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Saturday, August 10, 2024

About the Book

Book: KidVenture: Through The Maize (KidVenture Book 3)

Author: Steve Searfoss

Genre: Middle Grade Fiction

Release Date: March 30, 2023

Chance, Addie and Sophie launch a new venture when they get lost in the country and stumble on the idea of starting a corn maze business. They quickly discover that while it’s easy to rush into a maze, finding your way out is hard. They will need to convince an investor to fund the venture, persuade a reluctant farmer to let them build their maze on his corn field, and figure out a way to work with his headstrong nephew. Along the way they will realize just how little they know about planting corn, designing mazes and writing business plans. Through many twists and turns —and dead ends— they will learn how to keep a partnership together and what the true job of a leader is. There’s only one thing harder than finding your way out of a maze: creating a maze people want to get lost in.

KidVenture stories are business adventures where kids figure out how to market their company, understand risk, and negotiate. Each chapter ends with a challenge, including business decisions, ethical dilemmas and interpersonal conflict for young readers to wrestle with. As the story progresses, the characters track revenue, costs, profit margin, and other key metrics which are explained in simple, fun ways that tie into the story.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

I wrote my first KidVenture book after years of making up stories to teach my kids about business and economics. Whenever they’d ask how something works or why things were a certain way, I would say, “Let’s pretend you have a business that sells…” and off we’d go. What would start as a simple hypothetical to explain a concept would become an adventure spanning several days as my kids would come back with new questions which would spawn more plot twists. Rather than give them quick answers, I tried to create cliffhangers to get them to really think through an idea and make the experience as interactive as possible.

I try to bring that same spirit of fun, curiosity and challenge to each KidVenture book. That’s why every chapter ends with a dilemma and a set of questions. KidVenture books are fun for kids to read alone, and even more fun to read together and discuss. There are plenty of books where kids learn about being doctors and astronauts and firefighters. There are hardly any where they learn what it’s like to run small business. KidVenture is different. The companies the kids start are modest and simple, but the themes are serious and important.

I’m an entrepreneur who has started a half dozen or so businesses and have had my share of failures. My dad was an entrepreneur and as a kid I used to love asking him about his business and learning the ins and outs of what to do and not do. Mistakes make the best stories — and the best lessons. I wanted to write a business book that was realistic, where you get to see the characters stumble and wander and reset, the way entrepreneurs do in real life. Unlike most books and movies where business is portrayed as easy, where all you need is one good idea and the desire to be successful, the characters in KidVenture find that every day brings new problems to solve.

More from Steve

KidVenture books are interactive business adventure stories for middle grade readers. In every KidVenture book, a group of young entrepreneurs start a business and have to overcome a series of challenges to make their business profitable. Every chapter ends with a series of questions where readers face the same choices as the protagonists and can reflect on what they would do and how they would respond to the obstacle. These can be great starting points for rich discussions if read with a parent or as a group.

Beyond teaching business lessons, KidVenture books are also full of characters encountering ethical dilemmas and all sorts of temptations: the desire to lie when the business is not doing well, the enticement to break a partnership when it’s no longer convenient, the inducement to keep extra profits to yourself and not share them, and so on. Young readers are asked to wrestle with these questions too as the story progresses.

Years ago when my son was about 4 or 5 we went to a corn maze on a school field trip. After a while it occurred to me to hand him the map and have him lead us. I got to show him how to interpret the map, decide which way to turn, and how to look for landmarks. And —this was the best part— I let him get lost, and helped him figure out how to know when you’re lost and how to get  find your way back to a spot you recognize. It was such a sweet memory, an almost perfect vision of what fatherhood is like. And then later I realized, as wonderful as that day was, being a father is much more challenging. The maze has a right way and a wrong way. Life is messier, way more complicated. That thought always stuck with me, the contrast between that day inside the maze and every day outside it. I didn’t know what to do with that idea, until I got a burst of inspiration and decided to write a new KidVenture book based on a corn maze business.

In Through The Maize, there are a group of three siblings who decide to start a corn maze business. Chance, Addie and Sophie remember going to a corn maze when they were younger and lament that it has no closed, so they are inspired to stat one of their own. They go visit a farm just outside of town and present the farmer with a proposal to build a corn maze on one of his fields and fields. The farmer is skeptical and asks for an upfront payment to use his land. This threatens to sink the kids’ new venture before it ever gets going, but after some debate they decide to put together a business plan and find an investor. That’s when the action really starts.

After some negotiation, the farmer agrees to partner with the kids but they must work with his nephew, Cody who is older and has a lot of experience working on a farm. Right away Cody and Chance butt heads, as Cody seems to disagree with everything Chance proposes. Even worse, Cody demands his own share of the profits, separate from what was promised to the farmer. As the kids proceed with their plan, begin planting corn and drawing the maze map, the situation between Chance and Cody only gets worse. Finally tempers explode and the whole venture is in jeopardy. Not only is the business falling apart, there is an investor who will lose his money if Chance and Cody can’t figure out a way to work together.One of my goals with KidVenture books is for kids to feel empowered to take on the world and tackle complex problems. I don’t just mean business problems like figuring out what the price of a product or service should be, or how to market a company. That’s certainly part of it. But more broadly, I want kids to learn how to handle difficult people problems. Business comes down to working with people and to be good at business you have to be good at working with people, whether It’s motivating people on your side to work towards a common goal or negotiating with people on the other side to reach an agreement both can benefit from.

My hope is that young readers will see how Chance handles the relationship with Cody and learn from it. At first, Chance does a terrible job. He’s jealous of the attention Cody gets and he begins to interpret everything Cody says and does as an attack, as a challenge to his authority, even when it isn’t. Things finally start to change when he begins to understand what his role as a leader should be, and that includes making the people who work for him (like Cody) feel like heroes in their own story. That requires humility and letting other people take credit for what they’re accomplishing. Chance has to decide what’s more important: feeling properly recognized, or getting the job done and having a successful business?

Once Chance begins to reframe his relationship with Cody in this way, he also starts to become more aware of how he has been filtering all of Cody’s actions through his own sense of wounded pride and interpreting them in the worst possible way. Chance realizes he has the power to change how he construes what Cody says and does, and this gives him the freedom to focus on what’s important to him (namely finishing the maze) and not be constantly reacting to Cody. This is an enormously empowering realization, one that I hope young readers can learn from which will help them get through their own mazes in life.


It’s another adventure with Chance, Addie and Sophie. I like how inventive they are and never give up. This new venture will take a lot of teamwork and planning. You can see how they start the business with enthusiasm and it gives others excitement. Have  you ever been in a maze? They are very popular especially around autumn. The kids have to find  the right place, investors and most of all how to work together. 

The book is a great tool for children to learn how to start their own business. They will see how a leader is important as they  give others directions to make the business successful. Parents should grab a copy of this book as they teach their children the  importance of responsibility. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Life on Chickadee Lane, August 7

Vicky Sluiter, August 8 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, August 9

Blossoms and Blessings, August 10 (Author Interview)

Texas Book-aholic, August 11

Artistic Nobody, August 12 (Author Interview)

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, August 13

A Reader’s Brain, August 14 (Author Interview)

Lots of Helpers, August 14

Locks, Hooks and Books, August 15

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, August 16 (Author Interview)

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, August 17

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, August 18

Guild Master, August 19 (Author Interview)

For Him and my Family, August 19

1Bookzone, August 20


To celebrate his tour, Steve is giving away the grand prize package of a paperback copy of all three books in the KidVenture series!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

About the Book

Book: Covering Grace (The Cañon City Chronicles Book Six)

Author: Davalynn Spencer

Genre: Historical/Western Romance

Release date: July 11, 2024

Grace Hutton defied the shadow of her ranching brothers, Cale and Hugh. Always the tagalong little sister who tried to best them at everything, she signed on with the Buffalo Bill Cody Wild West Show to prove herself. After three years of trick-riding and roping, she returns home to Cañon City, Colorado, with a world of experience, Harley the Wonder Horse, and a broken heart. It’s 1912, and the first thing she needs is work and a place to live. The last thing she needs is romance.

Dan Waite is caring for his invalid father and trying to keep their hat business in the black. Showing up in the wake of an assault at the boarding house, he helps Grace Hutton rescue the elderly owner. But he doesn’t have time for the two women, especially when Grace asks him to spend a day with the widow. Grace turns out to be more than he bargained for, and when her trick-riding ways put her in danger, he risks more than his time intervening. He risks his heart.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Author of the beloved, award-winning series, The Cañon City Chronicles, internationally acclaimed novelist and Will Rogers Gold Medallion winner, Davalynn Spencer writes historical Western romance set along the Front Range of Colorado’s Rocky Mountains. She is a Publisher’s Weekly and ECPA bestselling author, an award-winning rodeo journalist and former crime-beat reporter. As a member of the Colorado Humanities CBA Speakers Bureau, she also teaches writing workshops, plays on her church worship team, and loves bacon and chocolate. But not together.

More from Davalynn

Harley the Wonder Horse


He was a beautiful, chocolate-colored gelding with an easy gait, and my friend called him  Harley.

“Harley the Wonder Horse,” she said, bona fide Rocky Mountain breed. “Everybody loves him.”

I sure did after a day of riding up around Brush Hollow in the hills not far from my home.

It’s a very short trip via horseback to the fictional world of my characters in the Cañon City Chronicles. I knew Harley had to be in the next and final book in the series, Covering Grace.

Grace Hutton had been hanging around in my head for three years—ever since I wrote about the younger of her twin brothers, Cale (Book 4, A Change of Scenery). He talked about his sister who could out-ride any of the cast in the Selig-Polyscope flickers being filmed in and around Cañon City.

When the older (by a minute) twin, Hugh, got his own story (Book 5, Hope is Built), he also mentioned their little sister, Grace. How could they not, with her never-say-die approach to life, and stick-like-flypaper perseverance. When they were all growing up, she was never far behind the boys, showing she was just as good as they were.

Trouble was, she was better, and her skills earned her a place in Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show. That’s where she met Harley, and when she came home, he came with her.

And there you have it, the story-behind-the-story of Harley the Wonder Horse. Now understand that real-life Harley is not a trick-riding horse, but I have a long-time friend, Linda Scholtz, who is a real-life trick rider. I’ve watched her do some mighty fine stunts, so fine that she instructs would-be trick riders how to be real trick riders.

A few other things from my life play into this book, like the setting. Is there anywhere more beautiful than the Rocky Mountains as a storm blows in quicker than your breath? Or the aspens that shiver in the slightest breeze and pour gold down the gullies and ravines in autumn? And what of sitting before a crackling fire in the woodstove or fireplace as fall runs in ahead of winter?

Join me for a ride in the final book of The Cañon City Chronicles, Covering Grace. It may just be more than you expected.


This is a sweet,  clean book that shares the relationship between people who are lonely, hurt and learning to trust God. I love the time period and how it illustrates the hard times people went through. It was difficult to make a good living but I liked how they never  gave up. 

Grace is a wonderful character who finds herself staying in a small town to help an elderly lady out. It wasn’t her plan but God sure stepped in to change her direction in life. As Grace gets to know Dorrie ,  a special bond develops between them. Has Grace found purpose in life? Will she give up her desire to do trick riding? 

Dan meets Grace while trying to help her fend off the man who is hurting the widow Dorrie . Their paths start to cross more often and before  you know it, Dan and  his father are spending time at the widow’s  house with Grace. They have dinner several times a week and  Dan’s father starts to improve health wise. What I liked about Dan was his caring heart and how he never once complained about watching out for his father. 

The story is easy to read and gives readers a look at two different relationships and  how they  bring healing to broken, lonely hearts. Dan didn’t like Grace doing her trick riding which does cause conflict. It was very interesting to read about Grace doing her tricks  in a film that was in her area. I remember seeing those old western movies where the trick riding was the best part of the movie. Those were brave people who risked their lives to make a film exciting. 

The ending is filled with a bit of danger which had me trying to read faster. I really loved this story and how the author not  only illustrates the Wild West but how God is in control. As long as you have faith and trust, he will turn what  the enemy meant for harm to good. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Stories By Gina, August 8 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, August 8

Holly’s Book Corner, August 9

Texas Book-aholic, August 10

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, August 11 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, August 12

Back Porch Reads, August 13 (Author Interview)

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, August 14

Pause for Tales, August 15

For the Love of Literature, August 16 (Author Interview)

Devoted To Hope, August 16

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, August 17

Artistic Nobody, August 18 (Author Interview)

For Him and My Family, August 19

Connie’s History Classroom , August 20

Cover Lover Book Review, August 21


To celebrate her tour, Davalynn is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card and a signed copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

About the Book

Book: A Little Christian’s Animals (The Little Christian Learning Collection Book 2)

Author: Lila Noffsinger

Genre: Christian Children’s Picture Book

Release Date: February 20, 2024

A Little Christian’s Animals is the newest installment of the Little Christian Learning Collection, which teaches preschool level learning concepts with Bible stories! In A Little Christian’s Animals, children journey with sing-songy rhymes through ten animal-centered Bible stories. Children will be captured by Lucy Shin’s adorable illustrations, and parents will enjoy nourishing their kids’ hearts and minds. Big Biblical truths are packed into this bite-sized book, the perfect length for little attention spans. Little animal enthusiasts will love Jonah’s whale, Daniel’s lions, Egypt’s frogs, and many more animals! A Little Christian’s Animals is sure to become a family favorite of kids and parents alike!


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Lila Noffsinger is a Christian, wife, and mama to three. Her kids are her inspiration for writing, and she loves creating for them books that are cute, fun to read, educational, and biblically enriching. When she isn’t writing or playing with her family, she loves to read, craft, and hike. Lila lives with her family in San Jose, CA.

More from Lila

I don’t need to look far to find inspiration for my books. Literally. My little inspirations are usually physically touching me. My three kids (ages 3 and under) bring joy, laughter, and a lot of books into my life. As a mom, I want books for them that are fun for me to read, engaging for them to look at, and enriching for their hearts and minds. What sprung up from that desire was The Little Christian Learning Collection, now including A Little Christian’s 123s, A Little Christian’s Animals, and the accompanying coloring & activity books.

It continues to fill me with joy when my kids pick these books off the shelf to read. My youngest daughter will toddle through the house with A Little Christian’s Animals in her hand, yelling “Am-mi-mals!” as a request to read it. If I accidentally skip the frog on the first page, she will turn back to it so she can point it out. Frogs have become her favorite animals, and, based on Lucy Shin’s adorable portrayal of them, I can’t blame her.

I’ve been so honored by the reports of these books being similarly loved in other households. It brings me so much joy to know that kids are asking to read these Bible stories over and over again.

I love the work that goes into constructing these books. The rhymes are fun to ponder over as I rock babies or cook dinner. I love the research that goes into making the illustrations historically and geographically accurate. Illustrator Lucy Shin is a joy to work with, and the way she turns my notes and scribbles into something adorable seems like magic to me.

I’ve also really enjoyed putting together the coloring and activity books. It’s yet another way to let kids engage with Bible stories, learn something new, and have fun doing it! I’ve been surprised by what a hit they’ve become, and I’m so glad that kiddos around the country are enjoying them. If you want a taste, ALL of the coloring pages are available for free here:

Overall, writing these books has been a huge blessing, and I’m continually honored to hear how they’re being enjoyed by little readers. Keep your eyes open for more in the Little Christian Learning Collection! There’s more to come.


I like how the author uses different animals to illustrate stories from the Bible. Starting in Genesis with the snake, children begin a foundation of God’s Word. Each page is beautifully illustrated and easy to understand. This would be a great book to use in children’s  church for the younger age group. As they see each picture they discover what each animal represented and how God uses animals to help understand His Word. 

I loved this  easy to read book and think every church should have a copy. It would be a great tool to use each Sunday to tell the Bible story with the pictures and easy words to understand. I am going to give a copy of this book to my grandchildren. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion. 

Blog Stops

Texas Book-aholic, August 9

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, August 10

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, August 11

For Him and My Family, August 12

Locks, Hooks and Books, August 13

Girls in White Dresses, August 14

Life on Chickadee Lane, August 15

Lots of Helpers, August 15

By the Book, August 16

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, August 17

Stories by Gina, August 18 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, August 18

Labor Not in Vain, August 19

Cover Lover Book Review, August 20

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, August 21

Book Zone, August 22


To celebrate her tour, Lila is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon Gift Card with the entire Little Christian Learning Collection!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.





Tuesday, August 6, 2024

About the Book

Book: The Farmer Takes a Wife

Author: Candice Sue Patterson

Genre: Contemporary Romance

Release date: May 28, 2024

Librarian Gemma Breckenridge hates the spotlight. She’s content in her small town, living alone with books for company and caring for her once famous sister, Cammie, who’s now suffering from a degenerative brain disease. But Cammie’s care is expensive, and when the grant Gemma was counting on is denied, she’s forced to take desperate measures and applies to be a contestant on a reality television show where a wealthy farmer is looking for a love connection. What better place to keep her sister’s identity incognito than a thousand-acre farm in the middle of nowhere, South Dakota?

Colby Graham will do anything to save his almost bankrupt farm, even if it means that all of primetime will think he’s incapable of finding a wife on his own. The sponsorships alone should carry his business out of the red, and royalties from the producer will help to keep it there. But choosing a bride from among eight gorgeous strangers is tougher than Colby bargained for. Especially when the one woman he wants isn’t a contestant.

With a cast of vivid characters, join the crew in this witty romance filled with drama, heartache, elimination challenges, and fancy luggage full of secrets. Amid the beautiful setting of the Midwest, this tale unravels the tightly bound threads of sacrificial love.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Candice Sue Patterson studied at The Institute of Children’s Literature and is an elementary librarian. She lives in Indiana with her husband and three sons in a restored farmhouse overtaken by books. When she’s not tending to her chickens, snuggling with her Great Pyrenees, or helping children discover books they love, she’s working on a new story. Candice writes Modern Vintage Romance–where the past and present collide with faith.

More from Candice

Can you imagine signing up to marry someone you’d never met? Neither had my heroine Gemma Breckenridge until it was her last resort. This thought is what propelled me to write The Farmer Takes a Wife. 

In 2009, I came across a reality TV dating show where several women from the city were invited to test out farm life in hopes of gaining a proposal from a farmer at the end. That show was called Farmer Wants a Wife. Though most of the episodes made me cringe, I thought it was a fantastic plot for a book. Since I write both historical and contemporary romance, I strive to put modern spins in my historical novels and vintage threads through my contemporary novels. What better vintage thread to drop into a modern-day rom com than a marriage of convenience trope?

But I didn’t want it to be the average marriage of convenience trope. I wanted something fresh. So, I put a spin on it, which brought about another spin, and before I knew it the story was taking a twist every few chapters.

The Farmer Takes a Wife is nine years in the making. After I wrote the first draft, I put it away for several years as book contracts were offered. I’d pull it out every now and then, polish it a bit, and then put it away again. In 2020, one month before the Covid pandemic rocked our world, I had finally completed it. With many workplaces shutting down, publishing houses were hesitant to offer new contracts. So, again, the story sat in my computer. At the end of last year, I decided I’d release the book myself this spring, shocked and delighted when the reality show Farmer Wants a Wife made a comeback after all those years! And it’s so much better than original season.

Perfect timing? Here’s hoping!

Join my cast and crew in Evangeline, South Dakota, for a wild ride of romance, drama, heartache, witty banter, and two hunky farmers. Yes, I said two. Did I mention this story had twists?


Can you find love on a reality show? Get ready to find out in this fun, lighthearted romance. The author takes us inside the television drama when women compete with each other to be chosen as the farmer’s bride. Oh how I laughed when the women think that their looks will get them chosen. Little do they know that they will be tested to see if they can live on a farm. The first test is catching chickens. From there the tasks get more difficult. Are they ready for this competition that  requires patience, endurance and humility? 

The book takes us on a journey as women try to impress the farmer. Each woman was different and  many were there for the wrong reasons. Gemma was such a good character. Wait till you find out why she decided to go on the show. The story is full of twists but I will say the ending did not surprise me at all. I enjoyed following along as women competed and in the end, true love wins.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Vicky Sluiter, August 3

Karen Baney Reviews, August 4

Stories By Gina, August 5 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, August 5

Holly’s Book Corner, August 6

Texas Book-aholic, August 6

Book Looks by Lisa, August 7

Life on Chickadee Lane, August 8

She Lives To Read, August 9

Locks, Hooks and Books, August 10

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, August 11

Pause for Tales, August 12

Devoted To Hope, August 12

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, August 13

Cover Lover Book Review, August 14

For Him and My Family, August 15

Labor Not in Vain , August 16


To celebrate her tour, Candice is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card and a paperback copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.