Silencing the Siren" by Denise L. Barela -- Silencing the Siren Epic Book Launch
As time went on, he began to notice the lack of loyalty in those he had deemed his friends.
This left a gaping hole in his heart. Was it so wrong to want friends that liked him for who he was
rather than what he could buy them?
The corners of his mouth turned down, and Andrew turned back around to face the subway.
His kept a brisk pace to avoiding being late, but he also didn’t want to ruin his image by running all
the way to the platform. That wouldn’t be very becoming of a gentleman.
He slipped himself into an empty seat at the back of the subway and removed his hat. He set
the object on lap before taking in his surroundings. All around him were people his parents always
warned him against associating with. However, Andrew was never one to give much care to the rules
his parents established. It wasn’t that he meant to be rebellious, well, maybe he did, but it wasn’t that
difficult to do given the number of rules set in place. He could breathe wrong, and they’d be right
there to correct him on how to properly breathe. It’s a wonder he hasn’t suffocated yet.
Excerpt One: https://
Excerpt Two:
Denise Barela’s passion for fiction, her faith, and general creativity define her life. In all things, she strives to glorify God, though especially in and through her writing. She has spent the past six years working for a publicity company and five years working as the head editor for a publishing company. With an MFA in Creative Writing and a Professional Writing certificate, Denise enjoys using her education and work experiences to help authors achieve their own writing dreams. When she’s not working away at her desk, you might find her reading a good book or following Alice down the rabbit hole…
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