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Saturday, December 31, 2022


New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author Shelley Shepard Gray
Amish nanny Hannah Eicher never thought she’d see Rob Prince again. There was no way a relationship between her and the handsome English fireman could overcome her family’s objections—and their personal differences. But when he saves her from a sudden blaze, Hannah longs to see if they can turn holiday hope into a lifetime of happiness . . .
HIS AMISH ANGEL * Patricia Johns
She’s too outspoken to be a proper Amish wife. So as advice columnist “Miss Amish,” Maggie Lapp helps Amish and English
with their romantic problems. But when her tradition-minded former fiancé accidentally reveals her secret, Maggie will need more than a miracle to make things right—and find a perfect love for all the Christmases to come . . .
Rachel Miller won't let her disability keep her from selling heirloom plants and proving she can be independent. She certainly doesn't need reckless Joseph Webber working at her greenhouse to pay off a disastrous Rumspringa stunt. But she and Joseph have more in common than they think—and their surprising holiday partnership might just blossom into forever joy . . .



This is a nice sweet story of reconciliation and second chances. I loved how Hannah has decided to become  more independent and try to make it on her own. Her parents are not happy because they  want her to come home and be baptized. She may be Amish but she wants more than just living under the Order. I thought she showed courage and dealt with some issues with the help of God. 

Rob is a hero in many ways. He saves Hannah and her dog in a fire but he also has patience that it is a great characteristic. They once were a couple but things didn’t turn out well. Rob got his heart broken yet he still finds that he has feelings for Hannah. I loved how the author shows Hannah starting to realize that she had made a mistake with Rob. She also needs to repair her relationship with her parents. This is a wonderful Christmas story where we witness forgiveness and a relationship that puts God first. 


Maggie is such a great character. She is not the typical Amish woman and that tends to scare some of the Amish men off. I love how honest she is and how she wants to be her own person. An Amish woman is expected to marry young, have children and take care of the home. Now Maggie may want those things as well, but I think she intimidates men. She has a knack for writing and her column in the paper is a big hit. “Miss Amish” answers letters from people who are seeking advice, 

When her ex fiancée shows up to help her dad fix the barn, he isn’t welcomed with open arms. He tells her secret about her column which ruins everything for  her. She has loved giving advice with grace and honesty. Atley wants Maggie to forgive him, but can she do this without being bitter? I loved how we can see that there is a little spark still between them. I really enjoyed the talk Atley had with his uncle who is the  bishop.  Atley explains that God sent Jesus to save all of us. Maggie is spreading her faith by sharing it in the letters she answers. Didn’t God call us to go and share the good news with others? That  gets the bishop to thinking. 

It’s Christmastime and we think of Mary and how meek she was. Atley is passionate about having his dad see Maggie’s column as a blessing. I loved how Atley stands up for Maggie and gives her a wonderful Christmas gift. The saying goes,”opposites attract.” Will Atley and Maggie find happiness together? I loved this story and how the author explores how important it is to be ourselves and  not worry what others think of us. The  ending made me cry as I saw the importance of marriage and how we should “bend” for each other. What a beautiful thing to do for the person you love . Compromise or “bend” as the Amish call it makes for a string marriage. Merry Christmas Atley and Maggie. 


I like how this story features Rachel who is in a wheel chair because of bone cancer. She is stubborn, angry and a little prideful. Her parents hire Joseph to help her in the greenhouse but he doesn’t get a good welcome from her. You can feel the tension in the air as Joseph tries his best to be helpful. What an awkward position they both are in. Rachel wants to prove that she  can take care of herself but now Joseph is here to lend a hand. 

I did chuckle as Joseph tries so hard to convince Rachel that he is only there because his parents made him take the job. A silly mistake finds him having to work with someone who doesn’t want him around. As they begin to open up to each other, they realize they are searching for the same thing. They want to be independent and have some control over their lives. The book encourages the characters to use the gifts God has given us and be content. 

This story has a few surprises and shared the importance of following your dreams. Rachel and Joseph learn to communicate and this opens the door for them  to share their feelings. Rachel gets two wonderful surprises for Christmas and Joseph makes a decision for his future. 

Friday, December 30, 2022



It isn't easy to be Katie Weaver. Her sister-in-law Ella is about to have a baby, making Katie an aunt for the second time . . . and she's only six and a half! Plus, her favorite librarian, Miss Donovan, seems sad. She won't even fix up the rundown nativity in front of the library in time for Christmas. Then, an old woman is attacked outside the library, and, one by one, the nativity figures start to disappear!

Luckily, there's a new deputy in town, Connor Fields.

He takes a real liking to Miss Donovan . . . and he promises to find the missing nativity pieces for Katie.

Now, all Katie has to do is pray that Ella's delivery goes well and that some kind of nativity is in place for Christmas Eve. Oh, and that Miss D. falls in love with Connor. Katie knows from watching her three brothers that it makes people real happy. And that would be a Christmas miracle indeed!


Katie is such an endearing child and it was easy to fall in love with her. She has such a big heart and wants something done about the sad looking nativity scene outside the library. She is very direct when she tells the librarian that they need to have a real life nativity scene . Wouldn’t that be wonderful to behold. Seeing it come to life just gives me chills. Now Katie has to convince a lot of people how important it is to have this take place. 

Miss  Jayne Donavan doesn’t  seem very excited about the nativity and Katie remembers  she has been sad for awhile. Maybe Katie can find her a man to make her happy again. Oh my this girl is really got lot of  ideas so she better focus and ask God for help. I wonder how Jayne  feels about being matched with a new beau? Right before closing a man rushes into  the library for help. Conner is a police officer who is looking for some books when he hears a scream outside the library. Oh how I liked the little mystery going on with a stolen figure from the nativity scene and a woman who claims she was attacked. Now Jayne is curious why someone wanted to damage the  nativity.  Is Jayne in danger and who could be vandalizing outside the library? 

The faith of a child is so precious and I adored how Katie was determined to find the librarian a man to marry and have the best live nativity the town has ever known. Her enthusiasm is contagious and I quickly wanted to help her. Her prayer to God is sweet and pure. Katie learns a valuable lesson about what Christmas is really about. “It’s about family and love. It’s about you, God.”

If you are looking for a quick read that celebrates Christmas, this is the perfect book. Find out who is stealing the nativity characters and if Katie gets her live nativity scene. And don’t miss the question of does Jayne finds love.

Thursday, December 29, 2022


The crisp fragrance of pine trees and the warm spice of fresh cookies aren’t the only blessings that Christmas brings, and no one knows more about happy homecomings than three couples who are celebrating the greatest gift of all . . .

Called home by family, John Miller and Ellie Coblentz are each looking for a way north from Pinecraft, Florida. With few options, they decide sharing the burden of travel must be the Lord’s plan for them. But can this bumpy, bad-weather journey home help them find their way into each other’s hearts, too?
STAR OF WONDER * Charlotte Hubbard
When Raymond Overholt comes to Promise Lodge, hoping to sell the barnboard signs he’s painted with stars and Christmas messages, spirited young Mennonite Lizzie Zehr is intrigued. But any courtship between them will face fierce opposition from the bishop of Raymond’s Old Order community—unless someone can convince him that at the heart of faith lies love . . .
Newlyweds Rachel and Luke Coblentz can’t wait to celebrate their first Christmas together after years of courtship. But when Luke’s factory job threatens to keep them apart—from each other and their dream of a family—it will take faith to believe in the gift of a truly joyful ending .


I love books with several authors together writing  in their unique style to give readers a wonderful collection for all to enjoy. I love that a star is the focal point in each story as they celebrate Christmas.


I was so excited to be on the journey with John and Ellie. They meet under circumstances beyond their control. Each are trying to get home to someone who needs help. John is going to see his father who doesn’t have long to live. They haven’t spoken in years, which will be difficult for John. Ellie is going to take care of her grandmother. They look out for each other as they are removed from a van where a very unpleasant driver was. 

I loved their adventure on the train.  I never thought about motion sickness on a train, but I can see how that  would be a problem for some. As the train reaches the end for them, they still need to find other transportation to get to their final destination. 

The story is filled with meeting  kind people as they travel and find that they both seem to get along with each other. The ending is sweet and I loved how the author illustrated forgiveness. I loved how two strangers trust God and learn that He had a plan for them to meet and change their lives. 


This story gave me a better insight into the Mennonites. Raymond wants to sell his signs and finds the perfect place at a store. But his parents aren’t sure it is a good idea since the Mennonites don’t follow their beliefs. I have always thought about how difficult it would be to be shunned by family and the community. Mennonites allow their members to confess their sins and be forgiven. Raymond is ready to move out on his own and hopes he gets the chance to do so while selling his signs and working at the store.

Lizzie sure was interested in Raymond right away. She almost seemed pushy at times but her heart is pure and I liked how she encouraged Raymond. I love that she gets a chance to bake cookies again after leaving the bakery she used to work at. She has a gift for being fast and making the cookies so tasty. The significance of the star in this story is very emotional. Lizzie is reminded that “like a star we shine in our own special way.” What a great reminder that we may be different but we all have something that makes us special in God’s eyes.  

As feelings growing stronger between the two, Raymond starts to feel pressure from his dad. He is not in agreement that Raymond should be seeing Lizzie and thinks Raymond could be shunned if he continues his relationship with her. The story is a beautiful illustration of following God and giving grace to those who are in need. I loved the transformation of one character and it filled me with hope. “You never can tell which little things we do and say will lead someone to follow God’s star.”


Rachel and Luke are newlyweds and are finding it hard to be together. Luke’s job keeps him away from home during the week. Each time they are together you can feel the love between them. As Christmas draws near, Luke finds out that he has to work during the holidays. He is  having a hard time working at the factory and pray that soon he  will find a job  closer to home. 

This story is a look at faith and how we need to trust God. He knows the desires of our heart and wants His children to turn to Him with our needs. Luke and Rachel are waiting for the right job to come along so Luke won’t have to be away from home. What a blessing they receive and are surprised by the outpouring of support from family and friends. The ending is a wonderful blessing that finds Luke and Rachel feeling happy and excited for the future. 

Tuesday, December 20, 2022

About the Book

Book:Judy in Disguise

Author: Jennifer Lynn Cary

Genre: Historical Christian Romance

Release date: November 4, 2022

She wants her history to stay hidden…

…He’s trying to break free of his past

But as they reveal themselves to each other, can they carry out their covert mission?

Judy Larkin has been shy to show her true self ever since the worst day of her life. Which makes her the perfect target for her Simon Legree wannabe boss. He knows the right buttons to push making noncompliance next to impossible. But is she really the type of person to do this kind of thing? Especially with the boss’s preppy nephew?

Geoff Spooner has let himself be manipulated for too long but coming out from under his uncle’s thumb will cost him. Is he willing to pay the price? Could be this last demand will be the straw that breaks him free, but what will he lose in the bargain? His self-respect?

It’s 1972. Join Judy and Geoff in this quirky misadventure as they go undercover to discover who they really are, what the cardinal in the sycamore has to say, and what they are truly equipped to do.

You will love this sweet, clean tale inspired by the song “Judy in Disguise” because everyone roots for the underdog.

Get Judy in Disguise today.

Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Historical Christian Romance author, Jennifer Lynn Cary, likes to say you can take the girl out of Indiana, but you can’t take the Hoosier out of the girl. Now transplanted to the Arizona desert, this direct descendant of Davy Crockett and her husband of forty years enjoy time with family where she shares tales of her small-town heritage and family legacies with their grandchildren. She is the author of The Crockett Chronicles series, The Relentless series, and The Weather Girls trilogy as well as the stand-alone novel, Cheryl’s Going Home, her novella Tales of the Hob Nob Annex Café, and her split-time novels The Traveling Prayer Shawland The Forgotten Gratitude JournalJudy in Disguise is the first book of her spin-off series The Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue.


More from Jennifer

Have you ever been to a party and had so much fun you hated to leave? That’s how I felt when I finished up The Weather Girls. I fell in love with the characters and the memory lane saunter through my hometown of Kokomo, Indiana.

Then, chatting with a good writing friend, I realized I could have a spin-off series where Ferguson House, the business, and of course the cardinal and the sycamore tree all play a part.

The friends from the original series could drop by the stories, but these would be stand-alones. I also wanted to make these stories fun as well as heartwarming.

Then I had the question–where to get the story inspirations?

The same place I got it for SunnyStormy, and Windy—the oldies station.

That’s when I Googled song titles from the 60s that had girls’ names in them. When “Judy in Disguise” popped up, I knew it had to be the first of the new Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue series. The story ideas came fast and furious.

I am so excited about this new series, and I hope you will be too as familiar song titles get new plot points. Come join me at the Weather Girls Wedding Shoppe and Venue.


This is a fun story to read which includes laughs, adventure and a faith thread throughout the story. I loved having  some much loved characters from another book make an appearance in the story. Who could forget The Weather Girls? They play a part in this story that I thought was so cleverly written. The time period brought back so many memories. I liked the  different songs mentioned and laughed at the type of phone I grew up with. Do you remember the rotary dial or push button phones? 

Judy is a good character but I sure hope she gets a little more confident in her self. I couldn’t believe what her boss wanted her to do and was shocked she went along with it. Nothing good comes from being deceitful and Judy is in for a bumpy ride. 

Geoff  falls into the trap as well when his uncle comes up with a scheme to spy on his competitor. Now Geoff and Judy must “fake” an engagement to infiltrate and take down their biggest competition. Geoff is not happy with the arrangement and is determined to stop being afraid to say no to his uncle. 

One thing I really liked about Geoff is his faith. He tells Judy that God does love  her even though Judy seems to think that “ God has more important things to think about than her.”  I know I can relate to that. I sometimes wonder where God is when I go through trials. We are afraid  to trust Him and that stops us from receiving our breakthrough. 

This has been such a wonderful story about two people who have dreams they think will never happen. As they learn to open up to each other  they begin to rely on God to show them the right thing to do and in the end find happiness and a new beginning.

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Pause for Tales, December 17

Tell Tale Book Reviews, December 18 (Author Interview)

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 19

Connie’s History Classroom, December 20

Texas Book-aholic, December 21

deb’s Book Review, December 22

Spoken from the Heart, December 23

Cover Lover Book Review, December 24

Jodie Wolfe – Stories Where Hope and Quirky Meet, December 25 (Author Interview)

Locks, Hooks and Books, December 26

Stories By Gina, December 27 (Author Interview)

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, December 27

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 28

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, December 29

For the Love of Literature, December 30 (Author Interview)

For Him and My Family, December 30


To celebrate her tour, Jennifer is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon card and an eBook copy of the book!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Monday, December 19, 2022

About the Book

Book: Book, Chapter, & Vows

Author: Chautona Havig

Narrator: Christa DelSorbo

Genre: Christian Women’s Fiction

Release date: September, 2022

Falling in love with Benjamin wasn’t in the plan, but Mallory finds she’s all but lost her head and her heart after two and a half years of banter, memories, and now shared books.

But when her ex-fiance (does it count if it was just for a few hours?) shows up right in the middle of a writing project with Benjamin, the guy manages to ruin her happiness… again.

Benjamin has been keeping one tiny part of him back from Mallory–just the one thing that’ll repel her for good. 

So when the ex-boyfriend-slash-fiance shows up, and things look serious again, he takes a giant step back and prays he can keep his heart intact in the process.

They’re clearly meant for each other. God obviously has a plan. So what’s it going to take for Mallory and Benjamin to work things out and get those vows made?

This Breakers Head novel is Chautona Havig’s final book in the Independence Islands Series featuring five islands, six authors, and a boatload of happily-ever-afters.

The Independence Islands Series: beach reads aren’t just for summer anymore.


Click here to get your copy!


There is something about hearing a book red aloud that brings anticipation to me. I love how  Christa transitions from one character to the next in a seamless way. She is able to bring excitement to the  story as characters become more visible. I enjoyed this audio and continue to look forward to more from her.  

This journey finds us discovering more about Mallory. I have always liked her character and now we are on a mission to see how  her relationship with Benjamin will go. There is a real struggle within Mallory about her feelings and we can feel the turmoil within her. When an unexpected ex visits,  Mallory starts to question her life. Did she do the right thing when she and Trevor didn’t work out? Why is he suddenly back in town? 

Benjamin is trying so hard to let his relationship with Mallory blossom, but little things start getting in the way. Seeing Mallory kiss her ex doesn’t give him an ego boost and now he is wondering if there is more to what he saw. A rumor is floating around that Mallory is leaving. I liked how Benjamin didn’t over react and relied on God and prayed about the situation. I’m sure  some of us would have reacted differently and confronted the situation. It is a good lesson to not believe gossip but allow God to handle the situation. 

One thing that really stands out in this book is how we need to appreciate the little moments in our life. We become so focused  on our jobs or whatever keeps our focus from the little blessings we have each day. Recognize the family and friends that support you and be thankful for the time you spend with them. 

There is a certain ex that just won’t go away. Trevor keeps coming  back to talk to Mallory but she wants nothing to do with him. Her frustration is causing her to be short tempered and maybe has put a little distance between her and Benjamin. I loved how the author illustrated the ups and downs of a relationship and how we can let our pride get in the way. We see the flaws the characters have and I found them relatable for many of us. Our stubbornness sometimes gets in the  way and if we aren’t careful, we will miss what God has for us. 

There is an emotional time in the  story where we learn more about Uncle Bud and I was amazed at what was uncovered about his past. Doing the right thing can cause others to be hurt but in the end following God’s direction will always be enough. I think as Benjamin learns about Bud he starts to feel a little more comfortable sharing  his secret with Mallory. It is a very profound moment because the author  shows how telling the truth frees you from what has been holding you back. 

I have enjoyed each book the author has contributed to this inspiring series. The way she is able to make her characters realistic helps readers connect with each one. Thank you for all the beautiful memories you have given me on this journey and the many lessons on faith, trust and unconditional love. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

About the Author

Chautona Havig lives in an oxymoron, escapes into imaginary worlds that look startlingly similar to ours, and writes the stories that emerge. An irrepressible optimist, Chautona sees everything through a kaleidoscope of It’s a Wonderful Life sprinkled with fairy tales. Find her at and say howdy—if you can remember how to spell her name.

About the Narrator

Speaking Life into Story

Queen of the one-eyebrow quirk, Christa DelSorbo auditioned for the role of Tarzan’s mom and has the photos to prove she ended up as the only cast member in a literal cast. These days, they keep her stuck in a box with a ball on a stick and only feed her when she reads another chapter of another fabulous book. She loves every minute. Or so they tell her. *eyebrow slowly raises *

More from Christa

Blog Stops

By the Book, December 16

deb’s Book Review, December 17 (Spotlight)

Beckie Writes, December 17

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 18

Where Crisis & Christ Collide, December 19

Texas Book-aholic, December 20

Inklings and notions, December 21

Locks, Hooks and Books, December 22

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, December 23

Britt Reads Fiction, December 24

For Him and My Family, December 25

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, December 26

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 27

Holly’s Book Corner, December 28

Mary Hake, December 29


To celebrate her tour, Christa is giving away the grand prize package of a $25 Amazon gift card and a code for the audiobook!!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.

Saturday, December 17, 2022

About the Book

Book: Forever Home

Author: Hope Toler Dougherty

Genre: Sweet Romance/Christian Fiction

Release date: August 16, 2022

With a fulfilling job and a home of her own, former foster child, Merritt Hastings, relishes her stable, respectable life. Dreaming for more is a sure way for heartache. When a contested will turns her world upside down, she must reevaluate what’s important to her, what’s worth fighting for, and what’s worth sacrificing.

Patience has never been Sam Daniels’ strong suit with his history of acting quickly and asking questions later, and he’s ready for changes in his life…now. Too bad the plans for acquiring a radio station didn’t include a contract. Now he’s out of a job, out of a radio station, and out of prospects.

While his life is in flux, at least he can help Merritt steady hers, or will he rush in and overstep …again?

Will the sparks flying between these two opposites lead to a happily-ever-after or heartbreak for both?


Click here to get your copy!


About the Author

Hope Toler Dougherty holds a master’s degree in English and taught at East Carolina University and York Technical College. Her novels include Irish EncounterMars…With Venus Rising, Rescued Hearts, Forever Music, and Forever Home. Her recent novella, “A Hatteras Surprise,” appears in Candy Cane Wishes and Saltwater Dreams and is also available as a standalone novel. She and her husband delight in visits with their two daughters and twin sons.


More from Hope

When I introduced the Daniels family in Forever Music, the first story in the Forever Series, I wrote about Josie, the little sister. I wanted to write about her brother Sam next, but after about eight chapters, the words stopped flowing and then the pandemic struck. Instead of writing during lockdown, I cleaned out closets, crocheted mask bands, and perfected a killer sourdough loaf.


I wanted to write. I tried to write. I loved Sam and wanted to discover his story, but…nothing.

When my publisher offered a slot in a novella collection, I pushed Sam to the back of my mind and wrote about his older brother, Ben. Ben’s story is set on the beautiful Hatteras Island on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. Check out his romance in A Hatteras Surprise.


Sharing Ben’s courtship with Ginny Stowe freed me to get back to Sam and Merritt in Forever Home. Their story highlights foster care, music, friendship, and radio stations.


Impatient Sam usually acts first and thinks second. His happy-go-lucky personality chafes Merritt’s stick-with-a-plan attitude. Too bad she needs his help with her livelihood.  They don’t hit it off at first, but both are definitely intrigued with each other.


Readers can find subtle Italian references throughout the story. Here’s a favorite recipe friends might find in Merritt’s kitchen. I hope you like it and the story, too!

Orange Pistachio Biscotti

2 C plain flour                         1 egg white
1 t baking powder                   2 T orange zest
¼ t salt                                    ½-1 C chopped pistachios
1 C sugar                                 1/2 C candied orange bits
2 eggs                                      orange juice, if needed


Sift flour, baking powder, salt, and sugar into a mixing bowl. In another bowl, beat eggs and egg white together, then add to flour mixture. Stir in orange zest, nuts, and orange bits. Mix until dough is smooth. If the dough is too dry, add orange juice a tablespoon at a time.

Flour hands and scoop half the dough onto one side of the cookie sheet prepared with cooking spray. Shape the dough into a 15×3-inch log. Repeat with remaining dough. The logs should be several inches apart.

Bake at 350 degrees for 25 to 30 minutes. Tops of the logs should be firm.

Remove to wire rack and cool for 10 minutes. Cut logs on a diagonal into ½-inch-thick slices. Place the slices, cut side down, on the baking sheet. Reduce oven temperature to 325 degrees and bake for 15 minutes.

Allow the cookies to cool completely on a wire rack. They will harden as they cool. Yields about 48 cookies depending on size


This is the kind of story that seeps into your heart and slowly releases the feelings of hope, reconciliation and takes away the pain that has crippled you for so long. Merritt is someone you know is struggling through a childhood that left her scarred. Being an orphan and living with different families increased her desire to not get close to anyone. She only wants a relationship with someone who has no family. It may sound funny but I understood her reasons without hesitation. Even though I wasn’t an orphan I might as well have been. The loneliness of not really belonging and never having anything of your own makes you feel unloved.  

Sam is a nice guy but he sure can’t win Merritt over very easily. The poor guy goes out of his way to help her, befriend her, even agrees to do a recital with her. What he doesn’t realize yet is Merritt is broken inside and it will take prayer and patience to help her. I loved how he didn’t give up, and was quick to apologize when he said or did something wrong. 

I love how music is an integral part of this story and how the piano is at the forefront.  My grandmother was a school teacher and taught piano as well. My granddad was a piano tuner. I loved going to their house, because my grandmother taught me how to play. When I played all my pain was forgotten as the music soothed my soul. Merritt feels the same when she can escape and get lost in the sounds that bring her peace. 

The story is one that puts two people together as they search for happiness and love. Their struggles are mixed with pride and trust at times. Merritt is so determined not to get hurt, that she keeps pushing away. I loved how the author allows Merritt to face her fears and come  to understand that she has desired a forever home all along. Never give up on your dream and let God heal those deep wounds. Family is important and letting go of the past will set you free. For Merritt and Sam, their love of music brought them together. 

I loved one part in the  story when Merritt does something very  surprising and unselfish. It shows that she does care and wants to help someone’s  dreams happen. It is like a growing process for her. Being in the foster care system has made her compassionate for others and in doing this act she feels a part of something. Yes she belongs and is accepted. In the end the story illustrates how important family is. It isn’t always about being related that makes a family. Being  a family is when you come together, love each other, trust each other , help each other and find comfort as you know you have others who will always be there. 

I received a copy of this book from Celebrate Lit. The review is my own opinion.

Blog Stops

Pause for Tales, December 14

For Him and My Family, December 14

Debbie’s Dusty Deliberations, December 15

Inklings and notions, December 16

Texas Book-aholic, December 17

Cover Lover Book Review, December 18

Locks, Hooks and Books, December 19

Beauty in the Binding, December 20 (Author Interview)

deb’s Book Review, December 20

Ashley’s Clean Book Reviews, December 21

Because I said so — and other adventures in Parenting, December 22

Truth and Grace Homeschool Academy, December 23

For the Love of Literature, December 24 (Author Interview)

Susan K. Beatty, Author, December 25 (Author Interview)

Blogging With Carol, December 26

Happily Managing a Household of Boys, December 27


To celebrate her tour, Hope is giving away the grand prize package of a $50 Amazon gift card, one signed copy of Forever Home, and book swag!

Be sure to comment on the blog stops for nine extra entries into the giveaway! Click the link below to enter.