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Saturday, December 24, 2016


The book is a great and entertaining cozy mystery. The details are so good that I might possibly have been on stage with the characters. The story goes at a good pace and I found myself really enjoying the book. It was an interesting concept to have the story set during a production of none other than  a Shakespeare play. That sure does bring back memories from school when i had to learn lines from his multitude of plays.

It's time for another big time production at the Catskills Shakespeare Theater Company. The town is all excited as it brings in a much needed fundraising. Paula Van Dusen reminds me of a snotty well to do person who has many ties to wealthy people. She is known to be the biggest name around to bring in the money when needed. It just so happens that this year's production also will include a celebration for her daughter's upcoming wedding. Now how convenient is that? Two parties for the price of one sounds a little fishy but we will have  to see if Paula can pull it off.

Things don't go well as the party gets into full swing. The bride and her fiancé have a little competition going with a fellow guest at the party. What a coincidence that Adrian  the fiancé is a real estate mogul and who else is there? Well it's none other than his biggest enemy oops I mean competitor Hugh. Who do you suppose is found dead at the fundraiser?

Charlotte who has become an amateur sleuth .  With her able assistant  they decide to snoop or perhaps look around for clues. Why does it feel a little chilly among the bridesmaids? Do they know something about the murder?  The tension mounts as fingers are pointed and hypothetical guesses are made on why there was a murder? Is it tied to Adrian and his real estate dealings? Is he hiding something from everyone? The story is a fun read with a cast of wonderful  characters. There are secrets and twists that will have  readers on the edge of their seat. Will Charlotte and her side kick find  themselves in danger as  they try to  unravel this fun mystery?

I received a copy of this book from The Goodreads Giveaway Program. This is my honest opinion.

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