About the Book

Title: John David’s Calling
Author: Caryl McAdoo
Genre: Historical Romance
Release Date: May, 2018
When much is given, much is required.
Everything comes easy to David Nightingale. The favored son of Cypress Springs comes of age in the Texas Hill Country with one foot in PawPaw’s Church of Christ and the other in Gramp’s Holiness Church. He loves tilling the soil, traipsing the back woods varmint hunting, and most of all Hannah Claire. But the Lord calls him to leave everything. Will he choose to follow or succumb to his love for Hannah? If he stays, can he have it all?
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About the Author

Guest Post from Caryl McAdoo
At just one-year-old, David John Prescott sat on the hip of his mother, Sandra Louise Harris Prescott in the end of CHIEF OF SINNERS, book ten (and last) of my Texas Romance Family Saga series. His biological father, Buddy Nightingale walked away from them both, choosing obedience to God over the love of his life and his son.
Staunch Church of Christ believers, his mother’s parents took in the baby while her guilt took her to Dallas and eventually France to oversee the care of her mentally deranged husband Harry Prescott. So David grew up in the Texas Hill Country, well loved and cared for, with his mother visiting as often as she can.
David’s paternal grandfather, Nathaniel Nightingale (from Texas Romance’s book eight and nine COVERING LOVE and MIGHTY TO SAVE)—once a famous tent preacher with a healing ministry—has been close, quitting the road to pastor a nearby Holiness Church. As David grows, he sees him occasionally when his father Buddy visits from Alabama and Gramps always came to watch him play sports.
From a long line of people who love the Lord, I thought to write a trilogy titled THE REVIVALIST. JOHN DAVID’S CALLING is book one.
At fourteen years of age, David stepped in to rescue a little third grader being bullied and instantly became her hero. As Hannah Claire grew, doting on him, making him gifts and cards, swooning, she won him over, and PawPaw allowed him to visit her church one Sunday a month.
The second book in the Trilogy will be HANNAH’S WILDERNESS, and then I’ll wrap up their stories with book three, KING DAVID’S TABERNACLE.
I’ve so enjoyed these characters—the Buckmeyers, Baylors, and Nightingales—I find it hard put them on the shelf. They’re like family. I’ve even got one story started that’s a contemporary called THE KING OF TEXAS, with Patrick Henry the III as hero.
As all are written to stand alone, it’s never necessary for readers to know all the ancestors to enjoy JOHN DAVID’S CALLING or any of the series really—though I’m pretty certain reading the Family Saga in order would be the best! So if you love David’s book, you might want to go back to VOW UNBROKEN, book one and read all ten. I think you’re sure to love them all!
One thing I love about this JOHN DAVID’S CALLING is that it takes place in my days. I graduated high school in 1968, same as David, so he lives through the same times as me! That’s really been fun. But I must say I do resent it being called a historical a little J LOL
As always, I pray my story gives God glory and that its readers will be drawn closer to Him through it. He blesses me and highly favors me daily. I cannot thank or praise Him enough! Thank you for reading my stories!

I loved this story so much. The time period is perfect and although I grew up in the 70's I still remember some of the references the author makes. Like David , I had a Z28 Ccamero. It was a 1974 brand new blue turbo charged Z28. Oh my reading about his brings back memories. Marble Falls is very familiar to me since I live in Texas. Trust me when I say it is a place of beauty. As David graduates from high school he has many decisions to make. He knows God is calling him, but will he follow Him, or take a different route?
I loved how the author talks about the struggle David has trying to please everyone. It's not easy to do that and sometimes we make the wrong choices. Can you remember a time when you didn't listen to God? It was a time when the draft was in place and many young men were called up to serve. This time period has a lot of history and I loved how the author so eloquently shared it in the story.
Hannah sure is a hand full and has declared her feelings for John. I sense a bit of temptation creeping in and I sure hope David is strong enough to resist it. David is definitely a person to be around. He is devoted to the Lord and like all of us, struggles when God tells him to do something. I have argued with God many times, but in the end I had to obey Him. David has a servant's heart just like David in the bible. Oh what a wonderful story the author has given us. I loved how she always puts in sweet southern sayings like,"Bless her pea- picking heart."
Reading the story is so inspiring and I loved how David continues to listen to God. I loved the talks he has with God and the visions he is blessed with. The author describes the different denominations and I really enjoyed learning about them. David is continuing to get pressure from Hannah to get married. Will he be able to resist temptation and stay on course for what God has planned for Him? Hannah started to get on my nerves with her constant wanting to get married. I wanted to tell her to be quiet and wait on the Lord. She needs to trust what God has called David for and believe she will be there beside him when the time is right.
This book is one I didn't want to end. I loved reading about David and his calling . He never gave up and always believed that Hannah would be by his side. Does she follow David when revival breaks out? What happens when David hears a call that requires him to go where few have been to minister? It is a beautiful story of following God's call on your life and the blessings waiting for you as you obey.
I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Blog Stops
A Baker’s Perspective, May 24
cherylbbookblog, May 24
Quiet Quilter, May 25
Bibliophile Reviews, May 26
Texas Book-aholic, May 27
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, May 28
Simple Harvest Reads, May 28 (Spotlight)
Janices book reviews, May 29
Margaret Kazmierczak, May 30
Maureen’s Musings, May 30
Bigreadersite, May 31
Locks, Hooks and Books, June 1
Connie’s History Classroom, June 2
Christian Author, J.E. Grace, June 3
Splashes of Joy, June 4
Jeanette’s Thoughts, June 4
ansel book blog, June 5
Artistic Nobody, June 5 (Spotlight)
proud to be an autism mom, June 6
Carpe Diem, June 6

To celebrate her tour, Caryl is giving away
GRAND PRIZE : $50 Amazon Gift Card
1st Prize: THREE Choice-of-Caryl’s Titles (print–US only or ebook)
2nd-4th: ebook of JOHN DAVID’S CALLING
5th-7th: print copy VOW UNBROKEN
8th-10th: $5 Amazon gift cards!!
1st Prize: THREE Choice-of-Caryl’s Titles (print–US only or ebook)
2nd-4th: ebook of JOHN DAVID’S CALLING
5th-7th: print copy VOW UNBROKEN
8th-10th: $5 Amazon gift cards!!
Click below to enter. Be sure to comment on this post before you enter to claim 9 extra entries! https://promosimple.com/ps/cee1/john-david-s-calling-celebration-tour-giveaway
Congrats on the tour and I appreciate the book description, review and the great giveaway as well. Love the tours, I get to find books and share with my sisters and now my twin daughters who all love to read. We have found some amazing books for everyone. So, thank you!
ReplyDeleteThank you, James! I'm so glad you're following the tour!
DeleteThank you for your wonderful review and for being part of the book tour for "John David’s Calling" by Caryl McAdoo. I'd love to read this book and have placed it on my TBR list.
ReplyDelete2clowns at arkansas dot net
Hello, Kay! You're in Arkansas? I'm only an hour from Texarkana! Is it far from you? Thanks for stopping by and commenting!Let's get together sometime if you're close!
DeleteThis sounds good!
ReplyDeleteHello Emma, thank you for stopping by and your comment! Deana's review does make it sound good, doesn't it! And I hope you'll love it as much as she did when you get to read it! :) Blessings
DeleteThank you for the fantabulous review Deana! I'm thrilled that you enjoyed the newest book so much! Also thanks for being a part of my Celebrate Lit Blog Tour! Hugs and blessings!
ReplyDeleteGreat blog post