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Friday, April 28, 2017

About the book: 

With readings of encouragement and
 inspirational quotes, this devotional
 helps parents prepare their 
hearts for their children's independence, 
whether their kids are just
 starting kindergarten or graduating from college.

Parents let go of their children every day,
even in ways they don't realize.
 The 52 devotional readings within shine a light
 on all the times readers have loosened their grip
 on their children and encourages them
 to continue to let go in life-giving ways.
 Written by a parenting and education expert,
The Joy of Letting Go will comfort and 
inspire parents in all seasons of parenting.

About the author:
Dr. Vicki Caruana is the author of 20 books and the blog Apples & Chalkdust-named after her bestselling book that has touched the lives of a million educators around the world. Caruana is one of four parenting experts on "Starting Points," Focus on the Family's parenting DVD series. Formerly a public school teacher and a homeschooling mom, Vicki is now an assistant professor of education at Mount Saint Mary College in New York. She lives with her station wagon loving husband, Chip, in Newburgh, New York and has two grown sons in Colorado Springs.
Find out more about Vicki at


I have not looked forward to the empty nest at all. Two of my boys are already on their own. I still have one boy at home who will be eighteen in October. It is exciting to here about him looking forward to college, but my heart breaks because then the empty nest starts. One of the hardest things I have had to learn is to let go and trust God. I loved the examples the author gives in the book of how the transition can be made easier . I love the way the devotional is set up with different topics and "thought poke" at the end of each chapter. She includes scriptures and such encouraging words.

I loved when the author talked about milestones. Her story about her son driving long distance would have me on the edge of an anxiety attack. After reading how she handled it, I see that I am hindering my kids' growth by trying to step in and treat them like babies. One of my son's always says, "I'm an adult now." I just laugh knowing that he says that when I start nagging a bit too much. He may be an adult but he will always need his mom and dads support. Another story the author shared was about her kids solving an issue with an airline. I was very impressed by their determination to figure it out on their own. How many times have you stepped in to rescue your child, instead of allowing them to solve the problem  themselves?

The author is so right about relationships. "Tread carefully when your sons  or daughters enter into relationships. Your opinion has the power to make them run toward or away from their future." It can be a very touchy subject, so I try to be careful what I say. I don't want them to get hurt, but sometimes it will happen. I found the book to be full of wonderful insights and I loved the different stories she shared about her family.

I received a copy of this book from LitFuse. The review is my own opinion


Blog Tour Schedule:
Lady | Little Lady Plays
Michelle | Michelle Close Mills-Finding  the  Beauty
Colleen |
Jalynn | A Simple Life, really?!

Denise | Ramblings Of A California Couponer
Stacey | Books,Dreams,Life

Amanda |  The  Talbert Report
Carrie | Farming On Faith
Heidi | Buzz4Mommies
Sheyenne | Sean & Shey
Stacie | Perfect Chaos

Amy | Seasons of Opportunities
Laura | Reimagining Relationships
Rachel | Smart Mom Smart Ideas
Tami | This Mom's Delight

Amanda | Inklings and notions
Cara | Cara Putman
Crystal | Our Perfectly Imperfect Life
Deana | Texas Book-aholic

Diane | None, Goodreads only
Jennifer | InfertilityMom
Kristie | Moments
Anne | At Grandma's Place

Debbie | Debbie's Power Blog

Jennifer | Adventures in Unsell Land
Julie | More Of Him
Laura | Once Upon a Storyville
Leah | As We Walk Along  the  Road
Meg |  The  Caffeinated Librarian
Sarah | Running Through  the  Storms
Todd | Todd Giesen

Laura | Harvest Lane Cottage
Tricia | Lone Estrogen

Beth | For  The  Love of Books
Laura | Library of Clean Reads
Lisa | Wicked Good Reads

Kelly | God's Writer Girl
LeAnne | Rockin' My Mom Jeans
Natalie | Natalie Walters
Wendy | Life at Rossmont

Bethany |  The  Perfect beginning
Jennifer | A Peace of Mind
Rachel | Reader's cozy corner
Shirley | A Mom After God's Own Heart
Urailak | Fruitbearers
Virginia | My Full Cup
Laura | MemawsStuff 

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

About the book: 

Have you ever considered your life as an audition?
Regardless of who or where we are, we are constantly,
 often unconsciously, auditioning for a part.
 Loving wife. Amazing employee.
 Crafting queen. Socialite. All we really want is to be loved,
 affirmed, and accepted. What if we could learn
 to live the life we have always been auditioning
 for without all the stress?

Chasing Famous is a redemptive book that teaches
 us how to take the focus off ourselves and shift
 it back on to the glory of God. Written by a professional 
actress who readily admits that she is the most
 self-centered person she knows, Chasing Famous
 provides practical and sometimes humorous examples
 of scriptural truth that will help you master 
the natural self-centered tendencies of life.
 Once you've mastered these issues, and you can, your story will turn the spotlight on God where, you'll soon discover, what it means to truly live.

Lisa is a speaker, emcee, actor, and writer. Since receiving her bachelor of fine arts in theater from Southern Methodist University, Lisa has been featured in many major performance mediums. Her television credits include What Would You Do?, Prison Break, The Young and the Restless, and The Bold and the Beautiful. You may see her on television commercials, highway billboards, or TV screens at the local airport. She has performed with many theaters, including the Milwaukee Repertory Theater, Montana Shakespeare, the Dallas Theater Center, and Casa Mañana Theater. She is a highly sought-after speaker at women s retreats, conferences, and events across the country. She and her husband Markus live in McKinney, Texas, and have two boys.


Have you ever wanted to be famous? What would it be like to have people asking for your autograph? In this engaging book the author is an actress who wants to make God famous. I loved how she uses theater sayings to illustrate how we all have a purpose. It will require from us to step out of our comfort zone to make God famous. For some that is not easy, but the author eloquently quoted Isaiah 43:7, " That His name and His celebrity be known throughout the world." 

I think about the different people in the Bible who made God famous by His healing , strength and forgiveness. We all remember David and Goliath and how God equipped David to slay the giant . Through that act David made God famous by trusting Him. Do we fully trust God? Many of us have heard lies throughout our lives that we are not good enough, but that thinking needs to stop. We have been choosen by Him so therefore we are good enough to fulfill our destiny. I loved how the author includes scriptures throughout the book that reinforces His word. There are also questions at the end of every chapter that can be used as a bible study. 

Something the author said really hit me and made me realize my thinking has been all wrong. I always worry that my blog is not as good as others and my reviews are horrible. Does God care about how many followers I have? "But God will hold me accountable for making Him famous while I live- to my kids, my husband , my neighbors, to the cashier at the grocery store, and the employee at the drive-through." I see that my focus has been on trying to make myself famous, instead of living a life that honors Him. The author has written a book that is honest, transparent and encouring. I loved the different topics she uses and how we can become stronger by making God famous. 

"And when we relinquish control, guess what happens to the image of God for those around us? He is made famous. "

I received a copy of this book from LitFuse. The review is my own opinion.

 Lisa Lloyd's 'Chasing Famous' Prize Pack Giveaway BLOG CODE: Did you know you're constantly, often unconsciously, auditioning for a part? Learn how to master these issues and turn the spotlight on God with the help of Lisa Lloyd's new book, Chasing Famous. Chasing Famous is a redemptive book that teaches us how to take the focus off ourselves and shift it back on to the glory of God. Written by a professional actress who readily admits that she is the most self-centered person she knows, Chasing Famous provides practical and sometimes humorous examples of scriptural truth that will help you master the natural self-centered tendencies of life.

Discover what life really means when the focus is on God and enter to win Lisa's Spotlight on God Prize Pack!

One grand prize winner will receive:
Enter today by clicking the icon below, but hurry! The giveaway ends on April 28. The winner will be announced May 1 on the Litfuse blog.

Tour Schedule:

Jalynn | A Simple Life, really?!
Patty | The Me Too! Community
Stacey | Books,Dreams,Life

Joan | Book Reviews From an Avid Reader

Alison | Everyday Shortcuts
Amanda | The Talbert Report
Anne | GodDots
Carrie | Reading Is My SuperPower
Cassandra | Cassandra M's Place
Gina | Reveal Ministries
Laura | Once Upon a Storyville
Sharee | She Is
Meagan | Meagan Davenport

Rachel | Smart Mom Smart Ideas
Shannon | Mrsreadsbooks

Dianne | Sweeter Than Honey

Amber | snidbits
Denise | Ramblings of a California Couponer

Amanda | Inklings and notions
Marjolaine | Books, Beautiful Books
Sarah | Running Through The Storms
Tami | This Mom's Delight

Kay | Kaisy Daisy's Corner

Natalie | Natalie Walters
Susan | Lean in to the Lord

Crystal | Our Perfectly Imperfect Life

Andrea | The Book Girl
Kristie | Moments

Hope | Finding Joy in Everyday
Jennifer | A Peace of Mind

Britni | Raising Missional Kids
Jennifer | Jen Around the World
Julie | More Of Him

Deana | Texas Book-aholic
Lori | Vintage Charm Restored

Annette | A Well-Watered Garden
Jill | I am believing God
Trish | View from the Birdhouse

Alexis | God is Love
Bethany | The perfect beginning
Keri | My Table of Three
Rachel | Reader's Cozy Corner
Lisa | Little Writer Momma
Amelia | Rejoice Evermore 

Monday, April 24, 2017

Hello and welcome to The Sound of Emeralds birthday blog tour! I’m posting today about Rachelle Rea Cobb’s third installment in the Steadfast Love series, an inspirational historical romance set during the 16th century!

Rachelle is also the author of The Sound of Diamonds and The Sound of Silver, the first two books in the series. She has also written Write Well, a guide for writers! Last summer, she married a man with the same first name as the hero of the Steadfast Love series! I’m joining in this blog tour to tell you a little more about Emeralds and spread the news about the rocking giveaway Rachelle is hosting—make sure you enter using the Rafflecopter form to win signed copies of all three books!

ABOUT The Steadfast Love SERIES

In 16th-century Europe, the Reformation rages between Protestants and Catholics. Gwyneth, half-Dutch, flees from England to Holland to escape the man who murdered her parents. When he follows her there and insists he came to rescue her, will she trust this man called Dirk? When tragedy strikes, will their steadfast love erode?


Times gone by snatch Rachelle Rea Cobb close, so she reads and writes about years long ago--her passions include the Reformation, Revolutions, and romance. Rachelle wrote the Steadfast Love series during college. Five months after she graduated, she signed a three-book deal with her dream publisher, WhiteFire. She's a homeschool grad, Oreo addict, and plots her novels while driving around her dream car, a pick-up truck. In June 2016, she married a man with the same name as her fictional hero, and they live happily ever after in Small Town, South. She is also the  of Write Well,a guide for writers, which released on March 4th!


Instagram: @RachelleReaCobb

ABOUT The Sound of Emeralds

What once was blazing hatred has turned to lasting love, but could the union of a wild heart with that of a lady ever result in more than heartache?
With the help of an old friend with uncertain loyalties, Dirk inches ever closer to clearing his name. Gwyneth throws her faith into good tidings and the promise of a future as a family. But an old evil comes to call, just as tragedy rips apart a fledgling truce. Enemies from the past and grief for the future threaten to tear asunder what God had brought together…
As the date of Dirk’s trial approaches, his fate and his family hang in the balance. Will he be proven innocent of Gwyneth’s parents’ murders—or separated from her forever? How much pain does it take to erode a love steadfast?

Find The Sound of Emeralds on…
Amazon Paperback
Barnes & Noble:
Books a Million:

a Rafflecopter giveaway


1. When and where did you first get the idea for the Steadfast Love Series?

A song I was listening to on the radio inspired the title of the first book. So I wrote Diamonds, but when I finished it, I realized to my great frustration that the characters weren’t done with their story, even though I had been quite adamant that I would write a stand-alone novel. But the story wasn’t finished, so I kept writing.

2.  Readers often pick out favorite quotes from a novel. Do you have a favorite of your own from The Sound of Silver?

Yes! In fact, my friend Mindy, a calligrapher, even created a beautiful piece of art from one of my favorite quotes: “Within the pages of books one’s heart can be revealed.”

3.  Can you tell us what first drew you to writing Inspirational Historical Romance?

My first exposure to the genre came when I read Heartsong Presents novels when I was twelve. Those small books introduced me to how much I believe in the power of story, especially love stories set in times gone by.

4.  I saw on your website that you also write reviews, articles and offer editing services. What's one of your favorite things beyond writing novels that you enjoy?

Editing is such fun! I daresay I enjoy editing a page full of my own (or others’!) words just as much as I enjoy splashing words onto a blank page. I recently released my first nonfiction book, Write Well, which is a short ebook designed as a guide writers!