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Saturday, September 16, 2023

About the Book

Book: Preacher on the Run: The Truth Will Hold Its Own

Author: Jayna Baas

Genre: Christian Historical Fiction

Release Date: April 12, 2020


It’s 1771, and North Carolina is at war. On one side stands the power of the Crown. On the other side stands a dangerous freedom of conscience.

Former circuit rider Robert Boothe has spent the last four years leading the tyrant-hating Regulators against North Carolina’s corrupt British government. All he wants is a safe place for his little Baptist church to worship God.

But when Colonel Charles Drake arrives in town, Robert becomes a target. The Church of England wants him to shut up. The governor wants him dead.

Now Robert’s church and family are caught in the crossfire. And that safe place is farther and farther away.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Jayna Baas, pronounced as in “baa, baa, black sheep,” is the author of Preacher on the Run and a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and The Christian PEN: Proofreaders and Editors Network. She lives in northern Michigan with a great family of real people and the family of pretend people who live in her head. (Yes, she does know her characters are not real. No, she does not want you to tell them she said so.) Although she enjoys multiple genres, her favorite 

story is this: “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16). Learn more and sign up for a free short story at


More from Jayna

Freedom is risky. If people are free to make up their own minds, they might discover they’ve been lied to. They might discover the truth and then act on it, and they just might turn the world upside down.

That’s a story that’s been happening ever since Christ freed his first followers from the law of sin and death. They shared that freedom all over their world, and the hierarchy didn’t like it, from the Pharisees on up to Nero. It’s a story that happens over and over again. And it happened in eighteenth-century North Carolina.

Almost all of the Thirteen Colonies had an official state-sanctioned church that could banish, imprison, or even execute those who did not conform. The most common “state church” in the southern colonies was the Church of England, and that’s what we find in North Carolina at the time of Preacher on the Run.

Imagine you’re a dissenter preacher in this time and place. Up the street is the local vestry, which you’re taxed to support, while you’ve been threatened with jail for preaching without a license. One of your church members is about to be dispossessed for not paying taxes—taxes he can’t afford and has probably already paid once. No one dares go to court; everyone knows the courts are nests of extortion, and you could be charged with felony if you stay at a meeting after an official deems it seditious.

Now the governor’s new agent comes to town—a man who is hungry for power, a man who knows you’re a leader not only in your congregation but also in the grassroots resistance that is rising against the government’s corruption. To him, your belief that people can go to God directly through faith in Christ without the state church is blasphemous. And your belief that all men are on equal footing before God and the law is unthinkably dangerous.

What would you do?

This is a scenario that set my story-loving imagination on fire. This is the story of Preacher on the Run. It’s the story of a spark that ignited and spread throughout the colonies until it was a blaze of revolution—not the rejection of authority but the restoration of rightful authority. It’s the story of countless men and women who faced persecution on American soil for the sake of truth and freedom. Truth never needs to be forced on others, because it can never truly be defeated. And only where there is freedom can truth flourish and spread and turn the world upside down. Because, as Robert Boothe says in Preacher on the Run, the truth will hold its own.

This is his story, and ours.


In 1771 the world was in turmoil as a battle was forming over who was in control. Robert Boothe is a preacher who wants to do things  right in the eyes of God. He wants to be able to preach and not have men interrupting service because they don’t like  what he stands for. There was much tension between The Church of England and what Robert knew was right in the eyes of God. That thinking brings Colonel Charles Drake to town. Danger has come and Robert is the target. The members of his small church is in danger as well if they continue to follow him. 

I can’t imagine the tension Robert faced daily but I admired his honesty and faith. He stands up for those who are  afraid, or being threatened. I like when he says, ‘The only authority that  matters is God’s.” He respects who God has placed in authority but will not abide by them once they cross into unbiblical commands. In other words if it doesn’t line up with God, then he will not be bullied into following what is wrong.

It is hard  to believe that a preacher during this time period could be arrested because they didn’t have a license to preach. Robert now must face the consequences but I loved how he put it in God’s hands. This is a good example of trusting God and not letting fear take over. With Robert in trouble his wife Magdalen must do what she can to free him and continue his work. I loved how brave she was and how she never wavered from her faith. 

The story delivers a vivid look at what it was like in the  days when preaching was not popular and going  against those who were in charge were dangerous. There are several characters in the story which stand up for justice without wavering. With lies, secrets, danger and pride the story is a powerful look at trusting God and taking a stand against injustice. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion. 

Blog Stops

Alena Mentink, September 14

Babbling Becky L’s Book Impressions, September 14

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 15

Texas Book-aholic, September 16

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 17

Connie’s History Classroom, September 18

The Book Club Network, September 19

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, September 20

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, September 21

Books I’ve Read, September 21

Cover Lover Book Review, September 22

Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, September 23

Simple Harvest Reads, September 24 (Guest Review from Donna Cline)

For Him and My Family, September 25

Little Homeschool on the Prairie, September 26

Holly’s Book Corner, September 27


To celebrate her tour, Jayna is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and a signed paperback copy of Preacher on the Run!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Thursday, September 14, 2023


Get ready for a hauntingly delightful addition to the Killer Coffee Cozy Mystery series! Roxanne Bloom, the tenacious owner of the Bean Hive Coffeehouse, finds herself in the midst of a Halloween mystery that will keep cozy mystery lovers on the edge of their seats.

As the leaves turn crimson and the autumn air grows crisp, Honey Springs embraces the Halloween spirit. Eleanor Blackthorn, the passionate historian, secures approval to add a long-abandoned mansion to the historic registry. To raise funds for its restoration, she plans an intriguing corn maze and ghost tour, partnering with an eccentric and renowned magician.

But when the magician's lifeless body is discovered in the mansion the captivating mystery unfolds. Enter Roxanne Bloom, armed with her wit and determination, as she unravels a web of secrets within the chilling Halloween backdrop.
With each twist and turn, Roxanne dives deeper into the eccentric lives of Honey Springs' residents, guided by the enthusiastic ghost hunter who inadvertently stumbled upon the chilling crime scene.
Will Roxanne expose the killer's wicked plot before Halloween's moon sets, or will the secrets of the haunted mansion remain forever shrouded in darkness?

"Macchiato Murder" is a spellbinding addition to the Killer Coffee Cozy Mystery series, blending Halloween thrills, a touch of the supernatural, and a tantalizing whodunit that will have cozy mystery fans bewitched until the final page. Don't miss this spine-tingling journey through a corn maze of secrets and suspense!


Just in time for Halloween, the author presents a story that will send shivers down your spine with laughter and mystery. Roxanne is in the wrong place at the wrong time when a body is discovered. The town is geared up for the celebration of Neewollah Festival and everything is spooky including a haunted mansion. I adored the description of the mansion and all the decorations that make it eerily fun to walk through. The murder has everyone guessing and I think a little bit scared. 

I am so happy to be back in Honey Springs with quaint little shops and fun characters like Roxy’s aunt Maxi who find themselves going into the haunted house to uncover evidence that will prove Eleanor’s innocence. I can’t imagine me ever stepping foot in a haunted mansion but I did peek  over Roxy’s shoulder as she creeped along in the place. Secret passageways and unknown sounds drive the story forward as the investigation starts to take a twist. A magician’s body is laying on the floor but Roxy discovers something different about this magician. What did she notice that others didn’t see? 

Get ready for an adventure where secrets, lies and danger abound. I loved how the author takes the story through a bit of history about the mansion and how it connects many people together. The book is very good with an ending that shocked me. I never suspected who was behind everything and how  the author cleverly hid  clues throughout the book. One of her best stories yet. 

I received a digital copy of this book from the author. The review is my own opinion.

About the Book

Book: Finding True North

Author: Dianne Beck

Genre: YA Fiction

Release Date: January 31, 2023

Finding True North 

North Carolina Simon hates her name. As a fourteen-year-old girl growing up in the 1970s, she has a lot of challenges. People not only make fun of her name, but also scoff at her eccentric family. Dad’s a hoarder, Mom’s an unpredictable artist, and her older sister lives with an autism diagnosis.  After a humiliating middle school event shatters her confidence as a singer, North determines to break free from the stigma surrounding her family.

As she starts high school, North tells people to call her Carol. Armed with a new name, she updates her hair and clothes, befriends a popular boy in hopes of joining his band, distances herself from her two longtime friends, and avoids being seen with her adoring and dependent sister. Everything seems to be going according to plan until her sister suddenly disappears.

Carol is forced to face the fact that fitting in and being popular have come at a cost, and that the sister she might lose could have the answer to what she’s been looking for all along.

Finding True North is a prequel to Sticks and Stones, but each can be read as stand-alone novels.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Dianne Beck spent much of her career teaching students ranging from Kindergarten through adult before achieving her dream of publishing her first novel, Sticks and Stones.  She hopes young people and adults can find faith and strength in her stories. When not writing or reading a good book, she savors every moment possible with family and friends, and loves a good steaming cup of coffee or tea.  Visit her author website at

More from Dianne

One of the things I love most about being an author of Christian fiction is showing readers how God is working in the lives of my characters, just like he’s working in each of our lives. While I hope readers see how my main characters are wrestling with and growing in faith, my side characters actually play a huge role. In both my novels I have a supporting character who is unique and often viewed as quirky or weak to the world around them. By showing how God loves, guides, and equips these characters, I hope to encourage anyone who has ever felt weak or out of place, which I think all of us have at some point. I also hope it reminds readers that God is often found in unexpected people and places.

In Finding True North, I spent a significant amount of time developing the character of Aria, who is main character North’s older sister. Aria is autistic, and during the 1970s, the time this book was set, autism wasn’t well understood. Because of this, many people don’t give Aria much of a chance, and miss out on all the depth and beauty she has to offer.

My inspiration for Aria came from two Bible verses: 1 Corinthians 1:27 (ESV), which says, “God chose what is weak in the world to shame the strong,” along with “Rejoice in the Lord always; again I will say, rejoice. Let your reasonableness be known to everyone.” Philippians 4:4-7 (ESV). Aria may be the kind of character who would be looked down on by many in the world, but she is used powerfully by God. One of the ways she does is with her extreme joy and bold love of the Lord.  These characteristics are what ultimately impact and shape North as the story moves forward.

If you enjoy Finding True North, check out my first novel, Sticks and Stones, and stay tuned for the Sticks and Stones sequel, currently in the works!


I know exactly how North feels when it comes to  names. I have never liked my name and wanted to change it since I was little. North is growing  up in the 1970s just like I did. Things were changing and opinions were rampant as North tries to figure out who she is and what she wants to do with her life. The author does a great job of developing  her character and allowing readers to get to know North better as well as other characters in the book. The faith thread is evident in the story and helps the characters in making hard decisions. 

With temptations, bullies, believing in yourself and dealing with a family that is not perfect, I loved following North as she maneuvers her way through life. There are some emotional moments that made me want to go help North but her determination was encouraging. Great story for young adults and adults who love a story that stirs your emotions and builds your faith. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Texas Book-aholic, September 15

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 16

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, September 17

Cover Lover Book Review, September 18

Artistic Nobody, September 19

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, September 19

lakesidelivingsite, September 20

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 21

The Book Club Network, September 22

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, September 23

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, September 24

Becca Hope: Book Obsessed, September 25

For Him and My Family, September 26

Girls in white dresses, September 27

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, September 28 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, September 28


To celebrate her tour, Dianne is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Tuesday, September 12, 2023

About the Book

Book: Path to Grace

Author: Cheri Swalwell

Genre: Christian Women’s Fiction

Release Date: October 20, 2022

Everyone knows that Ariana does not get rejected.

Used to getting her own way, Ariana grew up having her daddy wrapped around her little finger—and he still is. As an adult, she goes through life expecting that all men will give into her whims. When the one man she sets her sights on won’t give her the time of day, Ariana is truly baffled.

Matt avoids Ariana whenever possible. The young woman has no way of knowing that she reminds Matt of his mother and the heartbreaking memories that he worked hard to bury. If Matt has his way, there won’t ever be a reason to discuss the issue. But when Ariana’s life is turned upside down, and rumors about Matt could destroy everything that he’s worked so hard to achieve, it will take a heavenly amount of grace to prevent history from repeating itself. Will Matt and Ariana accept God’s plan for their lives?

If you like wholesome fiction with a faith-filled message, explore the Path to Grace, the fifth book in the heartwarming Redemption of Green Pines series today. Each book can be read on its own, but they’re best enjoyed when you read them as a full series!


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Cheri Swalwell is a Christ follower who thoroughly enjoys her calling to be a wife, mother, writer, podcaster, and speaker, in that order. Cheri loves to encourage people through her fiction series and many nonfiction books including devotionals, Bible studies, and compilation books. Interested in receiving encouragement 365 days a year right in your inbox? Then the JESUS in the EVERYDAY monthly membership is for you! For a full list of books visit Do you like YouTube? Head to JESUS in the EVERYDAY for 5 to 7 minutes of encouragement weekly.


More from Cheri

Have you ever thought about how different two siblings’ lives could turn out, even though they were raised by the same parents in the same household? Two sisters, one the middle child and one the baby of the family. One always considered “less than,” the other the golden child … until she’s not.


Book 5 in The Redemption of Green Pines series, Path to Grace, shows us what happens when one sister has been favored her whole life, until she falls off the pedestal due to one mistake.


Join the community of Green Pines as life unravels for Ariana. Will her siblings rally around her despite how she treated them her whole life, or will she be left on her own to figure out what to do now?


If you’d like to read the whole story, I’d suggest you start with Book 1, Adventure’s Invitation, but if you’re simply curious about the differences Wynn and Ariana face, I invite you to start with Book 4, Road to Freedom, and get introduced to Wynn and what her life is like living in the same household as Ariana, her baby sister, and Randy, her big brother. I’m pretty sure it’s nothing like you imagined it would be.


One of the things you will notice right away about this author is her deep faith that is spread throughout the story. I love reading her books because I find nuggets of wisdom and encouragement within  the pages. One example is Matt. Now for me I thought he was so hungry to know the Lord and placed himself around people who helped him in his walk. One thing he learns is to give himself grace. How many of us have trouble doing  that for ourselves? We must remember that God has forgiven us for our past. We need to learn to not allow the enemy to try to use that against us. I loved watching the growth in Matt and how he handles difficult situations in a Godly manner. If only his brother would turn his life around. 

Ariana is always thinking about what others think of her. She has to have the best clothes and live a certain lifestyle. Most young women deal with jealousy at some point and that ugly green monster hit Ariana hard. The consequences of that one brief decision changes her entire life. Thinking she could get  Brock to want her backfires on her. With her father threatening to cut off her allowance she doesn’t know who to turn to. I appreciate how the author handles a sensitive topic in a very compassionate way. What  will Ariana decide to do? Who can she count on to help her through a difficult time? Ariana’s thoughts about God are distorted and she feels like He would never forgive her for the sin she has committed. 

My heart broke into pieces when Ariana is confronted by her dad. The disrespectful way he talks  to her made me angry. No wonder this poor young  woman is so afraid to ask for help. Her father is heartless, a bully and  an emotional abuser. I wonder where his unconditional love for his child was? His hatred spreads throughout the house as he lashes out at his children. This scene is hard to read but very realistic. I appreciate how the author doesn’t hold back in showing readers the reality of someone who doesn’t know how to forgive. 

Rejection runs deep in this story as several characters work through hurt and feeling alone. I have to say this story has been an emotional read for me. I saw myself when I was younger and how bad my parents treated me. Ariana and Matt both experience the pain of not feeling wanted by their parents. But in the midst of our trials Jesus is there to comfort us. He paid the ultimate price so we could be free. “God is keeping the lines of communication open with Him always, and then listening for His responses.” 

To those who have felt unwanted, unloved, rejected or lost, God is here for you. His grace covers a multitude of sins. He is ready with open arms to welcome you into the family. “Family sticks together.”  This has been one of the best books I have read in awhile. The story illustrates grace in a way that expresses freedom. Ariana and Sabrina both walk a path that is hard but God is there with them. I loved the ending and can’t wait for the final book in this series. I did read a sample of the next book that  you can find at the end of this book. It will be a journey like no other as danger, anger and hatred controls a person that is out for revenge. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 12

Texas Book-aholic, September 13

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 14

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, September 15

The Book Club Network, September 16

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, September 17 (Author Interview)

Christina’s Corner, September 17

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, September 18

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, September 19

Bizwings Book Blog, September 20

For Him and My Family, September 21

Where Crisis & Christ Collide, September 22 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, September 22

Cover Lover Book Review, September 23

Pause for Tales, September 24

Susan K. Beatty, Author, September 25 (Author Interview)


To celebrate her tour, Cheri is giving away the grand prize of a $20 Amazon gift card!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Sunday, September 10, 2023

About the Book

Book: MOVING to The Peaceable

Author: Grami McAdoo (Caryl McAdoo)

Genre: Children’s Animals Picture Book

Release Date: December 22, 2022

Moving can be hard for any age, but the wise old hens might make it easier for the little ones in your life! Follow their journey!

Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Award-winning, Christian author Caryl McAdoo prays her story brings God glory. Of her best-selling novels, readers love her historical Christian romance family sagas most, but also enjoy their contemporary cousins, Caryl’s Biblical fiction, her new historical mystery series, and tales for young adults and mid-grade booklovers. The majority of reviewers award her stories five-stars and praise Caryl’s writing style and the depth of her characters, feeling as though they get to know them well.

The prolific writer loves singing the new songs God gives her almost as much as penning new novels—hear a few at YouTube! She’s been married to Ron fifty-four years, and they share four children and twenty-four grandsugars. The McAdoos live in the woods south of Clarksville, seat of Red River County in far Northeast Texas, waiting expectantly for God to open the next door.


More from Caryl

This is the story of how I became a Chicken Lady from start but not the finish! I have two more “chicken”! books planned based all on the true story! Before we had “backyard birds”—except mine are also front and side yard!—I called our back in the woods twenty acres in Red River County The Peaceable. After the chickens, I added “Farm & Bookery”.

My husband of fifty-five years Ron and I now incubate purebred chicks and raise them to laying age—usually four to five months—then sell them. We both love being around our flock, and the supplemental income is nice as well. They grow so fast; watching them is both so much fun and also relaxing!

I know each hen and rooster by name, and they all are so affectionate! They come running whenever I head out the door (mostly because they want to see if I brought any food! 😊) I love thinking about what they are saying to each other with all their clucking and purring and cackling!

This is why the books are partially written from the hens’ point of view as our first animals’ series, The River Bottom Ranch Stories featuring horses and goats and dogs among other wild animal characters. And all those farm animals were real ones that we owned and loved, too—like the chickens!

This series ‘Grami’s Stories for Children’ also has a narrator’s story throughout, and that’s me, Grami McAdoo! I talk to the children through a few pages full of dialogue to teach them about poultry and things of God. In MOVING to the Peaceable, I talk about changes and how they can be scary, but God is always with us wherever we go.

The illustrations are photographs of our real chickens and The Peaceable Farm & Bookery. In the back of the book, there are a few pages of “Chicken Terminology” and fun “Chicken Facts” to teach the little ones more about the wonderful world of chickens!

I pray they will love the story and be blessed by it! 😊


Oh my what a wonderful children’s book this is. My oldest granddaughter who is three loves chickens. When she moved to Washington state she had to say goodbye to her chickens. I cried with her as they found a new home. I was blessed to have them visit me this past weekend. My oldest granddaughter sat next to me and we began to read this book. Her squeals of delight as she saw the chickens made me smile. 

I loved how the author takes us on a journey to her new  home and asked questions that can help children interact with the book. With loads of information about chickens and roosters I learned some new details.  I adore the author’s Coop Deville so much and loved the beautiful artistic renderings that make this the  perfect home for her flock. 

There are things that really grabbed my attention in this book. The author shares her journey of moving which some children may have experienced. She  made it a fun adventure and showed how moving can be exciting. The other thing I really liked was the  pictures that gave the book character. When my grandchildren left this weekend to fly back home, my oldest granddaughter had my copy of this book clutched in her hands. It is now her favorite book. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, September 8

Locks, Hooks and Books, September 9

The Book Club Network, September 10

Texas Book-aholic, September 11

Guild Master, September 12 (Author Interview)

Lots of Helpers, September 12

Girls in White Dresses, September 13

Library Lady’s Kid Lit, September 14

A Reader’s Brain, September 15 (Author Interview)

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, September 16

Blossoms and Blessings, September 17 (Author Interview)

Mary Hake, September 17

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, September 18

Cover Lover Book Review, September 19

For Him and MY Family, September 20

Artistic Nobody, September 21


To celebrate her tour, Caryl is giving away the prize of a $25 Amazon gift card and signed copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.