About the Book:

Name of book: Pockets of Joy
Author: Roxane Battle
Genre: Non-fiction, inspirational
Release Date: September 5, 2017
“No matter your situation, you have a choice. I chose joy.”
Roxane Battle was on television for much of her adult life. As a news reporter and anchor, she traveled the world and met notable people from Jay Leno to Mariah Carey to Prince. But shortly after landing her dream job in her hometown of Minneapolis, Roxane’s marriage fell apart. Every day was a battle to keep it together on camera while piecing her life back together at home as the single mom of eleven-month-old Jarod. At one point, broke and alone, dinner was a single chicken McNugget. With wit, dignity, and gripping detail, Roxane shares her story of intentionally looking for joy during this challenging chapter of her life. Her faith was the guiding force as she searched for moments of gratitude and found a lifetime of grace. She also includes secrets to spiritual, professional, and personal wholeness for today’s woman, with chapters on authenticity, service, generosity, gratitude, self-care, yielding, forgiveness, and more.
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About the Author:

Twitter @roxanebattle
Guest post from Roxane Battle
What this book is about is the season in my life when I was on my own and overwhelmed with trying to put my life back together while I learned how to raise a child and navigate a demanding television
career. A working, divorced single mom. That was me. For years.
There were many days when I smiled in front of the camera and cried alone at night. During those years, my time in the wilderness, I learned a lot about myself.
I am now at a point when I am able, willing, and desire to share the very personal and intimate stories of how I found peace in the midst of my struggles. I discovered what I call pockets. Pockets of joy. The kind of joy that causes your eyes to mist and wash over the hurt. The kind of joy that catches you by surprise and for a moment makes you forget, if ever so briefly, that you ever felt pain. The kind of joy that, in some ways, cannot even be described.
It is my hope and prayer my story will enable others to grasp a piece of the kind of joy I’m talking about and allow it to stir the kind of hope within that can renew and transform.

If ever there was a time to find joy in my life it would be right now. With all the violence and hatred going on in the world, my life seems lonely and sad. I have been thinking about all the wrong choices I’ve made in my life and wondered how I could still be here. This book has been a lifeline for me. The author is straightforward and gets right to the heart of the matter. I enjoyed reading about her life as a single parent. It was refreshing to read how she struggled and shared openly how she had to do some soul searching and realize she made right decisions.
As I started reading the second part of the book, I felt like she was describing me. I wore those awful cat glasses in junior high and was nicknamed “Toothpick.” I hated going to school each day knowing I would be made fun of. I cried at night because I was called stupid and ugly by my parents. What I did was start believing all this and my joy disappeared for a very long time. “I know self-acceptance is tough, but it is also a paver on the path toward happiness. Being our authentic selves, however we get there, leads to joy.” What wonderful words that is to know that I can find joy just by accepting myself. How many of us have felt the pain of dealing with self esteem? It time to let that go and be happy with the way God made us.
Each chapter has such helpful words of wisdom and yes at times I cried but kept pushing on. I remember the chapter about forgiveness very well. I have struggled with that for years. I know it has held me back and kept me angry and depressed. No wonder I don’t have joy in my life. I have let what others have said and done to me squash my joy. I am encouraged by the authors words as I let go of my anger and take a step toward forgiveness. Along the way I forgot to find joy in having three amazing sons and a husband who shows me unconditional love. Thank you for writing a book that reached into the dark places of my life and showed me that there is joy waiting for me. I need to reach out and grab it and remind myself everyday that “joy comes in the morning.”
I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

In honor of her tour, Roxanne is giving away
Grand Prize Package: Pockets of Joy, hard cover edition, in Pockets of Joy tote bag with Abba Jerusalem Frankincense pillar candle, and commemorative Whitaker House/Anchor Distributors coloring book.
1st Place Package: Pockets of Joy, hard cover edition, “You Are An Amazing Woman” (Abbey Press) mug, and commemorative Whitaker House/Anchor Distributors coloring book.
2nd Place Package: Pockets of Joy, hard cover edition and commemorative Whitaker House/Anchor Distributors coloring book!
Click the link to enter! https://promosimple.com/
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