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Saturday, July 20, 2019

Over the Line FB Banner

About the Book

Book: Over the Line
Author: Kelly Irvin
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release date: June 11, 2019
Over the LIneIn this high-stakes romantic suspense novel where tensions mount on both sides of the border, bestselling author Kelly Irvin explores what happens when the past explodes against the present and the only person you can turn to is the one who broke your heart.
When a college student dies at Gabriella’s feet after muttering her brother’s name, vicious gun smugglers believe she knows too much. And they’re determined to make sure she suffers the same fate. With no one else to turn to, Gabriella reunites with her former fiancé, homicide detective Eli Cavazos, to investigate the dead man’s murder and her brother’s disappearance.
In a desperate race against time, Gabriella and Eli are determined to clear her brother and find him before the gun smugglers can kill them both. Bit by bit, they tear away the masks worn by men masquerading as law-abiding citizens. No one can be trusted.
Working as a team forces Gabriella and Eli to face the problems that ended their relationship. She realizes she’s the one who needs to learn to forgive, but Eli must also learn to trust her with his secrets.
This ragtag team must fight a powerful ring of criminals protected by the very institutions that should prosecute them in an all-out battle that may cost them their lives.

Click here to grab your copy.

About the Author

Kelly IrvinKelly Irvin is the bestselling author of the Every Amish Season and Amish of Bee County series. The Beekeepers Son received a starred review from Publishers Weekly, who called it a “beautifully woven masterpiece.” The two-time Carol Award finalist is a former newspaper reporter and retired public relations professional. Kelly lives in Texas with her husband, photographer Tim Irvin. They have two children, two grandchildren, and two cats. In her spare time, she likes to read books by her favorite authors. Visit her online at; Instagram: kelly_irvin; Facebook: Kelly.Irvin.Author; Twitter: @Kelly_S_Irvin.

More from Kelly

Over the Line by Kelly Irvin turns the heat up on suspense with a setting in Laredo, Texas. Here’s a spicy chili to pair with the book while you’re reading

(adapted from 1979 World’s Fair Chili Recipe)
3 lbs. round steak, chopped
3 lbs. chuck roast, chopped
6 T. vegetable oil
6 T. chili Powder
6 T. cumin
6 garlic cloves minced
2 whole onions, chopped
1 T. oregano
2 T. paprika
2 T. cider vinegar
4 ounces green chilies, diced
14 oz. stewed tomatoes (one can)
1 T. Tabasco sauce
2 T. cornmeal
3 c. beef broth
Pepper to taste
Brown meat in oil. Pepper to taste. Drain oil from meat, add chili pepper, cumin, garlic, and onion. Cook for 30 to 45 minutes. Stir often.
Add oregano, paprika, vinegar, 2 c. broth, green chilies, stewed tomatoes, and Tabasco sauce. Simmer 30 to 45 minutes. Stir often.
Dissolve cornmeal in one cup of beef broth. Pour into chili. Simmer another 30 minutes, stirring often. (Chili is done when meat is tender.)
Serves 8.
Kelly’s Note: My husband loves his chili with saltine crackers. I like Fritos. We all agree that chili should NOT have beans in it. My mom always made homemade cinnamon rolls to have for dessert when she made her chili. Hmmm. That sounds good. I’m off to the kitchen! Enjoy!


If you are looking for a book filled with intrigue and heart pounding action, look no further. The author has really outdone herself with this story that could easily be front page news. I really liked the locations of the story since I live in Texas. It was easy to picture the characters in Laredo or San Antonio with ease by the descriptions. 

What I liked about the book was the intensity of who was the bad guys and who were the good guys. There is some back history between Gabriella and Eli that did take a while to get to.  I liked that because it gave readers time to know each one and see where their flaws were. I loved how they each were a bit stubborn and neither one was willing to give in. Eli certainly tried but Gabriella was harboring unforgiveness which was obvious by her sass and attitude towards Eli.

The story centers around a gun smuggling ring and at the forefront is Jake, Gabriella's brother. With him working undercover it became dangerous for the entire family when he comes up missing. I liked the investigation into his disappearance and the author gave us just enough to suspect many people. There was definitely some shady people in the story. At times I wasn't sure who was behind everything.  There are many secrets throughout the book and the best part of the book for me was between Eli and his father. It is worth reading just for this part because it deals with forgiveness in a way that humbles both characters.

Overall the story is good and definitely action packed. Finding Jake will put lives in danger and I was surprised at who was the head of the gun running operation. Fans of intrigue will not be disappointed in this story that has twists that put you on the edge of your seat.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Emily Yager, July 10
Genesis 5020, July 11
Bigreadersite, July 11
The Becca Files, July 13
Moments, July 15
Hallie Reads, July 16
Remembrancy, July 17
By The Book, July 18
Pause for Tales, July 21


To celebrate her tour, Kelly is giving away the grand prize of a copy of her book!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra enemies into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Thursday, July 18, 2019


Have you ever wondered what happens to letters that can’t be delivered for some reason? Penny works at the dead end office opening mail that can’t be delivered hoping she can figure out where they really need to be sent to. I would love that job. Can you imagine the letters you may read of someone looking for a lost love? Penny takes her job serious and is determined that one such letter needs her extra care in delivering it to the rightful owner.

Thomas has poured his soul out to a woman in letters that reach Penny’s desk. They are moving and very personal which causes Penny to go the extra mile and find this woman. I think Penny was starting to have feeling for Thomas who she has never met.  Going on an  adventure Penny finds herself in the same town as Thomas.

Penny is a good character and I think she is looking for a purpose in her life and someone to love her. Maybe that is why she has started a friendship with Thomas. She knows his thoughts and has read his inner most struggles so perhaps she can help him forget about this woman he has been writing to.

There is a bit of mystery surrounding Thomas that I couldn't wait to find the answer to. Why did he keep writing this woman who it seems he has hurt emotionally? What dark secrets from his past is he running from? The author does keep my attention as she writes a story that is emotional and filled with danger. It is a great lesson in forgiveness and vengeance. Anger can cause someone to do things they wouldn't normally do. In this story the author does a great job showing what grief and anger can do to someone and it sure hit home for me.

Letter writing use to be the best way to correspond between people. Today we are all texting, emailing, leaving messages and losing that personal relationship by not writing our feelings down so so others can read them. I would love to get letters in the mail from people. Maybe someday we will pick up letter writing again  and have words to cherish and keep.

I received a copy of this book from Librarything's Early Reviewers Program. The review is my own opinion.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

Midnight on the river grey FB banner About the Book

Book: Midnight on the River Grey
Author: Abigail Wilson
Genre: Historical Romance/Mystery
Release date: July 2, 2019
Midnight on the River GreyAbigail Wilson returns to Regency England with another tale of murder, mystery, and romance.
After her elder brother’s mysterious death, Rebecca Hunter vows to expose the man she believes responsible-Mr. Lewis Browning-known by the locals as the Midnight Devil and by Rebecca as her new guardian. He alone was on the bridge that fateful night and openly admits striking her brother with his horse, but he claims he remembers little else.
Summoned to his reclusive country estate to await her London season, Rebecca plans her own secret investigation. Yet, Lewis Browning is not as she once imagined, and his motivation is horribly unclear. Recurrent nightmares and Rebecca’s restless feelings are further complicated by the shadow of her mother’s prior descent into madness and whether she too will follow the same heartbreaking path.
Even as midnight rides, strange injuries, and further murders lead back to Lewis, Rebecca can’t ignore the subtle turn of her heart. Has she developed feelings for the man she swore to see hanged? And moreover, can she trust him with her uncertain future?

Click here to grab your copy.

About the Author

Abigail-Wilson-1-200x300Abigail Wilson combines her passion for Regency England with intrigue and adventure to pen historical mysteries with a heart. A Registered Nurse, chai tea addict, and mother of two crazy kids, Abigail fills her spare time hiking the National Parks, attending her daughter’s gymnastic meets, and curling up with a great book. In 2017, Abigail won WisRWA’s Fab Five contest and in 2016, ACFW’s First Impressions contest as well as placing as a 2017 finalist in the Daphne du Maurier Award for Excellence in Mystery/Suspense. She is a cum laude graduate of the University of Texas at Austin and currently lives in Dripping Springs, Texas, with her husband and children. Connect with Abigail at; Instagram: acwilsonbooks; Facebook: ACWilsonbooks; Twitter: @acwilsonbooks.

An excerpt from Midnight on the River Grey

My heartbeat turned sluggish as an ache swelled in the back of my throat. This man—the
person responsible for my brother’s death—expected me to live with him? In his house? Madness.
“And if we refuse?”
“I’m afraid there is little choice in the matter at this point. The arrangements are already complete.”
Mr. Browning narrowed his blue eyes, scrutinizing me, no doubt, as the numbing shock of his declaration faded to resignation across my face. He sighed. “I do realize Greybourne Hall might hold unfortunate associations for you—”
 “Unfortunate?” My voice came out a bit louder than I’d expected. “Is that what you choose to call it?”
He gave a sideways glance at Aunt Jo then returned to me, a pained look hovering about his eyes. His voice, however, remained firm. “Forgive me if I startled you. I hadn’t expected such a violent reaction to what I assumed was the logical next step. Perhaps I should make myself a bit clearer.” He gave a curt sigh. “I only intend for you to stay at Greybourne Hall till some place more suitable can be arranged. Unfortunately, there are few options at present.”
Ice enveloped my heart. I had no wish to travel to, let alone live at that dreadful house, not even for a single night. In his letters, Jacob had described the rambling structure as a gray pile of stones fit for vampires, or worse. I could only image Mr. Browning, this dark-headed devil before me, at home in such a place.


I enjoyed the time period set during the 1800s in London. I could already feel a chill come over me as I started the book. The author grabbed my attention right away with the way she makes the story eerie and mysterious with words that send chills down your spine. It sure wasn't fun to be kicked out of your home and find out your new guardian was a distant cousin. Rebecca and her aunt are not thrilled but maybe Rebecca can gather information into her brothers' mysterious death.

Lewis was a strange character to me. I wasn't sure if he could be trusted and it made for a wonderful treat to find out more about him. The estate they were staying at sounded spooky and yes I would be the first to go explore the place. The land seemed to always be surrounded by fog with a heaviness that almost chocked you.  How safe is she and her aunt at this new dwelling?

Regency novels can be quite intriguing if written with words that take you back in time. The author does this with such brilliance that I started to really get into the story. Oh my the secrets, dishonesty, plotting and unsavory characters were there in the midst of the story. What I liked is that the author doesn't make things obvious, rather she has readers dig deep into the story and find clues that startle them. Not everyone is who they say they are. Rebecca is getting close to finding out something about her brother that could have a lasting affect on many people.

People in the area don't think highly of Lewis and in fact believe him to be a murderer and a danger to everyone. Rebecca will need to distinguish the truth from lies in order to trust the right person. I loved how the suspense builds and how Lewis and Rebecca start to grow close. Now my question for Rebecca is, Are you keeping your friends close and your enemies closer?  Get ready for a fast paced story that will leave you with unexpected outcomes and a book that has been crafted by an author that can write a story with layers that need to be peeled away to find the truth one step at a time.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Emily Yager, July 12
Stories By Gina, July 12
Simple Harvest Reads, July 14 (Guest post from Mindy Houng)
Wishful Endings, July 15
Mary Hake, July 17
Genesis 5020, July 18
Bigreadersite, July 18
Remembrancy, July 20
Pause for Tales, July 21
Hallie Reads, July 23


To celebrate her tour, Abigail is giving away a grand prize of a copy of her book!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Sunday, July 14, 2019


 This was an especially intriguing book to read. I love learning everything I can about the Pony Express. Can you imagine getting your mail from a young man who rode a horse as fast as he could across country? The mail you receive may be old news by the time you receive it. I loved how the author described how fast the horses traveled to the way  stations and barely stopped long enough to get a fresh horse, deliver the mail and take off with a fresh pouch filled with mail going to other cities. We all know the saying about how the mail is delivered come  rain , hail  , sleet or snow. These men lived that everyday.

Jackie is running the station on her own since her father passed away. The town she lives in is barely a town with few buildings and a handful of people. You could tell everyone was close and I loved how they had church every Sunday sitting around a table. Their discussions were lively and everyone came away with a renewed sense of His presence. I would love to be part of this little town and experience all it had to offer.

There are two intriguing mysteries going on in the story that kept me glued to the book. One is about forgery and the other is about a woman and baby who disappeared a long time ago. Two men show up in town to investigate for their employers. One will take on the forgery case while the other will
try to determine if he has finally found the lost child that his employer has been searching for.

Elijah is a wonderful character and intends to help his employer with a special request. Elijah finds himself in a little town where Jackie is. I think he was impressed that she was running the station and had everything under control. There is an abundance of historical facts in the book which I loved reading about. I thought Elijah was an honorable man and I liked how he felt protective of Jackie.

It is a great story about forgiveness, redemption and faith.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and was under no obligation to post a review.