About the Book

Book: Love Again, Live Again
Author: Joan Hunter
Genre: Non-Fiction; Christian Living, relationships
Release Date: November 6, 2018
Everyone gets their feelings hurt in life. As these wounds fester and compound throughout life, they become scars that affect our current relationships. Anyone suffering from a wounded heart feels a sense of separation from people, but the separation it creates from our heavenly Father is far worse for our mind, body and soul. “Broken Heart Syndrome” is a recognized medical condition. Tests show that the pain caused by relational stress or trauma releases stress hormones to circulate through the body. This causes the inner layers of the heart to shred, damaging the cardiac muscle and its capacity to pump blood throughout the body. The chest pain this can cause resembles a serious heart attack. Stents or angioplasty can treat blocked vessels, but modern medicine still has no quick fix for a broken heart. Joan Hunter reveals how to heal your heart from past hurts. To do this, you must be set free from the trauma of past relationships that prevent you from giving of yourself to those most important to you today. In doing so, you will also restore your most important relationship—the one with your heavenly Father.
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About the Author

Guest Post from Joan
Everyone has had their feelings hurt by parents, siblings, spouse, children, teachers, friends, or coworkers. Whether you realize it or not, those wounds affect your current relationships. Anyone suffering with a wounded or broken heart feels a sense of separation. Often, you feel that the separation from “man” is the problem. But in reality, separation from your heavenly Father is what causes the worst pain in your mind, body, and soul.
After ministering and teaching about a “Broken Heart Syndrome” for several years, I discovered that there was an official medical diagnosis by that name. Tests have shown that the inner layers of the heart actually shred, which damages the cardiac muscle and its capacity to pump blood throughout the body. Any interruption of the electrical system imbedded in the muscle hinders the heart rhythm and can lead to death or permanent damage. Usually caused by extreme stress or trauma, which precipitates an excess of stress hormones to circulate throughout the body, the resulting chest pain can resemble a serious heart attack.
The diagnosis is made by ruling out a heart attack, which is caused by blocked or collapsed cardiac blood vessels. While stents or angioplasty can treat blocked vessels, there is no quick fix for a broken heart. Broken Heart Syndrome does not block blood vessels and it can sometimes heal within a month or so. It can be caused by an extreme stressful/traumatic situation such as the death of a loved one, divorce, severe sudden illness, injury, or extreme shock.
This book reveals how to heal your heart from those hurts. To do this, you must be set free from old relationships that prevent you from giving of yourself to those most important to you today. You will also see how these principles affect your most important relationship—your relationship with your heavenly Father.

This is an interesting book for me for several reasons. The author took over the building where the church I went to for eights years use to be. The author also lives very close to me, but I have never met her. What is good about reading a book like this, is that a reader doesn't have to agree with everything said in the book, but I believe we all can take something good away from it.
I did like her talking about walls being built around you when you get hurt by someone. I have built my wall so high, not many people can get in. That old nasty word bitterness really can cause problems in your life. If you add unforgiveness to the mix, well you are in a bit of a pickle. It is very important to heal relationships so you don't block God out of your life. I have learned over the years like the author speaks about that we can't fix or change our spouse. What we can do is pray for them and remember that your spouse is not your enemy.
I'm not quite sure I agree with the author's number one reason for divorce, which she says is finances. I have always been taught that if you don't communicate with each other, that is the key to a broken marriage. Finances, children or just about anything will lead to a fight especially if you don't swallow your pride and talk to each other.With many of her statements throughout the book, I would liked to have seen some kind of facts to back up what she was saying. There are scriptures throughout the book, but some were in places that didn't relate to the subject being discussed. That was a problem for me throughout the book. If it doesn't line up with what the Bible says, then I won't listen to it or follow it.
The author did have some really helpful thoughts on anger. I know I'm guilty of taking my anger out on my husband. I may not be mad at him, but he gets the brunt of my anger. It is true we get angry over things we are jealous of, did something we knew would cause an argument or just because we happen to be in a bad mood. I loved her question we should ask ourselves, " Am I walking in the love of the Spirit?"
The book is filled with ways to help safeguard your relationships and heal you from past hurts. The author does healing ministry which some may not be comfortable with. I did find some good nuggets of wisdom in the book. I don't agree with everything she said, but I do think her heart is full of compassion for the hurting . What I would like to do is go visit one of her services since I live so close. I don't think this book is for everyone and it may be difficult to understand where she is headed in some topics. I appreciate people who share their experiences with others in hopes of helping them overcome obstacles in their lives.
I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Blog Stops
Just the Write Escape, November 15
Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, November 16
Mary Hake, November 16
Bibliophile Reviews, November 17
A Baker’s Perspective, November 18
Inklings and notions, November 19
Real World Bible Study, November 20
TennTwo, November 21
Reading is my Super Power, November 21 (Interview)
Robin Is Bookish, November 22
Artistic Nobody, November 22 (Spotlight)
Stephanie’s Life of Perseverance, November 23
margaret kazmierczak, November 23 (Interview)
Texas Book-aholic, November 24
Janices book reviews, November 25
Carpe Diem, November 26
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, November 27
Bigreadersite, November 28

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