This is a must read for anyone who is caring for a person with PTSD. I really enjoyed the indepth chapters and resources that the author provided. It is definitely a book that is informative and also encouraging for caregivers. According to the Mayo Clinic , "it is a mental health condition that's triggered by a terrifying event." It is not something one gets over quickly and I'm glad that it is being recognized as an illness that needs treatment and support groups for people with PTSD and their caregivers.
It is not easy to see a loved one going through PTSD and this book gives insight to caregivers that will help ease the emotional pain and guides them to answers to better understand PTSD. One of the topics mentioned was to reassure someone with PTSD . They are already suffering with low self-esteem , so saying encouraging words is so important for them to hear. PTSD can cause people to feel unsafe and their ability to trust is very low. What can we do to help them? One way is to show them that they can trust us and feel safe around us. It may take a while for them to let their guard down, but once they have that trust, they will feel more secure.
When you are going through a stressful situation it is nice to have someone to talk to. Be a good listener and not try to fix them. I loved when the author said, God never intended us to be alone." The book is filled with insights that is helpful and suggests that "patience is a big key to living with someone with PTSD." Overall the book is detailed and I loved how people who deal with PTSD on a daily basis shared their stories. Lets help our vets and those who take care of them.
"These men and women are among the greatest there are. They selflessly served in wars and conflicts-popular and unpopular-to ensure freedom, democracy, and the quality of life for all. We owe them love, support , and whatever else we must endure to let them know their sacrifice was not in vain."
I received a complimentary copy of this book from Litfuse . My review is my own opinion and I was not compensated for it .
Take some time to care for yourself as the caregiver by entering to win a prize pack from Welby full of items to help you relax and de-stress.
One grand prize winner will receive:
- A copy of Love Our Vets
- A picture frame to remind yourself to pray for your vet and the other veterans
- A wooden card to send to your vet to let him or her know you're thankful for his or her service
- A water bottle to help keep you healthy and in prayer
- A set of journals to help you walk through Love Our Vets
- A relaxing candle to melt away stress
Enter today by clicking the icon below, but hurry! The giveaway ends on October 17. The winner will be announced October 18 on the Litfuse blog.

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Thank you so much, Deana. :) Praying God's blessing on you and through you.