About the Book

Book: After You
Author: Sunshine Rodgers
Genre: Christian fiction, thriller, suspense (PG-13 Dark Fiction)
Release Date: April 27, 2018
Oh, that’s right, we talk about your love life. We sit with you in class. We know all about that thing you did last night. How do we know? We watch you. We go to those dance clubs with you. We scheme hideous outcomes for you. We know exactly what it is that will get you to our side. We create those wrong friendships you wished you never had. We invite you into those relationships that break your heart. We give you the life you never wanted, but it came at such a sweet price. We promised you the world and you took it like a kid wanting candy. All. Too. Easy. All I can say is, please, don’t let me get in the way of the worst ending of your life. I’m right behind you. I’ll open that door to frustration, nonsense and destruction.
***A Modern day twist on the classic Novel, “The Screwtape Letters” By C.S. Lewis***
About the Author

Guest Post from Sunshine
Hello Everyone! Thank you so much for being a part of the Celebrate Lit’s Blog Tour of my book “After You: A Demon is Always Lurking Nearby.” This book is a modern day twist on the classic novel “The Screwtape Letters” by C.S. Lewis. My book is a PG-13 novel told from a demon’s point of view on the many temptations and distractions the Enemy of our soul uses to deviate us from God’s plan. The demon in the story is after a girl in high school, so if you can imagine all the playground of resources the demons can play with around an insecure teenager just trying to survive peer pressure, boys and school! I invite you in to explore another realm outside of this one, as this story takes place in Hades and on Earth!
Now, I write Faith-based books and all of them are surrounded by biblical truth and accuracy (as much as I can for Christian fiction!). My other works include: “God the Father, Jesus the Big Brother, Holy Spirit the Best Friend,” “This is My Heaven” and “Last Night, When I Prayed.” In all of my books – even this dark one – I write about God’s pursuit of us, His personal and deep love and His sovereignty that He remains in control no matter what is happening around us!
I pray “After You, A Demon is Always Lurking Nearby” will open your eyes to the spiritual activity taking place around you. I hope you will begin to observe that following God and doing things His way causes the devil to get scared! And anything you do that impacts the Kingdom of God will attract demonic activity. But at the end of the day, God has the final word and we are saved and delivered under His amazing grace!
I would love to hear from you! Connect with me on social media! And I cannot wait to hear your thoughts on my book! Much love! – Sunshine

This book is a great example of how the enemy subtly comes in and messes with your mind. You don't realize where these thoughts are coming from, but when you are vulnerable they start to make sense. In the story we find Jennifer trying to make it in high school. I remember my high school days. They were pretty awful and I was bullied for the first two years. I can see how easily you can begin to believe the lies and start to slip away from God.
The story is told from the devil's perspective and it is eerily a perfect account of how he sneaks into a young girls life and tries to derail her from God. The devil in this story is mean, thoughtless and ready to do anything to get her to follow him. He whispers in her thoughts, makes things happen that discourage her and tries to isolate her from her friends.
I enjoyed reading how her friends surrounded her and prayed with her. With the power of prayer the devil is not as strong in her life and it angers him. Will he give up or try even harder? It was interesting to read about confusion and strife as weapons against us. One of the main things the enemy wants to do is break up families. Jennifer is in for a battle when she gets devastating news from her parents. The enemy has an agenda and its a fight between good vs evil. Will Jennifer fall into the trap or will she examine her heart and follow God?
The author does make it clear that this story is a fictional account of the devil and what may occur in someone's life. I wanted to see more emotion in Jennifer and perhaps show the parents trying to hep their daughter. I know the enemy is out there, he is waiting for a way in and it can seem so easy foe him to slip in. At times I felt like it was about a group of girls trying to bully Jennifer and make fun of her because she went to church. The author needed a bit more substance to the story and not to rush through the fight between Jesus and the demon. It could have been more powerful if I could have known Jennifer better and the author focus on the strong faith of her friends. She left them in the background almost forgotten about at times. I always give an honest review and can't recommend this one simply because for me it was almost like the enemy seemed to be more powerful and I was very disappointed that her parents weren't allowed to reconcile.
I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
Blog Stops
Book Reviews From an Avid Reader, December 8
Multifarious, December 8
Real World Bible Study, December 9
Genesis 5020, December 10
Inklings and notions, December 11
A Reader’s Brain, December 12
Godly Book Reviews, December 13
Bigreadersite, December 14
Texas Book-aholic, December 15
Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 16
Bibliophile Reviews, December 17
Janices book reviews, December 18
Carpe Diem, December 19
A Baker’s Perspective, December 20
Midnight bookaholic, December 21
Reading is my Super Power, December 21

To celebrate her tour, Sunshine is giving away a grand prize of a “Last Night, When I Prayed” coffee mug, a bookmark, scripture, little bible pamphlets on the subjects matters such as integrity, finances and miracles, a CD sermon message entitled “God’s Plan for your Life” by Dr. Creflo Dollar and a $10 Amazon gift card!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter. https://promosimple.com/ps/d6d2/after-you-celebration-tour-giveaway
Congrats on this tour and thank for the opportunity to read about another great book out there to read. It helps out so I can find books I know my family will enjoy reading. Thanks as well for the giveaway.
ReplyDeleteThank you for taking the time to read my book and write a review. -Sunshine