About the Book
Book: Seeing Angels
Author: Joshua Mills
Genre: Religion / Christian Theology/Angelology & Demonology
Release Date: September 3, 2019

Seeing Angels is one of the most in depth examinations of angelic ministry by one of the cutting-edge charismatic leaders in the church today. Joshua Mills goes beyond the usual takes on angels regarding spiritual warfare and explores who they are, how to recognize them, and what they do.
- Part I, Understanding Your Angels, is all about understanding who angels are, exploring why they are necessary and how different angels minister comfort, healing, love, prosperity. It reveals who they carry out specific geographic assignments for cities and nations, as well as the more unique and extraordinary assignments they receive.
- Part II, Discerning Your Angels, explains how to become more aware of the unseen heavenly realm, as well as how to recognize divine intervention when it does reveal itself to human sight. Such manifestations include random strangers, visions, or signs and messengers that believers receive. Joshua also explains the way he has interacted with visions of radiant light, swirling colors, and what he describes as atmospheric shifts. All of this is intended to make believers become more aware of both invisible and revealed spiritual realities.
- Part III, Working with Your Angels, deals specifically with how to minister alongside these heavenly messengers as they stand watch, provide protection, and administer strength and comfort. This includes recognizing their movements and how to effectively pray for angelic encounters to take place.
With a foreword by Patricia King, Seeing Angels is among the most comprehensive teachings on recognizing angelic beings and understanding how to partner with them in ministry.
About the Author

More from Joshua
Angels are a hot topic. A 2007 Baylor Religion Survey found that 57 percent of Catholics, 81 percent of black Protestants, 66 percent of Evangelical Protestants, and 10 percent of Jews reported having a personal experience with a guardian angel. And 20 percent of those who identified themselves as having no religion also claimed having encountered an angel.

None of us will always agree on what we think about a book. We each see a book in different ways and gleam different aspects from a book. I think this book may be one that each person will see differently. Angels have always been a topic that people feel strongly about. Some don't believe in them , while others do. As I read this book I sometimes wondered if I would be able to finish the book. I had a hard time understanding the examples the author shared about seeing angels. Then something inside me stirred and God reminded me of several times I experienced angels myself.
While you are driving down a road you see a car to your left coming upon a stop sign. You think nothing of it because the stop sign is there for cars to stop at. Suddenly you see the car moving at a high rate of speed coming right at you. In a split second the car is inches from hitting you and then stops. Was than angel looking out for you? Did the angel spare you from a horrible accident. We can interpret this example in many ways. I experienced this and I believe someone was watching over me that day. There have been several other close calls that have made me believe I truly have an angel watching over me.
I have never actually seen an angel like the author has described but it doesn't mean that they are not real. God gives us glimpses of things He wants us to see. For some we may never see an angel, but they are there watching over us, guiding us and protecting us. It was interesting to read about the different types of angels and what their function is. Each one has a specific task and are sent by God.
The author goes into detail about angels and uses scriptures to help us better understand what their purpose is. Some of the stories the author shares are examples of angels and their presence in our lives. This book is a great tool for those who want to know more about angels. I may not agree with everything said in the book but I do believe there are angels that walk with us everyday. Our experiences will be different and have different outcome than others, but in the end, " Dear friends, do not believe every spirit , but test the spirits to see whether they are from God." I John 4:1
I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.
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To celebrate his tour, Joshua is giving away a grand prize package of a $20 Starbucks gift card, copy of SEEING ANGELS, copy of Heaven and Angels by H.A. and copy of A Divine Revelation of Angels by Mary K. Baxter!!
Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter. https://promosimple.com/ps/e806/seeing-angels-celebration-tour-giveaway
Wonderful review, Deana! Thank you for sharing.