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Friday, March 12, 2021


Painted Memories

About the Book

Book:  Painted Memories

Author: A.M. Heath

Genre: Christian Historical Romance

Release date: March 8, 2021

Painted JPGShe moved on when the love of her life died in the war, but what will happen when she finds out he’s alive?

Olivia Jernigan never thought she’d get over Grady. But three years after his death, she’s on the verge of marrying Kenneth Wade when she receives a new painting by her deceased fiancé. Olivia flees home to learn what really happened to the man she thought died in the Korean War. The man she thought loved her enough to come home for her.

Grady Barnes woke up three years ago in a hospital room with no knowledge of his identity. The only memory to resurface is the image of a woman he can’t stop painting. When she suddenly shows up at his painting class, she may help him discover where he really belongs or she may disrupt the life he was building for himself.

Olivia and Grady have a history. But now, they wonder if they still have a future … or perhaps, their love is just a painted memory.

Click here to get your copy!

About the Author

AMHeathBesides being an Indie Author, I’m a wife, mother of four, children’s Sunday School teacher, sweet tea drinker, history fanatic, romantic, bubbly, lover of broccoli, and a retired cake decorator who has a soft spot for Christmas trees, Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, and sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ.
What I’m not is a laundress (or at least not one who keeps up very well), a duster, tall, or patient in a doctor’s office.


More from A.M. Heath

The Blessing of Unexpected Research


With any novel, there’s always a measure of research involved. While historical novels are more in-depth, even contemporary novels need research when the characters are involved in a job or a setting the author isn’t familiar with. Research can feel so random at times. It’s almost comical the strange topics you end up spending an hour or longer digging into online.


As I sat down to write Painted Memories, I was already well into the first drafts of Dance With Me and Yesterday’s Christmas, so the 1950s setting wasn’t as foreign to me as it once had been. But there were newer aspects involved.


For example, I recently found myself researching long-distance calls during the 1950s. And I often look up commonly misspoken phrases/words.


One of the ways I love to research is to imagine myself in the character’s shoes. Sometimes I have opportunities to play pretend. Maybe a little red lipstick or a new hairstyle to help me get into character. Visiting a historical home to get a feel for the lifestyle from long ago. A walk in the rain might be an opportunity to imagine the weary march of a soldier. A bad case of strep was once inspiration for a character on their death bed.


But, by far, the most memorable research experience was given to me by surprise. It was one of those things that I didn’t ask for and I wasn’t thrilled with when it happened but, even at that moment, I couldn’t help noticing the timing of it all and the big way God would use it for good.


I forgot the PIN to my debit card.


We all forget things from time to time. But this was a PIN that I used multiple times a week for nearly twenty years.




I was standing at the register when “poof” the code disappeared from my brain. I remember standing there in panic because nothing came to mind. I punched in a couple of combinations but neither was correct.


I spent the next couple of weeks trying to remember it but I never did.


It was confusing and scary. I remember searching my brain but there was only empty darkness. Yet, I could feel it. I could practically sense it right on the edge of my mind, but I never could bring it any closer.


I was amazed at my sudden connection to Grady. When I wrote for him, I put myself in his shoes and imagined what it would feel like. But when a small piece of my memory suddenly disappeared, I had a new understanding. When I wrote his scenes where he talks about sensing a memory close by but never being able to bring it any closer, I wrote that from experience. That’s exactly how it felt for me.


I had started the first draft about 2 weeks before I forgot my PIN. So instead of being angry, I couldn’t help being grateful. I thanked God and put my experience to good use. It was all I could do.


Sometimes we’re not dealt with the easiest hand. But if we’re willing to let Him, God can still use it for our good and His glory. In the book, Grady and Olivia talk about how God redeemed the time they thought was lost. That time when they thought everything was ruined and nothing was going right, God was using in a subtle but remarkable way.


The Christian life is often like that. We tend to think that something has lost all purpose but God is redeeming it and making it into something beautiful.


I’d love to hear from you. Is there a moment in your life when it seemed that all was lost but looking back you can see how God was using it for good?


Sometimes I don’t quite know how to start a review and this is one of those times. The emotional roller coaster the author takes readers on needs a warning. Do not start reading this book until you have gathered tissues, a comfy place to read and time to finish the book in one setting. It was impossible to put the book down. I had to know what would happen between Grady and Olivia. 

Their story is told through snippets of the past with elegance and deep emotions. I can still remember the feeling I had when I witnessed their undeniable commitment to each other. Oh but in the dark place stood a roadblock that would forever change their destiny. We often ask God why things happens and I consider this a prime example of His Will. It was so heartbreaking to think that Grady had died and I wept along with Olivia as she felt her future crumble. Everywhere she went Grady was in her mind. Would she ever be able to let go of his memory and find love again? 

Grady has a long road ahead of him as he tries to remember who he is and what his life was like before his injury. I really liked getting to walk beside him as he struggled to figure out the image of a woman in his mind. It was no accident or coincidence that he painted a picture of Olivia. Her image wouldn’t go away. I can’t begin to say I understand what it is like to lose your memory. Grady tries everyday to remember something, anything that will help him get closer to knowing who he is. 

There are a few other characters in the story that bring hope to the story. Maureen and Kenneth both find themselves in love with someone who won’t let go of the past. The most important part of the book for me was when Olivia is told that she has used Grady and his memory like an idol. What happened to her relationship with God? Have you ever placed someone or something more important than God? In the moment she realized what she has done, she surrenders herself to the one she first loved. Oh this part of the story can’t be overlooked. It reminds us to keep our heart pure and always  put God first. The scriptures the author uses are exactly what many of us need to think on. 

I won’t go into anymore  detail about the story because within the pages readers will find their journey to hope, forgiveness and a better understanding of God’s unconditional love. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion,

Blog Stops

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, March 9

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, March 10

Purposeful Learning, March 10

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, March 11

Texas Book-aholic, March 12

Blossoms and Blessings, March 12

Locks, Hooks and Books, March 13

Inklings and notions, March 14

Batya’s Bits, March 14

Abba’s Prayer Warrior Princess, March 15

deb’s Book Review, March 16

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, March 16 (Author Interview)

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, March 17

For Him and My Family, March 18

Jeanette’s Thoughts, March 18

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, March 19

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, March 20

Mary Hake, March 20

Adventures Of A Travelers Wife, March 21

Connie’s History Classroom, March 22

Live. Love. Read. , March 22


To celebrate her tour, A.M. is giving away the grand prize package of a Grace is Sufficient mug and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Thursday, March 11, 2021


About the Book

Book:  Heaven and the Afterlife

Author: Kathy Carmichael

Genre: Christian Non-Fiction

Release date: October 25, 2020

What lies on the other side?
In this relevant and life changing story, Kathy Carmichael details her experiences so that you may share, learn and receive comfort from them.
Imagine being given the opportunity to meet with Angels, Saints and Jesus Christ face-to-face. Imagine watching the recently-passed step through the Pearly Gates. Imagine knowing that if you ask, God and Jesus can be an intimate part of your life. This isn’t your typical self-help book, yet reading about these events may change you and your life forever.
Journey to heaven in this firsthand account of the Glory of God and the afterlife.
Wires and tubes were connected to almost every available space on Kathy’s body as she lay in her hospital bed awaiting surgery. In the days leading up to her illness and then later post-surgery, Kathy experienced incredible supernatural events. She has been tasked with sharing what happened to her with you, bringing you evidence of the afterlife.
In this inspiring spiritual flight to Heaven and back, you will learn more about prayer, blessings, miracles and the generous love and understanding available to each of us. “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” ~ Psalm 46:1
*Have you had a near-death experience also known as an NDE?
*Has an angel ever brought you a message, protected you from harm, or visited you?
*Has your soul ever been transported to Heaven?
This book explores events such as these, and you will learn you are not alone. You may come to a deeper and abiding love for God and humanity. It’s likely you will no longer have as much fear relating to death or dying. Heaven, Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit are real.
This volume also includes bonus material such as:
*Thinking About Heaven: Reader Questions
*Map of Near-Heaven and parts of Heaven
*Meaningful Scripture and Quotes
*Photos relating to Kathy’s life and hospital stay
*Foreword by John Carmichael


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

With a deep and abiding love of our Heavenly Father and his son, Jesus Christ of Nazareth, who came into this world to save us, Kathy Carmichael is compelled to share her astounding spiritual experiences with others. She believes part of her mission on this Earth is to help people feel better, whether it’s through her writing or her (at times, sophomoric) sense of humor.

A USA Today bestseller and award-winning author, she lives on a canal along Florida’s west coast with her Scottish husband of over 40 years, one son, two cats, a part-time grand-dog, and a bevy of dust bunnies and seagulls.

Kathy has written primarily comedic clean/sweet romance, cozy mysteries, and non-fiction articles and workshops. She has been recognized by the American Library Association’s Booklist magazine with starred reviews in both the Mystery and Romance genres. Kathy is well-known for her fiction-writing seminars, including her short synopsis workshop.

Kathy loves hearing from readers.


More from Kathy

Many times as I sat down at my keyboard to work on this book, I have been encouraged by Holy Spirit to count my blessings.

Has anyone reminded you to count your blessings? If so, when you examine the numerous ways you’ve been blessed and begin to list the numerous blessings in your life, do you feel eternally grateful?

It’s part of our humanity that we tend to lose sight of those blessings while dealing with our day-to-day cares. Yet when we stop to think about how many good things are steadfast in our life, outside of the setbacks, gratitude washes over us.

I believe I was encouraged to look at my blessings as a means for me to overcome my obstacles. Healing from my physical ailments has been time consuming and difficult.

Yet, when I look at my blessings…

Like you, I have been blessed in a multitude of ways. Recently I have been blessed even more so. A large part of that blessing was my being allowed to remain alive and still walking God’s green Earth. An even bigger blessing was the amount of time I was granted to spend in Near-Heaven, which is a setting running immediately beside Heaven, and the glimpses I was permitted of Heaven itself.

Not everyone has such amazing opportunities, and even fewer have the chance to tell about it afterward.
 Please allow me to share my story with you.


I have often said that that I don’t know what God says to others so I can’t say they didn’t hear something specific  from Him. This applies to this book. I had a difficult time agreeing with many points the author makes. Forgive me for saying this, but I felt like she rambled and sometimes repeated herself. It frustrated me when she said that because she had over one thousand prayers that she was given a  choice whether to remain earthbound or not. Hmm.. I always was taught that God decides our fate, we don’t get to choose at all. I didn’t like that she referred to God and Jesus as They. God is God and I have never heard the term ‘they” in anything I have read. She continues to emphasize because of all the prayers she had received They were giving her a choice to stay or go. Oh how my heart grieves as I read this book. I tried so hard to have an open heart and mind, but when I see things that go against  the Word of God, I cannot agree with them at all. One prayer can be just as powerful as many. God doesn’t say “Well since more people are praying for this person, I will save them.” 

I do know about signs and wonders and believe that God  gives  us visions. So to be fair I can’t say that what  the author says about this subject is wrong. Again I don’t know what  God says to other people. Now comes the hard part for me; I have never heard “Near -Heaven” in the Bible. What is that? I was confused so much during this book and yes I was upset. One thing really struck me as odd. The author describes Near -Heaven in vivid details yet I didn’t know something like that exists. Maybe I’m wrong but where in the Bible does it talk about Near-Heaven? The scripture she references about this subject can be  found in  John 14:2-3. I suppose this is her interpretation of the scripture. For me I can’t agree that there is a Near-Heaven.

As I end my review I will say that I appreciated the author giving us a glimpse into her journey to become healthy again. It is evident that she trusts God , has faith and turns to Him for help and encouragement.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, March 10

Texas Book-aholic, March 11

Cats in the Cradle Blog, March 11

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, March 12

For Him and My Family, March 13

For the Love of Literature, March 14 (Author Interview)

deb’s Book Review, March 15

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, March 16

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, March 17

Blossoms and Blessings, March 18 (Author Interview)

Godly Book Reviews, March 18

Locks, Hooks and Books, March 19

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, March 20

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, March 21

Through the Fire Blogs, March 22 (Author Interview)

Inklings and notions, March 23


To celebrate her tour, Kathy is giving away the grand prize of a $50 Amazon gift card!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021


About the Book

Book:  The Perfectionist

Author: Elisabeth Bennett

Genre: RELIGION / Christian Living/Personal Growth

Release date: March 2, 2021

The Enneagram is an ancient personality typology using nine points within a circle to represent nine distinct personality types. This sixty-day devotional is for the Perfectionist, number 1 of the Enneagram personality types.
This book will help Perfectionists, and those who love them, better understand how God created them and how best to use their unique gifts to serve Him and love others. It features a full explanation of what the Enneagram is and how it benefits people, followed by a full description of what it means to be a 1, including the Perfectionist’s deadly sin and their greatest strength.
Some attributes of the Perfectionist:

  • Motivation: To be good, have integrity, and achieve this by following the rules.
  • Biggest Fear: Ones fear being evil or corrupt, unable to do good things or make a difference.
  • Gut Triad: Ones, along with Eights and Nines, receive information through their gut, instinctively feeling if something is right or wrong. When Ones see others blatantly disobeying the “rules” that are very obvious to them, it triggers an anger response, and can cause Ones to be burdened by boiling frustration.

The sixty days of this devotional are split into six 10-day topics that include uniqueness, weakness, strength, pain points, and how Perfectionists react in times of stress and growth.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Elisabeth Bennett first discovered the Enneagram in the summer of 2017 and immediately realized how life-changing this tool could be. She set out to absorb all she could about this ancient personality typology, including a twelve-week Enneagram certification course taught by Beth McCord, who has studied the Enneagram for more than twenty-five years.
Elisabeth started her own Enneagram Instagram account (@Enneagram.Life) in 2018, which has grown to nearly 65,000 followers. Since becoming a certified Enneagram coach, she has conducted more than one hundred one-on-one coaching sessions, focused on helping her clients find their type and apply the Enneagram to their lives for personal and spiritual growth. Elisabeth has also conducted staff/team building sessions for businesses and high school students.
She has lived in beautiful Washington State her entire life and now has the joy of raising her own children there with her husband, Peter.


More from Elisabeth

This is the only devotional series that combines daily Scripture reading with Enneagram wisdom tailored specifically to one Enneagram type. Endorsements include Ryan O’Neal, Sleeping At Last singer-songwriter whose work has been featured on the TV show Grey’s Anatomy and the Twilight Saga movies, and Beth McCord, a popular Enneagram coach and author.


I find these type of books to be a bit overwhelming at times. There is a vast amount of information both scientific and layman’s terms scattered throughout. As I read the book I could see myself as a one and perhaps some of the others. No matter which one you are the book does have great insights into walking your life beside Jesus.

The book talks about the traits of a one and how we can use those to reflect Jesus with out actions and words. I think the book could be helpful for  anyone by applying the principles of being Christ like. The book does give us points to think upon and I did like the scriptures. I’m not a big fan of these types of books, but I appreciate the hard work the author put into writing it. 

I remember doing a similar study by another company when I worked. We all had to fill it out and then ask three people to evaluate us. It was interesting to see how others perceive you. This book does talk about how we can improve our attitude and think on things that help us in our spiritual walk. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, March 6

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, March 7

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, March 8

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, March 9

Texas Book-aholic, March 10

April Hayman, Author, March 10

Inklings and notions, March 11

For Him and My Family, March 12

deb’s Book Review, March 13

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, March 14

Mary Hake , March 14

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, March 15

Locks, Hooks and Books, March 16

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, March 17

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, March 18

CarpeDiem, March 19


To celebrate her tour, Elisabeth is giving away the grand prize package of a $20 Starbucks gift card and a copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021


facing the dawn

About the Book

Book:  Facing the Dawn

Author: Cynthia Ruchti

Genre: Contemporary Women’s Fiction

Release date: March 2, 2021

Facing the Dawn-Book CoverMara Jacobs has been struggling. While her humanitarian husband is digging wells in Africa and caring for widows and orphans, Mara has been battling the home front—working a demanding yet unrewarding job, trying to manage three detention-prone kids, and suffering from exhaustion and depression. Even her own marriage is deteriorating after a three-year separation.

Then Liam’s absence turns into something more, changing everything and plunging her into a sunless grief. As Mara leans on those around her to find her way to healing and renewed faith, she discovers that even when hope is tenuous and the future is unknown, we can be sure we are not forgotten . . . or unloved.

Facing the Dawn is an emotionally evocative novel that will resonate with readers’ lives and their life challenges. Hemmed in hope, this tender story will be one readers will not soon forget.


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Cynthia Ruchti Revell Facing the DawnCynthia Ruchti is the award-winning author of more than 30 books, including the novels Afraid of the Light, Miles from Where We Started, As Waters Gone By, Song of Silence, A Fragile Hope, and They Almost Always Come Home. Her books have been honored with more than 40 readers’, reviewers’, and retailers’ awards, including Romantic Times’s Inspirational Novel of the Year, four Selah Awards, and five Christian Retailing’s BEST Awards, and has been a finalist for many others, including the Carol and the Christy. Former president of and current professional relations liaison for American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), Cynthia lives in Wisconsin and can be found online at


More from Cynthia

When I sit down to write a novel, I sometimes have little more than a title or a single scene in my head. For Facing the Dawn, I had a mental picture of a woman who felt like circumstances had drained all the “color” out of her life, as if she were a piece of fabric that had been left out in the sun too long. Faded. Threadbare. Bleached out.

Where was I supposed to go from there? What would have made her feel like that? (Oh, I could imagine, but I needed to know THIS character’s story.) I visualized her called in the principal’s office at her kids’ school, not knowing which of the three was in trouble this time. But it was her. The ridiculousness of it all was almost enough to push her over the edge. Ever been there?

For Mara in the story, a long string of disappointments clogged her life like a backed-up sink (which she also had). Then true tragedy struck. And again. But I couldn’t leave her in that place.

When I wrote the last few words of the story, my heart was full. Tears fell on the pages—or the keyboard. And I reflected back on all the symbolism in the story that actually revealed bits of hope embedded in its fabric.

I’m excited to see how readers respond when they discover those little bits—a cardinal in a stand of birch trees, an oil painting with unusual brushstrokes, a papered wall, a cup of soup, a long-forgotten song, an envelope of ashes…

A story comes to life when readers dive in. I’m looking forward to hearing what they find when they do.


There are no  sufficient words that would describe how deeply this book touched me. In the midst of reading the story, I faced a very difficult situation. A very special and dear friend was tragically killed in a car accident a week ago. I am still in shock and haven’t processed it yet. This book is about grief and how a woman faces it head on. I prayed that among the pages God would give me words to comfort me. 

The main character at times seemed almost bitter at the situation of her life. She was raising three kids alone as her husband was thousands of miles away. His work as a humanitarian was demanding but fulfilling. I can understand Mara’s frustration as she deals with a son who has chosen to deter from what is right to a place where he is slipping away from reality. It was hard to read the devastating news Mara receives about her husband. Oh how my heart broke for her as she now faces a life alone without her spouse. There are moments she is angry because her husband chose to live far away. The author guides us through Mara’s grief process one step at a time. 

I absolutely adored her friend Ashlee. She reconnects with Mara at a time that only God could have ordained. Her compassion is evident as she becomes a lifeline for Mara. I liked how the author emphasizes the importance of allowing people to walk beside you as you grieve. Just when I thought the story was starting to settle down a bit, another tragedy strikes Mara. This one was extremely  difficult  and I cried as she faced the grim truth of a life lost so unexpectedly. I’m sure she blamed herself at times but there in the shadows was God whispering that she was not alone. 

The faith element in the story is deep and shared scriptures that gives hope for a new day. I pondered over the title for quite awhile. I wanted God  to show me what it meant for me as I grieve for my friend and my brother who I lost almost two years ago. I felt this stirring within me that said that though I miss those who have died, I must now face a new day. Just like Mara who found a way to get peace and close a chapter in her life, I need to do the same. I appreciate the author writing a story that digs up our hidden hurts and opens them for healing. She shows us through Mara that we can go on, we can forgive and we can find peace. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion. 

Blog Stops

Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, March 4

lakesidelivingsite, March 4

Through the Fire Blogs, March 4

Rebecca Tews, March 5

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations , March 5

Gina Holder, Author and Blogger, March 6 (Author Interview)

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, March 6

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, March 6

Musings of a Sassy Bookish Mama, March 7

Reviewingbooksplusmore, March 7

A Modern Day Fairy Tale, March 8

Kathleen’s Blog, March 8

Book Bites, Bee Stings, & Butterfly Kisses, March 8

Texas Book-aholic, March 9

Cats in the Cradle Blog, March 9

Locks, Hooks and Books, March 10

Simple Harvest Reads, March 10 (Guest Review from Mindy Houng)

Mypreciousbitsandmusings, March 10

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, March 11

Artistic Nobody, March 11 (Guest Review from Joni Truex)

Older & Smarter?, March 12

deb’s Book Review, March 12

The Christian Fiction Girl, March 13

Inklings and notions, March 13

Pause for Tales, March 13

For Him and My Family, March 14

Mary Hake, March 14

By The Book, March 15

Christian Bookaholic, March 15

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, March 16

Spoken from the Heart, March 16

Southern Gal Loves to Read, March 16

A Baker’s Perspective, March 17

Writing from the Heart Land, March 17


To celebrate her tour, Cynthia is giving away the grand prize package of a DrinkCo Stainless Steel Vacuum Insulated BPA-free beverage container (keeps drinks cold for up to 24 hours/hot up to 12 hours), two Sunprint Notecards (Cynanotype art by Anna Atkins), an autographed copy of the novel Facing the Dawn, two Hemmed in Hope magnets/notecard inserts to encourage you or a friend, a Hemmed in Hope flash drive, and Facing the Dawn bookmarks (not shown in picture above)!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.