has taught high school English and Social Studies classes since 2005 and fills his evenings sharing a passion for politics with his community college students. Dave and his wife, Lynn, have been married since 1997.

Guest Post from Dave

In 1998, I feverishly pounded out the first draft of Chasing Deception (book one in the Jim Mitchell series) in five weeks. Full of ambition, but bereft of wisdom of how the publishing world works, I assumed my novel would be published in short order. Despite my overly abundant self-assurance, I had to wait until 2013 to get that story out. I was in a hurry, but God, as usual, had other plans.
Over the last 20 years, I have discovered the gift of patience and more about the craft of good writing than I ever could have expected during that summer half a lifetime ago. With Undue Pressure (2016) and Running (2018), I have completed the trilogy I never planned to write and hopefully given readers some characters that will stick with them after they reach the end of the story.


If you want to get readers attention, you have a horrific shooting in front of people. I was shocked that the Assemblywoman was gunned down in such a graphic way. The author has no problem stating facts and not sugar coating anything. Politics are front and center in this spine chilling thriller. Jim has suddenly found himself as the replacement for the slain Assembly woman. He has no political background, but he was an investigative reporter, so he does know what goes on behind closed doors. 

I was very impressed that Jim's wife supports him and I loved that they prayed about it before he accepted the seat. One of the things I liked about the story was how much faith flowed through the different characters. The behind the scenes of politics were very impressive and shows the author has done some research to heighten the story. There is a lot of intrigue and danger that keeps readers on their toes. 

Towards the ending of the book, is a twist that I was surprised at. I'm a very avid reader and think I'm pretty good at guessing where a story is heading. I was fooled by the brilliant writing of this author. It is a good in your face oh my for someone. They never saw it coming and now how will they get out of what could be the ruin of a political career? It is a ticking bomb that will explode at any minute and I thought , " Well time to start running." But perhaps, God has a plan . Its funny how things from your past seem to pop up at the most inconvenient time. Now it's time to run to the truth and give God the glory.

"Is what I'm running toward better than what I'm running from?"

I received  copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Carpe Diem, July 28
At the Fence, August 1
Cathe Swanson, August 1
Multifarious, August 3
Mary Hake, August 3
Simple Harvest Reads, August 5 (Spotlight)
Artistic Nobody, August 8 (Spotlight)
Reading is my Super Power, August 9 (Interview)
Bigreadersite, August 10


To celebrate his tour, Dave is giving away a grand prize that includes ebooks of all three books in the series!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Murder, She Reported
by Peg Cochran

Murder, She Reported is a delightful story. I was drawn into the book immediately and I did not wish it to end.
~The Avid Reader
 I loved the period setting of 1930s New York City and the author did a very good job conveying the feel of that era – not only through the physical sights, but music, society structure, etc.
~The Power of Words
Peg Cochran has done it again, this time going for a historical cozy rather than the food orientated ones I am used to but trust me it certainly doesn’t suffer for that!
~A Wytch’s Book Review Blog
Murder, She Reported was a charming and entertaining historical mystery with a delightful cast of characters.
~Moonlight Rendezvous
Murder She Reported is well-written and an enjoyable read.
~Christa Reads and Writes

About the Book

Murder, She Reported
Cozy Mystery (Historical)
Setting – New York
Alibi (July 31, 2018)
Print Length – 230 Pages
Digital ASIN: B0776JSR44
Manhattan, 1938. Tired of being trapped in the gilded cage of her family’s expectations, Elizabeth Adams has done what no self-respecting socialite would think to do: She’s gotten herself a job. Although Elizabeth’s dream is to one day see her photographs on the front page of the Daily Trumpet, for now she’s working her way up as the newsroom’s gal Friday.
But fetching coffee isn’t exactly her idea of fun. So when veteran reporter Ralph Kaminsky needs a photographer to fill in for a last-minute assignment, Elizabeth jumps at the chance. At the Waldorf Hotel, Elizabeth is tasked with tracking down the season’s “It girl,” Gloria DeWitt, who will be making her society debut. Working her own connections to New York’s upper crust, Elizabeth manages to land an exclusive interview with Gloria.
Then Gloria’s stepmother is shot dead in a Waldorf bathroom, placing Elizabeth at the scene of a headline-worthy scandal: “Murder of a Society Dame.” Now Elizabeth will have to get the scoop on the killer before her good name gets dragged through the gossip columns—or worse. . . .

About the Author

Mystery writing lets Peg indulge her curiosity under the guise of “work” (aka research). As a kid, she read the entire set of children’s encyclopedias her parents gave her and has been known to read the dictionary. She put pen to paper at age seven when she wrote plays and forced her cousins to perform them at Christmas dinner. She switched to mysteries when she discovered the perfect hiding place for a body down the street from her house.
When she’s not writing, she spends her time reading, cooking, spoiling her granddaughter and checking her books’ stats on Amazon.
A former Jersey girl, Peg now resides in Michigan with her husband and Westhighland white terrier, Reg. She is the author of the Sweet Nothings Lingerie series (written as Meg London), the Gourmet De-Lite series, the Lucille series, the Cranberry Cove series,   and the Farmer’s Daughter series.
Author Links:
Purchase Links:


EXTRA! EXTRA! read all about. The season's "it girl" accused of killing her stepmother. That's exactly how I see the headlines in the paper that Elizabeth works for. Elizabeth is a go getter and loves working at the Daily Trumpet. When she gets a chance to be the photographer for a story she is beyond excited. What she didn't see coming was the picture that puts suspicion on Gloria, the "it girl" of the season. 
The author has painted a great picture of the 1930s with references like Girl Friday and the mention of Ponds cold cream. I can remember my grandmother having a jar of Ponds sitting on her night table. I loved to smell it and try it on. Elizabeth is very smart and hopes to crack the case with her subtle questions and photographs. Her boss is a real hoot. He encourages Elizabeth and uses her skills to help get great stories for the paper. 
Elizabeth is asked to help prove Gloria innocent. Can she dig up the truth before someone is killed? The setting of the story is my favorite part. I just love the time period and how easy going Elizabeth is. She comes from a wealthy family, but doesn't really let on about her background. Elizabeth's family is somewhat off putting. Her mother is a snob and her father is a tightwad, but they still try to encourage Elizabeth in her adventures. I loved the clues throughout the story that could almost be missed if you aren't paying attention. This is my new go to author for mysteries that take readers back to a time where women really had to prove they could do things men did. The story is well written with a cast of characters that at times seem to have their own agenda.  The ending is really good and I was surprised at a bit of the story line. I didn't figure out who the killer was, but i was pleased with the ending.  I look forward to more from this author.
I received a copy of this book from The Great Escapes Virtual Blog Tours. The review is my own opinion.

July 30 – The Avid Reader – REVIEW
July 30 – The Power of Words – REVIEW
July 31 – The Pulp and Mystery Shelf – INTERVIEW
July 31 – Queen of All She Reads – REVIEW
August 1 – Brooke Blogs – SPOTLIGHT
August 2 – Reading Is My SuperPower – SPOTLIGHT
August 2 – Bibliophile Reviews – INTERVIEW
August 3 – Moonlight Rendezvous – REVIEW
August 3 – A Wytch’s Book Review Blog – REVIEW
August 4 – Christa Reads and Writes – REVIEW
August 4 – MJB Reviewers – INTERVIEW
August 5 – A Holland Reads – SPOTLIGHT
August 6 – Texas Book-aholic – REVIEW
August 7 – Mysteries with Character – INTERVIEW
August 7 – StoreyBook Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
August 8 – Celticlady’s Reviews – SPOTLIGHT
August 8 – Ruff Drafts – SPOTLIGHT
August 9 – Babs Book Bistro – SPOTLIGHT
August 10 – Laura’s Interests – REVIEW
August 11 – Island Confidential – SPOTLIGHT
August 11 – Escape With Dollycas Into A Good Book – SPOTLIGHT
August 12 – Cozy Up With Kathy – REVIEW
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