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Saturday, October 31, 2015


I love the explanation the author gives for the word Renaissance . "It is about people of hope and vision bringing into the culture that which their spiritual eyes can see. " When God shows us visions, He is directing us to share those with others. It may not always be easy, but He will be there as you experience all he  has for you. "Caleb-vision is the ability to see the good things that God wants us to see without being derailed from our assignment by the obstacles before us." I love how the author explains that although there will be struggles, or things that may get us off track, God wants us to see the wonderful things He has planned for us.

The book goes into detail about the history of the Puritans. It is said that women who heard God's voice or spoke of a vision , were thought to be witches. Their days were numbered if word got out about this strange occurrence happening to these women. Aren't you glad that we can freely share what He has  shown us or said to us without fear of death?

Mr. Endow encourages us, the body of Christ to make a long-term plan, vs the short five year plan many churches adopt. We need to think years ahead , not just a short time so that the next generation can come along and continue the plan. The book is very in-depth and goes into having healthy relationships which will help you keep you eyes focused on your calling. The enemy likes to distract us with marital problems, sickness and other things that will detour our vision from what God has designed us to do. We all talk about revival, but are we really prepared for a full out across the land revival?

There are so many great nuggets of truth, encouragement and direction in this book, that it took me several readings to really grasp hold of what the author was saying. It was not for  lack of confusion, but a lack on my part to really receive what he was showing me through examples and scriptures. It made me realize that sometimes I have tunnel vision and don't look at the bigger picture. As you read this book, take you time, allow God to speak to you . "There is no greater pursuit than to see and know our God in a more intimate way. You've been given something specific that can be used to bring fame to God on earth and display the truth about how good He is."

I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.


I found this book to be a real wake up call for Christians. We need to be soaked in the Word daily, living a life that represents Jesus. As Christians, we need to be tuned to God with no interruptions or distractions. I'm sure He has been trying to get my attention for years , but when I listen to other sounds around me, I block His voice. I wonder how much I have missed that He was trying to tell me, encourage me or direct me?

I like the idea of making a scripture book. There are scriptures that are very special to me and writing them down would be a useful tool for me as His Word becomes a deeper meaning to my life. We sometimes want to rush through things, but as we allow the Holy Spirit to show us scriptures, they will start to become alive within us. What a powerful tool it is to have the  living Word inside guiding your path and giving you comfort and peace .

The author talks about how important it is to put our scriptures in categories so that we can reference them as we are counseling or praying on a specific topic for ourselves. It is important to read our scripture book constantly so we can keep his Word fresh . As we renew our mind daily, we become stronger and able to fight off the attacks of the enemy. The book is filled with tools that will help you have a stronger relationship with God while taking your place to become a voice for Him.

I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.


Although it is a short book, it really keeps you interested right from the beginning. Laurel has to move out of her apartment for renovations. She decides  to go back to her parents home so she can get some peace and quiet. After finish playing  a role on TV, she has recently gotten a new part in a big show. Laurel wants to concentrate on her lines for the part and maybe put some ghosts to rest.

She lost her parents in a tragic plane accident. As she is in the house she smells cigar smoke. Funny, isn't that the same cigar smell of the cigar her dad use to smoke?  Why is she hearing  violins playing and  people talking? Is she losing her mind? She decides while she is there, it is time to sell the big house and acreage .

Lucas an old friend she knew in high school, is a real estate broker. What a perfect person to help her sell the place and move on with her life. As Laurel is there at night, she keeps having  recurring dreams about an accident that happened at her parents house one evening. She has never forgiven herself for the death of her friend Ashley. She blames herself for his death.  Why is she seeing him at different places around the house ? Is his ghost trying to tell her something? Will Laurel find peace at last?

I loved the beautiful writing style and the characters that come to life with their connection to each other. Laurel is a character that has carried a burden for a long time, and the author shows her soft vulnerable side  as he interacts with Lucas. This is a charming story that takes us on a journey with a young woman learning to let go of her past and finding happiness. I loved these lines that a character said, "Life's all about choices . Some good, some bad. Just be sure the ones you make in the future bring happiness to your life." We all need to apply that to our own life. We deserve happiness.

I received a copy of this book from the author for an honest review.


My first thought as I read this book is it is a quirky book that is going to make me laught the whole time. Yes I was spot on. What was Dottie thinking, having a baby while her husband is once again away for business.? The race to the hospital is hysterical . When she was given a ticket as she is exiting her car is priceless.

Dottie is a master at juggling things. She takes care of the kids and now a newborn, cooks, cleans, and tries to keep friendly with the neighbors. Is there one moment, one time that Dottie can have a minute to herself? The thought of locking yourself in the bathroom is brilliant, but then who would look after the children? Her knight in shining armor Harry, her adoring husband is a very gentle kind man. He seems to be able to calm Dottie down when she gets out of control. Maybe she should do something about her stress?

Dottie has a baby monitor that somehow picks up her neighbors conversations. How many know that eavesdropping can only lead to disaster? It seems the gossip on the baby monitor is that two neighbors are having an affair. Gasp! This is not going to end well. Who are the cheaters? What kind of trouble has Dottie gotten herself into this time?

The author has skillfully written a great book that has so many laugh out loud chapters, I actually had to go to another room to continue reading. It seems I was bothering my hubby with my constant snickering and hysterical laughing. I highly recommend this book to anyone wanting a great book that is filled with humor and a cast of characters thst will make you smile.

I received a copy of this book from Librarything for an honest review .

Friday, October 30, 2015

Welcome to the Lake Morgan Book Festival!
Each year, Mr. Denton McCray and his eclectic team of volunteers hosts the most anticipated, and the most mysterious, book fest in a cozy, lakeside community near the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. Though many accounts have highlighted strange occurrences, readers are drawn to the book fest each year by the hundreds, and authors are thrilled to receive a hand-delivered invitation to participate.
The season is autumn. The day is overcast. There's an electric crackle in the air that foreshadows the arrival of approaching storms. Tops of trees sway under the weight of winds that bear more than the threat of rain. The book fest takes place in an old building that once served as a high school. It has been decades since students roamed the halls ... living students, that is.
The Lake Morgan Book Fest opens at 6 PM and runs until midnight. So, grab a cup of hot tea, and dive in!
Be among the first to devour the story! Both Volumes release on October 31st, but you can pre-order now!
Book Blurbs:
A Weird Thing Happened at the Book Fest
Within these pages, readers will discover just how weird the Lake Morgan Book Fest can get. Tales of time travel, science fiction, paranormal, speculative fiction, urban fantasy, comedy, and even a little romance await discovery!
Authors of This Volume:
Kimberley Montpetit
Tyber North
Belle Whittington
A.L. Kessler
Linda M. Au
H.A. Lamb

A Sexy Thing Happened at the Book Fest
Within these pages, readers will discover just how sexy things can get at the Lake Morgan Book Fest. Tales of romance, paranormal, and erotica await discovery!
This volume is for more mature audiences.
Authors of This Volume:
Alexia Purdy
Dicey Grenor
Mia Bishop
Lizzy Pope
J.L. McCoy
Author Photos and Bios can be found here: Author Photos & Bios

Meet the Authors and Discover the Story at the Project Website: Project Website
Blog Tour Schedule:
October 15th:
Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin'
Rising Indies United
October 16th:
Bitten by Romance
October 17th:
Home of A.L. Kessler
A Whole World Of Things To Do
October 18th:
Linda M. Au Books
October 19th:
Books & Broomsticks
October 20th:
Book Crazy Gals
October 21st:
I Read Indie
October 22nd:
Friends with Books
NarlyNut's Book Lovers
October 23rd:
Mia Bishop- Author, Artist, Dreamer
The Crazy Booksellers
October 24th:
Missus Gonzo
October 25th:
Book Nerd Ramblings
October 26th:
Hey Y’all Use Butter
October 27th:
All for the Love of the Word
October 28th:
Book Lover’s Hangout Blog
Contagious Reads
October 29th:
Blogging for the Love of Authors
October 30th:
Hall Ways
October 31st:
Platypire Reviews
Tanyas Book Nook

Thursday, October 29, 2015


I really enjoyed this book so much it was hard to put down. As I read the story, I laughed at the shenanigans of Lady Miranda Hawthorne. She was brought up to be a perfect lady at all times. Her mother would say, "would a lady act like that, or would a lady say that?" It was always a reminder that Miranda was being observed by others and always needed to be prim and proper. Miranda has always thought of herself as the plain one next to her beautiful sister. She takes to writing letters to her brother's friend Marsh. She pours out her heart to him, but never intends to actually mail them.

Griffith has acquired a new valet named Marlow,  but seems to be a bit out of place. He is not the typical valet and  secretly  is there as a spy. What does he think is going on in the household? Is it something that could damage a country?  As a letter that Miranda has written to Marsh gets mailed by accident, she fears that she will be laughed at. As Marlow and Miranda start to develop a friendship, the laughs and adventure really take off. They get into some pretty tight spots and it is impossible at times not to snicker at their impossible journey.

The book has mystery and great characters that are entertaining and intriguing. Will Miranda ever meet the man she writes letters to? Does Marlow's secret identity get revealed? What secrets are being shared by members in the household? Does Miranda find true love, or will she be destined to be a spinster?

The book is light and refreshing and the author has a great sense of humor thst she brings to the story with ease. The story is rich in characters that grab your attention as you read about secrets, mysteries and romance in this delightful adventure that will keep you glued to the pages.

I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.


I loved how the author used different illustrations from the bible to show us how God looks past our imperfections and welcomes us with open arms. The Samaritan woman at the well who didn't think she was good enough to give Jesus a drink of water demonstrates the shame we feel when we are accepted by others. Jesus wants us to drink from "the living water" and not be ashamed of who we are.

The author says,"When we are thirsty enough and desperate enough, he has a shot at convincing us to offer our skin in the game-to give with abandon who we are, not just what we have." It is time for us to give all we have , not be just pew warmers. We all have gifts that God has given us and it's time to start using those to reach others.

In the book is eight chapters that go in depth about facing our shame, accepting grace ,  and several other topics. As you read the chapters, soak in his word as the bible stories are used to understand the concept of each chapter. I think the stories really reinforce what the book is saying. Put yourself all the way in, have no fear, embrace your grace and be confident of who your are.

Are you ready to take risks and be "Skin in the Game" or will you choose to sit on the sidelines and let the enemy whisper discouragement to you?

I received a copy of this book from The BookClub Network for an honest review.


"Gunfire exploded to the right of the stage, a burst of sound that temporarily deafened her." As I read that very first sentence of the book, I knew it was time to get comfortable because this book was going to grab my attention till the very last world was read. India Hartley is a well known actress who finds herself being arrested for the murder of her co-star Arthur Sterling. How could a  prop gun get replaced by a real gun without anyone seeing it? Who would want Arthur dead?

Since India is so famous, it is impossible to go anywhere as she awaits trial without being recognized. The mobs must have been terrifying to India, with all the accusations being thrown at her.  Her lawyer, Philip Sinclair decides he must step in and help his client out. He invites her to come stay with him and his sister at his plantation. Hopefully being away from the strains of the charges against her, India can get some rest and collect her thoughts.

I loved the time period this intriguing story is set in the post Civil War era. There were people during this time period still trying to recover from the effects of a war that had devastating consequences. The author develops India's character very well and shows how vulnerable she became as she struggled to prove her innocence. A once very famous actress is now nothing but a recluse. How does she feel knowing that her stardom is almost a thing of the past? Will her loneliness cause her to feel unwanted ?

As the investigation heats up, something turns up that will be far more explosive than anyone could ever imagine. What was discovered that has everyone scrambling and talking? India will go through a torturous trial and there will be twists that the reader will not see coming. I love mystery books that are unpredictable and keep readers guessing till the end. Will you be surprised of the verdict at India's trial ?

I received a copy of this book from the author for an honest review.
Welcome to the Lake Morgan Book Festival!
Each year, Mr. Denton McCray and his eclectic team of volunteers hosts the most anticipated, and the most mysterious, book fest in a cozy, lakeside community near the Rocky Mountains in Colorado. Though many accounts have highlighted strange occurrences, readers are drawn to the book fest each year by the hundreds, and authors are thrilled to receive a hand-delivered invitation to participate.
The season is autumn. The day is overcast. There's an electric crackle in the air that foreshadows the arrival of approaching storms. Tops of trees sway under the weight of winds that bear more than the threat of rain. The book fest takes place in an old building that once served as a high school. It has been decades since students roamed the halls ... living students, that is.
The Lake Morgan Book Fest opens at 6 PM and runs until midnight. So, grab a cup of hot tea, and dive in!
Be among the first to devour the story! Both Volumes release on October 31st, but you can pre-order now!
Book Blurbs:
A Weird Thing Happened at the Book Fest
Within these pages, readers will discover just how weird the Lake Morgan Book Fest can get. Tales of time travel, science fiction, paranormal, speculative fiction, urban fantasy, comedy, and even a little romance await discovery!
Authors of This Volume:
Kimberley Montpetit
Tyber North
Belle Whittington
A.L. Kessler
Linda M. Au
H.A. Lamb

A Sexy Thing Happened at the Book Fest
Within these pages, readers will discover just how sexy things can get at the Lake Morgan Book Fest. Tales of romance, paranormal, and erotica await discovery!
This volume is for more mature audiences.
Authors of This Volume:
Alexia Purdy
Dicey Grenor
Mia Bishop
Lizzy Pope
J.L. McCoy
Author Photos and Bios can be found here: Author Photos & Bios

Meet the Authors and Discover the Story at the Project Website: Project Website
Blog Tour Schedule:
October 15th:
Stormy Nights Reviewing & Bloggin'
Rising Indies United
October 16th:
Bitten by Romance
October 17th:
Home of A.L. Kessler
A Whole World Of Things To Do
October 18th:
Linda M. Au Books
October 19th:
Books & Broomsticks
October 20th:
Book Crazy Gals
October 21st:
I Read Indie
October 22nd:
Friends with Books
NarlyNut's Book Lovers
October 23rd:
Mia Bishop- Author, Artist, Dreamer
The Crazy Booksellers
October 24th:
Missus Gonzo
October 25th:
Book Nerd Ramblings
October 26th:
Hey Y’all Use Butter
October 27th:
All for the Love of the Word
October 28th:
Book Lover’s Hangout Blog
Contagious Reads
October 29th:
Blogging for the Love of Authors
October 30th:
Hall Ways
October 31st:
Platypire Reviews
Tanyas Book Nook

Wednesday, October 28, 2015




It’s 1962 on the Texas Gulf Coast, and 15-year-old Charlie Sweetwater and his brother, Johnny, are happily oblivious to the world’s problems. Charlie’s main concerns are qualifying for an upcoming Golden Gloves boxing tournament, ducking a local bully and, with any luck, stealing a kiss from Carmen Delfín, the prettiest girl he’s ever laid eyes on.

Charlie’s last innocent summer ends abruptly when his boxing coach is murdered and his friend, a black Cuban boxer named Jesse Martel, is accused of the crime.

Their problems are compounded when Jesse becomes a political pawn in a high-stakes contest between Cuba and the CIA—a contest that intensifies when the Cuban Missile Crises begins, and the world’s two superpowers come within an eye blink of mutual destruction.

Through it all, Charlie and his brother are convinced that Jesse is innocent, and they are determined to find the real murderer—a remorseless killer who is stalking more victims—and clear Jesse’s name before time runs out. Suddenly the Sweetwater boys find themselves navigating through a world that is much bigger, more complicated, and scarier than they ever imagined.


As we drove over the tall hump of the Harbor Bridge, I gazed down at the North Beach neighborhood below. It looked gloomy and pitiful and dark. . . . Once it had been a popular tourist destination, full of boisterous crowds of vacationers, stevedores, and sailors, along with local well-to-do families. Billboards promoted it as Texas’s own Coney Island, “the Playground of the South.” I had vivid childhood memories of the long fishing pier, the saltwater swimming pool with its high-diving board, and next to it, the Surf Bath House, where you could rinse off in a fresh-water shower after swimming, and then order an ice cream float from the soda fountain. . . . You could see clear to Mustang Island from the top of the Ferris wheel. . . .

But North Beach had changed since then. The carnival and amusement park went broke after the causeway was constructed, and a few years later, when the pivoting Bascule Bridge was replaced by the high-arch Harbor Bridge, people and cars began to hurry past the area as if it were a drunk passed out on the street. You could stare as you went by, but you sure didn’t want to stop. . . . Now only a few greasy spoons, pawn shops, dollar-a-day-flophouses, and a handful of windowless bars remained—bars off the beaten path, bars that people went to when they didn’t want to be seen, or found.


“What, brother man?”

“Do you think Rachel would’ve been crazy enough to duck into one of those North Beach joints?”

He eased his foot off the accelerator, thinking about it, and then zipped over to catch the last North Beach exit before the Nueces Bay Causeway. “It’s worth a shot,” he answered. “And, yeah, I think she’s crazy enough.”

Praise for Miles Arceneaux:
“Miles Arceneaux named among the top five Texas authors of 2014.”
Mystery People, Top Five Texas Authors of 2014, December 23, 2014

Praise for Ransom Island:
“A seamless, atmospheric and sardonic comic thriller.”
The Dallas Morning News, Book review: Four mysteries with Texas ties, December 26, 2014

Praise for La Salle’s Ghost:
“Arceneaux keeps the story moving and the suspense building, working in plenty of
humor along the way.”
Glenn Dromgoole, Texas Reads, September 7, 2013

Praise for Thin Slice of Life:
“An engaging crime caper. This book hits the mark.”
    — Kirkus Reviews, November 15, 2012

Blurbs for Ransom Island:
“Like Carl Hiaasen and John D. MacDonald, Miles Arceneaux sets his dark doings by blue water, and has a ball doing it. He makes me want to run away to the islands—Galveston, Mustang or Padre—and sip a tall, cold glass of gin-and-something while I read his latest tale. RANSOM ISLAND may be his best one yet.”
Sarah Bird, Best Selling Author of Above the East Sea China, September 2014

Blurbs for La Salle’s Ghost:
“The story would make a good film . . . Seamlessly plotted and beautifully told.”
Lubbock Avalanche Journal

Blurbs for Thin Slice of Life:
“Miles Arceneaux has written a classic . . . steeped in salt-air atmosphere that just can’t be faked . . . It’s as if Dashiell Hammett had grown up on the Texas Gulf Coast.
Stephen Harrigan, Best Selling Author of The Gates of the Alamo

“The best suspense novel I’ve read since Cormac What’s-His-Name.
Kinky Friedman, Governor of the Heart of Texas

The author of four funny, fast-paced novels of intrigue set on the Texas Gulf Coast, Miles Arceneaux is a one-of-a-kind writer. Or, to be precise, he is three-of-a-kind. The irreverent persona of “Miles” is the product of three friends, lifelong Texans, and Gulf Coast aficionados.

Brent Douglass’ inspiration for Miles’ tales stems from his family’s deep Texas coastal roots, and the iconoclastic characters he crossed paths with growing up there. James R. Dennis’ intimate knowledge of both sides of the law (he’s one of the good guys, it should be mentioned) and his deep appreciation for Texas Rangers lore helps keep Miles’ protagonists on the side of the angels. As a longtime journalist covering Texas and Texans, John T. Davis has sometimes been accused of writing fiction, but this is the first time he has set out to do it on purpose. Together, Douglass, Dennis and Davis make “Miles Arceneaux” truly more than the sum of his parts.

By Deana Dick

I've heard this book described as a coming of age book and it is a perfect description of this story . It is set in 1962 when the U. S. and Cuba were not on good terms. Charlie Sweetwater and his brother Johnny have one thing in their mind. They want to be boxing champions and spend a lot of time at the gym working with a boxing coach. The coach is a no nonsense kind of man who believes in hard work. The boys are not concerned about the world troubles and they find one day that a bomb shelter is being built in their yard. I can only imagine what a teenager would of thought in those days seeing their dad furiously building a shelter that you could hardly move in. Charlie and Johnny had more pressing matters to attend to. They wanted to champion Golden Glove winners. Their coach introduces them to Jesse, a very promising up and coming boxer. It seems that others have their eyes on Jesse as well. He is offered to come train with someone else and his coach and him turn the offer down. This is where the action really starts to takeoff in the book. The coach is found murdered and Jesse is arrested for the crime. The brothers have no doubt that Jesse did not do it, but they are afraid to come forth with information thst could prove him innocent. Will they do the right thing and speak up? The book introduces readers to very sinister characters that could impact many lives. Their power is felt throughout many cities and could have an impact on the government. I enjoyed the storyline about the Cuban Missle Crisis and how the author weaved it into the book with clarity and added tension to the book. the book is well written and has mystery, intrigue and a bit of history in the story. If you like coming of age books with mystery and the 1960s , this is a perfect book to pick up.

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"Machines beeping, the blur of medical staff running, a crash cart whizzing into an ICU room, was there any hope?  

A young woman lay, packed in ice, as doctors attempted to somehow stop the swelling in her brain that threatened to take her life… and her family waited. 

Six days turned into eight weeks. She awoke to discover that she was not the same. She saw two of everything, couldn’t feel half of her face, couldn’t hear from one ear, and could not speak. She couldn’t even tell anyone that she felt hopeless… or could she? 

Halo Found Hope is the story of a beautiful, busy wife, and mother of three whose life changes instantly with the diagnosis of a rare brain tumor. An exceptional ENT, a brilliant neurosurgeon and a dedicated medical team tackle the tumor, setting off a series of unbelievable miracles.  
Helo’s story is not one of survival, or of salvaging a life through a broken body. It is not about endurance through pain, but victory because of it. While the family heard her silence, God heard her prayer. Helo’s story is simply this: Wherever you are and whatever you are going through, God is right there. He doesn’t need to be recognized by you, to be there for you. He can replace fear with courage and discouragement with determination, if you let Him. Helo did, and that is how she found hope.” 

"Christian readers will find in these pages a powerful testament to the power of faith in dark times, and even agnostics will be uplifted by the joie de vivre of this remarkable woman.” — Kirkus Reviews

TO CONNECT WITH HELO: WebsiteFacebookTwitter


This was one of the hardest books I have ever read. It is very candid and personal story shared by a woman who never thought her life would change so much by one trip to the doctor. Helo(pronounced Halo) has been having trouble with her hearing. After an MRI was performed it revealed that a tumor had wrapped around the carotid artery in her brain. I cannot imagine the emotions she just have gone through after receiving the devastating news

After meeting with doctors and discussing her options, surgery was the course of action. The surgery was successful but complications would soon set in. Her brain began to swell and quick action was needed to relieve the pressure. Halo went through many days of pain and finally  an emergency technique had to be used. They needed to bring the swelling down, before life threatening complications could lessen her chance of survival.

Halo would find herself in the hospital for eight long weeks recovering from surgery and complications. I am amazed at her endurance and unwavering faith she had during this experience. Her priorities changed and she learned how to really trust God, continue her faith and allow God to use her. She has been able to share her experience with others that are facing brain surgery or are recovering from it. Her strong comittment to helping others is very encouraging and will make a big difference to others.

She is not a complainer and  won't allow complaining around her. God chose her to take this path and He also equipped her to bring hope to others.. As you read her story, find strength in knowing that "God will never leave you nor forsake you." "Our hope is in the Lord." Thst is where Halo found the endurance to run this race and to share with others that even if you are going through a life threatening illness, God is there to give you strength, and renew your faith.

What we take for granted, Halo had to relearn. There were times as she was in therapy trying to catch a ball, that the task seemed overwhelming. But she never gave up and beat the odds. She is a survivor and a testimony of what hope, faith and prayer can accomplish.

"Hope found in God is the only place where searching for it stops." Helo Matzelle

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit and the author for an honest review.


Click on the image below or this link for your chance to win:
  • A beautifully framed poem written by Helo
  • $25 Starbucks Gift Card 
  • A Hardcover copy of Halo Found Hope


Judy Alter

Texans love to eat, and one dish they can’t get enough of is chili—so much so that chili con carne is Texas’s state meal. This seemingly simple staple of Texan identity proves to be anything but, however. Beans or no beans? Beef, pork, or turkey? From a can or from scratch?

Texas Is Chili Country is a brief look at the favored fare—its colorful history, its many incarnations, and the ways it has spread both across the country and the world. The history includes chuckwagon chili, the chili queens of San Antonio, the first attempts at canned chili, the development of chili societies and the subsequent rivalries between them, and the rise of chili cook-offs.

And what would a book about chili be without recipes? There are no-fat recipes, vegan recipes, and recipes from Mexican-American cooks who have adapted this purely American food. Some have been tried, but many are taken on faith. Recipes are included from state celebrities such as Ladybird Johnson, Governor Ma Ferguson, and chili king Frank Tolbert.


Judy Alter retired from Texas Christian University Press after thirty years, twenty of them as director. At the same time she developed her own writing career, focusing primarily on women of the American West. Now she writes fiction and nonfiction for all ages. She lives in Fort Worth.


By Deana Dick

What a fascinating book I found this to be. Since I am a native Texan , I thought I knew everything there was to know about chili. But as I began the book, I found facts I didn't know about chili and enjoyed learning about the history behind chili. The most famous and granddaddy of all chili cook offs is held in Terlingua. It is a small town in West Texas and people come from all over to participate. The author says, "Chili probably first appeared publicly in San Antonio in the 1880s, although it may have been earlier."

It's hard to believe that at one time chili was not popular and some called it the, "Soup of the Devil." What were people thinking? I'm glad that controversy is over.  Who doesn't like a nice hot heaping bowl of Texas chili? Gebhardt in San Antonio was the first to produce canned chili way back in 1908. There are facts showing that Gebhardt started making chili in anew Braunsfel and then moved his company to San Antonio. When chili powder was invented in 1896, housewives were able to make their own chili right in the comfort of their own kitchen.

I'm sure many of us know who the best known chili is. It has become a staple for msnt of us in cold nights as we warm up with Wolf Brand chili. Did you know that the formula for this famous chili is still a company secret even today? I also found out while reading that chili is the official state food of Texas. If you visit Texas, you must make one if your meals Texas chili. There us nothing like it and you will not be disappointed.

The book has many historical facts about chili and the men and women who helped make it famous. It is a must read for all chili fans as the book also contains chili recipes that everyone will love.

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